
Chapter VI.



Previously on: ‘Tale of the Demon Hero’: Hikaru and the others successfully rescued the ‘Iytherian Reps’ from the evil ‘Yellow Queen’, Queen Faeya. Queen Faeya and her ‘yellow faeries & elves’ abandoned the ‘Garden’ leaving King Philip to guard it for the night.

Still in ‘Iytheria’

That night,

Back in the ‘Mystic Garden’…

King Philip soundly fell asleep on the ground while on his duty that night.

“Hey, your highness. Please wake up.” Guard Elf #1 said as he gently poked King Philip’s face.

“Your highness, please wake up or Queen Faeya will get mad to us.” Guard Elf #2 said as he gently pats King Philip’s right shoulder hoping that he would wake up but it is useless.

“Your highness! I’m back! And look…Uh?” Guard Elf #3 said as he went back to their main guard post and being followed by three ‘Iytherian’ children.

“’Iytherians’’? How did you? Where did you came from?” Guard Elf #1 said as he raised his wooden spear and asked the three children.

“Highness? ‘Back’?! I am awake! I am not, absolutely NOT sleeping, my dear! Uh? What is happening?” King Philip said as he suddenly woke up and yawned.

“Uh? Good Evening, your highness. I was doing my doing my rounds on the outskirts of the forest when I saw these children hiding behind a tree. I immediately arrested them and brought them here.” Guard Elf #3 said as he gently pushed the three children to walk forward.

“They are the last survivors from the ordeal earlier. Her highness specifically asked me to spare these three children.” Elfie said as he arrives back at the ‘Garden’.

“Welcome back, Elfie! Is that so? Bless my merciful Queen. Then, as your King I will also do the same.” King Philip said as he stood up and dusted off his trousers.

“Please wait, your highness. Are you sure about that? I mean what if they go back and tell the other ‘Iytherians’ our secret location?” Guard Elf #2 said as he asked King Philip who crossed his arms.

“Hm? I highly doubt that. They are just scared children. Now, Elfie…No! I will personally escort them out of the ‘Garden’. Elfie and all of you, please stay in here. I will be right back.” King Philip said as he walks toward the three children and grabbed one of the children’s right hand and began walking away.

“Your highness! I should at least accompany your.” Elfie said as King Philip waved back.

King Philip and the three children went out of the ‘Garden’. After an hour, they arrived outside the Iytheria’s Central Airport which is connected to the outskirts of the forest.

Outside the Iytheria’s Central Airport…

“Here we are. I am sorry but this is the farthest that I can go.” King Philip said as he looked at the three children.

The three children were just staring back at him.

“Uh? You have big hands.” The youngest, male child said as he suddenly grabbed King Philip’s left hand.

“Uh? Thanks? Anyway, I must leave. Goodbye.” King Philip said as they stopped behind the big, oak tree.

“Who are you? Why do you have pointed ears?” The second male child said as he got curious and touched King Philip’s right, pointed ear.

“Ow-Ouch! Stop it. You see, I was once like you, the ‘normal’ kind. But this, this ‘Cursed Mark’ changed me.” King Philip said as he rolled up his sleeves and showed his heart-shaped, tattoo-like ‘Cursed Mark’ to the three children.

“Where did you get that drawing?” The second male child said as he got curious and asked King Philip.

“Well, that is a long story. I really need to leave because ‘Faery Hunt’ will start soon.” King Philip said as he smiled and tousled his short hair.

‘Faery Hunting’ – is a game where 100 poor/low-working class ‘Iytherians’ go inside the ‘Mystic Garden’ to hunt ‘Yellow Faeries and Elves’. An ‘Iytherian’ must bring back three pairs of wing from the ‘Yellow Faeries’ or a pair of eyes from a ‘Yellow Elf.’ In ‘Iytheria’, these wings/eyes are rumored being used as a medicine and miraculously heal sick and wounded patients. The participants are given 24 hours to hunt or else do not come back at all.

“You have drawings on your right shoulder blade. Cool!” The youngest, male child said as he looked at King Philip’s ‘Cursed Mark’.

“Yes! These are drawings. Anyway, I must leave. Goodbye.” King Philip said as he walked away from the three children and went back into the forest.

“Old man, thank you! Goodbye.” The eldest, female child said as she yells out to King Philip.

“Your welcome. Wait, what?! ‘Old man’?” King Philip said as he suddenly stopped from walking and turned around.

The three children giggled and then ran away. They sneaked inside the ‘Central Airport’ and fell asleep inside the Aerostats’ garage.

12 Midnight

Back in the ‘Garden’…

“I am back. Uh? Where is everyone?” King Philip said as he arrived back at the ‘Garden’ and wondered where Elfie and the Guard Elves went.

“There you are! What are you doing in here all alone?” The male ‘Iytherian’ farmer said as he saw King Philip standing along inside the ‘Garden’

“That’s my question. What are YOU doing in our ‘Garden’?” King Philip said as he turned around and asked the farmer.

“Who are you? Wait! You are ‘King of Elves’! Jackpot! Your eyes are worth 30 million bronze coins.” The male ‘Iytherian’ farmer said as he attacked King Philip using his pitchfork but…

King Philip simply evaded his attacked, seized the pitchfork away from the farmer and throw it away. The terrified farmer ran away from him.

“Hey! Where are you going? I am not done hunting.” King Philip said as he magically morphed into a huge, grizzly bear-like creature and chased the horrified farmer out of the ‘Garden’.

On the last year’s hunt, half of the participants were found dead the next day.

The Next Day

Early in the morning

Inside the Iytheria’s Central Airport…

The 12 ‘Imperial Soldiers’, the ‘Iytherian Reps’ and Hiiro went early to the ‘Central Airport’ to prepare their Aerostat and go back to the ‘Main Island’ before sunrise.

“Your highness! Your highnesses! Please look.” The Imperial Captain said as he called out the ‘Iytherian Reps.’

“Yes, soldier. What is it-? Are those?” Mr. Geno said as he saw the same three children hiding behind the Imperial Captain.

“Oh my! Children?! What are you doing in here?” Mrs. Saki said as she approached these children. Two of the children immediately ran towards her and tightly hugged her while the last one ran towards Ms. Annie and also hugged her.

“There, there. Do not be afraid. You are now safe.” Ms. Annie said as she assures the three children.

“Aw! That is so cute. I wish that I am the father of these children.” Mr. Geno jokingly said as Mrs. Saki looked away from him and then blushed.

“Now is not the time for that Dear. We must immediately return them to their REAL parents.” Ms. Annie said as Mr. Geno nodded.

“Ah yes! Soldier, bring these adorable children to the orphanage and ask the headmaster to find information about their parents.” Mr. Geno said as he playfully pinched the female, eldest child’s left cheek.

“As you wish your highness. Come with me.” The Imperial Captain said as he gently pulled each children out of Mrs. Saki and Ms. Annie’s arms.

“Stop! Before you leave, Can I ask you a question?” Hiiro said as he arrived, kneels down and asks the youngest, male child.

“Yes, your highness. What is it?” The youngest, male child said as he looked at Hiiro’s dreamy eyes.

“Who brought you in here? Or did someone bring you back in the ‘Village’?” Hiiro said as he asked youngest,

male child who immediately nodded his head.

“An old man just like you but with pointy ears and big hands helped us to get back in here last night.” The youngest, male child said as he innocently looked at Hiiro who flinched.

“O-old man? Just like me? Alright. Thank you. You may now leave.” Hiiro said as he commanded the Imperial

Captain and the three children.

The Imperial Captain and the three children went out of the tarmac. A carriage was waiting for them outside the airport and brought them to an orphanage as Mr. Geno commanded.

“Goodbye, my adorable children. Ow! Why did you do that?” Mr. Geno said after Mrs. Saki pinched his cheeks.

“We do not have time for that. Let’s go!” Mrs. Saki said as she blushed furiously and dragged Ms. Annie away from Mr. Geno and Hiiro.

“Please wait, your highnesses. Your wife is right, your highness. We really need to go.” Hiiro said as he sighed.

“I’ve heard that Harue has her own ‘Candidate’ for the ‘Presentation’. That’s good news.” Mr. Geno said as he crossed his arms.

“Yes, your highness. I wonder who would that be.” Hiiro said as he looked up in the sky and watch the sun rise.

“‘Wonder?’ No doubt that she will choose me, again! Hahaha! Just like what she did in the first place.” Mr. Geno proudly said as he laughs making Hiiro irritated.

“We are not sure about that, your highness. Anyone can have the chance to be her ‘Candidate’.” Hiiro said as he smirked and walked away.

“Oh my! Someone is being desperate to convince his little sister but hahaha I highly doubt that she will choose you. I am far more experienced and skilled than you. By the way, what is Ms. Lilia’s response to our offer?” Mr. Geno said as he asked Hiiro who got pissed off.

“Ah! About that – Eh?” Hiiro said as he and Mr. Geno saw the aerostat starting to take off the tarmac.

“Your highnesses! Hurry! We are about to leave. Please get on the aerostat.” Mrs. Co-Pilot yelled out.

Mr. Geno and Hiiro both immediately run away and jump on to the aerostat before it actually ascends off the ground.

In ‘Iytheria’s Sub-train station’

Platform #1

Waiting Area…

Eito and Hikaru were sitting on the bench, waiting for the train passing through the second ‘Alternate Rail Route’.

“Uh? My head hurts. Hey, thank you for walking me to the sub-train station.” Hikaru said as he yawned and stretched out his long arms.

“Your welcome. Your breath still stinks. Did you brush your teeth before leaving the mansion?” Eito said as he was sitting beside him, covered his nose with his handkerchief and looked away from Hikaru.

“Uh? Yes. But I used that blue toothbrush instead of the other white ones or I should have used the white instead?” Hikaru said as he stretched out both his legs and asked Eito.

“Ah that white ones…Wait! That’s mine! That’s disgusting!” Eito said as he suddenly yelled out and throw his handkerchief on Hikaru’s face.

“I said I’ve used the blue toothbrush and ABSOLUTELY not the white ones. You are not listening to me.” Hikaru said as he got annoyed and threw back the handkerchief to Eito.

“I apologize. My head also hurts after a certain someone pushed me off my own bed this morning.” Eito said as Hikaru blushed and crossed his arms.

“I’m sorry! There! That’s the 10th time I said it this morning. Happy?” Hikaru said making Eito chuckle.

“Alright. Please calm down and can you do me a favor?” Eito said as Hikaru looked at him wondering.

“Of course! What is it?” Hikaru said as he asked and then Eito took something out of his pocket.

“Please give this letter to Ms. Rai.” Eito seriously said as he hands over a short, white envelope sealed with a red, flower-like wax to Hikaru.

“Oh my, is that a love letter? For me?! Uh? I’m sorry but I already in love with someone else.” Hikaru said as he refused to receive the letter and apologized.

“Huh? For YOU? Are you mad?! Well, technically this is for you but this letter is not INTENTED for you.” Eito said as he blushed and shoved the white envelope to Hikaru’s right shoulder.

“I know! I know! I was joking earlier. ‘To: Ms. Rai’? Really?! ‘Ms.’? We grew up together and I knew that she is not even lady-like at all. Hahaha!” Hikaru said as he turned over the white envelope and read the note.

“Eh? Is that so? That sounds nice. I too, wish that we both grew up together.” Eito sarcastically said and then stretched out his arms.

“Eh? Is that so? Honestly, after being the sole witness of all the hardships she had been through, So, I wished that I am a ‘Hero’, a ‘Hero’ that can protect her but I am not.” Hikaru said as he stood up and put the white envelope inside his jacket’s lower, right pocket.

The first, morning passenger train going to ‘Fireiya’ has arrived at Platform#1. The passengers went in and out of the train in an orderly fashion but there are naughty children playing around in the Waiting area.

“Well, you just did become one. Congratulations. And I almost forgot, may the best man win.” Eito said as he stood up and pat Hikaru’s right shoulder.

“Hey! What does that mean? Rai and I are only best friends. She is not the person I am referring to earlier. That’s it!” Hikaru said he denies and crossed his arms.

“Your blushing face says it all. Then, if that’s the case, I have to cross out your name on my rivals’ list.” Eito said as he smirked, annoying Hikaru.

“Rivals’ what? And are you not being too desperate? Asking me, your ‘rival’ to give this letter to Rai.” Hikaru said as he yelled out, disturbing the other passengers in the Waiting Area.

“I am not – Ha! Probably but it is better than to do nothing right? Anyway, be a good messenger and give that to her.” Eito said as he smirked making Hikaru irritated.

“There you are, young Master.” Eito’s butler said as he finally found Eito in the Platform#1.

“Eito Yoshiyuki of the ‘Upper Knights’, I, Hikaru Hashimoto, the future ‘Imperial Hero’ accepts your challenge.” Hikaru said as he officially accepts Eito’s challenge.

“Future ‘Imperial Hero’ huh? You are way too ambitious, Mr. Naïve Hero.” Eito said as his butler arrives beside him, carrying along his Longsword.

“Sir, the train is about to leave. Please get inside.” Mr. Train Conductor said as he got annoyed to Hikaru and gently pushed him to get inside the last, train wagon.

“Hey…Please wait. Hey! Alright! Alright! I’m going in.” Hikaru said as Mr. Train Conductor said as he managed to push Hikaru in the train wagon.

“How foolish! He just accepted an ‘official challenge’ from you, young Master. He may be the rumored new ‘Hero’ of the Kingdom but, he does not have the skills and wits just like you.” Eito’s butler said as he gives Eito his Longsword.

“Yes, you are right. Let’s go!” Eito said as he and his butler walked away and went out of Platform #1.

Meanwhile in the ‘Main Island’

In the I.C.H.Q.

Inside Harue’s room…

“Your highness! Your highness! Please wake up.” Harue’s maid said as she tried to wake up Harue but it was useless.

“Uh? Chocolates…Cookies…” Harue said as he uttered while sleep-talking and rolled over on the right side of the carpeted floor.

“Your highness! Your highness, please wake up. The Rescue team – I mean Sir Hiiro, Sir Hikaru along with Sir Eito – Eh?” Harue’s maid as Harue suddenly woke up after hearing the name ‘Eito’.

“Eito! Eito is here?! I mean – Ahem! I am awake. Good morning.” Harue said as stood up and stretched out her arms.

“Good morning, your highness. The Rescue Team will be arriving back in the I.C.H.Q. today. The Second ‘Imperial Council’ requested you to attend in the welcome ceremony.” Harue’s maid said as Harue crawled back to her bed.

“No! I am not coming. Thank you.” Harue said as she buried her face on to her pillows.

“But your highness? Uh? Let’s make a deal.” Harue’s maid as she tried to convince Harue who suddenly remembered her own deal with Hiiro and Yuki.

“Alright! I understand. I will attend the welcome ceremony. Help me get dressed – Uh? What was your name again?” Harue said as she jumps off her bed and forcefully opened her three, wooden wardrobes.

“My name is – Uh? Mere servants like us do not own a name, your highness.” Harue’s maid said as she started fixing up the bed and her stuffed bears scattered on the floor.

“Then, from now on, you are ‘Emi’. ‘Emi’, please help me get dressed.” Harue said as he commanded her maid A.K.A. ‘Emi#2’.

“As you wish, your highness. Ah, her highness left her ‘book’ opened’.” ‘Emi#2’ said as she picked up the opened ‘book’ off the floor but suddenly the ‘book’ magically closed itself.

The ‘Book of Prophecies’ fell on the floor, leaving Emi#2’s left hand wounded.

“Uh? Are you alright? Your left hand!” Harue said as she immediately grabbed Emi#2’s left hand.

Harue tore off the right sleeve of her sleeping dress and used it to cover Emi#2’s wounded hand.

“Honestly, what kind of storybook is this?” Emi#2 said as she endures the pain in her left hand.

“Wait here. I will pick it up myself.” Harue said as she thought of an idea.

Using her left hand, Harue picked the ‘book’ up and waited the ‘book’ to react but nothing happened.

“Huh? Nothing happened? Wait! I’ve read an interesting article last night.” Harue said as she casually opened the ‘book’, trying to find page 17.

“Your highness, what are you reading?” Emi#2 said as she peaked on while Harue tries to read the articles written in page 17.

“Here! I found it. It says, ‘EhT ‘Key’ si eht ylno nailatnemela denitsed ot open and read eht ‘Book Fo seicehporp leading eht ‘Master’ ni finding eht ‘Gate Keeper’ dna eht ‘Catalyst’ ot eht ‘Rusty Gate’. - What kind of language of this?!” Harue said as got angry and stops reading the ‘article’ on page 17.

“Uh? I was also wondering what you just said and reading from a blank page.” Emi#2 said as she wondered.

“Wait, what? That’s odd, you cannot see it. Well, based on this article, there is a ‘Key’ which can ‘open’ and ‘read’ a ‘book’? and ‘lead’ a ‘Master’ to find the ‘Gate Keeper’ and - Uh! I cannot understand anymore!” Harue said as she gave up on reading the ‘article’ and immediately closed the ‘book’.

“Please calm down, your highness. Anyway, I have to get you dressed.” Emi#2 said as she gently pushed Harue going to the changing stall.

“Hey! Stop pushing me. Alright! But before that…” Harue said as she ran away and went to her bed and hide the ‘book’ under her pillows and blanket.

“Harue! It is me, Yuki! Are you done changing?” Yuki said as he arrived outside Harue’s room and knocked on the door.

“No! I am not. Please do not come inside.” Harue said as Emi#2 helped her to get undress.

“That’s sounds suspicious. I am coming in- Eh?” Yuki said as he slightly opened the door to see what Harue is doing but…

“I said no. Get out!” Harue said as she suddenly grabbed her stuffed toys and threw them at Yuki.

That morning

Outside the I.C.H.Q.

In the Front yard…

“Uh? Where is ‘Princess’ Harue? I thought she was attending the welcome ceremony.” Mr. Sai said as he wondered and asked Ms. Akari.

“Yes. Sir Yuki said that she is attending the welcome ceremony. I’ve heard that the ‘Princess’ had a hard time adjusting in her new life inside the I.C.H.Q.” Ms. Akari said as Mr. Sai sighed.

“Hmm? Ah! Dear, are you finish writing your opening speech for the ‘Fireiyan Festival’? Mrs. Mai said as she asked Mr. Sai who flinched and began sulking like a child on the corner.

“Ah-about that? His highness is still not finish writing his welcome ceremony because he helped me in preparing the invitations for the other ‘Council’ members.” Ms. Akari said as he took out eight, white envelopes sealed with an apple-red colored wax and presented it to Mrs. Mai.

“Excellent! I will help you distribute the invitations later.” Mrs. Mai cheerfully said as she ignored her husband and Mr. Sai continues sulking like a child on the corner.

“Early as usual. Good morning, everyone!” Mr. Ryu said as he and Ms. Iysa finally arrived at the front yard.

“Good morning everyone. Eh? What happened to him? Aw! Did someone got scolded by his wife?” Ms. Iysa said as she saw Mr. Sai and teased him.

“Your highness, please stop teasing him.” Mr. Ryu said as he sighed.

“I’ve heard that Hiiro joined in the ‘Rescue Mission’. It is unusual for us not to receive any letters from him.” Mr. Sai said as he stopped sulking and looked at Ms. Iysa.

“Yes. I too wonder what happened. I hope they are alright.” Ms. Iysa said as they saw the ‘Court Marshall’ arrives with the ‘Wathyrian Reps.’ in the front yard.

“Announcing the arrival of the ‘Wathyrian Reps.’” Mr. Court Marshall said as he introduced the ‘Wathyrian Reps’.

“Good morning everyone. We apologize for being so late.” Mr. Jiro said as they all arrived at the front yard and apologized.

“Ms. Akari! How I missed you, my future girlfriend!” Mr. Akito said as he was overjoyed to see Akari and tried to hugged her but Ms. Akari ran to Mr. Sai and hide behind him.

“Good morning everyone. Please calm down Mr. Akito. You are scaring Ms. Akari.” Mrs. Aya said as she pulled Mr. Akito away from Mr. Sai.

“Speaking of arrival, her highness is here.” Mr. Sai said as they all turned around and saw Yuki, Emi#2 and Harue running towards them.

“Announcing the arrival of the ‘Chief-On-Duty’, ‘Princess’ Harue Matsuoka and Sir Yuki Matsuoka.” Mr. Court Marshall said as Yuki, Emi#2 and Harue arrives inside the front yard.

“Welcome back, your highness.” The 8 Representatives said in chorus as they all bow down to welcome Harue.

“Good-morning everyone. It is ni-nice to see all of y-you again.” Harue nervously said as she was standing in front of the 8 notable ‘Village Representatives.’

“Enough with the formalities. Welcome back Harue.” Ms. Akari said making Harue smile.

“Yes! I’m back. Big sister Akari.” Harue said as Mrs. Mai sighed and wondered.

“Your highness, I’ve heard that you finally decided to live in the I.C.H.Q. That’s good news.” Mrs. Mai said as Harue got scared and ran behind Ms. Akari.

“Yes. I wonder what happened. Did someone convinced you to stay with us?” Ms. Iysa said as she asked Harue.

“Let me guess, Hiiro successfully convinced you to go back in the I.C.H.Q. by bribing you. Am I right, Yuki?” Mr. Ryu said as he asked Yuki.

“Ah about that sir – Ow! Why did you do that?” Yuki said as Harue suddenly ran towards him and stepped on his leather boot.

“It has been awhile your highness. We were worried about you.” Mr. Jiro said as Harue ran behind Mr. Ryu and hide behind him.

“Uh? So the rumors were true then.” Mrs. Aya said as she wondered and everyone looked at her.

“Ah! That rumor. We’ve heard rumors that her highness left the I.C.H.Q. to hide her secret pregnancy.” Mr. Akito said as the other ‘Village Reps’ looked at Harue, wondering.

“Uh? First of all, I am not pregnant! Absolutely not. That stupid, exiled ‘Imperial Prince’ just wanted to make fun of me during his final speech in the welcome party.” Harue said as everyone listened to her not-so-convincing explanation.

“Of course! The former ‘Imperial Prince’ was just making fun of you. I’m back.” Hiiro said as everyone did not notice that he and the ‘Iytherian Reps’ were already arrived back at the I.C.H.Q.

“Big brother Hiiro! Welcome back.” Harue cheerfully said as she suddenly ran towards him and hugged him.

“Announcing the arrival of the ‘Iytherian Reps’ and Sir Hiiro.” Mr. Court Marshall nervously said as he introduced the ‘Iytherian Reps’ and Hiiro.

“Big brother! Welcome back.” Yuki said as he ran towards Hiiro.

“Yo! We are back and still alive.” Mr. Geno said as he approached the other ‘Village Representatives.’

“Welcome back, your highnesses.” The eight ‘Village Representatives’, Emi#2, Mr. Court Marshall said in chorus, bow down as they welcome him.

“Good morning everyone. We apologize for not being in touch with you. We had a little problem negotiating with the ‘Yellow Queen’.” Mrs. Saki said as she apologized to everyone.

“No problem. I am glad you are all back in one piece.” Mr. Sai said as he pat Mr. Geno’s right shoulder.

“Yes! Thanks to your ‘Fireiyan’ child. Mr. Hashimoto will be proud of him.” Mr. Geno said as he crossed his arms.

“Hashimoto? Ah, you mean ‘Hikaru’, my younger brother. I wonder what he did.” Ms. Akari said as she wondered.

“Please allow me to explain, Hikaru used his superb communication skills to convince the ‘Yellow Queen’ to release all of the hostages and let us out of the ‘Garden’.” Mrs. Saki said as she explained what happened.

“Although, that is not exactly what happened.” Ms. Annie said as she sighed.

“Speaking of Hikaru, where is he?” Ms. Akari said as she wondered.

“Hikaru already went back to ‘Fireiya’. He took the train from ‘Iytheria’ that will pass to the second ‘Alternate Rail Route’ while I asked Eito stay in the ‘Village’ to supervise the ‘Faery Hunt.” Mrs. Sai said while Harue was listening to her.

“Don’t worry. Eito will be back after the ‘Faery Hunt.’ Ow-Ouch! Why did you do that?” Hiiro said as he tried to tease Harue who blushed and stepped on his right foot.

“Alright! Since everyone is here, let’s go back to the Main Court room and start the morning meeting.” Mr.

Jiro said as he walks away followed by Mr. Court Marshall.

The other ‘Village Representatives’, Harue, Yuki and Emi#2 also followed Mr. Jiro back inside the I.C.H.Q. except for Ms. Akari and Mr. Hiiro.

“I am back.” Hiiro said as Ms. Akari blushed and looked away from him.

“W-welcome back. I am happy you are still alive.” Ms. Akari said, making Hiiro blush and chuckle.

“Uh? Are you free tonight? I found a restaurant with – Eh?” Hiiro shyly said as he asked Ms. Akari who suddenly pushed him away.

“Let’s Go! We have work to do.” Ms. Akari said as she forced Hiiro to walk away.

“Ah yes. We have work to do. But I just got back and I am tired.” Hiiro said as he sighed and suddenly grabbed and kissed Ms. Akari’s right hand.

“Let me go! I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to -…” Ms. Akari said as she suddenly slapped Hiiro’s right hand away from hers.

Ms. Akari immediately ran away from Hiiro and went back inside the I.C.H.Q.

In the I.C.H.Q.

Outside the Main Court Room…

“Announcing the arrival of ‘Princess’ Harue, Sir Yuki and the Second ‘Imperial Council.” Mr. Court Marshall said as the two ‘Imperial Soldiers’ opened the door of the main court room.

Mr. Court Marshall went inside the Court Room, guiding each ‘Village Representatives’ to their respective seats. Both the ‘Fireiyan’ and ‘Wathyrian’ representatives went to the right side of the court room while both of the ‘Aethyrian’ and ‘Iytherian’ representatives went to the left side of the room. Yuki guided and asked Harue to the center chair in between the ‘Village Representatives’.

“’What? The ‘Princess’ is here? She is back?” Maid#1 said as she and the other servants rushed to the main court room to see Harue.

“So, the rumors were true then. I heard that she arrived yesterday and decided to live in the I.C.H.Q.” Imperial Soldier #1 said as he also took a peek inside the Main court room.

“Yes! I’ve also heard her highness has chosen her ‘Candidate’ for the ‘Presentation’. I wonder who is it.” Butler #1 said as he also took a peek inside the Main Court room.

“But I bet her highness will choose Mr. Hashimoto. I mean the Top 1 male student for this years’ Field Training.” Maid #1 said as she crossed her arms.

“Eh? No! I bet her highness will that female archer. I mean the beautiful and graceful Ms. Mayumi.” Imperial Soldier #1 said as he nodded and crossed her arms.

“You are all wrong. I bet her highness will choose Mr. Hiiro, her elder brother. I mean with his amazing skills and leadership he is the most obvious choice to be next ‘Imperial Ruler’.” Butler #1 said as Hiiro arrives behind him and pat his right shoulder.

“Thank you for choosing me. Now, please go back to your own work.” Hiiro said as Butler #1 flinched and turned around.

“As you wish, your highness.” Butler #1, Maid #1 and Imperial Soldier #1 said in chorus and ran away.

“Welcome back, your highness.” Imperial Solder #2 said as he Hiiro stood outside the main court room.

“I’m back. I hope to hear some good news today.” Hiiro said as he yawned and crossed his arms.

Imperial Soldier #2 went closed to him and whispered something on his right ear.

“Eh? Is that so? Thank you.” Hiiro said as he went inside the Main Court room.

Inside the Main Court Room…

“Once again, Good morning everyone. We will now begin the morning meeting. For today’s first agenda, I would like to report about the previous ‘Train Bombing’ last three days ago and we predicted the ‘Common Combination’ Alementalian magic users were behind it.” Mr. Sai said as Ms. Akari stood up and began distributing their reports, written in parchment scrolls to the other ‘Council members’ sitting across their table.

“Training bombing? Oh? That event in the central train station.” Harue said as she whispered to herself.

“Thank you Mr. Sai. For the second agenda, I would like to tell everyone that I’ve received some news about the ‘Alliance’ recruiting new members around the ‘Main Island.’ The report said that the ‘Alliance’ - …” Mr. Jiro said as he continues his report while Mr. Akito stood up and began distributing their reports, written in parchment scrolls to the other ‘Council members’ sitting across their table.

“What does he mean by ‘Alliance’? Is that the name of a new ‘Village?” Harue said as she whispered to herself, trying to understand what the ‘Council’ is discussing about.

“Thank you Mr. Jiro. For the third agenda, I would like to tell everyone that the ‘Yellow Queen’, Queen Faeya is demanding us to return the ‘Book of Prophecies’ to her, immediately.” Mr. Geno said as he reports while Mr. Hiiro stood up and began distributing their reports, written in parchment scrolls to the other ‘Council members’ sitting across their table.

’Book of what? Alliance? What the hell is going on?” Harue said as she whispered to herself, trying to understand, again what the ‘Council’ is discussing about.

“Ah! I almost forgot. For the fourth agenda – Uh?” Mr. Jiro said as he was interrupted by Harue who suddenly stood up and slammed the wooden table.

“Enough! Please stop. I really do not understand what you are talking about-sires.” Harue shyly said as she gave up and scratched her head.

“To summarize it up, there are three major problems currently the Kingdom is facing on. First, is the ‘train bombing’ lead by the ‘Common Combination’ Users, second, is the ‘Alliance’, a rebel group that was rumored to be recruiting new members, third, the ‘Yellow Queen’, Queen Faeya who is suspecting the ‘Council’ has stolen the ‘Book of Prophecies’ and lastly- Uh? Did I only say three?” Mr. Hiiro said as he summarizes the points of the agendas making Harue a lot more confused.

“Ehem! For the fourth agenda, I would like to invite everyone to the upcoming 117th Annual Fireiyan Festival’! Bring your crafting materials and join in our ‘Crafting Contest’. The winner will win 20 million silver coins and two all-you-can travel pass traveling from the ‘Main Island’ to any point of the Kingdom.” Mr. Sai said as he suddenly grabbed the invitations Ms. Akari left on their table, threw them up in the air and promoted their annual festival.

“Five second silence for this idiot.” Ms. Saki said as one of the invitations fell on her head.

“I would like to apologize for that, your highnesses.” Mrs. Mai said as she intentionally stepped on her husband’s right foot.

“Hm? As expected from the ‘Communications Department. Throwing the invitations in the air is good strategy of promoting a festival. Let’s take notes.” Mr. Akito said as he picked up an invitation and took out his notepad.

“Please put that down. We, the ‘Inventory Department’ does not need a lousy strategy like that. Stop taking notes.” Ms. Aya said as she tried to stop Mr. Akito.

“Eh? Anyway, these problems occurred after the exile of the former ‘Imperial Prince’ six months ago. The lack of honest leadership put the entire Kingdom in disarray. They become hopeless and desperate that they formed their own alliances.” Mr. Hiiro said as Harue clenched her right fist.

“Why would they rebel against the Kingdom? Why?” Yuki sadly said as he looked at Harue.

“This is all my fault. Many people died on that bombing because of my incompetence. No! I can still fix this.” Harue said she remembered the aftermath of the train bombing, stood up and sighed.

“Oh my, this is getting interesting.” Mr. Ryu said as everyone looked at her.

“Everyone-Um? Your highness, please listen to me. I-I, Harue Matsuoka, the ‘Chief-On-Duty’ swear that my chosen ‘Candidate’ shall bring back the peace and prosperity this Kingdom lost, even it costs my life.” Harue seriously said as everyone were awed from her sudden speech.

“Then, can you tell us who is your ‘Candidate’?” Mr. Hiiro said as he challenged and asked Harue.

“The ‘Council’ already decided our ‘Candidates’ for the incoming ‘Presentation’. I hope your chosen ‘Candidate’ is on the list so that we can skip the introduction and head straight to the deliberations during the ‘Presentation’ Day. Ms. Court Marshall, please read that scroll.” Mr. Geno said as Mr. Court Marshall said as he unrolls a scroll.

“Here is the ‘Council’s Official list of ‘Candidates’; One, Hikaru Hashimoto of the Hashimoto Family. Two, Kazuki Hamasaki, one of the Hamasaki Twins. Third, Mayumi Yumisaki of the Yumisaki Family and lastly, Eito Yoshiyuki of the Yoshiyuki Family. That’s all.” Mr. Court Marshall said as he rolled back the scroll.

“Yumisaki? I thought that Mayumi’s last name was ‘Yukimura’?” Mr. Akito said as he wondered.

“Mayumi requested to use her late mother’s last name instead of her official family name. Maybe because of that rumor.” Mrs. Saki said as she informed the ‘Council’.

“Rumor? Oh, I remember that one. I’ve heard that her father, the Head of the Yukimura Family banished her from their house and asked her to live with her grandparents.” Ms. Annie said as she remembered the rumors.

“Now, your highness, it is your turn to tell us who is your chosen ‘Candidate’” Mrs. Aya said as everyone looked at Harue who flinched because of nervousness.

“My chosen ‘Candidate’ is – but before I tell you who is it, I have a favor to ask you, I mean all of you.” Harue said as she asked the ‘Council’.

“Alright! What is it?” Mr. Geno said as he got curious and asked Harue.

“Please allow me to help with the preparations for incoming ‘Presentation’. There, I will personally introduce to you my chosen ‘Candidate’.” Harue said as her requested to the ‘Council’.

“Oh my, it is a surprise presentation. I love surprises! Alright! I will assign you to help Ms. Akari in making the hand-written posters and flyers for the incoming ‘Presentation.” Mr. Sai said as Mrs. Mai sighed.

“Extra help? Okay! That will be less work for us. But are you sure that you can do this, your highness?” Ms. Iysa said as she asked Harue who cheerfully nodded.

“Anyone in favor of granting her highness’ request, please raise your right hand.” Mr. Jiro said as the other ‘Village Reps’ raised their right hand.

“Alright! You’re in luck, your highness. Ms. Akari, can you show her around the I.C.H.Q.?” Mr. Jiro said as Ms. Akari nodded.

“Come with me.” Ms. Akari said as she suddenly grabbed Harue’s right hand and dragged her out of the main court room.

“Hey! Big sister? Where are we going?” Harue said as she was immediately taken away out of the court room.

“I-I must follow them. Excuse me.” Yuki said as he and Emi#2 got worried and followed Ms. Akari and Harue out of the room.

The remaining ‘Council’ members resumes to their morning meeting while Mr. Sai silently picks up the scattered invitations off the floor.

In the ‘Communications Department’

Inside Room #117…

“Welcome. Please come in.” Ms. Akari said as she opened the door and went inside Room#117, followed by Harue and Yuki.

“Woah, this room looks like a junkyard rather than an office. There are a lot of crumbled parchment papers everywhere and A LOT of unfinished paperwork piled up over here. Unrolled and rolled scrolls scattered on the floor and what is that smell?” Harue said as he stupidly described the current situation inside the room and covered her nose.

“Harue! Shhh! I-I apologize, your highness. I understand that you are busy with your work that you forgot to clean this room.” Yuki said as he tried to apologize but it didn’t work.

“I would like to apologize for this mess, your highness. Please wait in here while I prepare your tea.” Ms. Akari said as she and Emi#2 both went out of the room.

“You know what, I’m impressed from what you did earlier. I’m proud of you.” Yuki cheerfully said as he tousled Harue’s hair.

“I-Impressed? Please do not touch my hair.” Harue said as she pushed Yuki away from her.

Yuki accidentally stepped on a rolled scroll and tore it into half.

“A scroll? Let’s read what is written inside.” Harue said as she picked up the second half of the scroll and gave the first half to Yuki.

“What have I done? I ruined an official document.” Yuki said as he sobs while looking at the first half of the scroll.

“Uh? Anyway, let’s read it. The scroll says, ‘Prince Shouta Motoumiya’s Last Will.’ Oh, this is from the ‘Exiled Prince’.” Harue said as she read the first lines written in the scroll.

“Please stop reading it. You’re making it worst.” Yuki said as he begged Harue but she didn’t listen.

“Uh? ‘I, Prince Shouta, assigning Harue Matsuoka, MY wife –‘what?! That bastard!” Harue said as he blushed and suddenly tore the paper scroll into pieces.

“W-what are you doing? Stop it Harue! You’re destroying it.” Yuki said as he tried to stop Harue but it was useless.

“W-what are you doing? Stop it Harue! You’re destroying it.” Yuki said as he tried to stop Harue but it was

“We’re back. Uh? What happened in here?” Ms. Akari said as she and Emi#2 went inside the room.

Emi#2 was carrying a silver tray filled with tea and different pastries as their morning snacks.

“Nothing, your highness! Hey, Harue look at those cookies…” Yuki said as he panicked and hide beside Harue.

“Please sit in here your highnesses.” Emi#2 said as she asked Harue and Yuki to sit on the round, Guests’ table.

Ms. Akari grabbed her writing materials while Emi#2 severs their morning snacks.

“Thank you for waiting your highness. Now, while you are eating, let me write your ‘Candidates’ list.” Ms. Akari said as she also sat down on the chair, across Harue on the table.

“Candidates? No! I only have one ‘Candidate’. Oh! This is delicious.” Harue said as she took the raspberry flavored éclair and eat it.

“You only have one ‘Candidate?” T-Then, I will only write one invitation for him.” Ms. Akari said as she took out her writing materials and one parchment paper.

“Actually, it is a woman. Her name is -… Uh?” Harue said as she looked at the strawberry shortcakes served on the table, trying to remember that woman’s name.

“So, her name is? Please give me that strawberry shortcake.” Yuki said as Emi#2 gently served one strawberry shortcake on his plate.

“Ah-no! That’s my strawberry shortcake. Aha! Her name is Rai Akimura, the Cake Thief!” Harue said as finally remembered the name.

“Rai Akimura? Is that Hikaru’s -…Never mind! Then I will make an invitation for Ms. Akimura.” Ms. Akari said as she starts writing the invitation.

“Um? Big sister? Can I ask you a favor?” Harue said as she asked Ms. Akari.

“Favor? What is it, your highness?” Ms. Akari said as she stopped from writing and put down her quill.

“Can you send her this message? ‘My message goes like this: ‘Dear Ms. Akimura, you must come no matter what. Signed by: The Cake Thief.’. Thank you.” Harue said as she asked Ms. Akari.

“That sounds like a death threat rather than an invitation.” Yuki said as he ate the cake.

“Done. Anything else, your highness?” Ms. Akari said as she presented her writing to Harue.

“Wow. That’s fast. Wait? Rai Akimura? Was that the lady who stole your strawberry shortcake during the welcome party?” Yuki said as he looked inside the parchment paper and remembered what happened in the welcome party.

“Yes! Lady? You mean the thief who stole my cake.” Harue said as she gently pulls Yuki’s plate to her side and start eating the cake.

“Hey! That is my cake.” Yuki said as he saw Harue eating his cake.

That afternoon

In the I.C.H.Q

Inside the Advisor’s Room…

“Come in.” Hiiro said as Mr. Geno and Ms. Aya opened the door and went inside the room.

“We’re here. Uh? Where is Ms. Akari?” Ms. Aya said as she wondered why Ms. Akari is not around.

“Welcome. Akari, Harue and Yuki all feel asleep in Room#117. They all looked tired so I didn’t bother to wake them up.” Hiiro said as he stood up from his chair and welcomed the two.

“So, where is it? I mean, the ‘Book of Prophecies’. From what I’ve remembered you said that you have it.” Mr. Geno said as he asked Hiiro.

“I have it in here. Wait?! This is not it! Where is it?” Hiiro said as he grabbed the wrong book, panicked and tried to find the ‘book’ on the top of his desk.

“I knew it! You are lying. The ‘Exiled Prince’ still have it. How disappointing, Hiiro!” Mr. Geno said as he smirked and laugh out.

“So, what about Ms. Lilia? What did she say?” Ms. Aya said as she asked Hiiro.

“Ms. Lilia, again, declined our offer to join in the ‘Alliance’.” Hiiro sadly said as he reported to Ms. Aya.

“Well, Mr. Sai also declined our offer. Then, we proceed to Plan B. Hiiro, I will live this matter to you. Please do not disappoint us again but I bet you will.” Ms. Aya said as she got disappointed and sighed.

“As you wish, your highness.” Hiiro said as he sighed and clenched his left fist.

“You better do this task right Hiiro or else you will stay as my servant forever. Hahaha! Well, that job suits you anyway. The meeting is adjourned.” Mr. Geno said as he taunted Hiiro and laugh out.

“We must get going, your highness. The mini-welcome party will start in one hour and I need to get dressed properly. Please tell Ms. Akari about this Hiiro.” Ms.Aya said as Mr. Geno opened the door and both went out of the room

“Damn it! Damn it! That irritating, small fry! He still underestimates me. Don’t worry! I will show him what I can do. Soon, this Kingdom shall bow down to me.” Hiiro said as he got mad and slammed the table.

Hiiro seized every book and paper and threw them out of his table. He also seized some of his book collections and smashed it on the floor.

“I’m sorry! I overslept - Hiiro?! Please stop!” Ms. Akari said as she opened the door and saw Hiiro destroying his book collection.

Ms. Akari tried to stop Hiiro but Hiiro forcefully shoved her away and accidentally slapped her.

“I said, get off me! Uh! A-Akari?! I-I’m sorry -…” Hiiro said as he turned around and saw Ms. Akari’s swollen right cheek.

“Hiiro, I cannot do this anymore. I am tired. I’m sorry.” Ms. Akari sadly said as she cries in front of Hiiro.

“Wait! Hey, you are joking, right? Please...Please do not leave - …” Hiiro said as he hugged Ms. Akari who gently pushed him away.

Ms. Akari walked away from him and ran out of the room.

“Damn it!” Hiiro said as he got upset and punched the wall with his left hand.

Hiiro got tired and laid down on the floor, surrounded by his destroyed books.

“Your highness? Your highness! Where are you going?” The first ‘Lower Knight’ said as he and his fellow knight saw Ms. Akari running in the Hallway.

"Sir? Are you alright, sir? Your left hand! Call the medical team immediately!” The second ‘Lower Knight’ said as his fellow knight ran away and went to the Infirmary.

Yuki, Harue and Emi#2 were walking in the same Hallway when they saw Ms. Akari passed by, crying.

“Ms. Akari! Where are you going? Uh?” Yuki said as he, Harue and Emi#2 saw Ms. Akari went downstairs.

“I wonder what happened. Big brother?!” Harue said as she saw the medical team went inside the Advisor’s room.

Harue ran away and went inside the Advisor’s room.

“Hey. Uh? What is your name?” Yuki said as he asked Emi#2.

“My name is ‘Emi’, your highness.” Emi#2 said as Yuki turned around, wondering.

“Is that Sir Maki’s little sister? Ah! Never mind. Come with me to the front garden. Help me gather up some flowers.” Yuki said as he commanded Emi#2.

“As you wish, your highness.” Emi said as she followed Yuki downstairs.

One Hour later…

Inside the Advisor’s room

“Big brother. What happened to you?” Harue said as she got worried for her big brother.

“Do not worry, your highness. Sir Hiiro is fine. His left hand will heal in no time but since he is being overworking in these past, few days I suggest that he must rest for a while.” Mr. Head Physician said as he fixed up his first-aid kit.

“Overworking!? Stupid big brother! Why did you not ask for help? Stupid! Stupid!” Harue said as he gently pushed his big brother back and forth in the sofa.

“Harue, please stop. You’re not helping at all. Thank you. You may now leave.” Hiiro said as the medical team went out of the room.

“I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I am so useless. I can’t even take care of myself so how am I supposed to help our Kingdom?” Harue said as she began crying in front of Hiiro.

“No! This is all my fault. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to pressure you. It’s just that – never mind. Grown-up stuff is hard to understand.” Hiiro said as he gets up and from the sofa and tousled Harue’s hair.

“Hey! Idiot brother of mine.” Yuki said as he suddenly slammed the door and went inside the room with Emi#2.

Yuki was carrying a pair of new casual clothes while Emi#2 was carrying a bouquet of freshly picked white lilies.

“Could you at least knock before entering my room?” Hiiro said as he stood up from the sofa and walk towards his desk.

“Big brother Yuki! Where had you been? Oh? White lilies. They are pretty.” Harue said as Emi#2 showed the bouquet to her.

“Here. The mini-welcome party has already started. Without you, the ‘Iytherian Reps’ were probably so you should at least give credit to yourself.” Yuki said as he handed over the clothes to Hiiro.

“Yuki? You’ve grown up as good man. I’m proud of you” Hiiro said as he took the clothes and tousled Yuki’s hair.

“Hey! Stop. Not my hair. It took me two hours fixing it.” Yuki said as he shoved away Hiiro’s right hand.

“Then, what are these lilies for?” Harue said as she asked Yuki.

“You and I will help our stupid brother apologize to Ms. Akari. I need you to convince Ms. Akari to join with us downstairs while I help our big brother in creating his apology speech.” Yuki said as Harue got excited while listening to his plan.

“Wait? Speech? I mean, the party has already started and – Eh?” Hiiro said as he flinched and asked Yuki.

“No! It must be a speech or if you want make it a poem. So, Harue will you join with me in this mission?” Yuki said as Harue rolled up her sleeves.

“Let do this!!!” Harue and Yuki cheerfully said, ignoring Hiiro.

“Hey…Alright! We will do your plan.” Hiiro said as he smiled and gave up.

“Okay! Now, Harue go get changed and wait for us downstairs.” Yuki said as he ordered Harue.

“Understood!” Harue said as she suddenly ran out of the room.

“Your highness! please wait for me. I will help you get dressed.” Emi#2 said as she gently placed the bouquet on the sofa and ran out of the room.

15 minutes later

Outside the Main Hall…

“Big brother Yuki, we’re over here!” Harue said as she and Ms. Akari saw Yuki and Hiiro walking towards them.

Hiiro was carrying the bouquet of white lilies on his right arm.

“One-minute awkward silence for these two. Okay! I’ve heard that the Royal Pastry chef made us her special cakes to celebrate the successful rescue mission and - Eh?!” Yuki said as he got Harue’s attention.

“Special cakes? Where? Let’s go find them desserts’ section.” Harue cheerfully said as she suddenly grabbed Yuki’s right arm and dragged him inside the Main Hall.

Harue slammed the door that got the ‘Council’s’ attention and immediately ran to the Desserts’ Section.

“Your highness! Please do not run while inside the Main Hall.” Ms. Iysa said as she followed Harue and Yuki to the Desserts’ Section.

“One-minute awkward silence for these two. Ow! Why did you do that?” Mr. Sai said after Mrs. Mai stepped on his right foot.

“Shh! Let’s pretend that we are talking while observing them.” Mrs. Mai said as she and the other ‘Village Reps’ pretended that they did not noticed Hiiro and Ms. Akari.

“They are completely observing us. Would you like to go somewhere else?” Hiiro said as he asked Ms. Akari who nodded.

At the other end of the Hallway…

“Here. This is for you – Ow!” Hiiro said as he was trying to give the bouquet using his right arm but it slipped.

Luckily, Ms. Akari grabbed it before it fell down on the floor.

“T-Thank you. About what I said earlier, I didn’t mean to -…” Ms. Akari said as Hiiro gently caressed her right cheek using his injured hand.

“I am sorry. Look what I’ve done to you. I promise that I will not do it again so just please… please do not leave me.” Hiiro sadly said as he cries and apologizes to Ms. Akari.

“Idiot! I am sorry too. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings and I was so tired -... Eh?” Ms. Akari said Hiiro smiles and suddenly hugged her.

“Thank you! Thank you!” Hiiro cheerfully said as Ms. Akari smiled and wiped off his tears.

“About my little brother, Hikaru, is he alright?” Ms. Akari said as she asked Hiiro.

“Ah! Hikaru? I think he is already on his way back to ‘Fireiya’. He took the train passing by the second ‘Alternate Rail Route’ from ‘Iytheria’.” Hiiro said as he informed Ms. Akari.

“Is that so? Then, it will take him two days before he arrives back at the ‘Village’. I hope he is doing alright.” Ms. Akari said as Hiiro chuckles.

“Just kiss her already!” Mr. Akito said as he and the other ‘Council’ members took a peak through the open door.

“Huh?! Why would do that? I only came in here just to apologize and nothing else.” Hiiro said as he turned around and saw everyone ran back inside the Main Hall.

“Eh? So, you don’t want to kiss me at all?” Ms. Akari said as she teased Hiiro.

“Yes-No! I mean I really want to kiss you but – Wait! Are you asking me to kiss you?” Hiiro said as he blushed and wondered, leaving Ms. Akari blushing as well.

“Success!” Harue and Yuki said as they took a peak through the open door and high-fived.


Inside the passenger train wagon…

“Sir! Sir, please wake up.” Mr. Train Conductor said as he tried to wake up Hikaru who is drooling while he fell asleep against the windows.

“Children, get away from him.” Lady #1 said as she gently pulled the two children away from Hikaru.

The two stubborn children did not listen to the lady and continued to poke and tugging Hikaru’s jacket.

“What is this?” The younger, male child said as he took out a white envelope out of Hikaru’s pocket.

“Hey, that is not yours. Put it back inside.” Mr. Train Conductor said as the male child got scared of him and dropped the envelope on the floor.

“Hey! Please do not run while inside the train.” Mr. Train Conductor said as he and Lady#1 also ran away, chasing the two children.

A strange passenger went inside the same train wagon and passed by Hikaru’s seat. The man, wearing an old cloak and a black, top hat accidentally stepped on the envelope and picked it up.

“Uh? What happened? Ah, yes I am still inside the train.” Hikaru said as he woke up and stretched out his arms.

“I believe this is yours.” The man said as he gave the envelope to Hikaru.

“Oh? Yes! That is mine but not literally mine. Thank you. Eh? How did this get out of my pocket?” Hikaru said as the man smiled and walked away.

“Sir! There you are, Sir! I would like to apologize for the delay. This way please.” Mr. Train Conductor said as the man followed him back to the front door and they both went out of that train wagon.

“What a strange man. Anyway, I should get rid of this letter. I mean I am his rival after all.” Hikaru said as he stupidly opened the side window and almost threw the envelope outside but he stopped and decided to put it back on his pocket.

Hikaru got bored looking outside the window, stood up from his couch and went out to visit the other four train wagons.

Inside the fourth train wagon…

“Oh my, it is so noisy in here. How am I supposed to sleep in here?” Hikaru said as he arrives inside the fourth train wagon.

“There he is! The old man with a love letter in his pocket.” The young, male child said as he pointed out Hikaru, making him blush.

Everyone looked at him as he silently walks in the aisle and sat on the vacant couch where the same, two children were seated.

“I am not an old man! Come here, you little brat.” Hikaru cheerfully said as he plays along with the two children.

Hikaru asked the two children to look outside and tell him what are things that they can see. They tried to tickle and poke each other. After 45 minutes of playing, the two children got tired and fell asleep on the couch.

“Thank you very much. Now, we can all take some rest.” Lady#1 said as she whispered at Hikaru.

“Your welcome. I must get back to my wagon. Goodbye- Huh? This smell…Fire! Something’s burning!” Hikaru said as he suddenly ran to the front door and went to the third train wagon.

Inside the third train wagon…

The passengers were terrified on their seats after they saw an unknown creature, crawling on the train’s windows.

“Is everyone alright? What happened in here?” Hikaru said as he asked the man who was sitting near an opened window.

“Something…Something was crawling on the window. I-it was a huge – Uh?” The man said as he tried to describe what he saw…

But that creature suddenly appeared behind the man, seized him and dragged him out through the opened window.

“Hey! Where are you -? Stop!!!” Hikaru said as he tried to stop the creature from getting away but it was already gone.

On the left side of the train wagon, the same creature was crawling on the windows and smashed it. Hikaru immediately grabbed the woman and her child out of the coach and away from the creature. The passengers began panicking and cried out for help.

“Are you alright? Everyone, please listen! Evacuate this train wagon. Run and hide to the other train wagons. Hurry!” Hikaru said as he commanded the passengers who immediately followed his order.

Few minutes later, all of the passengers were safely evacuated to the

“You-are-him.” The creature said as he tried to talk to Hikaru.

“Oh? You can talk. Then, answer me. Who are you?” Hikaru said as he asked the creature, standing in front of him.

“I-am-a? What-are-we?” The creature said as it asked himself and then suddenly jumped out through the broken window.

“Uh? You did not know what – Eh? What the heck? Let me go!” Hikaru said as another mystery creature grabbed him from behind and dragged him out of the train through the broken window.

The mystery creature brought him on the roof of the moving train.

On the roof

Of the third, train wagon

“Hey! I said let me go. Eh?! What is this?” Hikaru said as he forcefully pushed away the mysterious creature away from him.

“Give-back-my-right-arm.” The creature said and using his skeletonized left arm, he reached out for his skeletonized right arm.

“This is a skeletonized arm! Wait! What exactly are you?” Hikaru yelled out as he threw the arm back to the creature.

The creature grabbed its arm and placed it back on it right shoulder.

“I-am-a-‘White Skeleton’. I’m-Terry.” Terry, the leader of ‘White Skeletons’ said as he vaguely introduces

himself to Hikaru.

‘White Skeletons’ White Skeletons are huge and thin walking skeletons, made of white and strong bones. White Skeletons’ favorite weapon is a metal rod. These skeletons do not possess any emotions but they are fond of small animals/creatures.

“The third ‘Living Fiend’ who lives under that bridge.” Hikaru said as he pointed out an old, metal bridge painted in red, 10 kilometers away from their current position.

“I-give-you-warning. Stay-away-from-our-graveyard.” Terry said as his fellow ‘White Skeleton’ appeared behind Hikaru, holding the same man who was taken earlier as their hostage.

“Help! Please help me! I beg of you!” The terrified man said as he begs for Hikaru’s help.

“Please calm down! Don’t worry! I will not let anyone die on my watch.” Hikaru said as he draws out his Short sword and attacked the second ‘White Skeleton’.

The second ‘White Skeleton’ pushed the man to Hikaru and jumped off the train to escape.

“Let’s-make-a-deal. He-is-spared-if-you-find-away-to-stop-this-train.” Terry said as he also jumps off the train and escape.

“Hey! Where are you going? Tch! Damn it!” Hikaru said as he tried to chase Terry but was unable to move since he might lose his footing and instantly fell off the moving train.

“Sir, help me! I am slipping!” The man said as he tried to stand up and accidentally slipped.

Hikaru runs toward him and seized his right hand before he falls onto his certain death. Hikaru carefully pulled him up back to the roof.

“Thank you, sir! Thank you!” The man said as he cried in front of Hikaru.

“Your welcome! Now, carefully crawl off going there and use the stairs to get down from here.” Hikaru said he instructed the man who immediately followed his order.

“Now, how should I stop this train? Aha! The brakes.” Hikaru said he slowly stood up, threw his Short sword away.

‘Within the abilities given to me,

I command thee,


Hikaru said as he uses his ‘Fire-Alementalian’ Magic and created a pair of blue-colored ‘fire wings’ and flew up in the air.

Hikaru flew towards to the first train wagon where the engine can be found but the train was running too fast that he cannot chase it.

“Ah! Finally, there it is!” Hikaru said as he finally found the first train wagon and jumped on its roof before his magic dispels.

Inside the first train wagon…

“Did you hear that?” Mr. Train Conductor said as he heard footsteps outside the train wagon.

“Stop the train!” Hikaru said as he managed to get down from the roof and slammed the door.

“Huh? Sir? What are you doing in here?” Mr. Train Conductor said as Hikaru pushed him away and pulled the brakes himself.

The train slowly stopped before it reached the old, metal bridge


‘Thank you for waiting! Here’s Chapter VI. Enjoy reading and I will try updating weekly.’ – Cheche-chan.