
Tales of Sun and Stars

War breeds hatred. Hatred breeds vengeance. Vengeance breeds bloodshed. Having watched his entire village fall victim to the dastardly nature of war, he steps onto the battlefield seeking vengeance. With a single swing, he cleaves the Heavens and sunders the earth. After a century of meaningless conflict, he stands victorious on the final battlefield, one step from completing his revenge. Standing atop the mountain of corpses, he suddenly realizes that his path of vengeance will not end with the death of his enemies. After having stained his hands with the blood of millions, he realizes that he is just as guilty as everyone else. Giving up on his vengeance, his heart became light. Letting go of his hatred, his soul became free. Setting an example for his fellow men, he hopes that they can do right what their ancestors did wrong. As he descends into exile to atone for his sins, he hopes that they can build a future where their descendants would be free from that wretched cycle. He wakes from exile a millennia later, opening his eyes to an era of peace and prosperity. With new friends and family by his side, he promises to do anything for the sake of their smiles. In the pursuit of keeping that promise, he comes to realize that adulthood is a lot more difficult than he had imagined… And that the new world is not as peaceful as it seems.

BunsAreTasty_ · Huyền huyễn
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50 Chs

Chapter 34 - Guiding the Next

"In the early years following the end of the Crimson Era, before the Grand Government established New Hope City as the capital of the grand continent, the founding members discussed day and night to lay out a restoration plan. Representatives from royal families and martial arts sect of the grand continent gathered upon the Holy Land, arguing about the best path towards peace and unity.

Their discussions eventually turned towards the future of the Holy Land. Some representatives stood behind the plan to develop the Holy Land into the new capital of the grand continent. This idea had merits, but ultimately faced heavy pushback due to the unrealistic logistics of developing an essentially barren warzone. A majority of the representatives thought it would be best to turn the Holy Land into a memorial. Although some people disagreed, believing that the grand continent needs hope for the future more than it needs a reminder of the past, the memorial proposition still garnered the most support.

The matter would've been decided by a majority vote, but the steadfast resistance from two representatives caused the matter to drag on. Of the representatives present, the Emperor of Chu and the Emperor of Zhou both staunchly rejected the idea of a memorial. As surviving members of the last battlefield, these two were heavily influenced by the Heavenly Demon's final words.

They set aside their hundred years of animosity, joining hands to support the idea of a new capital. They joined hands to do what they had interpreted as the final wish of the Heavenly Demon. They joined hands to stress the importance of hopes and dreams."

Sun smiles as he listens to Yuyu's history lesson.

"Oh, Yuyu forgot to read the quote. Hehe." The little girl giggles as she turns the page back.

"'My grandfather died upon this Holy Land. My father died upon this Holy Land. My uncle died upon this Holy Land. My people died upon this Holy Land. They did not give their lives in hopes that I would remember them for their sacrifices. Your ancestors did not die in hopes that you would mourn for them. Our ancestors died with the hopes that we, their descendants, can do right what they did wrong. They gave their lives in hopes that we, their successors, can protect the hopes and dreams of our descendants. My people, your people, our people need hope. Now, more than ever, they need a beacon to guide them into the new world. Now, more than ever, they need a hand to lift them out of the despair of yesterday. Now, more than ever, they need to know that they can enjoy the fruits of their labor and the pursuit of their dreams.'

-Chu Huangdi, The Sword of Peace, 3 PE"

Sun chuckles as he listens to Yuyu recite the quote.

My friends, you've credited me too much for your accomplishments.

He turns his head to gaze out at the world beyond the carriage window.

It's not perfect, but it's still beautiful.

"So the nobody can read. How admirable." Wei sarcastically remarks. "Where did the nobody get that book anyways?"

"Wei!" Xi turns towards the boy at the other corner of the carriage. "Her name is Yuyu."

Wei scoffs at her before turning to look out the window. His brows scrunch as he laments the fact that he was assigned to this carriage. At first, he wasn't as upset about traveling with a bunch of nobodies, at least one of his friends was there. However, over the course of their trip, he realizes that Xi had betrayed their friendship.

"Grandpa Liu gave it to Yuyu." Yuyu, having grown emboldened by Xi, replies without a hint of fear.

"Great. The nobody got it from another nobody."

"If you think Grandpa Liu is a nobody, then you're more ignorant than I give you credit for." Dan retorts.

"You-" Wei opens his mouth, but chooses to choke down his words upon noticing the atmosphere in the carriage.

All six other students, including Yuyu, Xi, and Dan, are giving him a look. The kind of look that Wei is used to giving others, but had never experienced directed at him. He trembles in anger as he curls his fingers into his palms.

"Yuyu, could you read more?" A handsome young boy with short hair asks. "My sect has quite a large collection of books, but I don't think we have this one."

"That's because your sect is a second rate sect." Wei takes the opportunity to take his anger out at the short-haired boy.

"Yuyu, does your book mention anything about the Blossom Mountain Sect in Qin?" The short-haired boy, ignoring Wei's remarks, continues talking to the little girl. "Our library doesn't have any books mentioning their involvement in rebuilding the grand continent."

Yuyu flips through her book, scanning for any mentions of the Blossom Mountain Sect. She flips through the pages with one hand while using the other hand to guide her eyes across the pages.

"Oooh! Blossom Mountain Sect!" Yuyu exclaims as her scanning hand pauses near the top of a page. "Blossom Mountain Sect had suffered some of the greatest losses during the Crimson Era. After being forced out of the Blossom Mountains in 91 CE, the surviving members of the sect kept a low profile. In 1 PE, they returned to the Blossom Mountains and closed their doors to the outside world, focusing their efforts on rebuilding their wartorn home…"

The short-haired boy listens attentively as Yuyu reads through the excerpt about his sect. Upon finishing, the other two students jump in to ask about their family and sect. Yuyu repeats the process, scanning for mentions of their family and sect before reading the excerpt for everyone to hear. Just like the short-haired boy, the other two students listen attentively, hoping to learn more about their proud lineage.

"What about Zhou?" Wei, staring out the window, mutters under his breath.

"What about what?" Dan asks.

Wei bites his lip as he turns to glare at the boy he considers a nobody. His body trembles lightly as he tries to kill his curiosity. After a short moment of silence, he scoffs before turning back to the window. The anger in his eyes disappears as he gazes blankly at the scenery.

I'm sure they did great things too…

"Emperor Zhou Tongba, was born in 82 CE. Although his father bestowed him with a name befitting of a conqueror, he ultimately chose to pursue peace. During the restoration efforts between 0 PE and 54 PE, Zhou Tongba involved himself in rebuilding the nation of Zhou. Having successfully pushed for the creation of New Hope City alongside the Emperor of Chu, he spared no expenses to help develop the new capital. The Memorial of Lake Unity is amongst one of his many contributions during this period of restoration…"

The young Zhou boy's expression softens as he listens to the little girl. Momentarily stepping off of his sky-high pedestal, Wei smiles upon hearing the list of great accomplishments from his ancestors. He flinches upon hearing about his ancestor Zhou Tongba's father and grandfather. His smile fades upon learning about their role as instigators of the Crimson Era. He trembles as he learns of their blood fueled ambitions and the consequences of those ambitions. His nails dig deep into his palm as he realizes how similar he is to them.

Sun glances at the troubled Wei before turning back to look at the passing scenery. He smiles as he reminisces the first time he crossed blades with Zhou Tongba.

My friend, it seems your descendants are in need of your guidance.