
Tales Of The Dragon Lotus

Louis_Rispoli_Sr88 · Huyền huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1- Tournament Champion

"Ladies and gentleman! I give you our two finalists. introducing first the rookie sensation Kenji, a student in the Dragon Martial Arts, he came to the tournament in search of the Dragon Scroll which will guide him further on his journey and now introducing our current Champion Of Vangardia an the Savior of King Daerik. I give you Killian McRath!" the crowd goes crazy when they see Killian, literally people get so excited they started fighting with each other, but everything went quite as King Daerik himself raised left his hand and he stood up before speaking.

"Let not your hatred drive you but you drive you hatred, wield it like a spear, sword or shield. Use it as your weapon and make your enemies tremble in FEAR! Killian! Yound Dragon! Fight!" King Daerik spoke softly at first, speaking from his wisdom, I could see weapons forming in blue energy as he spoke of them and I hear loud roaring voice as he addressed us. Killian moved with incredible speed, but I shifted my weight at the right opening at the right time, foolishly thinking it would give me the opening, Killian had the quickest reflexes this tournament has ever seen, I went for a opening within his abdomen but he anticipated it. He gave a flurry of strikes of kicks an punches, I fell to the floor blood leaking from my face. I smiled and laughed as I got back up, the crowd went from being loud and cheering for Killian to silence. He turned around shocked as he took a few steps aback.

"That the best you got Killian. Come on." I smiled, I wiped the blood from my chin, I motioned with my hands for him to come forth.