
Tales of Vengeance: Alexander Ripoff

After watching the murder of his family, Alexander Ripoff is sent to the Illuminates, a secret organization responsible for the creation of assassins, and mercenaries across the planet. After seven years, Alexander returns and embarks on a mission to find the one who killed his family and get his revenge, will he succeed?

Royal_Lazarus · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Final Battles III


Alex was hell bent on ending Nadia, she was a damn pain in the ass, he wasn't giving her a chance to retaliate or counter. His attacking speed had increased incredibly. 'The snake's duplicity technique made your body flexible and extremely fast, to weave and pull off attacks, attacks that'll barely be seen by normal people, even your opponents, unless they're using a technique better than yours, or they're on a level which surpasses yours.

Nadia blocked a blow to her cheek, and held a kick coming for her face, but she didn't see the second fist coming for her chest, Bam!

She staggered back a little, Alex was adapting, but still he was no match for her.

Alex lunged for her again, spinning through the air at an enhanced level of speed.

Pow! Pow!

Nadia blocked two consecutive punches from Alex, then she got sent off her feet by a swift legsweep from Alex. She rolled to the left to avoid his incoming stomping foot.

She then swiftly pulled herself up and made to slash him with her 'claws', but this time he was fast enough to weave by slightly bending down, he then drove a 'wheel kick' into her, and she collided softly with the floor.

Alex was slightly shocked, he was now going toe to toe with a 2nd grade fighter, how amazing! He never thought he could do that.


Alex was jolted out of his thoughts as Nadia's right foot slammed itself into his face, sending him to the floor as well.

How come he didn't see that?

Nadia made her 'cat's ferocity' stance again, this time ready to launch an attack.

Alex braced himself in anticipation as well.

Whoosh! Pow!

Nadia had delivered the 'exploding punches' attack on Alex one last time, but instead of him being thrown into the walls by the force, he was standing, both his palms pushed forward. His body was shaking violently!

He just blocked the exploding punches in a row, he was truly adapting as she thought, no one had ever held that attack like that, she angrily slammed him into the floor like rag doll with a knee jab.

She had been foolish all this while, playing with an opponent, using the same attack twice on an opponent, a 3rd grade fighter at that. Enough playing around, she had to end him.

Alex slowly pushed himself up, one last time. He was greatly drained, he could barely even stand. He needed a break to catch his breath. Right now he was in pains, and also tired as well. The Snake's duplicity didn't even work on this b*tch he thought. He watched her move her body in slow motion, like she was dancing to a slow music.

"I should have ended you since" she said, as she pushed both her hands up, and brought the left hand down, she then pushed her left leg to the front, making a skillful but deadly stance from a deadly technique. 'The breath of extinction'

Alex didn't recognize this attack, but he knew she was going to kill him, and he wished she would give him the chance to end Runtown before killing him, but no! He wouldn't beg, that was a coward's way. He quickly remembered one of the Illuminates codes.

Code 009:

'Plead not for mercy,

just eliminate cowardliness,

for that is the true nature of an illuminate'

Alex grinned, regardless of the excruciating pains he was feeling.

"Go to hell b*tch" he muttered, ready to embrace death.

Nadia smirked, "so be it"


She vanished and appeared instantly in front of Alex, her left fist surrounded in a golden coloured aura, aiming for his chest. His heart particularly. This was the 'Extinction fist' attack, which delivered a punch, capable of rupturing or causing decay of an internal organ if aimed accurately at the spot, courtesy of the user's chi which fuels the attack.

Pow! Bam!

There was a collision, Alex realized he was still alive, but someone was standing in front of him with both his hands stretched forward.

That was Martin Truth! Martin blocked the 'extinction fist' attack with both his palms.

He also used chi to boost his physical condition, that was like a normal thing for 2nd and 1st grade fighters. Apart from that, Martin also used a counter technique, 'The Elongated Defense technique' which protected you from an internal or external attack temporarily, courtesy of chi also. Martin was there, he had been watching closely, waiting for the right time to join in the fight, and this was the right time.

Martin ignored the shocking look on Nadia's perplexed face and sent her meters away with a kick from his right foot. Nadia braced for impact as she collided with the floor, rolling to a stop.

"Nice timing old man" Alex smiled as he gave Martin a pat on the back.

"You're lucky to be alive, I wonder how you didn't die fighting her all this while" Martin replied him.

"Let's just say I got lucky" Alex turned to look at Nadia.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked Martin, she figured he would be a 2nd or 3rd grade fighter if he was able to block her attack that easily.

"I am the Ripper, and I'm gonna rip you into pieces" Martin said coldly and dashed for her.

Alex watched as both 2nd grade fighters collided, exchanging blows.

'Do I need to interfere?' he thought.

"I think I will, it's payback time" he added before dashing towards them.

Nadia weaved a punch from Martin to the left, but was slow to see a kick coming for her chest consecutively after the punch. She staggered backwards, she sped towards him again channeling her chi and ready to deliver a deadly attack.


Martin appeared behind her and drove his right fist into her spine, the impact pushing her forward to collide with Alex who was standing in front of her suddenly instead of Martin.

Wait, Alex was holding a Katana, the katana she brought earlier and it pierced through her chest, deeply showing at her back and making it look like Alex was hugging her, literally. How ridiculous? Being killed by your own weapon!

Nadia groaned silently as blood dripped down her mouth, Alex then pulled out the sword with brute Force, and let go of her as she dropped down the floor. The wound was too deep, even though she could heal it, she needed enough time and strength and that was what she didn't have now.

"How does it feel now huh?

" Awesome I guess?" Alex mocked as he drove the sword into her spine one last time, killing her instantly.

Alex sighed greatly, finally relieved. His right arm had stopped bleeding from the cuts he received but his face still had the marks from her 'cat claws'.

"Thanks for the help Martin, couldn't have done this without you"

"I can't believe I just killed a 2nd gra...." Alex couldnt complete his statement as a bullet found it's way into his left arm. He swiftly dove out of the way of other incoming bullets, yelling in pains. Martin's right leg got hit as well, and he too went down. He was too slow to weave or dive for cover.

Runtown walked through the door amidst laughter, wielding a pistol.

"Not so tough now kid, are you?" He mocked a sprawling Alex as he walked slowly towards him.

"How could a small brat like you, try to kill me?"

"You kill my men, ruin my banquet, and put me on the run, how brave of you!"

"I am Runtown, I run this town and everything in it"

"And I am unkillable" he pointed the gun at Alex's head.


Martin's pocket knife pierced through the air and impaled the hand holding the gun.

"Ah" Runtown screamed.

Martin smiled and went on one knee, his injured leg taking control.

Alex gathered strength and pushed himself up, he then sent his fist into Runtown's face.

"Ow" Runtown struggled to set himself free from Alex's grip.

Alex held his neck and slammed him to the floor.

"This is for everything you put me through"

Alex furiously sent numerous punches into his face again.

Runtown slightly laughed, amidst pains.

"Come on kid, do it, show me the monster in you"

Alex slowly picked up the knife on the floor, and smirked.

"Go to hell monster" he concluded before digging the knife into Runtown's chest, he pulled out the knife and stabbed him again, the latter spurted blood out of his mouth, sinking into the afterlife slowly. Alex dug the knife into him continuously.


Alex said, still puncturing Runtown's body, with brute Force.



"My family" he concluded before stopping, panting heavily.

Runtown was long gone, his blue robe was painted in red, crimson liquid splattered all over the floor and Alex's body, especially his face.

Alex stood up and cleaned the blood from his face with the back of his right palm. He dropped the knife on the floor, now satisfied and ran towards Martin.

Alex dragged Martin up, both groaning silently, leaving Runtown's lifeless body on the floor as they headed towards the exit.

"Freeze" Alex heard a voice say alongside the cocking sounds of several guns.

Dozens of police men trooped in and surrounded them.

"Cuff them up and clear the house" The leading police officer wielding a pistol commanded.