
Tales of the Storm

"Tales of the Storm" kicks off with Orion Storm leaving his coastal home in Drenla to dive headfirst into a brewing conflict in the Kingdom of Kurua. Hailing from a family with a dark and mysterious past, Orion sets out to figure out who he really is, facing a world full of secrets and imminent danger. ​​​​​​​As he journeys through this world and peels back layers of ancient mysteries, Orion is put to the test, challenging his strength and shaping his will. But this story is more than just Orion's personal battle; it's about standing up against the chaos that threatens to swallow his whole world. Along his journey, Orion makes unlikely friends, learns what it means to truly care for others and takes on what it means to be a hero in a world on the edge of chaos and destruction. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CX965H3H

HumbleStorm · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Asmund and the orhpan

Days later, as the sun cast its feeble light upon the aftermath, a group of hunters stumbled upon the ghastly scene. The hunter group was a tight-knit community of skilled trackers and survivalists, known for their resourcefulness and deep understanding of the wilderness.

The hunter group hailed from a remote village called "Elkwood Hollow" nestled within a snowy spruce forest, concealed at the feet of a small snowy mountain. This hidden sanctuary provided them with a secure base of operations, sheltered from prying eyes and the chaos of the outside world. The village was a harmonious blend of rustic cabins and communal spaces, where the hunters found solace amidst the tranquility of nature.

The snowy spruce forest surrounding their village was their playground and training ground. Its dense canopy and silent expanse offered ample opportunities for honing their tracking skills, testing their survival instincts, and strengthening their bond with the natural world. The mountain, with its rugged cliffs and treacherous slopes, became a symbol of their resilience and determination.

Within the village, the hunters lived in harmony with the land, practicing sustainable hunting techniques and preserving the delicate ecosystem they called home. They relied on their self-sufficiency and the bounties of the wilderness to sustain their needs, fostering a deep appreciation for the balance between humanity and nature.

This remote location and their intimate knowledge of the snowy spruce forest and mountain terrain provided the hunters with a strategic advantage. It allowed them to remain hidden from the prying eyes of their enemies and gave them a tactical edge when navigating treacherous landscapes. The village and its surroundings became a sanctuary, a bastion of resilience where the hunter group honed their skills, shared stories around roaring fires, and prepared for the challenges that awaited them in the wider world.

Led by their seasoned and wise leader, Einar, the hunters operated as a close-knit family, bound by a code of loyalty, camaraderie, and a shared love for the land they called home. Each member of the group brought unique skills and expertise to the table, making them a formidable force in the face of adversity.

Einar, a grizzled veteran with weathered features and piercing eyes, possessed an innate connection with nature and a profound understanding of the rhythms of the wilderness. His knowledge of tracking and survival was unmatched, earned through years of experience and countless encounters with the untamed creatures that roamed the kingdom's vast expanses.

Under Einar's guidance, the hunters moved with silent efficiency, their footsteps blending seamlessly with the whispers of the wind. They were adept at reading signs and clues left by both prey and predator, navigating dense forests, treacherous mountain passes, and icy plains with ease. Their arsenal included a diverse array of weapons, from bows and arrows for silent strikes to sturdy axes and daggers for close combat.

The travelers' bodies, ravaged by crows, bore witness to the unspeakable horrors that had unfolded. Among the echoes of death, Asmund, a mid-rank hunter from the group, listened intently, his trained ears catching the faint cries of an infant. The desperate plea stirred his curiosity and awakened a sense of duty within him.

"Muffled cries... Am I truly hearing this?" Asmund murmured to himself, his voice barely audible amidst the haunting silence. "How can a baby still be alive amidst such chaos?"

Asmund, like many others in the hunter group, descended from a lineage of skilled hunters. Born into a life surrounded by the pursuit of prey and the rhythms of the wild, the hunt was all he had ever known. While he possessed average physical strength and skill, his dedication to his craft and unwavering loyalty to the group made him an integral member.

In that pivotal moment, as the cries of the infant reached his ears, Asmund felt a surge of determination and compassion. Driven by a deep-rooted sense of responsibility, he set out on a perilous journey, guided by the distant cries echoing through the air. His steps were cautious yet purposeful, his mind filled with a mix of uncertainty and hope.

Asmund's decision to investigate the cries would prove to be a turning point not only for him but also for the entire hunter group. Little did he know that this seemingly ordinary act of curiosity would lead them down a path filled with unforeseen challenges, remarkable discoveries, and ultimately, a bond that would forever alter their lives.

The cries, though muffled by the surrounding tragedy, resonated as a distress call, piercing through the silence that shrouded the remnants of the camp. It was as if the unseen presence within the baby, the berserker whose essence coursed through his veins, sensed the hunters' arrival and unleashed a cacophony of loud wails, a plea for salvation, a yearning to be rescued from the clutches of a world drenched in blood.

Driven by a sense of duty and compassion, the hunter Asmund implored his comrades to scour the area until they found the source of the cries. Following the haunting echoes, he discovered the grotesque sight of the mother's ravaged corpse, her remains barely concealing the infant within. The hunter, cradling the child and enfolding him in a bear rug, felt an otherworldly warmth radiating from the tiny bundle.

Though surrounded by freezing winds, the baby's skin remained as pale as the snow that blanketed the land. Behind his innocent gaze, deep and dark, burned an inferno of boundless hatred, an incongruous sight for a mere newborn. As the baby's cries intensified, he struck out at the hunter with an astonishing force, as if possessed by a grown man's strength. It was a jolting revelation, a glimpse into the monstrous potential dwelling within this infant.

"Asmund approached the group of hunters, his gaze fixed on a tiny bundle nestled in his arms. He sought out his comrades, eager to share his decision with them.

"Brothers," Asmund called out, his voice tinged with determination. "I have heard the cries of an innocent soul amidst the horrors we witnessed. I have decided to take this child as my own and raise him within our village."

The hunters turned to face Asmund, their eyes filled with curiosity and surprise. Einar, the leader of the group, stepped forward, his weathered face betraying a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"Asmund, this is no small responsibility," Einar cautioned. "Raising a child in our harsh world will require sacrifices and unwavering dedication. Are you prepared for such a burden?"

Asmund met Einar's gaze, his resolve unyielding. "I am, Einar. I have known nothing but the hunt in my life, but this child... he deserves a chance at a different path. I will teach him our ways, pass on our traditions, and provide him with a family he can call his own."

Einar studied Asmund for a moment, his expression softening. "Very well, Asmund. Your conviction speaks volumes. We shall stand by you and support you in this endeavor. May the spirits bless this child with the strength to thrive in our village."

With the leader's blessing and the support of their fellow hunters, Asmund set forth on a journey back to their remote village, cradling the child in his arms. Realizing the presence of the blood sorcerers within their midst, he hastily scavenged what he could from the fallen, making off with the spoils of the deceased.

With the baby in tow, he mounted his horse and fled with a sense of urgency, fearing the vengeance of the blood brotherhood. He rode tirelessly, leaving behind the remnants of the camp and venturing far from this perilous corner of the kingdom, seeking sanctuary beyond the reach of his pursuers. His steps were filled with purpose and determination, as he carried with him the hope of a new life amidst the snowy spruce forest he called home."

In the days that followed, Asmund returned to the secluded village of Elkwood Hollow, cradling the infant Squardza in his arms. The news of his arrival spread like wildfire among the tight-knit community of hunters, sparking both curiosity and concern.

The villagers had long embraced a life of solitude and self-sufficiency, wary of outsiders and the dangers that lurked beyond the snowy spruce forest. Yet, Asmund's resolve and the innocent presence of the child inspired them to open their hearts and minds.

The village welcomed Squardza with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Whispers of his miraculous survival amidst the chaos of the blood sorcerers' rampage had already reached their ears, fueling speculation and wonder.

The villagers understood the magnitude of their responsibility, knowing that Squardza's existence held the potential to reshape their lives and the destiny of their community.

Under Einar's guidance, the villagers rallied together, preparing for the arrival of the child. They transformed one of the rustic cabins into a humble sanctuary, where Squardza would find solace and safety.

The village elders invoked ancient rituals, seeking the blessings of the spirits to guide and protect the child. A sense of hope and anticipation filled the air, mingling with the scent of pine and the crackle of the hearth.

Thus, Squardza's journey commenced an odyssey that would intertwine the destinies of this extraordinary child and his newfound guardian, as they navigated a dark and treacherous world, their fates forever bound by a past drenched in blood and sorrow.