
Tales of Naruto Phenex in DXD

After suffering a heartbreaking betrayal from two of his closest persons, Naruto Phenex leaves underworld only to rise to the top of the world.

AculturedCitizen · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs


Hey Guys, yeah I know I know, I'm very much due to give you updates which I'll do now.

I got into an accident. A Drunk n drive to be more precise. I was under no circumstances allowed to move anything since it took out my right hand and leg ( Minor fractures). I was out of loop since forever ( December) and I'm almost done recovering.

I announced this in my first novel as well that I'll be re-writing that one ( check that out too, though Im gonna rewrite it- Black Dragon Emperor in DXD) but before that I'll be aiming to complete this story, which never had an ending tho many authors took it on.

Its almost like a damn curse that even I who thought to complete it , got into an accident. So, yes, I'll complete this by April 15 or around that point, but let's see.

And also, I'm so sorry for keeping you out of the loop.

And please choose an ending, like type yes or no in the paragraph comments for the endings I'm planning

1) "Forgive Grafiya and take her into his family(will give Grafiya's POV of why she cheated)

2) Don't forgive Grafiya.

Btw don't expect me to take Grafiya as a sex toy or whatever, I'm sick of that one.