
Tales of Vengeance: Alexander Ripoff

After watching the murder of his family, Alexander Ripoff is sent to the Illuminates, a secret organization responsible for the creation of assassins, and mercenaries across the planet. After seven years, Alexander returns and embarks on a mission to find the one who killed his family and get his revenge, will he succeed?

Royal_Lazarus · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


Two days later.....

North West California

Alex and Martin had been treated and had fully recuperated. Now as top wanted criminals in California, their prosecution process had begun and a convoy was currently escorting them to court today.

Their convoy was loaded with six police vehicles which escorted the police van conveying them both in the middle as they navigated through the asphalt in the middle of pink and yellow flowers at the western part of California.

Inside the police van, Alex raises up his, staring at the upper part of the vehicle, with a sad and worrying look whilst Martin maintained a normal look like nothing was even happening.

"C.P.D is hell bent on sending us both behind bars" Alex spoke.

Martin just nodded negatively with a smile, weird to Alex.

After a few more minutes of navigation, several ninja shurikens flew randomly from the flowers and pierced through the tyres of the last two cars.

Screech! Thoom!

Both cars collided with each other, causing them to somersault out of the asphalt, into the flowers, putting the remaining vehicle occupants at alert.

The other vehicles came to a stop as the occupants trooped out with their various rifles aimed at different directions. The driver of the police van conveying Alex and Martin jumped down to check out what happened but a shurikens whizzed towards him and slash!

His neck got struck, blood oozing out from the spot, he then dropped down dead.

Several Ninjas dressed in red and black outfits flew out from the flowers, wielding swords and several other ninja weapons. Shurikens and bullets flew here and there, a fierce battle commenced.

Inside the van, Alex and Martin both wore confused faces at first but when they heard gunshots and screams of men that sounded like they were been torn to shreds, they knew something was up.

Minutes later, the Van's backdoors slip open, and their faces brightened up as they saw the ninjas from the Illuminates.


"Oh God, thank goodness"

"The Illuminates came to our aid"

The ninjas dragged then forcefully out of the van. The police men had brutally been murdered, they all lay lifeless on the floor, only a few ninjas were injured, but they survived. The others took them to safety.

"Uh uh, this ain't good" Martin muttered as he saw two ninjas bringing out large black leather bags.

"What the heck are you doing?" Alex asked.

"Come on, uncuff us!" He added.

The ninjas ignored him and covered both their faces with the bags.

**Black out***

Two Hours later

Unknown time and location

Martin's eyes slowly opened revealing the white ceilings above. He sprang up to survey the surroundings. There were red markings on the walls of the room. Six ninjas were positioned around every corner in the room. There was a large door at the left, that was probably the entrance and exit door. There was also a wooden chair placed in front of them.

Martin and Alex were still both dressed in their orange prisoners outfits.

Alex woke up too, he stood up, still rubbing his eyes to eliminate his blurry vision.

"Where are we?" His light voice grunted out.

"Welcome back" a manly voice said and they looked to see Zack! Zack-jean Truth, Martin's elder brother. He sat on a wooden chair in front of them, how did he get there so fast?

"Zack" Martin called. He was perplexed.

"And I thought the Illuminates kidnapped us for some obnoxious reason again!" He furrowed his brows.

"I sent them to rescue you, I'm glad you're both alive! Even though you screwed up" Zack replied.

Alex was shocked, he had never heard Zack speak to any one nicely like that, he always kept a stern gaze and strict words.

"And that's your own way of rescuing people? By kidnapping them?" Martin asked with a frown.

Zack shot him a stern gaze. "Is that how you thank me?" He said standing up.

"You know the codes brother, no spilling, no traces" Zack added before taking two steps backwards.

"Are you lecturing me now brother?" Martin asked, vividly grasping what Zack meant by that statement, Alex had to move out of town.

"I guess that's your way of saying thank you, little brother" Zack added, and turned to walk away.

"You still haven't changed a bit, have you?" Martin questioned again, staring at Zack's long red priestly robe, that was the robe meant for instructors in the Illuminates.

"You bet" Martin concluded and waved his hand. Immediately, all ninjas followed him out of the building.

"That man is something else, Mart" Alex smiled.

About an hour later...

Alex is seen loading some luggage into a brown truck. He was dressed in a blue t-shirt, black jeans and black sneakers. Martin was donned in a black hoodie standing beside him.

"Thanks for the truck old man" Alex joked, at least for the last time. Martin replied with a smile.

"You know, you gotta teach me that technique you used to block Nadia's attack that night though" Alex added.

Martin sighed. "Sure, whenever you're ready"


"So where do you wanna go from here?" Martin questioned.

"I don't really know, maybe the Midlands, settle in for greener pasture" Alex replied.

"And start a life...."

Alex gave Martin a weird look.

"Really? You really think that's good for me? I mean you know the kind of business we're in, it's not safe having people you love around you!" Alex replied.

"I know kid! I'm asking you to because I don't want you to make the same mistake I made in the past"

Alex sighed..."alright then, I'll give it a thought"

"I'll see you around then" Martin pulled him in for a hug.

Alex waved him goodbye before zooming off in the truck later.

The End!