
Tales Of Oculus

Gore warning!!! Some parts may be unsettling but if you could handle reading a text without vomiting then thats good. ———— Ignis, a young man who never reconsidered his actions and who constantly immersed himself in negativity, never achieving anything, found that nothing mattered to him. After all, what he had was what he had. When one day fate would take its turn for him, the things he witnessed is what the future possessed. However, who knows? An ability always has its trade-offs.

SlicedFlans · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Decision

A day in the INN...

Ignis did the same exact routine wake up, eat, and talk to Nimi. However, this time she suddenly suggested that Ignis should go somewhere in the kingdom.

"Hey Ignis, have you seen the landmarks and other places in this kingdom? I mean, if you were traveling here, shouldn't you be checking out some places?"

Ignis didn't expect that she actually thought he was a traveler, not knowing that Nimi just did that to also hide the fact she knows. "Not yet."

Ignis then thought for a moment while Nimi was busy preparing someone's food. He realized that there's nothing much to do in this place and, besides, his plans for departing weren't prepared yet, so he guessed it wouldn't be bad to explore.

Nimi noticed that Ignis had been tapping his fingers on the desk. She then asked Ignis if there was something wrong. "Is there something bugging you lately?" Nimi asked confusingly.

Ignis looked back and shook his head, trying to hide it. He then responded, "Nothing much, but I guess you're right. I haven't done anything in this place for a while now."

Nimi smirked enthusiastically, knowing she would be recommending a place to go. "H-Hm!~ Then I've got an idea where to go!"

Ignis gasped, hoping it wouldn't be some lavish place. After all, this place is for aristocrats. "Sure... as long as it's affordable for me."

Nimi gave Ignis a thumbs up to reassure him. "It's settled! And regarding your stay here, it's on me now!"

Ignis felt bad, as he and Nimi had only met a few days ago, and she was already being so kind to him. "Are you sure? It's not that I don't appreciate it... but won't that affect the inn?"

Nimi shook her head reassuringly. "N-Not really. But yeah, just keep what happened last time a secret, haha!" Nimi laughed awkwardly, but Ignis didn't seem to be bothered by what had happened before.

Meanwhile, Arteros continued his search for Ignis. He approached a flower vendor to see if they had ever seen him, hoping to make his search easier. "Have you seen a young man with brown hair? He wears a brown shirt and carries a worn-out bag," Arteros questioned.

The vendor tilted his head and scratched it, confused by the knight's question. However, he recalled something from yesterday. "Hmm... I think I might have seen that guy, but all I remember is he didn't have a bag. He was with a young girl."

The vendor added, "They both headed to the right side of the connecting bridge, where the buildings to pay taxes are located. That's all I can remember."

Arteros nodded and thanked the vendor. Now, what's left is to find him and figure out who he's been with. Although Arteros was running out of time, the clue was enough for him to pinpoint the exact place Ignis was in.

Meanwhile, Ignis and Nimi went to the main market. As they walked through the crowded area, Nimi said.

"This is the main market. When it's night time, it's even more crowded here. But I tell you, they sell a lot of good stuff here from other parts of Ethereal. And it's cheaper too!"

Ignis, confused by the term "Ethereal" He asked Nimi.

"Ethereal? What's that?"

Nimi looked back at him, surprised. How could he not know the name of the whole continent? But she explained.

"Ethereal is what we call our world. Basically, the place we are in right now. This is the northwest of Ethereal."

Ignis's brow knitted in confusion. He didn't really understand these terms and all the things he knew about the world outside the village were from conversations with Julius, Aurora, and his mother.

"I see..."

As the two continued walking, Nimi suddenly became interested in one of the stalls. Ignis joined her as Nimi started looking at a variety of necklaces, her eyes totally showed some interest at them.

Nimi continued to browse until she found the one she had been searching for, a ruby necklace. She loved it just from looking at it and immediately asked the vendor.

"I will take this!" she said excitedly.

The vendor took the necklace and checked it, then revealed the price.

"A necklace from Uxia... This could be around 5 Aurias."

Nimi's jaw dropped. Five Aurias was quite expensive for such a necklace, considering they usually cost 2-3 Aurias. She gasped and reached for her pouch, but before she could pay, Ignis handed over the 5 Aurias instead.

"Heh?! I was going to pay for it!" Nimi exclaimed.

Ignis shrugged. This was the only way he could give something back to Nimi, considering that staying at her inn for free was more expensive than this necklace.

Nimi gasped, taking the necklace and putting it around her neck. It was clear she loved the design as she looked at Ignis, her cheeks turning red as she stuttered with gratitude, "Uhmm... T-Thank you!"

Ignis simply gestured with a thumbs up, while the vendor chimed in, "You two must be a couple? Hahaha! Oh, to be young again!"

Embarrassed by the vendor's comment, Nimi shouted, "N-No! H-He's just a friend! A friend only!"

The two continued together before the sun goes down the street lamps beginning to light up as they walked through the crowd. Nimi then approached a bakery and asked Ignis, "Can you wait here? I'll just buy something for everyone. I'm sure they're expecting souvenirs!"

Ignis nodded and waited there. A few minutes later, he noticed a white-haired elf in a nearby clothing shop who looked familiar. He was about to approach when he realized it was Arteros. Although Ignis couldn't hear their conversation, it seemed like Arteros seems to be finding someone or rather asking.

"Hmm... A brown-haired kid, huh? I haven't seen anyone like that. But wouldn't it be better, Sir Arteros, to search with some knights rather than by yourself?" the person asked.

Arteros nodded but explained that he preferred to handle it alone. "Thanks for your concern, but I can handle it myself. It's my duty to find him."

The vendor nodded, and as they talked, Arteros remained unaware that Ignis was only a few meters away from him. Due to the crowd, he didn't notice him at all.

Ignis stepped back a little, pondering to himself, "Is Sir Arteros looking for someone? Should I tell him I'm here?"

Just then, Nimi exited the bakery carrying three bags of bread and another bag of pastries. Spotting Ignis looking elsewhere, she called out to him, "Hey, I'm back!"

Ignis turned to Nimi and took one of the bags to help her, while she asked, "Is something wrong?"

Ignis shaked his head and Ignis replied. "Nothing. I think I might have seen someone familiar."

As they walked away, Nimi glanced over to where Ignis had been looking, but she didn't pay it much mind and continued on. A few minutes later...

It was already dark when they returned to the inn, Nimi handed out pastries to the staff as a souvenir and also to thank them for taking her role while she was outside meanwhile, Ignis sat at one of the tables, unable to shake off his thoughts. "Why was Sir Arteros here? Did something happen? I wonder..." He rested his head in his hands, deep in thought.

Nimi looked at Ignis with concern as she approached him, noticing he seemed disturbed by his own thoughts. She gently flicked his forehead with her finger to bring him back to reality. Ignis looked up at Nimi, slightly startled.


Nimi placed one of the pastries on his table and asked, "You were lost in thought. Is something bothering you?"

Ignis hesitated for a moment, then replied, "No, it's just... earlier, and it got me thinking."

Nimi looked relieved that it wasn't something serious, but then she added anxiously. "Wait! Don't tell me you regretted buying that necklace for me?"

Ignis looked at Nimi awkwardly and replied, "No, it's not about that. It's just something that happened earlier that's been on my mind..."

Although Nimi was confused, she tried to recall what had happened earlier but couldn't quite remember. "Ehh? Tell me about it then."

Ignis wanted to tell her the truth, but he couldn't bring himself to do it considering  how much Nimi admired Arteros, he decided to lie again. "It's personal... Sorry."

Nimi didn't suspect it was a lie and accepted his answer. She shrugged and said, "Alright, fine. I'll start working now; customers swarm us every night anyway." With that, Nimi returned to the bar to serve customers.

Ignis then stood up and went back to the room. He sat on the bed and began thinking about it.

"I may not be sure of Sir Arteros being here, but at least I had to be ready if it means something. What if he changed his mind? After all, there might be a chance for that."

Ignis then began packing his things from his brown bag, considering he had finally decided to find another adventurer or a merchant he could possibly go with. After packing his things, he went back downstairs and went to the bar table where Nimi was.

He sat on one of the stools, and Nimi said, "You okay now?"

Nimi then handed a glass of water to him.

Ignis took a sip and said.

"Yeah, anyway, I've got something to tell you. I know we only met a short while ago, but I think I've decided to spend my time traveling in the west."

Nimi widened her eyes but hid her surprise. She couldn't stop thinking about why he would want to go to the West. That place isn't an easy journey, and it would take months or so to get there.

"Why though? I mean, is there a reason why you would go to such a far place?"

Ignis smiled and finally confessed the truth to her. "Well, the truth is... I live in that village I paid taxes to yesterday. Sorry if I lied to you about traveling here"

Ignis then added.

"And the main reason why i wanted to go somewhere is to find a way to earn some money working in Oriona might not be a good idea you see."

Nimi giggled while she washed one of the cups and turned back to him.

"I already knew that from the start, silly!

Err, you're right. Oriona is a pain in the bum to search for a job. After all, most of the aristocrats here are not friendly. I was only lucky to meet Sister Stella back then."

Ignis looked back at Nimi. He was slightly surprised that Nimi knew that, but he felt okay and appreciated her understanding.

"Oh, I see. Glad you knew, then..."

Suddenly a man sits next to him and said.

"Ah sorry to interrupt! i was really tired after a long day hahaha!"

Before looking to Nimi and asked.

"Anyways, Give me a glass of lotus wine!"

Nimi then nod and immediately started making the wine for the man, While she was making it the man talked to Ignis.

"You seem really young to be here kid! But anyway its quite awesome to see someone in that age, Hahahaha! What brings you here anyway? are you a merchant too? or a adventurer?"

Ignis is not expecting this questions but he put the same tactic just as what he said to Nimi.

"A person just traveling here, i guess... how about you mister?"

The merchant then laugh though he was quite impressed to see them just traveling by themselves.

"Oh! i see hahaha! Im a merchant you see things are tough when going in harsh mountains you know!"

Nimi then served the lotus wine to the Man and watched the two just having conversation for a few minutes, When the merchant said.

"Im currently staying in here to find some adventurers to go with, after all its really hard to be alone as a old man hahaha!"

Ignis took this opportunity to join him as he asked the merchant where he would be going.

"May i ask mister where you would be going?"

The Merchant then told him.

"Curious eh? the next destination would be the west, Town of Flache. I've got a lot of things here that i could make a profit of that place."

Ignis then immediately asked the merchant if he could join him as this could only be the way to get there.

"Then, Mister! May i join you then?" Ignis said excitingly.

The merchant was surprised from his request and thinks for a while, From him it seems like Ignis could do help him but he had to be sure first after all he might struggle with him considering the destination would take 5 months or so and he must think about it first to see if the kid could handle it.

"I'm not sure, kiddo... the town is really far, at least five months away. But I'll think about it." the merchant replied cautiously.

Ignis responded eagerly once again, "And when would you be departing, mister?"

The merchant gasped. It seemed the kid really wanted to join, but he hoped Ignis wouldn't be like most reckless young adventurers. "Tomorrow late evening but first, I need to think about it. I already have some other adventurers with me over there." he said, pointing to the 3 chatting adventurers, one of whom waved at the merchant.

"They're just like you, kid. I'm sure you'd be fine, but I need some time to decide." the merchant added. He then got up from his chair, patted Ignis on the shoulder, and walked over to talk with the other 3 adventurers.

While Nimi asked Ignis about his decision, expressing concern over the distance to the town of Flache, Ignis smiled confidently and reassured her, "I'll be fine. I've been waiting for a merchant to travel with."

Seeing Nimi's concern reflected on her face, Ignis realized he needed to express gratitude for her hospitality. "Anyway, thanks again for letting me stay here. And don't worry, I'll be okay."

Nimi blushed and looked away, waving her hand as if to dismiss his thanks. "No, no! It's fine. You've given me something in return!"

Ignis appeared puzzled by Nimi's reaction, still not fully understanding her feelings towards him. "Alright. Well, I'm going to go back upstairs for some rest. Goodnight."

After that, Ignis went upstairs to his room, He laid down and began thinking about what he would do tomorrow.

Hi there! Author here.

Regarding to the lack of time posting some new chapters im currently making a most of it and release them all at once

so right now i decided to release this boring chapter to atleast update yall that the novel isnt dead well atleast for now but yeah the future chapters might get even darker so i might aswell put some warnings or notice in that future chapters.

Well thats all but expect more actions in a the next chapter and so on.

SlicedFlanscreators' thoughts