
Chapter XII.


“Massacre in Fireiya”

Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Hero’: Rai was dancing alone in the court yard when two ‘Black Hounds’ arrived and noticed her ‘Cursed Mark’; Hikaru’s stupidity created a commotion inside the ‘Main Hall’. Mr. Manuel and the other six ‘Fireiyans’ went to the ‘Main Island’ to seek counsel to Sir Hiiro. Hiiro agreed to help them and asked them to put a poster along the streets of the ‘Central District’.

Earlier that afternoon

In the I.C.H.Q.

Outside Harue’s room…

“Harue! It’s me. Please open the door.” Hiiro said as knocked, waiting outside the room.

Hiiro, Yuki and Emi#2 were all waiting outside the room.

“Please leave me alone. I don’t want to talk about it.” Harue said as she shouted back and threw her teddy bears at the door.

“Then, I have no choice. Yuki, please do it.” Hiiro said as he and Emi#2 stepped back away from the door.

“Alright! Can you hold this for me? One, two, three – Let’s go!” Yuki said as he gave the silver tray to Emi#2.

Yuki sighed and then forcefully kicked the wooden door inwards; the metal door flew inwards the room and fell on the floor.

“Look at my door! Why would you have to do that? This is trespassing.” Harue said as she got angry and jumped off her bed.

“My bad. I will immediately fix it. For the meantime, you can have that.” Yuki said as he and Emi#2 went inside her room.

“I don’t want to eat. Leave me alone.” Harue said as she jumped back onto her bed and covered herself with the blanket.

“I’ve enough! I can’t no longer tolerate this. Die of hunger, stupid ‘Princess’.” Yuki said as he got angry and want out of the room.

“Hey - Yuki? Where are you going?” Hiiro said as he went out of room and shouted along the hallway.

“I will get some tools to repair that damn door. I will be back.” Yuki said as he stomped away and shouted back at Hiiro.

“Okay! Be careful.” Hiiro said as he sighed and went back inside Harue’s room.

“Your highness, you haven’t eaten anything since this morning. I – Ahem! Sir Yuki hopes that you would eat these cookies he baked for you.” Emi #2 said as she placed the silver tray on the nightstand and sat behind Harue on the bed.

“I said I don’t want to eat! Why can’t you understand that?!” Harue said as she got angry and got up from her bed.

Harue forcefully push Emi#2 off the bed; Emi#2 fell on the floor, making Hiiro pissed off.

“Harue! That’s enough. You are being disrespectful.” Hiiro said as he got mad and raised his voice.

Harue flinched and ran back to her bed; Harue got scared to Hiiro and hid under her blanket.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. Uh?” Hiiro said as he apologized to Harue.

“You’re mean. This is too much. I don’t want to stay in here anymore.” Harue said as she mumbled and cried under her blanket.

“Your highness? She’s crying again.” Emi#2 sadly said as she stood up.

“Who care if one guy rejected you? Ei-to is not the only handsome man out there. Akari was just like you after Maki got – Uh! I don’t want to remember that.” Hiiro said as he emphasized the name Eito, trying to cheer up Harue.

“You are not helping at all. Get out!” Harue said as she wailed under her blanket.

“Um? Listen! I only want you to cheer – Uh? What happened in here?” Hiiro said as he accidentally stepped on to a torn sheet of paper lying down on the floor.

“Ah! I’m sorry, your highness. I will clean this place immediately.” Emi#2 said as she walked towards Harue’s desk and started cleaning it.

“Harue! What happened in here? There a LOT of crumpled papers on the floor, your clothes were carelessly thrown over that corner and your stuffed toys are scattered all over your room.” Hiiro said as he described the mess inside the room.

“Last night, her highness got upset and started destroying your ‘book’, your highness. Your ‘book’ is inside that satchel.” Emi #2 said as she mentioned what happened last night.

Hiiro looked at the opened satchel, lying down on the floor; He picked it up and examined what’s inside.

“My ‘book’? I didn’t know that Harue went to my room and borrowed one of my ‘books’ – Eh?” Hiiro said as he looked inside and recognized that the book inside was the ‘Book of Prophecies’.

“Your highness! No! You must not touch the book; it will burn your hands.” Emi#2 said as she swiped away the satchel off Hiiro’s right hand.

“Wait! I recognized that ‘book’ but first – What do you mean by ‘Burn’?” Hiiro said as he got intrigued and asked Emi#2.

“Once, I’ve touched this ‘book’ and it magically electrocuted my hands. But when her highness grabbed it, nothing happened.” Emi#2 said as she gently closed the satchel.

“Oh? I see. Where did you get that ‘book’?” Hiiro said as he got curious and asked Emi#2.

“We went into the ‘Advisor’s Room’ to borrow one of books but her highness found got the title of the book that she wanted so she grabbed that one off your desk.” Emi#2 said as she explained what happened.

“Then, I will return that book to my office instead.” Hiiro cheerfully said as Emi#2 gave the satchel to Hiiro.

“Wait! No – Please stop!” Harue said as she overheard their conversation and jumped off her bed.

Harue ran to Hiiro and seized her satchel off Hiiro’s right hand; Hiiro and Emi#2 got startled from what just Harue did and looked at her.

“Your highness? Is there something wrong?” Emi #2 said as she wondered and asked Harue.

“Um? I-I haven’t finished reading this ‘book’. I-I will personally return this to your office after I read the last chapter.” Harue nervously said as she hugged her satchel and stepped away from Hiiro.

“Eh? Alright! But first, I want to see that book just to make sure that you’re not reading my journal.” Hiiro said as he sighed and crossed his arms.

“Huh?! Your journal? No – I mean I am pretty sure that this is not a journal.” Harue said as she panicked and took the ‘book’ out of her satchel. Harue got curious and casually opened the ‘book’ in front of Hiiro and Emi#2; Hiiro smirked from what he just seen.

“At last! Emi is right! The ‘Key’ is just around the corner. Why didn’t I think of that?!” Hiiro said as he shouted out and smirked.

“I-I am right. I do not understand, your highness.” Emi said as she wondered and stepped away from Hiiro.

“Uh? W-What do you mean, big brother?” Harue said as she closed the ‘book’ and asked Hiiro.

“You’re the ‘Key’! According to the ‘Beasts of Earth’, the riddle goes like this; ‘ehS, eht 'yeK' si eht tsegnuoy dlihc fo na thraE ylimaf.' My theory went like this; ‘she’ must be pertaining to a young, female child that belongs to an ‘Aethyrian’ family since ‘Aethyrians’ like us has the ability to control the element ‘Earth’.” Hiiro said as she explained to Harue.

“Then, the riddle must be referring to the youngest member of an ‘Aethyrian’ Family. In this case, this youngest member is the daughter of that family.” Emi said as she also concluded.

“Wait! I-I am the youngest child of the Matsuoka Family. Our family specializes one of the oldest ‘Alementalian’ Magic which is ‘Earth’. Then, indeed! I’m the ‘Key’.” Harue exclaimed as she showed the ‘book’ to Hiiro and Emi.

“You’re with me when the ‘Beasts of Earth’ told me the riddle. What happened?!” Hiiro said as he suddenly grabbed Harue’s shoulders and shake her. Harue got startled and accidentally dropped the ‘book’ on the floor.

“I-I’m sorry, big brother but the other ‘Emi’ said she erased my memories before the welcome party starts. I cannot recall anything about that. But the ‘Beasts of Earth’ told me the same thing.” Harue said as she trembled in fear.

“What? Damn it! ‘Emi’ is Maki’s – I mean the ‘Royal Sleuth’s little sister. Her other ability is the most dangerous of all. But, I don’t care. Now that I’ve found the ‘Key’, the entire Kingdom is one step in obtaining freedom from those ‘Living Fiends’.” Hiiro said as he smirked and laughed.

“Then, you must be the ‘Master’ the author pertaining to. Page 17 said that the ‘Key’ will lead the ‘Master’ – Wait! Let me just read it for you – Oh no!” Harue said as he opened the ‘book’ and scanned each page.

“Harue, is there something wrong?” Hiiro said as he wondered and asked Harue.

“Um? The truth is I got angry from what happened last night and threw everything I touched on around the room. I accidentally tore off some pages of this ‘book’.” Harue said as she confessed and explained what happened last night.

“What?! Then, these papers on the floor is – Help me pick it up! Hurry!” Hiiro said as he panicked and picked up the loose pages of the ‘book’ up the floor.

Hiiro accidentally touched a torn page from the ‘book’ and it magically burned itself, turning it into dust; Emi tried to gather up all of the 26 loose pages from the ‘book’ but the same thing happened.

“Big brother, please stop! Huh? Look at your right hand.” Harue said as she got worried and ran towards Hiiro.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a scratch. By the way, how many loose pages did you tore off the ‘book’?” Hiiro calmly said as he looked at his wounded hand and asked Harue.

“Uh? Let’s see. The first, few pages are still in here but pages 17 to 43 is missing.” Harue said as she picked the ‘book’ up the floor and scanned it.

“Those are 26 important, loose pages. Just like my age. Damn it, you’re such a stupid ‘Princess’!” Hiiro said as he suddenly shouted out to Harue. Harue got scared to Hiiro and hugged the ‘book’.

“I’m back! What did I miss?” Yuki said as he arrived outside the room, carrying a tool box.

“Big brother Yuki! Help me.” Harue said as she ran towards Yuki and cried onto his shirt.

“Harue?! Please stop crying. W-What happened in here?” Yuki said as he got startled and asked Harue.

“Nothing. Fix that door immediately and ask her to eat, again.” Hiiro said as he got pissed off and went out of Harue’s room.

“Big brother?! Where are you going? Please come back. Uh?” Yuki said as he sighed and then looked at Harue.

“Big brother Hiiro called me stupid. He’s mean.” Harue said as she wailed onto Yuki’s shirt.

“I really do not know what happened but please just at least eat those cookies. Then, after that I will go talk to him.” Yuki cheerfully said as he wiped off Harue’s tears.

“Okay. I will eat it.” Harue said as she sniffed and wiped off her tears.

Harue quietly went back inside her room, still carrying the ‘book’. Yuki grabbed the tool box and started fixing the wooden door while Harue eats the cookies on her bed.

Main Court Room…

The remaining ‘Village Reps.” were waiting for the Matsuoka Siblings to come inside the court room.

“So, how is she? Uh, Hiiro?” Ms. Iysa said as she and Mr. Ryu stared at Hiiro.

“Ah! I’m sorry, your highness. Harue is still upset from what happened last night and will not attend the afternoon deliberation.” Hiiro said as he apologized to Ms. Iysa.

“Then, we will proceed to the deliberation without her. Uh? What happened?” Ms. Iysa said as she saw Mr. Court Marshall running towards their table.

“Your highnesses! I’ve received a letter from the Hamasaki Family. It is a good news. The ‘117th Wathyrian Armada’ has come back. Here, please read this.” Mr. Court Marshall said as he gave the letter to Ms. Iysa.

“The ‘Armada’ finally came back. I’m interested on what they found out during their six-month exploration beyond the island. Please give to Mr. Jiro.” Ms. Iysa said as she ordered Mr. Court Marshall and crossed her arms.

Mr. Court Marshall ran towards Mr. Jiro and the others and gave the letter to him.

“The ‘Armada’ is already here? This is bad. If they found out that I lied – Uh?” Hiiro said as he whispered to himself and got interrupted by Mr. Ryu.

“Hiiro! Hiiro? Are you alright?” Mr. Ryu said as he suddenly poked Hiiro’s left cheek.

“Ah! I’m sorry. I dozed off. What did I miss?” Hiiro said as he yawned and asked Mr. Ryu.

“Then, we must leave immediately. We, the ‘Wathyrian Reps.’ will go back to our ‘Village’ and get the report from the ‘1st fleet’s Captain’.” Mr. Jiro said as he suggested to Ms. Iysa.

“No! That’s just unfair. We, the ‘Fireiyan Reps.’ also want to go back to our ‘Village’. The ‘Annual Fireiyan Festival’ is in three days and I haven’t finished decorating my war truck.” Mr. Sai said as he pouted and crossed his arms.

“Then, since Harue and Rai are not here, I’ve decided that this afternoon’s deliberation will be continued next week. Retrieving the ‘1st fleet Captain’s Report’ must be prioritized and Mr. Sai request to leave immediately is also granted.” Ms. Iysa said as she informed the other ‘Village Reps’ who agreed except for Hiiro.

“Wait! Rai is my little sister’s ‘Candidate’, then, -…” Hiiro said as he wondered and looked at entire ‘Council’.

“Ah! I forgot to tell you that since almost everyone is in here, we already started the deliberation. The entire ‘Council’ agreed in unison to grant Prince Shouta’s last wish. In accordance to the ‘Exiled Prince’s last will, whoever Harue chooses as her ‘Candidate’ shall be the next, ‘Imperial Ruler’.” Ms. Iysa said as she informed Hiiro.

“T-then I shall abide with the ‘Council’s decision.” Hiiro sarcastically said as he smiled in front of the other ‘Village Reps.”

“Then, this afternoon’s deliberation is adjourned. You may now all – Hey! I’m not finish talking.” Ms. Iysa said as Mr. Sai suddenly walked away from their table.

“I will see you next week. Hey! Jiro do not forget to bring my fresh, king crabs back at the I.C.H.Q.” Ms. Sai said as he opened the door and shouted inside the room.

“Hell no! King crabs are way too expensive. I will bring something else as your souvenirs. Please excuse us.” Mr. Jiro said as he walked away, followed by Mr. Akito.

Mr. Akito suddenly stopped as he saw Ms. Akari’s sad face and ran towards her.

“Oh! Don’t frown, milady! Although duties call upon me and I need to leave; I shall return next week with a souvenir.” Mr. Akito said as he gently grabbed Ms. Akari’s right hand and kissed it.

Hiiro saw what happened and got jealous.

“Hey! I already told you stay away from her.” Hiiro said as he shouted out while on the other side of the room.

“Ask him to bring back some King crabs.” Mr. Sai said as he insisted and shouted inside the room.

“Darling, let’s go. We will wait outside.” Mrs. Mai said as she sighed and dragged her husband out of the court room.

“Uh? Thank you very much and have a safe trip.” Ms. Akari said as she giggled and playfully pinched Mr. Akito’s cheeks.

“Can I just stay in here? I don’t want to leave.” Mr. Akito said as he blushed and asked Mr. Jiro.

“No! You are coming with me. Let’s go.” Mr. Jiro said as he went back and dragged Mr. Akito out of the court room.

“Hiiro, may I have a word with you? Privately.” Ms. Aya said as she approached and asked Hiiro.

“Uh? Yes. What is it, Ms. Aya?” Hiiro said as he wondered and walked away, followed by Ms. Aya.

“I wonder what they are talking about. I bet she’s going to confess to him – Ow!” Mr. Ryu said as he smirked and looked at Hiiro and Ms. Aya, talking on the corner few meters away from them.

Ms. Iysa suddenly pinched his right cheek; Ms. Annie and Ms. Akari approached Ms. Iysa on their table.

“Thank you for taking the minutes of the meeting, Ms. Annie. Um? W-What happened to you?” Ms. Iysa said as she wondered and asked Ms. Annie.

“Oh? These are eye bags. I haven’t sleep well after Mr. Geno and Mrs. Saki disappeared and left all the remaining paper works for me. I also need to train the new archer trainees back at my organization.” Ms. Annie said as she gave the papers to Ms. Iysa and yawned.

“Oh? You mean the ‘Archers’ Circle’. I know it is hard to be the only one representing your ‘Village’ but please take some time to rest.” Ms. Iysa said as she giggles and pat Ms. Annie’s right shoulder.

There are five kinds of ‘Imperial Soldiers’: 1. ‘Heroes’, 2. ‘Archers’ 3. ‘Knights’, 4. ‘Artisans’ and 5. ‘Footmen’.

2. ‘Archers’ Circle is an organization formed by the brave Archers who act as a back-up support to help ‘Heroes’ and ‘Knights’ in protecting ‘Alementalia’. Lead by Ms. Annie Miyura, as the ‘Captain Archer’, most of the members of this organization are female Archers who have archery skills and chose to work in the Imperial Court Head Quarters rather than working a maid in the fortress.

“Thank you for the advice, your highness. I will get going.” Ms. Annie said as she walked away and went out of the court room.

“Ms. Akari, please put this in the – Uh? Ms. Akari?” Ms. Iysa said as she saw Ms. Akari staring at Ms. Aya and Hiiro.

“Ah! I-I’m sorry, your highness. Were you calling me earlier?” Ms. Akari said as she snapped out and asked Ms. Iysa.

“I knew it! You’re jealous. You don’t even need to hide it – Ow!” Mr. Ryu said as he pointed out, making Ms. Akari flustered.

Ms. Iysa sighed and suddenly slapped the papers onto to Mr. Ryu’s face.

“Ms. Akari! We’re leaving. Um? Someone was also waiting for you in here.” Mrs. Mai said as she yelled out while waiting outside the court room.

“Ms. Aya! Let’s go.” Mr. Akito said he yelled out while waiting outside the court room.

“Alright! I’m coming. Do something about this Hiiro.” Ms. Aya said as she whispered to Hiiro and ran out of the court room.

“Yes, your highness.” Hiiro said as he walked away and went back to their table.

“I-I’m coming. Please wait for me.” Ms. Akari said as she seized the papers off Ms. Iysa’s right hand and ran away.

“Please wait!” Hiiro said as he saw Ms. Akari and ran towards her.

Hiiro suddenly grabbed Ms. Akari’s right arm and gently pulled her towards him.

“Um? What is it, Sir Hiiro?” Ms. Akari said as she asked Hiiro.

“Sir?!” Mr. Sai, Mrs. Mai, Ms. Georgina, Mr. Jiro, Ms. Aya, and Mr. Akito said as they all took a peek inside the court room.

“Sir? I wonder what happened.” Ms. Iysa said as she got intrigued and whispered to Mr. Ryu.

“So, you’re also curious as well. Then, why did you pinched my cheek earlier – Ow!” Mr. Ryu said as he shouted out.

Ms. Iysa blushed as she intentionally stepped on Mr. Ryu’s right foot.

“Uh? Have a safe trip.” Hiiro cheerfully said as he blushed.

“Okay. Thank you.” Ms. Akari cheerfully said as she smiled and removed Hiiro’s hand off her arms.

Ms. Akari ran out of the court room.

“Alright! Let’s continue working. Mr. Court Marshall, please give me Mr. Jiro’s report first.” Ms. Iysa said as she ordered Mr. Court Marshall.

“Ah! Here it is, your highness. I just finished summarizing it.” Mr. Court Marshall said as he approached Ms. Iysa and Mr. Ryu.

“Uh? Hiiro! Hi-iro! We have work to do.” Mr. Ryu said as he tried to call Hiiro.

“Akari smiled back at me. That’s odd. Ah, yes! I’m sorry, your highness. I’m coming.” Hiiro said as he snapped out and went back to their desk.

Outside the ‘Main Court Room’…

“Hey! Don’t forget my king crabs.” Mr. Sai said as he shouted along the hallway.

“I already said, hell no! See you back the ‘Central Train Station.’” Mr. Jiro said as he, Ms. Aya and Mr.

“I’m here. Let’s go – Eh? Ms. Georgina?! What you doing in here?” Ms. Akari said as she was surprised to see Ms. Georgina.

“Good afternoon, Milady. Master Hikaru asked me to visit and help you with your tasks while he and Ms. Rai were on a stroll in the ‘Central District’.” Ms. Georgina said as she gave the bouquet of flowers to Ms. Akari.

“Thank you. Uh? Mr. Sai and Mrs. Mai, this is our family butler, Ms. Georgina. Ms. Georgina, this is Mr. Sai and his wife, Mrs. Mai, our ‘Village Reps.’.” Ms. Akari said as she introduced Ms. Georgina to the two other ‘Village Reps.’

“Hello. Oh my! Then, she can help you pack your things. We will meet you at the ‘Central Train Station.’ later.” Mrs. Mai said as she walked away, leaving her husband.

“Okay. See you later, your highnesses.” Ms. Akari said as Mr. Sai ran away, trying to chase his wife.

“I will accompany you back to ‘Fireiya’, Milady.” Ms. Georgina said as Ms. Akari said as looked at her.

“Hm? I have an idea. Come with me.” Ms. Akari said as she ran away, followed by Ms. Georgina.

Back at the ‘Central District’…

Hikaru and Mayumi went inside a café to take some rest after wandering aimlessly along the streets of the ‘Central District.’; Eito and Rai finally arrived and decided to stop at the carnival on the other side of the same street.

Inside the Carnival…

Eito and Rai were wandering around when something got Rai’s attention.

“Wow. That stuffed bear is so cute. I wish Hikaru were here so that I can ask him to get it for – No! I cannot simple ask Eito to do that for me” Rai said as she whispered to herself.

“Thar stuffed bear is so cute. Her highness would love to have that. One try please.” Eito said as he called for the game caretaker and asked for one ticket.

“Here, mister. Woah! Look at you – what are you?” Mr. Game caretaker said as he was surprised to see Rai.

Rai got embarrassed and used her long hair to cover her eye patch; Mr. Game caretaker gave Eito three darts and then back away from the gaming area.

“You just need to aim at the center of that dart board but you only have to use three pocket knives to win it.” Mr. Game caretaker said as he instructed Eito. Eito nodded as he carefully examined each blade of the pocket knives.

“Okay, I understand. Um? Rai, can you hold these for me?” Eito said as he gave the three pocket knives to Rai.

“Uh? Wait! You will need these to play the game.” Rai said as she gave the knives back at Eito.

“I will use my Long sword instead. Please stand back.” Eito said as he placed the knives on the counter top and gently pushed Rai behind him.

Eito took out his Long sword and aimed at the center of the dart board; Mr. Game Caretaker got scared and jumped off his booth and watched behind Rai.

“Here I go – one, two, three!” Eito cheerfully said as he suddenly threw his Long sword inside the game booth.

Eito’s Long sword perfectly went and hit the center of the dart board, destroying it into two.

“Amazing! You did it. You’ve won the stuffed bear.” Rai exclaimed as she and the other spectators witnessed what happened.

Eito chuckled and jumped inside the open game booth; He then gently pulled his sword out of the wooden wall and put it back inside

its scabbard.

“What?! That’s against the rules – Wait! now, I remember you! You’re Eito Yoshiyuki, the ‘Iytherian Upper Knight’.” Mr. Game Caretaker said as he shouted outside his game booth.

There are five kinds of ‘Imperial Soldiers’: 1. ‘Heroes’, 2. ‘Archers’ 3. ‘Knights’, 4. ‘Artisans’ and 5. ‘Footmen’.

3. ‘Knights’ Association’ is an organization formed by the loyal knights of the ‘Imperial Court Headquarters’, who protects the people of ‘Alementalia’ from their enemies, the ‘Living Fiends’.

“Yes! That’s me. Nice to meet you. Now, please get the stuffed bear.” Eito cheerfully said as he jumped out of the game booth and ordered to Mr. Game Caretaker.

Mr. Game Caretaker flinched and immediately jumped back into his game booth. He took the stuffed bear off the hook and gave it to Eito.

“Thank you very much. Milady, this is for you.” Eito said as he gave the stuffed bear to Rai.

“Thank you! I will treasure this.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled and hugged the stuffed bear.

“Hey! Wait. Where are you going? You destroyed my dart board so you have to pay me.” Mr. Game Caretaker said he insisted to Eito.

“You mean you have to pay us. The blade of your pocket knives are made of papier-mâché that’s why it bounced off the dart board. Damn you!” Customer #1 said as he grabbed the fake pocket knife and examined it.

“Um? Please let me explain.” Mr. Game Caretaker said as the other angry customers approached him.

“Let’s go. This way please.” Eito said as he sighed and walked away.

“Okay. Let’s go, Mr. Bear.” Rai said as she hugged the stuffed bear and walked away.

Inside the ‘Central Café’…

Hikaru was writing something in his notepad while Mayumi is still reading the wanted poster.

“There! I’m finished writing those notes. Are you sure that these what-to-do on a date advice will work?” Hikaru said as he was sitting across Mayumi on the table.

“Of course! It will work unless you’re too coward to do it.” Mayumi said as she teased Hikaru and gently folded the wanted poster.

Mayumi kept the wanted poster inside her satchel.

“Huh? Me coward?! I’ve saved that ambushed train from those strange ‘White Skeletons’. How dare you call me coward.” Hikaru softly said as he blushed and crossed his arms.

“I hope you would follow my advice then. I’m sure your girlfriend will simply appreciate those flowers you bought for her.” Mayumi said as she sighed and then looked at the bouquet of flowers placed on the other side of the table.

“Ah! About these red roses – the truth is I am not give these to her.” Hikaru said as he pouted and looked away from Mayumi.

“W-What? Why?” Mayumi softly said as she got curious and asked Hikaru.

“I forgot that Rai has a pollen allergy and flowers have pollens. I don’t want to see her suffer from her allergies because of me.” Hikaru said as he looked at the bouquet, avoiding Mayumi’s intense stare.

“Then, if you knew that she has allergies, why did you still bought it?” Mayumi said as she asked Hikaru.

“Because red is her favorite color. I just thought that she loves anything in red so I bought it for her.” Hikaru said as he pouted and took the bouquet.

“Oh? Is that so? You even remember her favorite color. I envy her.” Mayumi sadly said as she sips her cold, orange juice.

“Uh? Yes. I also told you that Rai has allergies so I will not give these to her. You can have these.” Hikaru said as he gave the bouquet to Mayumi.

“Eh?! For me? Thank you. It’s been a while since someone gave me flowers.” Mayumi cheerfully said as she carefully grabbed the bouquet.

“Now, I will go out and try to find her again. How about you?” Hikaru said as he stood up and asked Mayumi.

“Um? I think I will come with you. I still want to wander around the ‘Central District’. Ah! How about we go and check the Carnival on the other street?” Mayumi said as she stood up and suggested.

“Alright! Let’s go to the Carnival then.” Hikaru said as he and Mayumi walked to the exit doors of the café.

Hikaru suddenly opened the door and saw Eito and Rai standing outside the café.

“Eh?!” Rai, Eito, Hikaru and Mayumi yelled out as they got surprised to see each other.

Outside the café…

“R-Rai! Where have you been? I told you to wait for me in here.” Hikaru said as he suddenly flicked Rai’s forehead and asked her.

“Ow! Well, I got bored and wandered aimlessly. I got lost and end up in the ‘Central Airport’ where I saw Eito.” Rai said as she explained what happened.

“Ahem! Since, we already have found you I will now go back to the Airport to finish my work. See you around.” Eito said as he walked away from Rai and the others.

“Uh? Eito, wait. About your letter – I-I promise to give you a response soon.” Rai said as Eito turned around and smiled.

“Then, I will wait for your response.” Eito cheerfully said as he walked away and left.

“Response? Letter? Wait?! Damn it. You sly bastard. I should’ve had thrown that stupid letter before.” Hikaru said as he yelled at Eito.

“But you didn’t and I thank you for that.” Eito said as he shouted back and smirked.

“Your stuffed bear is so cute. Who gave that to you?” Mayumi said as she noticed Rai carrying her stuffed bear.

“Thank you. Eito won this on a game and gave it to me – Eh?! Hikaru? Please gave it back.” Rai said as Hikaru suddenly seized the stuffed bear off her arms.

“Damn it! Give me that, you don’t need that weird bear anymore.” Hikaru said as he got envious and slammed the stuffed bear on the ground and stepped on it.

“Hikaru! What are you doing? Please stop it!” Rai said as she pleaded to Hikaru but Hikaru pushed her away.

“Hey! That’s enough.” Mayumi said as she sighed and slapped the bouquet of red roses onto Hikaru’s face.

Hikaru suddenly stopped and gently pushed the bouquet off his face; Rai grabbed the dirty, stuffed bear and then ran away.

“Rai?! Wait! Where are you going?” Mayumi said as she tried to stop Rai but Rai already got away.

“Rai! I’m sorry. Damn it! Was it wrong to have her just for myself? Now, what should I do?” Hikaru nervously said as he got pissed off and kicked the trash can away.

“Here. You can have it back. Make sure to apologize to her.” Mayumi said as she gave the bouquet to Hikaru.

“Damn it! Alright. Thank you.” Hikaru said as he grabbed the bouquet and then ran away.

“That idiot! I know he’s jealous but he doesn’t have to do that. Anyway, from what I remembered the meeting place is on the ‘Central Lake’s shoreline.” Mayumi said as she sighed and ran away.

That afternoon,

In the lake’s shoreline…

“Oh, it seems that everyone has arrived. In behalf of our employer, welcome everyone.” Mr. Milly said as she welcomes the other 11 mysterious mercenaries who came in their meeting place.

The other 11 mercenaries were wearing a black, masquerade mask to hide their true identities.

“Eh? This is not a party. Get rid of those masks.” Mr. Bobby said as he got finished drinking his third bottle of beer and threw it on the ground.

“Shh! Be quite Mr. Bobby. You’ll scare off the newbies.” Mr. Charlie said as he took off his mask and throw it down on the ground.

“Ah! Mr. Charlie, the ‘Boss of the Blue Mafias’, Long time, no see. Where’s my seafood stew?” Mr. Bobby said as he approached Mr. Charlie and shook hands with him.

“I will cook for us later. I only accepted the job and came in here to test my new and improved sniper gun. Look, Mei! It is your Uncle Bobby.” Mr. Charlie said as he gently lifted up the huge, silver case and showed it to Mr. Bobby.

“Mei has passed away. You’re mad, Mr. Charlie.” Mr. Bobby said as he laughs manically.

“Oh my! The boss of our rival organization is also here. How cliché.” Ms. Carla, the new ‘Leader of the Red Assassins’, said as she recognized Mr. Charlie’s voice.

Mr. Carla took off her mask and threw it on the ground.

“Ms. Carla is also here! It’s been a while. Welcome to the ‘Main Island’!” Mr. Charlie said as he ran towards Ms. Carla to hugged her.

A mysterious man suddenly went in front to protect Ms. Carla and drew out his Short sword to stop Mr. Charlie.

“Eh? You also brought your bodyguard. Young man, what is your name?” Mr. Charlie said as he asked the mysterious man.

“It’s alright. Put down your Short sword. His name is Andy, one of my ‘Red Assassins’. Ms. Carla said as she introduced Andy to Mr. Charlie.

“Hi. I’m Andy.” Andy said as he gently took off his mask.

“Hello, Andy! Hm? I wonder who’s on your right side.” Ms. Milly said as she wondered and stared at the mysterious woman beside Andy.

“Damn it! Alright! I’m Gina from ‘Fireiya’.” Gina said as she got intimidated and took off her mask.

“Gina, my dear! It was Mr. Geno who recommended you for this job. And based from what happened on the ‘Central Airport’ we decided to sent you a letter as well.” Ms. Milly said as she hugged Gina.

“Please get away from me. If Eito’s aerostat didn’t not arrived that night, the plan was probably a success.” Gina said as she gently pushed Ms. Milly away from her.

“Eh? So, it was my little brother’s fault? My bad.” Ms. Lilia Yoshiyuki said as she gently took off her mask and dropped it on the ground.

“Ms. Lilia? It is Ms. Lilia. It’s been a while, Professor Lilia.” Kazane said as she shouted out and took off her mask.

Kazane ran away and suddenly hugged Ms. Lilia.

“Kazane?! Yes! It’s been a while. I miss you too.” Ms. Lilia said as she also hugged Kazane.

“Kazane? This is a meeting not a reunion. Ah! I’m Hiroki, from ‘Aethyria’. Sir Geno also recruited me as well as Kazane, this ‘Lower Knight’ and ‘Imperial Soldier’.” Hiroki said as he introduced himself and the other two men took off their masks.

“Well, since everyone has introduced themselves. How about the two of you? It would be unfair if you don’t even tell us your names.” Mr. Bobby said as he and Mr. Charlie stared at the remaining two mercenaries.

The two, mysterious mercenaries kept silent as they chose not to took off their masks.

“Then, I shall call you No. 12.” Mr. Bobby said as he pointed out to the taller man behind the woman with a long, blond hair.

‘No.12’ A.K.A. The mysterious tall man nodded in agreement.

“I shall call you ‘No.13’ since you’re the last one to arrive in here.” Mr. Bobby said he pointed out to the woman with a long, blond hair. ‘No.13´ A.K.A. the tardy woman nodded in agreement.

“Then, for Plan A, our employer asked me to give each one of you these train tickets going to ‘Fireiya’. Mr. Bobby and I were first to leave this afternoon while the rest of you will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning.” Ms. Milly said as Mr. Bobby lazily gave one train ticket to each mercenary.

“Train ticket to ‘Fireiya’? Why in ‘Fireiya’?” Kazane said as she wondered and asked Ms. Milly.

“‘Annual Fireiyan Festival’ will start three days from now. Our employer said that we will find the target, attending on the third day of the festival.” Mr. Bobby said as he yawned and lied down on the ground.

“Our target is the Head of the Akimura Family, Mr. Shuichi Akimura and his wife, Ms. Marie. They had a child named ‘Rai’.” Ms. Milly said as she read the report and looked at Ms. Carla.

“That name sounds familiar. Ms. Marie is the former leader of the ‘Red Assassins’. I banished her for letting a ‘Wathyrian’, probably a member of the ‘Blue Mafias’ join in our organization.” Ms. Carla said she sighed and crossed her arms.

“Then, it is going to be a memorable reunion after all. Ah! I almost forgot. Seven ‘Fireiyans’ paid us 13 million gold bars hoping that we would grant their request.” Ms. Milly said as she gently pulled out an old sack filled with small, gold bars and presented it to everyone.

“Our employer said that Mr. Shuichi is the sole witness of what really happened six months ago so, he and the seven Fireiyans want Mr. Shuichi and her child to be dead before sunset on the first day of the festival.” Mr. Bobby said as he rolled over to the right side, unable to sleep well.

“Gold bars? Are you serious?” Hiroki excitedly said as he ran forward and opened the old sack.

“These are real gold bars. I wonder where did they get this.” Kazane said she also ran forward and looked inside the old sack.

“I hope to see all of you in ‘Fireiya’. Now, scram before someone come and find us in here.” Ms. Milly said as Ms. Lilia sighed and walked away.

Ms. Lilia walked away, followed by Kazane and Hiroki; the Lower Knight and ‘Imperial Soldier’ also followed Hiroki. Ms. Carla walked away, followed by Andy, Gina, Mr. No.12 and Ms. No.13.

Mr. Bobby, Ms. Milly and Mr. Charlie were the only ones left in the shoreline, discussing something they chose to kept as a secret to the other mercenaries.

“Master, I’ve arrived.” Hayami said as she quietly ran out of the bushes and walked towards Mr. Charlie.

“Eh? Who’s this? Is she your daughter?” Mr. Bobby said as he teased Mr. Charlie.

“No! Stupid drunkard. Kenji hasn’t sent me any response about the thing I’ve requested him. Can you find him for me?” Mr. Charlie said as he was cleaning the sniper gun with a white cloth.

“As you wish, master.” Hayami said as she quietly ran out and went back inside the forest.

Back at the ‘Imperial Dormitories.’

In Girls’ Dormitory

Outside Mayumi’s apartment…

Mayumi arrived at her apartment and saw something that caught her attention.

“They even provided us the train tickets going to ‘Fireiya’. This is going to be exciting. What is this? The note says: ‘Ms. Georgia came in. Something came up. Please go to our apartment after you read this – but before that I left some food in the dining table. Please eat first before you leave. - Kazuki. What?! T-That idiot” Mayumi said as she got flustered and crumpled the paper.

Inside Mayumi’s apartment…

Mayumi immediately ran to the dining area and saw Miko and Atsuki fighting over the food placed on the top of the table.

“Big brother Miko?! Atsuki is here too. What are you doing in here?” Mayumi said as she saw Miko and Atsuki inside the dining area.

“Big sister has arrived! Welcome back.” Atsuki said as he jumped off the chair and ran towards Mayumi.

“Atsuki insisted to go back in here. While walking along the hallway, we saw this Kenji ran out of your apartment, followed by a female butler.” Miko said as he explained what happened and carefully examined the food prepared on the table.

“Y-You saw Kazu-Kenji left? Um? Please let me explain.” Mayumi nervously said as she gently pushed Atsuki away and sat across Miko on the table.

“Don’t worry. I completely understand. Anyway, where have you been?” Miko said as he asked Mayumi.

“Big brother! Lift me up! Lift me up.” Atsuki said as he run towards Miko and raised asked his arms.

“Okay. You sit here beside me. Now, you were saying.” Miko seriously said as he and Atsuki looked at Mayumi.

Mayumi was unable to speak and started trembling; Atsuki looked at his two other older siblings and wonder what happened.

“Um? Did big sister do something wrong?” Atsuki said as he got curious and asked Miko.

“Uh? I do not know Atsuki. Big sister hasn’t said anything.” Miko said as he and Atsuki looked at Mayumi.

“Can you talk later? I’m hungry and I want to eat.” Atsuki said as he pouted and asked Miko.

“But you just ate before we left the hotel – Uh? Alright. I will bake you assorted fruit tarts.” Miko said as he sighed and tousled Atsuki’s hair.

“Then, I will help you. Uh?” Mayumi said as she looked at Miko.

“No. You go ahead. I think your best friends need your help. We can continue this later.” Miko said as he smiled at Mayumi.

Atsuki got curious on the food placed on the center of the table; he gently pulled the first plate near him and tried to taste it.

“Atsuki! No! Don’t eat that. That food is probably poisonous.” Miko said as he suddenly took the plate away from Atsuki.

“Um? Okay! Thank you, big brother.” Mayumi cheerfully said as she stood up and ran to Miko.

“Okay! Y-you don’t need to hug me. Now, leave.” Miko shyly said as he got flustered and gently pushed Mayumi away.

“I will be back and Atsuki please behave while I am gone.” Mayumi said as she ran out of the dining area and grabbed her satchel that was carelessly thrown on the living area.

“Okay! Be careful.” Atsuki said as he stood up and followed Mayumi to the front door.

Mayumi left her apartment and went to the Boys’ Dormitories; Atsuki went back to the dining area and saw Miko looking at the food on the table.

“Alright! I’ve decided. I will show that guy what real cooking looks like. Atsuki, let’s get cooking!” Miko said as he rolled up his sleeves and grabbed the white apron.

In the Boys’ Dormitory

Inside the Hamasaki Twins’ Apartment…

Mayumi finally arrived and knocked on the door; Ms. Georgia welcomed her and brought her to the living area.

Inside the living area…

“Master Kazuki, Ms. Mayumi has arrived.” Ms. Georgia said as she and Mayumi went inside the living area.

“Good afternoon. I’m coming in – Eh?” Mayumi said as Kazuki suddenly ran towards and hugged her.

“Mayumi! You really came. Please have a seat.” Kazuki said as he was surprised to see Mayumi.

“Kazuki, what happened?” Mayumi said as she sat beside Kazuki on the right sofa.

“Um? I think Ms. Georgia knows what exactly happened last night.” Kazuki said as he and Mayumi looked at Ms. Georgia.

“Yes. Last night, Master Kenji went out trying to find Ms. Mayumi. When he arrived back, he seems tired and went inside his bedroom. I noticed that there is something wrong with Master Kenji so I knocked on the door when I heard something crashed inside his room. I immediately opened it and saw this lying down on the floor.” Ms. Georgia said as she explained what happened last night.

Ms. Georgia grabbed Kenji’s violin case and opened it in front of Kazuki and Mayumi; Inside the violin case were the broken pieces of oak wood and strings from the violin and the bow that is snapped into two.

“That’s Kenji’s precious violin! W-why would he destroy this?” Mayumi exclaimed as she gently took out the broken bow and cried.

“Damn it! I’ll try to talk with him so please stop crying.” Kazuki said as he cursed out and gently wiped off Mayumi’s tears.

“O-Okay. I’m sorry. Let’s go and talk to him.” Mayumi said as she blushed and wiped off her tears.

Kenji went out of his room and check who’s crying in the living area.

“Damn it! I cannot sleep so please stop – Mayumi?! What are you doing in here?” Kenji said as he arrived in the living area and saw Mayumi.

“Good afternoon, Master Kenji. Please let me check your hands – Eh?” Ms. Georgia said as she gently placed the violin case on the top of the table and approached him.

Kenji suddenly swiped off Ms. Georgia’s hand; Kazuki saw what happened and got mad to Kenji.

“Hey! Stop that. You’re being disrespectful.” Kazuki seriously said as he stood up and seized Kenji’s collared shirt.

“I do not care. Let me go.” Kenji seriously said he tried to push Kazuki away but he failed.

“Stop it. Mayumi came in here because she is worried about you. You haven’t eaten anything since this morning and you suddenly locked up yourself inside your room. What the fucking hell happened to you?” Kazuki said as he was about to punch Kenji.

“Nothing. So, let me go. Leave me alone.” Kenji said as he got angry and forcefully pushed Kazuki away.

“No. I won’t. Damn it! Just for once listen to me, your big brother and tell me what happened.” Kazuki said as he forcefully grabbed Kenji’s shoulders and shake him.

“You are only 30 seconds older than me so let me go.” Kenji said as he shoved Kazuki away.

“Kazuki, Kenji that’s enough! Please stop.” Mayumi said as she shouted out and ran towards to the twins.

Mayumi forcefully hugged the twins; She, Kazuki and Kenji all slipped and fell onto the floor.

“Father, Mother, please don’t fight! Please.” Mayumi said as she cried and begged to the twins.

“Mayumi?! Uh? I’m sorry.” Kenji said as he apologized and tousled Mayumi’s curly hair.

“Me too. I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to make you remember your trauma.” Kazuki said he also apologized and hugged Mayumi.

“Father, Mother – Please…Uh? I’m sorry! W-What just happened?” Mayumi said as she got startled and immediately crawled out to the open space.

“We said we’re sorry – Eh? Mayumi?” Kenji said he got flustered after Mayumi grabbed both of his injured hands.

“What happened to your hands?” Mayumi said as she asked Kenji.

“Um? I tried picking up my broken violin but I ended up cutting both of my hands.” Kenji said as he explained what happened last night.

“Huh?! Your hands look fine to me.” Kazuki said as he pouted and suddenly seized and squeezed Kenji’s hands.

“Kazuki?! Honestly, stop it. Let his hands go.” Mayumi said as she gently pushed Kazuki away.

“Ow-Ouch! Let me go!” Kenji said as he cried in pain and shoved Kazuki away.

“Eh? My bad. Then, let me heal your hand.” Kazuki said as he sat up and gently touched Kenji’s left hand.

“N-No! I’m fine. Don’t worry. It is not that serious.” Kenji nervously said as he shoved Kazuki away.

“Master Kazuki, were you cooking something in the kitchen earlier?” Ms. Georgia said as she smelled something burning coming from the kitchen and asked Kazuki.

“Ah, yes! I was frying the shrimp – Wait! I forgot my shrimps.” Kazuki said as he stood up and panicked.

Kazuki immediately ran out of the living area and went to the kitchen; Ms. Georgia and Mayumi were helping Kenji to get up on the floor when they heard a loud crash inside the kitchen.

“Uh? Can you help him cook? I’m worried that he might start a fire inside the kitchen.” Kenji said as he asked Ms. Georgia.

“As you wish, Master Kenji. I will help Master Kazuki after I tend your wounds.” Ms. Georgia said as she grabbed the first aid kit and sat beside Kenji on the center sofa.

“I will help Kazuki instead. Don’t worry. I will make sure that kitchen is neat and tidy after – Eh?” Mayumi said as they all heard something crashed inside the kitchen.

“Help! My clothes are burning. No, Stop! This is my favorite shirt.” Kenji said as he panicked while cooking in the kitchen.

“I will be right back.” Mayumi said as she immediately ran away and went inside the kitchen.

Meanwhile also

In the Boys’ Dormitory

Outside Hikaru’s Apartment…

“Damn it! Mrs. Land Lady literally shoved me out of Rai’s Apartment. I wonder who’s that person wearing that blond wig. From what I remembered, last night, Rai threw both wig and high heels on the trash can before we went inside my room and – What? The door’s opened?” Hikaru said as he was carrying the bouquet and arrived outside his apartment.

Hikaru got curious and gently opened the door.

“Welcome back, Hikaru.” Ms. Akari cheerfully said as she was waiting inside Hikaru’s apartment.

“Big sister?! I mean Ms. Akari, what you doing in here?” Hikaru said as he slammed opened the door and went his apartment.

“Please do not call me like that. Aw! You brought me that bouquet for me. Thank you.” Ms. Akari said as she ran towards Hikaru and grabbed the bouquet.

“Hey! That’s not for you and how did you get inside my apartment? I always bring my keys.” Hikaru said as he crossed his arms and asked Ms. Akari.

“I asked Mr. Land Lord to lend me the spare key in this apartment. Since, you’re already here, help me pack your things.” Ms. Akari said as she walked back to the living area.

“What?! Mr. Land Lord cannot just do that. Alright! Let me just change my – Wait! Pack my things?! We’re leaving?!” Hikaru said as she yelled out and asked Ms. Akari

“Yes. The ‘117th Annual Fireiyan Festival’ is in three days. Mother will be sad if you do not come and celebrate with us.” Ms. Akari said as she looked at Hikaru and smirked.

“Oh really? I bet you and Mother were planning something weird again. I will not attend the Festival. I have other things to do.” Hikaru said as he got suspicious and took off his coat. Ms. Akari noticed a train ticket fell from Hikaru’s left coat pocket.

“So, you already bought a train ticket going back to our ‘Village’. That’s a shame.” Ms. Akari said as she got curious and went inside the living area. Hikaru looked down and immediately grabbed the train ticket off the floor.

“U-Uh? I-I was planning to go home as well but I am not going to attend the ‘Festival’.” Hikaru nervously said as he hid the train ticket inside his right, chest pocket.

“Okay! The ‘Fireiyan Reps.’ are planning to leave this afternoon so I decided to tag you and Rai along.” Ms. Akari said as she smiled and sat on the center sofa.

“What?! Rai too? You cannot just force someone to come along with you – Wait! Where’s Ms. Georgina?” Hikaru said as he suddenly ran around his apartment, trying to find Ms. Georgina.

“I asked Ms. Georgina to pick up Rai back on her apartment 30 minutes ago. She’ll also help her pack her things as well.” Ms. Akari said as she put the bouquet on the top of the center table and stretched out her arms.

“What?! I knew it! You and Ms. Georgina were planning something else. Damn it.” Hikaru said as he sat across Ms. Akari on the living area.

“Um? Earlier, I was packing your things when I saw this weird magazine under your shirts inside your closet. Was that yours?” Ms. Akari said as she asked Hikaru who flinched. Hikaru immediately ran away and went inside his room.

“Damn it! Big sister, what have you done in my room? And where did you put that sketchbook?!” Hikaru said as he shouted out while panicking inside his room.

“Hikaru’s ticket was one of the 13 tickets Ms. Aya gave to Hiiro’s henchmen earlier this afternoon. I wonder how Hikaru get hold of that train ticket. Ah! I do not know. I’m sorry.” Ms. Akari said as she shouted back while in the living area.

Five minutes later, Ms. Georgina and Rai carrying her satchel arrived outside Hikaru’s apartment; Inside Rai’s satchel was the dirty stuffed bear Hikaru destroyed before.

“Coming! Please wait - Oh my? Welcome back, Ms. Georgina. Hi, Rai!” Ms. Akari said as she went to the front door and opened it.

“I am back, milady. Ms. Rai is also here with me.” Ms. Georgina said as she and Rai went inside Hikaru’s apartment.

“G-Good afternoon, your highness. Thank you very much for inviting me.” Rai shyly said making Ms. Akari giggled.

“Please call me big sister. Please come in. Hikaru is inside his room packing his things.” Ms. Akari said as she went back inside the living area, followed by Ms. Georgina and Rai.

“Oh? I see. Then, I will just wait in here.” Rai said as she sat on the center sofa.

Ms. Georgina put Rai’s suitcase beside the center sofa.

“Okay. I will just prepare some drink and snack for you. I will be back.” Ms. Akari cheerfully said as she went to the kitchen.

“Meanwhile, I will go to Master Hikaru’s bedroom to help him.” Ms. Georgina said as she looked at Rai.

“U-Um? Please do not worry about me. Please go ahead and help him.” Rai said as Ms. Georgina smiled and left.

“Those were the flowers Hikaru gave to Ms. Mayumi. Ms. Mayumi probably the person Mrs. Hashimoto’s referring to. Well, I cannot compete with Ms. Mayumi’s beauty. I’ve heard rumors that she has twelve suitors courting her from each ‘Village’. Uh? Please allow to help you.” Rai said as she saw Ms. Akari carrying a wooden tray. Rai stood up and approached Ms. Akari; Rai gently grabbed the wooden tray and carefully bring it to the center table.

“Thank you, Rai. You’re such a sweet girl.” Ms. Akari said as she sat beside Rai on the right sofa.

“Uh? Thank you, your highness. Oh my! Are these mini-fruit tarts?” Rai exclaimed as she looked at the mini-tarts.

Rai was looking at the tarts and noticed Ms. Akari staring at her.

“I’m sorry, Rai. I did try to stop him but he would not even listen to me anymore. I’m sorry. I hope you would forgive me someday.” Ms. Akari said as she suddenly cried and hugged Rai.

“Huh?! I-I do not understand, your highness.” Rai said as she got surprised and wondered what Ms. Akari just said.

“I found it! I told you not to mess up with my – things? Rai?!” Hikaru said as he went back in the living area, carrying his weird magazine.

“Hikaru? Uh? Ms. Akari suddenly cried and – Wait! Is that a porn magazine?” Rai said as she looked at Hikaru’s right hand.

Thirty minutes later

Inside the ‘Central Train Station’…

Passengers’ Waiting area

Ms. Akari, Ms. Georgia, Rai and Hikaru finally arrived at the train station; Hikaru is trying his best to carry four suitcases while walking inside the train station.

“Uh? Hikaru, are you alright?” Rai said as she asked Hikaru.

“D-Don’t worry. I’m fine – Eh?” Hikaru said as he blushed and suddenly slipped and fell on the floor.

“Hey, Mr. Butler please hurry. The other ‘Village Reps’ are waiting over there.” Ms. Akari said as she teased Hikaru.

“I am not your butler and why would I alone carry these – I mean your three suitcases? I wonder why you have three.” Hikaru said as he stood up and gently picked up each of the suitcases.

“Ms. Georgina was already carrying her and Rai’s suitcases so I asked you to bring mine. I also wondering why Rai was in your apartment last night.” Ms. Akari said as he closed her fan and wonder.

Hikaru and Rai both flinched and looked away from each other.

“Ah! There you are, Ms. Akari.” Mr. Jiro said as he, Ms. Aya and Mr. Akito

“Mr. Jiro? Good afternoon.” Ms. Akari said as she greeted Mr. Jiro.

“It seems that Mr. Sai is not in here so can you please tell him that I will bring some big shrimps instead of king crabs.” Mr. Jiro said as he tells Akari and then looked at Rai.

“Uh? Good afternoon, your highnesses.” Rai said as she greeted the ‘Wathyrian Reps.’

“You really have a right, red eye. Amazing. Maybe that’s why ‘Princess’ Harue is fond of you.” Mr. Akito said as he looked closely to Rai. Ms. Akari sighed and gently pushed Mr. Akito away from Rai.

“Please get away from her. You are scaring her.” Ms. Akari said as she continues to ignore Ms. Aya.

“Mr. Akito, let’s go. See you next week. Have a safe trip.” Mr. Jiro said as he dragged Mr. Akito and walked away.

“Uh? Have a safe trip as well.” Ms. Akari said as she waved back.

“Ms. Akari, may I have a word? Privately.” Ms. Aya said as she stayed and asked Ms. Akari.

“Ah! Yes, your highness. What is it?” Ms. Akari said as she walked away and followed Ms. Akari.

Hiiro, Rai and Ms. Georgia got curious and looked at Ms. Aya and Ms. Akari while talking on the corner, few meters away from them.

“Uh? These are so heavy. I-I’m sorry about what happened earlier.” Hikaru shyly said as he blushed and apologized to Rai.

“Don’t worry. But I didn’t know you are interested with those kind of reading materials.” Rai said as she giggled.

“Huh?! Interested?! Please allow me to explain. You see this is what actually happened – Uh? Big sister is back.” Hikaru said as he got flustered and tried to explain.

“I wonder what they talked about.” Ms. Georgina said as she got intrigued.

“I-I’m back. Let’s go. Platform #4 is on this way.” Ms. Akari said as she smiled and walked away.

In Platform #4…

Ms. Akari and the others have arrived inside the Platform; Hikaru curiously stared at his big sister, wondering who what happened.

“Ms. Aya said that Hiiro is here to send off Mr. Bobby and the others. I hope he never finds me. Um? Can you stop staring at me?” Ms. Akari said as she got pissed off to Hikaru.

“My bad. I was just wondering what are you thinking.” Hikaru said as he sighed and crossed his arms.

“I was thinking what if Mother also invited the Yukimura Family to attend the Festival. If she did invite them, you’re dead.” Ms. Akari said she teased Hikaru.

“Ms. Akari! We’re here.” Mrs. Mai said as she and Mr. Sai saw Ms. Akari and the others and shouted out.

“Your highnesses! Let’s go.” Ms. Akari said as she and the others ran away and went to the other side of Platform #4.

Few minutes later…

“Good afternoon, your highness.” Ms. Akari said as she and the others greeted Mr. Sai and Mrs. Mai.

“No need to be so formal. Thank you for accepting my invitation, Rai.” Mr. Sai cheerfully said as he tousled Rai’s hair.

“Your welcome – Uh? Mr. Sai. I was planning to leave and go back to the ‘Village’ anyway.” Rai said as she smiled.

“After we arrived back at the ‘Village’, please sent this message to your father; ‘I will win the ‘Best Creative Craft.’ Award for this year. Hahaha! I will make you wash my war truck.’ Hahaha! That’s all.” Mr. Sai said as he requested to Rai.”

“Um? Yes, I will Mr. Sai.” Rai said as she giggled.

“Ah, I almost forgot, your highness, we saw Mr. Jiro earlier and he asked me to give you this message. Uh? ‘I will bring some big shrimps instead of king crabs.’ That’s it.” Ms. Akari said as she tells to Ms. Sai.

The third train going to ‘Fireiya’ arrived and stopped in the Platform.

“No!!! That damn ‘Village Chief!’ He deceived me.” Mr. Sai said as she got upset and shouted out.

“I’m really sorry about this.” Mrs. Mai said as she blushed and apologized to Ms. Akari and the others.

“All aboard! Please watch your steps. Ah! Mr. Hikaru.” Mr. Train Conductor said as he jumped out of the train to assist the other passengers and saw Hikaru.

“Oh, I remember you. You’re that train conductor who ditched me in that dry land near the old, metal bridge. Hello.” Hikaru said as he turned around and saw Mr. Train Conductor.

“I only did what I have to do. I-I’m really sorry.” Mr. Train Conductor said he apologized to Hikaru.

Hikaru suddenly grabbed Mr. Train Conductor’s collared uniform and started shaking him.

“I almost died saving you and the other passengers from that ambushed train and ditching me is the best thing that you can do? How could you!” Hikaru said as he got angry at Mr. Train Conductor.

The other passengers heard their conversation and approached Hikaru.

“Eh? It was really him! I-I was the man who you saved before falling off the roof of that moving train. Thank you for saving me. Thank you, Mr. Hero!” The man exclaimed said as he saw Hikaru.

“Mr. Hero?! Yes! Indeed. I am a ‘Hero’! Keep cheering.” Hikaru proudly said as he laughed out.

The other passengers kept chanting the word Hero as Hikaru continued to laugh; Ms. Milly, Mr. Bobby and Mr. Charlie arrived inside Platform #4.

“Um? Excuse me, you are blocking the door way.” Ms. Milly said as she, Mr. Bobby and Mr. Charlie suddenly appeared behind Hikaru.

“Uh? I’m sorry. Please go ahead.” Hikaru said as Ms. Milly, followed by Mr. Bobby and Mr. Charlie passed by him and went inside the third train wagon.

“Our train has arrived, let’s go.” Mr. Sai said as he grabbed their suitcases and walked going to the fourth train wagon.

Ms. Akari was about to call Hikaru when she recognized Ms. Milly.

“Uh? Y-yes. Rai, let’s go.” Ms. Akari said as she suddenly ran away and went inside the fourth train wagon.

“I wonder what happened. Hikaru! Let’s go.” Mrs. Mai said as she called out Hikaru.

“Ah! I’m coming, your highness. Your Hero shall return. Goodbye.” Hikaru said as he ran away and went back Mrs. Mai’s location.

“Goodbye, Mr. Hero!” The passengers said in chorus as they waved back to Hikaru.

Hikaru and Ms. Georgia gently picked up their suitcases and went inside the fourth wagon, followed by Mrs. Mai.

“Goodbye, Mr. Hero!” The passengers said in chorus as the last train left the Platform and is now bound to ‘Fireiya’.

Three Days Later

That morning

In ‘Fireiya’

Along the streets of the ‘Crafting District’…

Lined in the streets were woven baskets, hand-made pots and vases, knitted scarves and other hand-crafted things that, you my dear reader can imagine. Mr. Sai jumped onto the edge of the water fountain found in the middle of their ‘Village’ and clears his throat.

“Everyone! Welcome to the ‘117th Annual Fireiyan Festival!’ I am your host, Mr. Sai. Gather around my fellow ‘Fireiyans’ and visitors. For our 1st event, we’re going to have the ‘Weapons’ Demonstration!’” Mr. Sai said as he acts as the host of the first day’s festival.

“Ah! Here it comes. Cover your ears.” Liam said as he instructed Cross and his little sister, Sarah.

Seven ‘Red Blacksmiths’ suddenly ran along the streets of the ‘Crafting District’.; Each one of them was carrying a bolt-action, wooden rifle and lined around the water fountain.

“On my signal, ready, aim -…” Mr. Sai said as he commanded the seven ‘Red Blacksmiths’.

The seven ‘Red Blacksmiths’ aimed their rifles up in the air and were waiting for Mr. Sai’s orders.

“Ready, Aim, Fire!” Mr. Sai said as he commanded the ‘Red Blacksmiths’.

The seven ‘Red Blacksmiths’ carefully and simultaneously fired up in the air.

“Wow! Amazing!” the audience exclaimed as they loudly cheer up for the seven ‘Red Blacksmiths’.

“We, ‘Red Blacksmiths’ seriously take pride of our craftsmanship. What you’ve just witnessed were my fellow ‘Blacksmiths’ demonstrating how to use a bolt-action rifle they forged themselves. Now, Spearmen, forward!” Mr. Sai said as he commanded the twelve ‘Fireiyans’ who ran towards the water fountain.

The twelve Spearmen suddenly ran along the streets of the ‘Crafting District’; Each one of them was carrying a metal spear and lined around the water fountain. They carefully twirled their metal spears; threw it up in the air and caught before it fell on the ground. The audience were loudly cheering up as they continued to watch the ‘Demonstration’.

“What you’ve just witnessed were my fellow ‘Fireiyans’ demonstrating how to use a metal spear I forge myself. For the final act, Swordsmen, forward!” Mr. Sai said as he commanded the eleven ‘Fireiyans’ who ran towards the water fountain.

The eleven ‘Fireiyans’ suddenly ran along the streets of the ‘Crafting District’; Mr. Sai jumped off the water fountain and joined the demonstration as well. Each one of them was carrying a Longsword and a metal shield and lined around the water fountain. They carefully raised up their Longswords and shields and went into battle stance. The audience were loudly cheering up as they continued to watch the ‘Demonstration’.

“Aside from forging weapons, we also have pottery, basketry, mask making and even knitting! So, wander around to see what’ve prepared for everyone. Thank you for watching!” Mr. Sai said as lower down his Longsword.

The audience cheered up; the crowd slowly dispersed and started wandering in the ‘Crafting District.’

“Now, follow me. That damn witch’s place is few meter away from here. She’ll pay for what she done to us six months ago.” Liam said as he walked away, followed by Cross and Sarah.

In the JT’s Diner

Inside the dining area…

Rai and Theo are seen working inside the kitchen; Theo is front of the makeshift stoves while Rai is washing the used plates and other utensils in the kitchen sink. Meanwhile, Ms. Janice is on the dining area, serving drinks to the other customers.

“Hey! I know that you’re here! Come out, come out wherever you are little witch.” Customer #1 said as he was sitting on the bar area and shouted out loud, teasing Rai.

Ms. Janice sighed as she noticed that Customer #1’s annoying behaviour disturbing the other 30 random customers eating inside the dining area.

“Uh? My dear Sir, you are disturbing the other customers. I have no choice but to ask you to get out of the premises.” Ms. Janice calmly said as he tells Customer #1.

“Huh?! Why is this old maid asking me to get out?” Customer #1 said as he wondered and asked Ms. Janice.

Ms. Janice and the other 30 customers all flinched; Customer #2 ran to the front doors and immediately opened it.

“This old maid does not want a rude customer like you. Get the fucking hell out of my diner!” Ms. Janice said as she got mad.

Ms. Janice suddenly grabbed Customer #1’s collared shirt and forcefully dragged him out of her diner. Theo went out of the kitchen; He was carrying a bronze tray and wondered what happened.

“Mother! I’m done cooking the orders from tables 29 and 30. Where is she?” Theo said as he wondered.

“I’m back! That looks delicious. I’ll bring it to their tables.” Ms. Janice said as she gently grabbed the tray and went out to serve it to their customers.

“O-Okay! Please be careful.” Theo nervously said as he sighed and then went back inside the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen…

Theo went back inside the kitchen and saw Rai still washing the three piles of used plates on the kitchen sink. Each pile has 75 used plates.

“Would you like me to give you some assistance?” Theo said as approached and asked Rai.

“Uh? No – Thank you but I can do this.” Rai cheerfully said as she turned around and saw Theo.

“Um? Okay. You can take a break after you finish cleaning those plates.” Theo said as he instructed Rai.

“Yes. Thank you, Theo. Um? Is there something wrong?” Rai said as she wondered and asked Theo.

“Huh?! Ah – Um? I just wanted to say thank you for helping us in here. I mean since you’re the ‘Princess’ chosen ‘Candidate’ I’m ashamed that you’ll have to do that for us.” Theo nervously said as he blushed.

“No problem! Just like last here, Hikaru ditched our plans again because he is busy with arrange marriage so I can in here to help you today. Uh? Can I ask you a favor?” Rai said as she continued washing the plates.

“Ah, yes! What is it?” Theo said as he asked Rai.

“Can you bring that lunch box back at my house? My father asked Ms. Janice to cook his lunch for today but as you can see I’m quite busy.” Rai said as she asked Theo.

“Oh? Okay. I understand. Those were the last orders anyway. I’ll be back.” Theo said as he gently picked up the lunch box and went out of the kitchen.

Inside the Akimuras’ Property…

Liam, Cross and Sarah were the first to arrive outside the Akimuras’ property; They jumped onto the fence and hid behind the tree.

“Uh? There are three people running over there.” Sarah said as she noticed three, mysterious people wearing a black mask quietly ran along the streets.

“Look! They ran into that narrow alley. What a creep.” Cross said as he giggled.

“Shh! Be quiet! The old man will hear us. Someone’s coming, hide!” Liam said as he suddenly pushed Cross and Sarah to hide under the bushes.

“Oh? Look! It’s Mrs. Akimura. I wonder where she’s going.” Sarah softly said as she, Liam and Cross saw Mrs. Akimura left.

“Uh? Look! Another three people wearing a black, masquerade mask followed Mrs. Akimura to their backyard.” Liam softly said as he whispered to Cross and Sarah.

“Look! There are other four people who went inside that abandoned house.” Cross softly said as they saw four mysterious people went inside the abandoned house just across the Akimuras’ Property.

“Oh? So, the Akimura family probably invited 10 guests in their house for this year’s festival. That’s nice.” Sarah softly said as she crossed her arms.

Five minutes later…

Theo arrived on the front doors of the Akimuras’ Residence and heard someone talking behind the tree inside the Akimuras’ property.

“Uh? Mr. Shuichi! It’s me, Theo. I came in here to bring you this – Eh?! Who’s there?” Theo said as he turned around and shouted at the tree.

“Shh! Damn it! Someone found us. Oh my! It is Theo. Long time, no see.” Liam said as he, Cross and Sarah went out of hiding behind the bushes.

“Liam!? What are you doing in here? I thought all of you were banished from the ‘Village’.” Theo said as he was surprised to see Liam and the others.

“Yes! But today’s the festival and everyone is invited. So, we came in here to visit our friend.” Cross sarcastically said as he crossed his arms.

“Rai is not here and she is not your friend! After that incident six months ago, she cannot properly use her right arm anymore.” Theo said as he got angry and shouted back at Cross.

“I do not care! We’ve became a laughing stock after that – Eh?” Sarah said as she saw Mr. Shuichi opened the door.

“Hey, get the fucking hell away from my house before I call Mr. Sai to drag all of you out of here.” Mr. Shuichi said as he went out of the house while carrying a semi-automatic rifle on his left hand.

“Eh?! It’s the weird, old man! Let’s escape. Here’s your souvenir.” Liam said as he threw out a dead rat on the front doors and immediately ran away, followed by Cross and Sarah.

“Yeah! That’s right. Ran away. Hurry! Please get inside.” Mr. Shuichi said as he smiled and gently pushed Theo into the house.

“Eh?! What’s happening? Mr. Shuichi?” Theo said as he wondered and asked Mr. Shuichi.

Theo went inside the house while Mr. Shuichi went out of their front lawn and then looked around still carrying his rifle.

The 13 mercenaries arrived at their specific locations and began their assault; No.13, Ms. Milly, and Mr. Bobby were hiding in the narrow alley.

“Ah! There you are!” Mr. Shuichi said as he aimed his rifle on the narrow alley, ten meters away from their house and then fired.

After Mr. Shuichi fired, a mysterious man suddenly ran at the other end of the alley.

“Oh? I missed? That’s weird.” Mr. Shuichi said as casually slings his rifle onto his shoulder and went back inside their house.

Inside the narrow alley…

“Damn it! Are you alright?” Ms. Milly said as she looked at No.13’s wounded, right arm.

No.13 nodded as a response to Ms. Milly’s question; Ms. Milly tore off a part of his black hooded-cloak and used it to bind No.13’s wound.

“Not bad from the former ‘Royal Marksman’. Uh? Why are we hiding again?” Mr. Bobby said as he drinks his first bottle of beer and asked Ms. Milly.

“This is an ambush! We cannot just walk straight towards our target, damn idiot.” Ms. Milly softly said as she got finished binding No.13’s wound.

“Um? Okay. But that’s not a bad idea.” Mr. Bobby said as he threw away the empty bottle outside the narrow alley.

“Our plan goes like this; One, after Mrs. Akimura went out of their house, Ms. Carla, Ms. Lilia and No.12 will follow her to their backyard. Two, once she arrived, Andy, Mr. Imperial Soldier, and Kazane will ambush her but just in case something happened I asked Ms. Carla’s team to help them.” Ms. Milly said as she reminded Mr. Bobby and No.13 about their plan.

“Three, you, me and No.13 will help Mr. Charlie’s team in dealing with Mr. Akimura. Lastly, Mr. Charlie, the ‘Lower Knight, Gina and Hiroki’ is on the 2nd floor of that house just in front of the Akimuras’ Residence. He could’ve shot him after he went out of their house. I wonder what happened.” Mr. Bobby said as he wondered.

“I don’t know. Hey! Where are you going?” Ms. Milly said as she and No.13 saw Mr. Bobby walked out of the alley.

“I’m going to visit an old friend. Stay in here.” Mr. Bobby said as he waved back.


Inside the Akimuras’ Residence…

Mr. Shuichi and Theo were talking inside the workshop; Theo was standing behind a closed, glass window.

“Theo, look I need you to calm down and listen to me. There are mercenaries outside who wanted to kill me.” Mr. Shuichi said as he ate his lunch.

“What? Mercenaries? Wait! Your wife is in danger. Let’s go out and help her.” Theo said as he got worried for Mrs. Marie.

“Don’t worry. She can protect herself. I wish they should’ve bring some back up.” Mr. Shuichi said as he got finished eating and grabbed his rifle.

“W-Where are you going? Theo said as he asked Mr. Shuichi.

“I’m going to meet an old friend. Please stay in here. Uh? Theo, get out of there” Mr. Shuichi said as he tried to push Theo away from the window but it was too late.

Theo got shot on his left arm and fell on the floor.

“Theo! Theo! Are you alright? Here, don’t move.” Mr. Shuichi said as he immediately ran towards to Theo.

Mr. Shuichi tore off his long sleeves and used it to bind Theo’s wounded arm.

“There. Now, stay hidden in here.” Mr. Shuichi said as smiled and grabbed his rifle.

“Sir – Wait! Let me help you. I can still – Ow-ouch!” Theo said as he tried to get up but he suddenly slipped and fell on the floor.

“No. Please just stay in here. I will be back.” Mr. Shuichi said as he ran away and went out of their house.

In the backyard…

Mrs. Marie was standing alone in the backyard as she stares at the three dead bodies, lying down on the ground.

“I knew it. They failed.” Ms. Carla said as she, Ms. Lilia and No.12 arrived inside the backyard.

“Uh? So, that’s why Andy’s here too. Poor child.” Mrs. Marie said as sighed and crossed her arms.

“Kazane? Kazane! Hey, wake up! Wake up!” Ms. Lilia said as she ran towards to Kazane and hugged her.

“Oh? That girl has passed away. She’s good fighter though.” Mrs. Marie said as she wiped off her Short sword with her dress’ skirt.

“Shall we end this?” Ms. Carla said as she drew out her Long sword and aimed it to Mrs. Marie.

Mrs. Marie ignored Ms. Carla and stared at No. 12 who was carrying an iron spear as a weapon.

“Uh? That iron spear looks familiar. Where did you get that?” Mrs. Marie said as she asked No.12.

No.12 kept silent and ignored Mrs. Marie. Ms. Carla got pissed off; she carefully drew out her three, medieval knives and intentionally threw it to Mrs. Marie.

“That iron spear was the same weapon my husband and I forged together for Mr. Kai Hashimoto. Tell me, where did you get that – Eh?” Mrs. Marie said as she defended herself using her Short sword from Ms. Carla’s knives.

“Shall we end this?” Ms. Carla seriously said as she asked Mrs. Marie.

Back at the JT’s Diner…

Ms. Janice was serving the other customers as Theo went inside their Diner.

“Mother! Please help them! Ow-Ouch.” Theo said as he slammed the door and fell on the floor.

“Theo!? Theo, are you alright? Look at your clothes. What happened?” Ms. Janice exclaimed as she suddenly dropped the wine bottle and approached Theo.

Two hours later…

Mr. Sai and Mrs. Mai are on their way to visit Akimura Family in their house; they knocked on the door but no one answered. So, they went to their backyard and saw four dead bodies lying down on the ground.

Mrs. Mai went out of the backyard to ask for help but a ‘Fireiyan’ suddenly approached her asking also for her help. They went inside the abandoned house and saw another three dead bodies, lying down on the floor.


Thank you for waiting. Here’s chapter XII and enjoy reading. Will update next week so stay tuned. – Cheche-chan.