
Tales of Son of the Lucifer

So what if Sirzech and Grayfia had two sons, Marid and Millicas Gremory?What if their eldest son Marid was the same age as Rias, and what if instead of having five strongest youth devils were the face of the next generation of devils they had the 'BIG EIGHT'Join along the story of Marid Gremory and how he overcomes the boundary and restraints of Devil Nobility to fulfill his dream!

DaoistniOFgV · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Mayhem at the Meeting

Lucifer Manor, Lilith

Soon mother son duo entered the kitchen, "One would imagine you would be lying on the bed recovering from the beatdown your friends gave you," Grayfia said, clearly amused.

"And you would be right if you were talking about anyone else, but I am not like anyone else Ma" Marid smiled back at her before grabbing a few pots and pans.

"No, you are not" Grayfia smiled fondly at her son.

"What are we cooking?" she asked curiously after seeing the number of pots and pans he had on the stove.

"Oh, nothing special, just a Quiche Lorraine with a bowl of French chowder," Marid replied nonchalantly.

For Grayfia, the motions of cooking came second nature to her, so she spent much of her time watching her son. "You seem quite comfortable in a kitchen Marid" she couldn't help but remark, wondering if her son had eaten well during his time away from her. "Do you prepare a lot of meals?"

"I mostly cook for myself; I learned how to cook soon after I left the underworld," Marid replied absently as he continued to prepare his pastry.

"Oh?" Grayfia asked, probing for more answers about her son's time away.

"My mentor in Alchemy, Gargamel, often made me cook after I complained that his skills were subpar. He would often yell at me, saying that my taste in food surpassed my own culinary skills, so I made an effort to improve, only to shut him up."

"Did your mentor yell at you a lot?" Grayfia worriedly asked, concerned about her son's upbringing.

"Well, he was practically deaf, so yes," Marid replied in amusement.

"Wait, did you say you were being mentored to become an alchemist?" Grayfia suddenly realized what her son had said beforehand.

"I mean, I did say I left the underworld to get stronger and to figure out what I wanted in life" Marid gave her a duh look after that.

"So, your mentor Gargamel raised you?" Grayfia starting to understand more of her son's past and his hobbies.

"I had many mentors over my lifetime. I like to learn and gain more knowledge. There have been times when I learned something that essentially seemed pointless at the time, but it ended up saving my life later on" Marid shrugged much to his mother's alarm.

However, before Grayfia could respond to her sons casuals reference to his life and death situation that he found himself in, Marid interrupted her, "Well looks like the dinner should be done in the next few minutes, Ma why don't you go and bring Dad and Millicas" Marid asked her mother to which she nodded and left the kitchen to bring her husband and youngest son, silently vowing to find more about Marids time away and especially more about his dangerous encounters he found himself in. People who placed her son's life in danger would pay in blood.

Dinner table

"So glad you were able to complete your paperwork before dinner Dad" Marid teased his father. Sirzech could only sigh in return.

"Things I wouldn't do to ensure that paperwork just goes away" Sirzech gave a tired sigh. Between Marid's return, meetings with the other Satan, and preparations for the Pillar meeting, it indeed had been a trying day for Satan Lucifer.

"Like father like son," Grayfia teased the father-son duo for their incapability to deal with paperwork.

"Well, I certainly hope Millicas gets your hardworking genes; otherwise, we won't get anything done" Sirzech smiled back at his wife. Marid could only cringe internally at the affection his parents were showing to each other. While Marid loved that his parents loved each other, it was genuinely nauseating for him to witness it firsthand. To the public, they were professionals, Lord Satan Lucifer and his queen, but in private, they were as close to each other as possible. After all, they had gone through a whole war together.

Before anyone could reply, a magic circle appeared on the floor, signaling an arrival.

"Ah Souji, look who has returned," Sirzech asked his only knight excitedly.

"Hey Souji how are you doing?" Marid waved at his old instructor before cringing in pain. While Marid was a powerful Devil, his healing abilities hadn't developed to their fullest yet. Hence, why he still felt sore from the injuries he had sustained earlier in the day.

"So the rumors were true; Lord Marid truly has returned" Souji eyed Marid up once he paid respects to Sirzech and his queen.

"Yup, I am back, in one piece," Marid replied with a grin.

"You look good, considering. Mom and Dad been too hard on you?" Souji commented on visible bruises on his former protégé's body.

"No, this is a gift from Sairaorg and Seekvaira. For not being a good friend," Marid said as he iced his eyes again.

"If you forgive my rudeness Lord Marid, but this isn't something you didn't deserve," the knight spoke politely yet firmly.

The knight's reply caught him off guard, as he started to wonder if he would get another beating, but this time by his father's knight, who was the strongest knight and part of the strongest team in the underworld, made him go pale. "You are not upset, are you" Marid swallowed painfully, wondering if a new beating was on the cards.

To Marids surprise, the ever-stoic and formal knight in front of him burst out laughing. "And why would you be upset with you, Lord Marid? I trained you not only to be a good fighter but also to become proficient in hiding and evading magical detection. While originally, I was upset about your little prank that you played on me, which had landed me in the gutters of Mumbai, it still was a well executed move that I fell for. Not only that, you managed to evade my senses as well. Embarrassment aside, as your former teacher, I couldn't have been more proud of you," Souji proudly said as he congratulated his former student.

"Thanks?" Marid was still shocked as he hadn't received a compliment from his father's knight.

"Your welcome, Lord Marid," Souji said calmly as he gave his King's eldest son a courteous bow.

"Is Millicas with you??" Sirzech asked excitedly. He was looking forward to seeing Millicas reaction to his older brother and his little family reuniting again.

"Yes, My Lord," Souji replied, turning around to create a teleportation circle.

"Souji-sensei, where have you been? I have been waiting for you, fooo," words died in Millicas mouth as he saw his older brother sitting at the dining table with their parents.

"Hey, Millicas, how are you?" Marid gave his baby brother a comforting smile as he walked over to him,

"Brother??" Millicas asked shakily, still in disbelief that his older brother was back in the underworld. Like others, he had heard many rumors regarding Marid, like how he had been killed in an attack by Heaven, or how he was working together with Fallen Angels against the Devil nation. But to see his brother live in the flesh was truly had been shocking to say the least.

"Yes Millicas it is me, I must say you have grown bigger since the last time I saw you. I hope you haven't dropped on your studies and training" Marid said easily as he bent down to Millicas height.

"Brother!!" Millicas cried out as he gave his brother a hug, a hug Marid was to happy to return.

"Well I am back aint leaving any time soon, Millicas" Marid smiled as he hugged back his little brother, whom he had missed on his trip away. Others could only witness this heartfelt reunion between brothers with a smile on their faces.

Student Council Clubroom, Kuoh

It was late in the afternoon; school was over, and the rest of the remaining student council members/ Devils were out on contracts. The Student council room was only occupied by the Council president, Sona Sitri, who was trying to complete her homework. Still, her mind was too distracted by the events that transpired earlier that day.

'thump thump' The knock on her door distracted her yet again. Once confirmed, nothing out in the open could reveal the existence of the supernatural world to a potential human that could walk through those doors.

"Come in" Sona permitted the individual to enter her Council office. To her surprise, it was Rias who walked in.

"Still here?" Rias asked as she walked into the room alone.

"Yes, I am trying to complete my history research paper on the downfall of the Mughal Empire," Sona said to her oldest friend with a smile. It had indeed been a long, trying, and unexpected day.

"That isn't due until next month," Rias replied, shocked that her friend was working far ahead of schedule. But then again, her naivety might be that her workaholic friend won't work that far ahead.

"I like the work ahead of Schedule," Sona replied as she looked at her friend expectantly.

"That you do, Sona, that you do. I suppose it is smart to work ahead, considering one never knows what will happen in the future," Rias replied, trying her best not to smirk at her friend's growing blush.

"I don't want to talk about it," Sona said firmly. Trying her best not to show emotions.

"Oh come on, you must be glad that Marid is safe now. I know I am!" Rias said mischievously.

"I won't be putting too much money on him being safe now," Sona replied with a devious smirk.

Her smirk caught Rias off guard and made her think about what her friend had just said. "You told the others of his returned, didn't you," Rias asked, now laughing at how someone like Sairaorg and Seekvaira would react to his homecoming, considering he never told anyone about his mini vacation, as he called it.

"They were heading to the Lucifer Manor when I last talked to them about ten minutes ago" Sona replied.

"Well, my sympathies are with Marid. Knowing how those two are, he is in for a long night, or perhaps a short one" Rias laughed at her nephew's predicament. This time Sona let her stoic attitude down and joined her friend in laughing at Marids predicament.

"Well, shouldn't you be on your way to the underworld right now?" Sona asked her friend.

"No, I need to hunt down some stray Devil tonight. Akeno is tracking down the stray as we speak. Also, Marid will stay with One-sama and his family tonight at the Lucifer Manor. Millicas will be joining them in the night once I assume Sairaorg and Seek-chan have calmed down," Rias laughed again.

"Mao Lucifer isn't taking him to the Gremory Manor tonight?" Sona asked, shocked as that is where Mao Lucifer's family resided most of the time.

"Sadly, no, it is not a secret how poorly daddy and Marid get along with one another. I assume One-sama wants to give Marid a few days before they take him back to the Gremory manor to meet with the others," Rias sighed. After Marid left the underworld all those years ago without saying anything, Lord Gremory wasn't happy at all about it since in his eyes he had lost an important member of the House of Gremory. Lord Gremory, blamed Sirzechs and Grayfia for Marids disappearance and disloyalty to the House Of Gremory. As a result there had been many arguments between Sirzechs and Zeoticus Gremory to the point it had damaged their relationship beyond repair. However, due to the persuasion of Lady Gremory, Sirzech's mother; Grayfia and Millicas had moved into the Gremory Manor. Apart from the fact that Venelana Gremory wanted to see her only remaining grandkid grow up, if the word got out that the current Lucifer doesn't support his former house anymore, it would damage the reputation of both House of Gremory and Sirzech Lucifer himself.

"I guess that makes sense" Sona nodded in understanding.

"Are you going to going to go to underworld tonight, I would assume Serfall-sama would love to go and meet her Godson" Rias asked innocently.

"That is precisely why I won't be going today" Sona sighed. While Sona truly loved her sister, her antics truly drove Sona nuts.

"So you would be going tomorrow with me then for the pillar meeting?" Rias asked innocently.

"No, I am busy with this school. Tanaka-sensei still hasn't completed the formalities for the upcoming Kyoto trip. When the adults are so incompetent, then it is people like us who need to take the charge" Sona sighed. She was a workaholic and seeing simple tasks not being done was irked her to no end.

"Well then I will be leaving tomorrow for Lilith. I will say Hi to Marid on your behalf. I assume he is going to appreciate that" Rias smirked mischievously. To her disappointment she only got a deadpan glare from her childhood friend.

"Well I need to check with Akeno about the stray Devil" Rias stood up, having decided she had done enough teasing for one night.

"Before you go Rias, with the new year coming in, do you have prospective peerage members in sight?" Sona asked the fellow King.

"Yea I have one in mind" Rias replied thoughtfully.

"Please don't tell me it is not one of the perverted idiots" Sona sighed.

"OK, I wont tell you" Rias smirked at her friends.

"I guess I walked straight into that one"


"Rias are you sure Issie is the one you want in your peerage?" Sona asked her friend seriously. Both Sona and Rias had agreed to a deal when they arrived in Kuoh years ago. They would scout the prospective peerage members together and decide if there is anyone if they wanted to convert to their peerage. A deal which benefitted Sona greatly since she was able to recruit more than half of her peerage in the first two years.

"I hope so, he had a strong sacred gear reaction when I looked at him a few weeks ago. Plus, he is cute too" Rias chuckled at the end.

"Are you sure about it Rias that he can help you with your problem? I have been hearing some rumors" Sona asked her friend seriously.

"What sorts of rumors" Rias asked curiously.

"Riser is pushing for a early marriage" Sona ripped the bandage right off. Believing this is not the time to take care of someone's feelings. However, after uttering those words, Sona wished she would have been nicer when relaying the news to Rias since now Rias had gone pale white and her body stiffened.

"But how, I still have time till I graduate from college" Rias reasoned with her best friend.

"He is getting desperate. He maybe thinks you can beat him if given enough time, after he saw Millicas progress as a Devil considering he is barely a barely a decade old" Sona replied somberly. Sona truly wished she could do something to help out her friend but given the fact Rias was from a completely different House and Lord Phoenix's made not so subtle threats to her father about cutting of the Phoenix tears from her family's hospitals had tied her up. Which is why none of the other friends including Sairaorg could help Rias out. While Sairaorg was the heir to the prestigious Bael clan, he was still a heir and not a Lord. And Lord Bael had no desire to help Rias or Sairaorg out considering Bael family was the one who came up with the marriage contract between Rias and Riser.

"Unfortunately for you, now with Marid back, the others might push for the marriage even more," Sona added much to Rias horror.

"What does this have to Marid? It's not like he will help me" Rias tried to make sense of the situation that was dawning on her.

"He is your brother's eldest son Rias, so it is not far fetched that Lord Sirzechs will ask him to help you out. That is not even putting in account the power he has inherited from both of his parents who truly are considered among the most powerful in our kind" Sona softly explained to her friend.

"Along with this, nobody truly knows anything about Marid, his peerage members, his magical power and capabilities. They only remember a fight he had with his own aunt years ago. Considering he is almost old enough to be considered a mature adult, it is not farfetched to believe he might have gotten more powerful. After all, Marid right now is only a few years younger than when the last generation took arms against the old Satan faction a few centuries ago. If they were approximately Satan class level around 18 years old, it is not a farfetched theory that Marid can be that far behind. Right now the very aura of illusion he likes to keep around him is working against you. He can literally be placed anywhere between ultimate class to an average high class devil"

"My own nephew is putting me in more and more trouble. Maybe, they are right I don't really have a choice" Rias said dejectedly.

"If you are truly serious about recruiting Hyoudou, then I would suggest you turn in him quickly, so that you have more time for preparations should Riser come knocking" Sona advised her best friend.

"I don't know Sona" Rias admitted after a moment, "I need a game changer; something Riser doesn't expect and takes him off guard. Just any random person wouldn't be able to help"

"Members of the phoenix family have been defeated before Rias" Sona spoke softly.

"Usually when the Rating game isn't about pure power" Rias pointed out, "I may be getting a Rating game, but it will be skewed in favor of Riser's superior strength and experience. It wont be a game where we have to steal something from the opposition or hold a territory for a certain amount of time; it will be one where I have to defeat Riser and his peerage down to the last man"

Sona winced at that. Technically she only had to defeat Riser, as when a King falls, Rating game ends, but as he had a full peerage in comparison to Rias queen, knight, rook, and an unstable bishop in addition to herself, that was unlikely. There was no mistaking it; Rias was being strong armed into marrying Riser and even this rating game was an illusion designed to give her a resemblance of hope before stripping it from her.

It was her brother, Sirzechs Lucifer, who had forced the Rating game portion in the contract in an attempt to help his sister, but she needed real help. Ordinarily, she would have thought about loaning one of her peerage members to Rias for the rating game, but her desire to defeat Riser on her own was proving to be quite a headache for Sona. Riser, as he had known about how close she and Rias were, had blatantly told her that if she interfered, several of her family's business would suffer, both in the underworld and on Earth.

Ordinarily, she would let her older sister turn the arrogant fop into an ice sculpture, but that would probably kick off another civil war, which was something the Devils wanted right now. Even with the help of the Evil piece system, it will still take thousands of years for Devil populations to return to its original state, their numbers before the start of the original Biblical faction war.

"Promise me Rias, you will not give up until the very end" Sona asked her friend to promise her. To her a disappointment, she only got a nod in response.

"Thanks for telling me this Sona. You are a good friend" Rias replied with a sad smile as she walked out of the room with a lot on her mind.

Lucifer Manor

"I must say Marid you have become quite a skilled chef in your time away" Sirzech complemented as he tasted the food. Joining him for dinner were Millicas, Grayfia, Marid and Souji.

"Like I told mother, when I was away, my mentor in Alchemy, Gargamel made me cook food since his cooking seriously lacked flavor. So to shut him up, I improved in my skills and all that. Now I am actually happy I did improve my cooking skills, it is very therapeutic" Marid told his dad as he dug into his own plate.

"You know Alchemy brother" Millicas asked in awe of his older brother.

"Yea, once I completed my apprenticeship with a French Alchemist named Gargamel, I saved up some money and enrolled in Slovenian Institute of Magic and Sorcery where I officially became an Alchemist" Marid told his parents proudly.

"How did you become an Alchemist within 6 years, it takes decades to master the art" Sirzech asked astonished that his son was able to become an Alchemist in his time away.

"Despite the fact Gargamel was a degenerate old Alchemist, he was quite skillful when it came to that art. His knowledge helped me pass out of the school quite quickly. There was also the fact that the faculty at the school were worried about having an political incident with me being there" Marid explained much to the surprise of his parents and brother.

"So, they knew who you were from the start" Grayfia asked her son.

"Not in the start since I am quite skilled with illusion magic" Marid smirked much to Souji annoyance. While Souji was proud of what Marid was able to accomplish but his accomplishment was a sour reminder of how he was tricked by a kid who was barely a decade old. "However, they did manage to find out after there was an incident at school" Marid mentioned absentmindedly.

"What happened" Millicas demanded to know, totally engulfed in the story.

"Ah well there was an evil dragon who used to live in a nearby mountain, and every five years he used to wake up to feast on a woman. Apparently, the people who lived in a village nearby used to consider this a sacrifice in the name of good will since they believed that as long as they sacrificed a human in the name of the Dragon every year, they would live peace and harmony" He explained much to Millicas horror.

"But when I was there and the time for such sacrifice came around, things went a little awry" Marid told slowly much to his parents' confusion.

"What do you mean" Grayfia asked.

"Well as you know Dragons are creatures of freedom, but one thing they love more than freedom is to fight strong opponents. When this evil dragon woke up to consume the human as part of his so-called sacrifice, he must have sensed my energy which enticed him" Marid explained much to his parent's growing horror.

"Did you fight the evil dragon?" Millicas, unlike his parents, asked in awe.

"The battle wasn't as glorious as you would assume Millicas. Luckily for me, I know the weakness of an Evil Dragon" Marid shrugged off.

"Yes, they are really weak to Dragon-slaying magic. But that kind of magic is usually associated with either Norse Pantheon, or holy magic" Sirzech threw a questioning look towards his son.

"And you would be right in most regards Dad, but the thing about Dragons is that their beings made of Chaos and thrive in Battle. Which means they hard focused when truly decide to fight. Afterall there is a reason why every faction in the world fears the Dragons. Since they are so focused on battles, it also means if you can find a way to throw them off, it completely shuts them off mentally" Marid explained.

"What do you mean?" Sirzech Lucifer asked after a long silence.

"What I mean by that is if you can find a way to confuse them in midst of a battle, it completely shut off their brain for a few seconds. In a battle all you need is a moment to change the tides of a battle. Giving a few extra seconds in a battle to a skilled fighter who is well versed in illusion magic could be detrimental, whether his opponent a Dragon or a GOD" Marid explained much to their surprise.

"Wow, those villagers must be so happy that you saved them from an evil dragon" Millicas asked excitedly.

"I wish they had shared your enthusiasm Millicas, they were not happy with me killing the Dragon. Apparently they used worship the evil dragon as their protector god, and with me killing the Dragon, they really had it in for me, even the management at school believed that much to my shock. However, once they found out my true identity, they gave me the certification for Alchemy" Marid said dismissively.

"WOW, what did you after that brother?" Millicas asked in awe of his brother's accomplishments.

"After that I went onto travel the world to become more stronger, and work on my alchemy skills" Marid replied evasively, something his parents took note of but didn't press on it.

"We should call it a night. We all have big tomorrow and a meeting to get to" Sirzech said cheerfully before giving Marid a teasing look. Grayfia could only sigh in response to. She was happy her little family was reunited again but was unsure of what to expect tomorrow. With the rumors about Marid that had been spreading around for the past few years and Marids own distaste for politics and the Great Satan faction, there was only one word that could describe of what was to come... 'Chaos'

Next Day, Meeting chambers, Lilith

"This is ought to be an interesting day" Sairaorg said excitedly walking into the chambers, his peerage in following him.

"What do you mean Sairaorg-sama. Come to think of it you left rather abruptly after you received a call from Lady Seekvaira Agares and Lady Sona Sitri, is everything alright?" Sairarogs queen, Kuisha Abaddon, asked her King.

"Everything is more than fine Kuisha, I am just looking forward to what is to come" Sairaorg grinned.

"What do you mean Sairaorg-sama?" Kuisha asked her king in confusion.

Before Sairaorg could reply, there was a loud explosion nearby which drew everybody attention. "Ah come on Seekvaira, stop being such a stuck up, if you want a virgin pergin I will be happy to help" the man said while puffing his chest out.

Looking closer at the man in front of them, he had darkish colored skin that was accompanied by his pointed ears. Along with this, the man had blue eyes along with a lightening tattoo on his cheeks.

"You would be the last person I would go for Zephyrdor, just remember the only reason you are here because Lord and Lady Glabados wanted you to get some relevant experience of the pillar meeting. Remember you are acting as a guard to Dagon, the true heir of your clan. Behave yourself or I would have you thrown out" Seekvaira glared the man in front of her with sharp pink eyes. (I am not talking about the pink eye most of you guys are thinking about. FFs get your head out of the gutter people!!!)

"You what" Zephyrdor said as he raised his fist up to punch the women in front of him.

"Heed her words cousin Zephyrdor, you are over here on my invitation, don't embarrass our house any more than you have done" Dagon walked beside Zephyrdor as he warned him threateningly.

"You think you both can take me on" Zephyrdor snarled as he started to amass his own power. His peerage, which were given to him as a political truce between the current Satan's and the Great King faction, due to Marid, Rias and Sairaorg own promotion to King several years ago, stiffened as they saw what their King was about to do. Unfortunately, Zephyrdor had reminded his peerage members constantly that he is their superior and they are supposed to follow him unless they want some kind of punishment to fall on their families.

Fortunately for them, they didn't have to stop their King since he was stopped by someone no one was expecting.

"Mr. Zephyrdor, Miss Seekvaira, it would be best if we could stop this argument right now. Both the Elders and the Satan's will be coming shortly, and we don't want to cause a scene in front of them now do we" Millicas Gremory formally addressing the arguing duo in front of her. While both Seekvaira and Zephyrdor were suitably shocked by a minor interrupting their argument, Seekvaira was rational enough adhere to the young man's request considering he was the younger brother of one her closest friends and a son of The Mao. Zephyrdor on the other hand was less than pleased with a minor correcting him.

"And what are you going to do about that little brat" Zephyrdor snarled at the young kid in front whom he didn't recognized. His reply caught most people around him off guard. They knew Zephyrdor was arrogant little snob, but they didn't imagine he would disrespect a son of a Mao.

"I am going to ask you again to walk away from the argument since the Satans and Elders are on their way" Millicas repeated calmly, trying to diffuse the situation without violence.

"So now someone's bastard can show up to me huh" Zephyrdor snarled as he threw a magical blast at the young Millicas Gremory much to surprise of others around him. However, before the blast reached Millicas Gremory, a wall of ice intercepted the blast, which broke into small ice shards under the blast pressure. The remnants of the ice wall were then suddenly transfigured into water vapor which surrounded Zephyrdor to everyone's shock.

"AH Zephyrdor, you still haven't learned how to control your tongue have you" someone said just before the water vapors around Zephyrdor were electrocuted by multiple thunder strikes, which made even some of the Ultimate class attending the even cringe in pain.

Moments later a teleportation circle, bearing the crest of House of Gremory, appeared on the floor through which Marid Gremory, the eldest son of the current Lucifer walked through. "Please someone from the House of Glasya-Labolas or his peerage, if he has one, take him to one of the hospitals before my thunder strikes give him a permanent damage" Marid said seriously as at that moment Zephyrdor peerage arrived and to take their master to the hospital to get treated.

However, before they could teleport away, Marid called out to Zephyrdor queen "Make sure he understands why this punishment befell him. I will also be contacting the leaders of House of Glasya-Labolas to inform them of tonight activity surrounding him. After all you don't know what will happen next time" Marid advised the queen before teleporting her master away.

"Something tells me you would have enjoyed it if he got permanent damage from those thunder and lightning strikes Marid" Sairaorg said gruffly, as he had observed the whole event.

"Nope, I would have been satisfied by seeing him get electrocuted to Death, after what he had tried to do my brother" replied calmly, perfectly covering the darkness over his words.

"Rias you never told me your nephew was into punishments" Akeno giggled as she rubbed her legs in arousal.

"I am not a sadist if that is what you are trying to ask Miss… I don't think we have been introduced yet I believe" Marid said as he looked towards Rias queen who had just arrived in time for Kiba to move Millicas out of the way.

"I am Akeno Himejima, queen to Rias Gremory" Akeno bowed, politely introducing herself to the man in front of her.

"I can't believe that you just let him walk away" Rias said angrily as she went to Millicas to make sure he was fine. After all, she did have a soft spot for Millicas.

"You know he technically didn't walk on his own Rias" Marid corrected her. Marid just got a glare in response from Rias.

"I agree with Rias on this one Marid, we should have done something about him" Seekvaira said crossly.

"Unhappy with the punishment I gave him Seek-chan" Marid teased causing Seekvaira to earn a red shade. "And if I wanted to I could have killed him Rias for trying to hurt my brother, but I don't want a new headlines for tomorrow that says 'Newly returned son of Lucifer kills Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas on his first day back'. Now that would be headache" Marid sighed as sipped the punch he just picked off from the refreshment table.

"I am not still happy about it" Rias huffed as she crossed her hands underneath her impressive bust.

"What kind of spell did you use brother?" Millicas asked in awe, ignoring the fact that he was almost seriously hurt a few minutes ago.

"It wasn't really a spell Millicas, it was more of my magic responding to my will. The second I saw the ice break after nullifying the magical blast, I just simply transfigured the ice into water and then let my magic do the talking" Marid replied nonchalantly to his wonderstruck brother.

"Oh, so like esoteric magic" Millicas asked excitedly.

"Five points to Millicas" Marid nodded with a smile.

"You can use thunder magic as an extension of your will?" Dagon asked his friend amazed. It wasn't surprising for Devils to be proficient enough to be able to cast magic without the use of magic circles. But that was something that only Devils who were highly in tune with their magic could do. Dogan knew exactly three people in his generation who could cast spells with the use of magic circles, and he was not one of them.

"When you have to look after you own self for a few years, you pick up a few things" Marid replied mysteriously.

"Now I can't wait for this meeting to end so we can have a spar" Sairaorg said excitedly. His excitement earned a groan from everyone.

"As much as I would love to spar you Sairaorg, I must decline the offer since I will be returning to Kuoh this afternoon, I have a very crossed friend waiting for me" Marid sighed.

"You will get used to it" Sairaorg patted his friend with some understanding.

"And what is that supposed to mean Sairaorg?" Seekvaira asked crossly, clearly demanding an answer from her soon to be fiancé.

"Oh look the Elders have arrived" Sairaorg said in an unusually load voice before brisk walking towards just arrived group to greet them. Their arrival was shortly followed by the arrival the Satan's themselves.

"So even the strongest youth Devil fears someone huh" Marid laughed aloud at his best friend's actions.

"Well ladies and gents, lets get this over with" Dagon sighed as he readied himself for the brutal round of politics that was sure to follow. He wasn't alone in that thought process since every single one of them hated politics with a heat of thousand suns.


"Marid wake up" Rias elbowed her nephew to wake him up from his nap while leaning on one of the pillars of the Meeting auditorium.

It truly had been a boring event. After Mao Lucifer proudly announced the return of his eldest son, while some politely welcomed him back, others had joined the uproar led by Lord Bael and Lord Gremory against the former Gremory Heir.

"How dare you show yourself in these sacred halls after you slandered the House of Gremory and betrayed the Devil nation" Lord Gremory bellowed on his former heir,

"Pray tell when I ever betrayed the Devil nation or disrespected the House of Gremory" Marid asked almost amused. While Marid took the situation very lightly, others took the situation the very opposite of it. Mao Lucifer and his Queen very having a very tough time reigning in their monstrous auras at the accusation from Lord Gremory. If it had been anyone else, Sirzech Lucifer would eradicated the persons very soul for disrespecting his son. But Devils respected both raw and political power which is why he had to stay back and let his son handle the situation if he wanted to make a name for himself in the underworld. While Sirzech and Grayfia were somewhat able to keep themselves from lashing out, the congregation of the strongest Youth Devils had to held back by their peerage members and the security staff so they couldn't kill any of the Elders or clan leaders joining in the uproar. Sairaorg himself had to restrained by his entire peerage to stop hitting Lord Gremory in the face for questioning his best friends loyalty.

While others were pissed how Lord Gremory was handling such a private matter, Rias Gremory on the other hand was conflicted. She wanted to support her nephew who she knew would never betray his own, but she couldn't go against her own father. Her confliction only lasted until she remembered a certain marriage contract that had been signed years ago. At that time, all of the conflictions within her drained out.

"You talked and conspired with the Heaven against us in Europe, we have proof of that!" Lord Bael joined his fellow Lord. Others who weren't aware of the fact gasped at the fact that Maos son contacted and dealt with Heaven without proper approval of either the Maos or the Elders.

"Is that so. I would very much like to see this evidence" Marid still amused, not taking this situation seriously.

"We have Photographic evidence against you" Lord Gremory shouted at his Grand son as one of his peerage members produced a magic circle which moments later showed Marid supposedly talking to Seraph Gabriel. At that point Marid laughed much to everyone's surprise.

"What is that it?? I am surprised you all bringing this up considering you are the one who send me to home of the Angels" Marid looked at them if they had lost their minds.

"How dare yo" Lord Gremory shouted only to be cut off by Marid, "A few years ago I was informed by the Great King Faction that there were a Stray Devils Cited in the outskirts of London. The Stray Devils were rumored to be heading to the Vatican. Due to some bizarre reason, they couldn't send proper stray Devil eliminating parties due to some Non-aggression Treaties. SO, Lord Gremory and the Great Satan Faction decided it was best for me, a son of Lucifer, to go in Europe to hunt down some Strays. Not wanting a political conflict to arise in the underworld, I agreed to the task assigned to me. But when I reached there, the church was informed that rather than the son of the current lucifer, the Son of the Original Lucifer was in Europe. An act that resulted in some complications for my missions. The supposed picture you are using as evidence against me is of me discussing potential ways to bury the hatchet of a basic misunderstanding on their part, or a genuine attempt on my life our side" At that Marid glared hatefully towards others who accused him of conspiring against the Devil nation. His glare and release of immense murderous intent that even would have made an Evil Dragon back off.

"But be assured I will personally be looking into this matter personally from here onwards and should the results produce results of a genuine attempt on my life, words don't describe the fate I would bestow upon the people responsible" Marid said seriously, all look of amusement and games now gone. Marid didn't stood as a person who was defending his actions against the upper echelons of Devil leadership, but threatening dire consequences to those who found guilty by him. His glare and murderous intent were enough to showcase how serious he was since many glasses in the vicinity shattered due to pure pressure. Not to mention the weaker Devils around him losing their consciousness as well.

While his intent was directed away from his friends and family, it was clear that even they were affected since Millicas had gone pale in pure terror. Dagon, Rias and Seekvaira were sweating profusely. Even Sairaorg had tensed up after feeling the murderous intent.

Rias would never admit but she felt terrified of the murderous intent she felt from her usually joyful nephew. 'He was capable of this much murderous intent?!? Koneko has already lost consciousness and Kiba isn't doing much better. Just how much did he learn on his time away' Rias thought seriously since she wasn't the only one who was thinking that.

Slowly Marid receded his intent while keeping a glare on his former accusers. A few minutes later, Devils who had lost conscience were taken to nearby hospital to get checked up others. Devils who held their wits, refused to look towards Marid Gremory who had retaken his persona of a happy fun loving Devil.

"Me and the other Satans are looking into this situation and have agreed with the Marid Gremory findings. We ourselves are conducting an investigation into this matter against people responsible and those who are found guilty will receive severe punishment" Ajuka Beelzebub spoke precisely to those responsible.

"With that I, Sirzech Lucifer, The Ruler of the Underworld Officially begin this pillar meeting." Sirzechs Lucifer took in a deep breath to steady his breathing before starting the meeting.

"And so we arrive at the final matter of the evening. Conflicts with the Olympus" Sirzech announced the Final topic on the agenda much to the satisfaction of other members of the pillars.

While some were happy that the meeting was almost at the end, others were nervous due to the problems the Devils were having with the Gods of Olympus.

"What is the thing with Olympus" Marid whispered to Rias. He had left the underworld a little while ago, so he was unaware of the dispute.

"Some inconceivable idiots of a few pillar families abducted and illegally converted a few heroes of Olympus into unwilling servants. Olympus is now upset with the entirety of the Devil nation and is demanding some form of justice," Rias informed Marid of the current situation.

"Wait, when did this happen?" Marid asked curiously.

"Two weeks ago. Why?" Dagon replied, who was equally as bored as Marid.

"How in the hell did the Olympus find out about the abduction that quickly?" Marid asked, confused.

"Cause the Devils in question used them in the rating game the very next day" Rias whispered back, trying to avoid people looking in their direction. Marid looked at Rias for a few minutes, trying to understand whether or not she was playing a prank on him.

"Since when did we become so Dumb" Marid asked indecorously. Unfortunately, his voice was loud enough to get the entire crowd's attention.

"Since we all at our standstill, maybe the next generation would like to give their input on the matter," Zekram Bael, the Leader of the Elders, smoothly directed the spotlight on the young Devils who had been casually chatting away. "Maybe they would provide a different solution to this dumb problem." Everyone, including Maos, looked at the eight assembled young Devils expectantly.

"I agree with the Elders. We shouldn't accommodate such a barbaric ask of these Gods. If we accommodate them, then our enemies will look at us weak," Diodora Astaroth spoke formally, agreeing with the Elders and going against his brother, who was a Satan.

"Well said, Heir Astaroth," few nobles in agreement.

"That is the worst thing you could do, Diodora" Sairaorg replied, disapproving the fellow Heir's opinion.

"And why would you do think like that, Heir Bael?" Diodora asked calmly with a hint of superiority.

"This is because every Devil should be held accountable for their actions. These Devils abused their powers as a King to forcibly convert others as their peerage members. Their arrogance not only cared about the consequences of their actions on themselves but also didn't care about the consequences of their actions on the Devil nation itself. I am as Prideful as the Devil next to me, but when we make mistakes, we need to learn from them. Ignoring such things makes us weak," Sairaorg reasoned with his fellow Heir.

However, during Sairaorg passionate speech, no one saw the deep snarl that took Diodora Astaroth's to face for a moment before returning to a look of pure innocence that would give Gabriel a run for her money.

"So what would you have us do Heir Bael. Rub our noses and cater to their demands?" A noble hotly demanded.

"As opposed to the alternate yes" Sairaorg replied plainly.

"In all fairness, we shouldn't even consider Sairaorg Bael's opinion. A Devil who still hasn't won support of the nobles in their own territory can't understand the political implications on the underworld," one of the nobles shouted. However, his outburst stopped the second Sairaorg Bael turned toward the said noble.

"I can understand your outburst Lord Barbatos, but your harsh words against me will do nothing to clear your son's name, considering he was the group leader that is currently causing us so much problem. He should have been more mindful of the powers he was invoking," Sairaorg replied coldly, causing Lord Barbatos to stutter before returning to his seat. Sairaorg Bael's words ran true. He wanted to do everything possible to save his son from annihilation. He may have done something immoral against members of a pantheon, but his actions did nothing to lose his worry of a father. Should his son be convicted of the crimes and be incarcerated, he would lose his one and only Heir. Bringing about the end of his clan.

"Heir Bael speaks the truth. If we can't come up with a solution, I am afraid, Lord Barbatos, we will have to incarcerate your son and hand them over to the Olympians," Lord Lucifer replied solemnly. He didn't like this at all. The devil population still hadn't recovered from the casualties of the Civil war, let alone recovered from the losses from the Great War. If they had to give up all four of those Devils, it would reduce the numbers of the next generations and might lead to the extinction of a few pillar families.

"Maybe we can make a deal with Olympian," Rias raised her point. At this point, she understood what was happening and what would happen if those four Devils weren't incarcerated or killed. While she couldn't have cared less for their faiths, considering what they did, the Devils were struggling to maintain their numbers at the moment. One conflict and they could lose their way of life.

"We have already tried to find a common medium with the Olympian Gods Rias Gremory. Unfortunately, they don't want anything we are willing to offer them," Serafall Leviathan, the head of foreign affairs, replied sadly.

"If you don't mind me asking, Lady Leviathan, what exactly did we offer them," Marid asked curiously. While his travels had never taken him to the Olympian shore, he had met enough Gods to understand their thoughts and wants.

"As a part of Goodwill, we have offered the return of the heroes forcibly taken from their shores. We have also offered our riches and relics to smooth out unnecessary tensions," Serafall Leviathan replied.

"Then perhaps we can sweeten the pot with a trade deal," Marid suggested.

"I assume you have a proposition in mind, Marid Gremory," Ajuka asked his Godson curiously. While it was true that he had barely seen his Godson in the last few years, he knew him well enough to know when he knew something.

"If the information and myths on Earth are anything to go by, Olympian Gods do like their wines" Marid gave his Godfather a devilish smile which he returned when he understood what he was getting at.

"With the help of the fruits of the Bael Family and fresh herbs from the Land of Sitri, I am sure we can make a special concoction for our potential friends up north," Marid suggested to the nobility.

The Satan's ended the pillar meeting when no one objected. After all, there was a lot of work to be done.

"With the suggestion from Marid Gremory, we will end today's Pillar meeting adjourned the court. With a clear path forward, we see there is still much work to be done," Sirzech Lucifer said before ending the pillar meeting.

After the announcement, the Elders were the first to leave followed by the Clan heads and their heirs. With the new potential avenue for peace with the Olympus and return of the eldest son of the Mao, there was a lot to be discussed.

"I should go back to the Bael Manor and have word with Father. If we are going through with your recommendation, then resources of the Bael clan to make the Alcohol worthy for those Gods" Sairaorg said as he departed alongside his queen.

"I should be going as well, I have some work to do" Seekvaira said formally before taking here on leave, leaving only Marid, Rias and her peerage behind.

"She takes life way too seriously" Marid commented while observing her friends attitude.

"Just as much as Sona if I had to say. Perhaps you could also come up with a solution for that as well" Rias teased Marid. The growing blush on her nephew's face was enough for her know that her comment had indeed hit the mark. However, before she could continue teasing Marid, they were approached by Three of the four Satan's.

"Mar-kun" Serafall giddied as she ran and hugged her Godson. Off course like the rest of the Mao's, she had been made aware of the fact that Marid had indeed returned to the underworld. It took all of her willpower to not start doting on him.

"Its nice to meet you as well Sera-chan" Marid replied while trying his best to escape from his godmother's surprisingly tight hug.

"It is good to see you have doing well for yourself Marid. It is a pleasant surprise to see Sirzechs son became an Alchemist. At such a young age as well no less" Ajuka Beelzebub smiled at his Godson approvingly.

"You became a Alchemist while you were gone? But you had only been gone for six years. How did you manage that???" Rias asked in shock. She knew Alchemy was an extremely hard field and it took years for people to master the art. Yet now her nephew has officially been qualified as an Alchemist in his time away.

"Six years is a long time Rias. Especially if one knows how to use it" Marid said mysteriously. His reply had gotten her attention but due to the presence of her brother and the other Maos, she felt it would be best to satisfy her curiosity later when they were alone.

"Why did you leave the underworld without telling anyone, that was so horrible of you" Serafall whined while hugging Marid with all her might, fearing he might leave again. The effect of her hug was immediate since Marid cringed in pain a little bit, considering Serafall was the strongest female Devil, no one could blame him for whining a little bit.

"You should calm down a little on Marid Serafall. He looks to be going blue" Sirzech advised her fellow Satan. To her credit, Serafall blushed at her actions and offered an apology to both Marid and Grayfia. While Marid accepted the apology gracefully; this was something he expected of his godmother, Grayfia on the other hand struggled to keep her emotions in check. It was only due to her service as a Gremory head maid that kept her composure in the situation.

"Well, it was nice to meet you all, but with your permission I would like to return tonight to Kuoh. I have an angry friend waiting for me" Marid sighed.

"An angry friend whatever do you mean" Serafall asked innocently.

Before anyone else could respond, a devilish smile graced Marids face, "Oh you didn't know, Sona just got a new servant. She is very upset with him for some reason you know" Marid replied innocently.

"What?!? Sona didn't tell me she got a new servant. She better not have hurt my near So-tan, if so I will never forgive her" Serafall replied in mock outrage, bringing her small fist in the air as if to declare war on Heaven itself.

"By the way, Sona's new pawn is a boy. Cute one from according to the students at Kuoh academy" Marid replied innocently. His reply caused Ajuka and Grayfia to sigh while Sirzech to laugh.

"WHHAAAATTT???!?!? I need to go to Kuoh right this second. If you need something I will be available through our special line Sirzy-chan, Aju-chan. I need to confront my So-tan on this" Serafall pouted cutely before teleporting away.

None of the Satans tried stopping her since they all knew it would have been in vain. All they could have done was wisht the new young Devil their best wishes.

"What was that necessary?" Grayfia asked her son.

"Not really?!?! I better have something tomorrow since I know Sona would be PISSED with this one" Marid laughed.

"So, what is your plans for tonight?" Sirzech asked his son.

"Well I was going to return to Kuoh tonight but since Sona would be preoccupied for a little bit I don't know. I will probably hang out with Millicas. There is so much I need to show him for my travels" Marid smiled at his little brother. Genuinely looking forward to spend some time with him.

"This time the dinner is on me. Perhaps Ajuka would like to join us. If he could find some time away from his precious lab" Sirzech teased his rival.

"I am sure I can take a few hours off before getting back to work" Ajuka replied as then everyone including Rias and her peerage teleported back to the Lucifer Manor. Leaving the pillar meeting chamber empty.

Chapter End!!

Words:- 9915

Woof there is the end of that chapter. It was far more detailed than I originally planned it to be, nevertheless, I am happy with how it turned out. So lets have a quick review shall we!

So Marid and his family share a lovely heart warming moment. Sona and Rias have a SERIOUS CHAT! And we had some fun at the Pillar meeting which are never fun for Marid and his friends. I think I am going to reallllllly enjoy writing Dagons Character. Stay tuned I have got some big stuff planned for him.

Also there is one more thing I would like to clear out. Marid is a Godson to both Serafall and Ajuka. Ajuka being his Godfather. Serafall being a Godmother to Both Marid and Millicas. Fabium is the Godfather to Millicas but since the guy seems to love sleeping, you would not see him out of his office all that often!! lol

Next chapter will be a big one. Marid returns to Kuoh. We are hit with the consequences of the Pillar meeting. Furthermore, we also get a first look at Marids peerage. And just maybe a little prank!

For those fighting fans out there, I got some thing coming for you soon as well. TRRUUUUSSSTTT!

Please write reviews and leave constructive criticism in the comments below. I read every single one of those. Also, I just wanted to let you guys know that these chapters are written in advance, so when you are reading the latest chapter, just know that I am working on the chapter after the next one.

I hope that made sense! Have fun and stay safe people!

Until next time

Dragon God Zalama