
Tales of Vengeance: Alexander Ripoff

After watching the murder of his family, Alexander Ripoff is sent to the Illuminates, a secret organization responsible for the creation of assassins, and mercenaries across the planet. After seven years, Alexander returns and embarks on a mission to find the one who killed his family and get his revenge, will he succeed?

Royal_Lazarus · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Terminator Sequence II

Connor Hunt's apartment

The white two storeyed building was erected in the heart of California, along 4th street. It had a high fence and a black luxurious gate. The environment was calm and the gentle blowing breeze overwhelmed it.

Deathwage's power bike was put to a stop as he climbed down in front of the gate. He was dressed in his usual tight ninja outfit, this very dressing code, he learnt from the Illuminates.

Both his pistols and sword were intact, he looked around to see if anyone was in proximity, when he was clear, he climbed up the fence, landing directly in the house. He heard footsteps approaching him, he looked around, and luckily, there were three of Mr Connor's cars at the frontage so he hid behind one of them.

He sighted the approaching company, it was two of Connor's patrolling guards. He allowed them to walk past him, he stealthily unsheathed his sword and ran through them swiftly.


He cut through them with brute Force in seconds.

He looked around again, checking for more guards, but he found none, so he advanced towards the entrance door.

Immediately Alex entered the Living room, he sighted two guards coming down the stairs.

"Stop right there" they pulled out their guns.

He intuitively rolled to the left, as they launched bullets at him, skillfully evading the bullets and swiftly pulling out his own pistols.

With amazing accuracy, he aimed for their heads and pulled the trigger.

Pa! Pa!

They both dropped down dead.

The sounds of gunshots alerted the occupants of the house and more guards trooped in.

After a series of shooting and evasions from Alex, the guards ended up like their partners, all dead! Crimson liquid pasted all over the stairs, and the walls.

He ran up the stairs, and took the left turn at the corner which led to Connor Hunt's guest room, but a solid kick collided with his chest, he collided with the floor.

Alex made to shoot his attacker but the man didn't even give him a breathing chance as he swiftly spin kicked Alex, the guns flew out of his hands, and he on the other hand, collided with the walls.

'Argh, focus and stop playing around' he thought.

The man was a 5.2 foot tall man, with a built up muscular physique, he was clad in a brown combat trouser and a green vest, like he was a military personnel. He was probably one of Connor's guards, but trained.

He smirked at Alex, "Show me what you got punk"

The man charged at Alex with his fist clenched.


The man's kick came for Alex in a diagonal manner, Alex used the wall behind him to propel himself forwards like a bullet, dodging the kick and landing behind the man.

He briskly sent a kick into the man's spine from behind. The man staggered backwards, he rushed to the man, sending three consecutive punches to his face.

Pow! Pow! Bam!

The man skillfully blocked and pushed his left leg forward in attempt to kick Alex.


Alex landed on his feet and unsheathed his sword, he had to end this guy right away.

"No time"

He made a sword stance and gestured for the man to attack.

The man foolishly charged at him.

Alex spun diagonally, swinging his sword in a horizontal direction, cutting through the man's lower abdomen.

"Agh" the man groaned painfully.

He tried to attack Alex again.


Alex slit his throat, his blood flowing to the floor like that of a slaughtered sheep.

Alex sheathed his sword and ran towards the inner room, where he could find Connor.

Deathwage walked stealthily into the large room, like he was counting his steps, he turned in 360° manner, looking here and there.

Mr Connor wasn't in the room, just curtains, the bed, wardrobe, TV, and a white blanket thrown on the floor.

"Where could he be" Alex asked.

As a 3rd grade fighter, trained by the Illuminates, his danger perception was high, and always active.

He caught the sound of a 'click'.


He dove to the floor, evading the speeding bullets headed for him.

The bullets continued to rain on him, he crouched skillfully and took cover behind the bed.

When the assaulter's was out of ammo, he slowly walked out of his hiding to see if his target was dead, he had a Katana in his left hand, though his gun was still aimed forward with his right hand, maybe to trick his target into thinking he still had ammo in the gun.

Alex also walked out, unharmed, panting slowly.

His assaulter was Mr Connor himself, the hunted. He was clad in a white vest and blue shorts.

"Tell me who sent you" Connor asked authoritatively.

Alex was knowledged enough to know that the mini weapon in his hand was out of ammo.

"Doesn't matter, all that matters is your death" he replied and took two steps forward.

"I can double your payment you know, even up to a thousand folds, only if you go back and kill the one who sent you, it's all about the money you know" Connor tried to persuade him.

"Money's not worth the prize placed on your head" Alex stated coldly.

Connor was angered, "Go to hell then" he rushed at Alex.

Alex unsheathed his sword once again as he saw Connor's Katana come for him in an arc.


Both weapons collided, Alex retracted his sword and pushed it forward, aiming for Connor's chest but the latter's sword knocked it off course and brought his Katana down on Alex again.

Alex's sword Intuitively blocked as well, Connor then stole the opportunity to send a kick into his chest. Alex staggered backwards.

'The man was truly trained, and skilled' he thought. He had to up his game.

Alex swung his sword to the right, then to the left, then he stuck it upwards, his left palm pushed forward, making a sword stance.

'The swordsman's stroke'

The man was shocked to see that stance, he never expected Alex to be that trained in swordsmanship. He recognized this stance well. Before he could process how to counter the sword stance's attacks.

Alex attacked, swinging his sword swiftly towards him.

The swordsman's stroke was a move that activated a series of sword strikes in a swift movement, only a highly trained swordsman could counter the attacks of the 'swordsman's stroke' and unfortunately for Connor, he wasn't trained in swordsmanship to that level.

He managed to block the first two slashes by hair's breath. Alex made over fifteen sword strikes offensively at him at maximum speed in a spinning manner, and he wasn't fast enough to block all the attacks.


His arm was cut, then his chest, then several more strikes cut his body all over.

Blood dropped profusely to the floor, Connor dropped down lifeless, when Alex's sword slashes stopped.

Alex panted greatly, it required an amount of energy to pull off the swordsmanship stroke attack, so it was obvious, but he was glad he had succeeded in killing the man with the move. He cleaned up the blood on his face and rushed out.