

Adasa opened the note. He was dumbstruck by what was written.

'The map of the forbidden mountain?'


'I managed to perceive that method because of the life and death situation when I entered that ruin. Griihhhh! Those despicable demons! I swear to find and return the favor.' Tala swore. She gritted her teeth as she thought how those demons were able to corner her.


Ten Great Guardians entered a splendid garden. They all wear golden robes. The one in the lead was an old man holding a golden scepter.

"Head Araw, how many guardians do you think will be born this time?" Vice-head Cesa asked.

"I'm not certain. Maybe seven?" The Head ambiguously replied.

"I guess five. What do you think?" Vice-head Cesa said, full of anticipation.

"Vice-head Cesa, stop bothering the Head. You just wanted to make a bet again, no?" Vice-head Nina knitted her eyebrows.

"Vice-head Nina, you're saying nonsense. Why would I do that?" Vice-head Cesa defended. "Yes Head Araw, do you wanna bet?" said she with twinkling eyes.

Upon hearing those words, Head Araw felt dazed. He suddenly remembered the losses he suffered because of the bet he and Vice-head Cesa made every time this occasion occurred.

"Uhm, I pass." Head Araw said with a placid face. 'Why would I let her pass through me again. I always lose and I already admit it.'

"Eh! Let's just bet ten grade-8 pearls, huh?" Vice-head Cesa insisted.

Ten grade-8 pearls? the other Great Guardians almost spouted a mouthful of blood from frustration especially Head Araw. He can barely fetch out 25 grade-8 pearls a year and it was distributed to the student in first class and the 20 elders including him. How and where could he fetch 10 grade-8 pearls if he loses? And sure thing, if he wins, Vice-head Cesa will certainly shamelessly run away.

"Vice-head Cesa, stop it." Vice-head Nina frowned.

Before Vice-head Cesa could speak an excited voice was heard.

"We're here!" Vice-head Bay exclaimed.

In the middle of the garden, ten of them arrived at the front of a giant golden door.

"Alright, everyone takes out your identity token." Head Araw said joyously.

The golden door has a majestic aura. Ancient words carved in every corner and in the middle, 9 carved holes, as big as a fist of an infant, can be seen around one carved wing. The holes were where the 9 Vice-heads tokens should be placed while the carved wing was where the identity token of the Head should be placed. Yes, the Ten Great Guardians were the Head and the 9 Vice-heads of the tribe.

They put their token inside the carved holes all together.

Heavenly energy slipped through the gap of the door that slowly opened. The purest energy they had felt in the entire existence of their life.

Inside was a wondrous scene anyone couldn't imagine. Here and there were flowers that emit heavenly energy. The middle was a 100 meter tall and 50 meter wide Narra tree, surrounded by almost a hundred milflores; one meter tall.

"Woah, even though I often saw this place, I can't help but gape!" Vice-head Luntian exclaimed.

"It can't be help. Amongst us here, you have the most intimate relationship with plants. So, basically, you're the most overacted!" Vice-head Venancio sneered.

Vice-head Luntian has a flora inner energy which means he can bring forth the power of flora.

"So what? At least, I'm not like the other one here who is as cold as -1000 degree Celcius." Vice-head Luntian raised his brows to Vice-head Venancio. "Why did it suddenly become cold here?"

Vice-head Venancio twitched his lip, pointing the back of Vice-head Luntian.

"Oh! No!" Vice-head Luntian slowly turned around. "Ehhhh!"

"You... you're dead." Vice-head Luna said furiously.

Vice-head Luna was known for his coldness, attributes of having an ice inner energy.

"Head Araw, look at Vice-head Luna. He's getting mad again." Vice-head Luntian went near to the Head, pleading for help.

"Vice-head Luntian, you should not tease Vice-head Luna. He is totally cold, so you better choose your words wisely next time." Head Araw said uncaringly.

"Ehhhh. What's up with you Head Araw?" Vice-head Luntian said anxiously. He thought that the Head would stop Vice-head Luna, but who knows that he will just add fuel to the fire.

The surrounding temperature went down. Upon looking at their back, they saw Vice-head Luna with a twisted red face. He emitted a deep white aura.


A sound of splashing water can be heard. Vice-head Bay commanded his water energy and directed it to Vice-head Luna who was firing up.

"Vice-head Luna, keep cal...." but before Vice-head Bay can finish his words, a frustrated, wet Vice-head Luna charged towards him.

"You're courting death." Vice-head Luna shouted.

Head Araw surged his golden aura and charged towards the middle of the two. "Stop it already. Were in the outskirts of the Most Holy Land." He frowned. Although they are one kilometer away to the heart of the Most Holy Land, no one can deny that they were already standing inside the Holy Land.

Both of them stopped their tracks. Vice-head Bay exhaled deeply.

"Vice-head Luna, are you okay?" a timid Vice-head Paras asked.

"Am I okay? Are you insulting me? Can't you see how wet I am?" Vice-head Luna frowned.

"You can dry yourself, you know," said Vice-head Bay.

"You're right. How about you help me? Come here next to me." Vice-head Luna gave him a smile that is not a smile.

"Do you take me for a fool? Dream on. I will definitely not fall from your scheme, hmp?" Vice-head Bay rolled his eyes.

"What do you think of me? I know that you will divert your anger to me and grab my neck if I come near you. Your voice is telling me. Anyone here knew your scheme. You'll act nice, ask them to get near you so that you can easily grab the neck and send your energy mercilessly. I will not fall for it."

"Vice-head Bay look here," Vice-head Luna said gleefully.

"You can't fool me." Vice-head Bay shouted.

"There's a Misty Lily here." Vice-head Luna pointed a yellow flower beside him.

"Really? Let me take a look." Vice-head Bay hurriedly dashed towards Vice-head Luna without a second thought.


Vice-head Bay was sent flying 10 meters away before he reached his destination.

"Woah! I was finally relieved!" Vice-head Luna breathed heavily.

"Vice-head Bay, did you forget that misty Lily can't survive on land?" Vice-head Ino reminded.

"You...!" Vice-head Bay charged towards Vice-head Ino.

Of course, he knew, but the allure of Misty Lily was bewitching to someone like him making him forget his logic. As they close their limits of purifying their energy, Misty Lily was a great help to overcome it.

Vice-head Ino was hit and moved 5 steps backward.

"Ehh!" Vice-head Ino intended to fight back, solidifying his earth's inner energy, but Vice-head Cesa blocked his way to stop him. The earth's inner energy was already out of Vice-head Ino's control, so it landed towards Vice-head Cesa.

Caught off guard, she was moved 10 steps backward. Next to Vice-head Cesa was Vice-head Venancio who also took a hit resulting in dirt all over his dress.

"Inooooooo!" Vice-head Venancio furiously roared. He was meticulous about the cleanliness of oneself amongst them all, but right now he looks like a beggar full of dirt.

Vice-head Bay intended to stop Vice-head Venancio who was furiously charging.

Vice-head Venancio smirked at him. He surged his energy towards Vice-head Bay. Bay sent his energy to meet the incoming energy, but he was not able to maximize his attack. The incoming energy was engulfed by his energy and seemed to continue forward. Vice-head Venancio managed to avoid it, but Vice-head Nina did not.

Vice-head Nina called her crossbow and sent three arrows towards Vice-head Bay.

"Sh**!" Vice-head Bay uttered as he avoids the arrows.

Vice-head Venancio didn't stop charging towards Vice-head Ino.

"Oh! No!" Vice-head Ino dashed towards the Head.

The Head who was gleefully staring at the distant milflores that was showing signs of blooming frowned as he turned around. The 9 Vice-head were acting out of control again. And the worst part, this time, they were inside the Holy Land.

"WHAT A MESS! ALL OF YOU STOP!" Head Araw's voice was like thunder that descended from the sky.

'Hmph! They seriously irritated the Head again.' Vice-head Huan twitched his lips. He didn't take part in the commotion. It was he didn't want to cause trouble inside the Holy Land. He respected it with awe since he was born. He has the most gracious etiquette among them all.

They are always like that when they are all gathered. He was long immune to the situation.

"Is this how the Great Guardian should act?" Head Araw asked as he knitted his eyebrows. He continued,

"Great Guardians? What a joke."


I wrote this chapter to introduce the leaders of our MC's land.

Hope it nailed... haha

Enjoy the chapter!

If you have suggestions, clarifications and/or spot spelling/grammar errors, I will appreciate it if you inform me by leaving a comment below.

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