
The meeting

<Name: (Leo)??? Race: ???

Age: ~

Affinity: Chaotic Neutral

Magic: Dark

Skills: -Life steal (S-Rank)

-Death's kiss (S-Rank)

Titles: The End - Otherworlder>

"What's with the screen?" He muttered under his breath.

The question marks next to his name and race only served to confuse him even further.

Did that mean he was no longer human? Thinking about his current body that looked anything but human, caused Leo to take a deep breath in an attempt to calm his nerves.

It was then that it silently disappeared from in front of him, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

"Let's think about this from a different perspective, I died in what I think was my previous life? And now I am to be some sort of black phantom?" He said as he stood up and observed his body once more.

After the pain had subdued, it appeared that his body had undergone some sort of changes. He now stood taller than before.

'It looks like I'm around two meters tall?' He estimated as he glanced at the trees in his surroundings.

The ten-meter dead area that surrounded him had now expanded to more than twice its previous range.

As he looked at the withered forest around him, a strange sense of sadness washed over him for a second before quickly disappearing, leaving him confused.

"What the-?"

Leo suddenly seemed to remember something as he attempted to recall the screen that had previously appeared in front of him.

"Status?" He lightly called out with a mixture of embarrassment. Sure enough, the screen reappeared.

<Name: (Leo)??? Race: ???

Age: ~

Affinity: Chaotic Neutral

Magic: Dark

Skills: -Life steal (S-Rank)

-Death's kiss (S-Rank)

Titles: The End - Otherworlder>

Glancing at his status screen, Leo's eyes stopped over his skills.

"Life steal? Is that what this is?" He muttered as he looked at his dead surroundings once again.

As he focused his attention back on the skill, a stream of knowledge seemed to appear in his mind, knowledge on how to control it.

Leo then closed his eyes, as he imagined an invisible open door inside his body. He could feel the various small strands floating towards that door and strengthening his body.

Leo frowned as he attempted to close it. It felt unnatural at first as if he was forcing shackles onto his body, causing him to feel uncomfortable and restricted.

Yet when the door finally closed, the feelings disappeared as well. Leo then carefully took a small step forward while staring at his surroundings.

The area of death did not expand as he moved, nor did it follow him.

A grin made its way onto his face at that revelation.

"Looks like I can turn it on and off at will. That just leaves the last one." He thought as he looked at his final skill, Death's kiss.

Curious, Leo made his way towards a giant green tree, he then pressed his shadowy palm on its trunk and lightly called out.

"Death's kiss."


A spinning obsidian orb that threatened to swallow everything suddenly manifested on his palm, causing the tree's shape to morph and twist out of reality before finally disappearing completely in an instant, leaving behind a dumbfounded Leon.

He could feel himself growing significantly stronger after swallowing the tree, Leo couldn't quite tell what had changed but he felt himself changing.

Gulping down, he raised his dark palm towards his face before finally deciding to depart from this place, leaving behind an area of death in the middle of the lush green forest.

As Leo took his leave, the ground suddenly started rumbling as the trees shook and extended their vines upwards forming a humanoid shape, before a soft green light emerged leaving behind a gentle-looking green-haired lady.

Her long green hair hanged freely behind her back, resting on her sculpted figure. Her stance demanded respect, but what one noticed immediately about her was the contrast of her warm, gentle eyes to her figure. It was as if those eyes reminded the beholder of a mother's gaze.

"He has arrived. Death will finally descend on the realm."

She softly muttered to herself as her eyes stared in the direction where he had left.

Leo was strolling aimlessly across the eerily quiet forest, it seemed as if all creatures were deliberately avoiding him. He did not mind as he proceeded on his journey, occasionally stopping to admire the otherworldly view.

The multicolored flowers, the strange trees, and the two moons above his head. Leo continued in silence when suddenly a shudder ran through his entire body.

He abruptly turned his head towards his left. Leo did not know what was there, yet something was calling him, his instincts were trying to guide him somewhere.

Leo tried to resist the strong urge for a few seconds as he contemplated over the abruptness of the situation, before finally deciding to proceed with caution. He had nothing else to do, nowhere to go, might as well see where this would lead him.

And so he followed the strange pull. The trees seemed to thin out as he continued walking closer towards his destination. It did not take long before he stumbled across a river.

The strange pull he felt was still further in front, and so he resumed his walk by its bank. Raising his head, the sun was slowly setting down dying the entire sky a mesmerizing orange tint.

It was then that something unexpected appeared in front of his eyes. The river seemed to flow into a large lake. There on its shore was a small busy village.

This would have not been anything surprising, if not for the people. Leo could clearly see, even from a distance a small yellow flame burning brightly inside every person.

He did not know why, but something whispered to him that what he was looking at was their life force. Leo did not know why he was able to see such a thing and so he remained rooted in place not daring to take another step forward.

'Why is it calling me?' He thought to himself.

Leo could feel that the strong pull that guided him to this place was the flames burning inside the villagers, yet he resisted.

He could not make any rash moves while still not fully understanding his situation.

And so he decided to watch first. Watch and learn more about the inhabitants of this new world he found himself stranded in.