
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Tranh châm biếm
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67 Chs


Hiroki teleported once he got outside of Konoha's camp. The next thing he saw was a building in a large town. He took a look around and could feel the breeze of the ocean.

He went towards the large building and went to enter it. As he approached the building, two guards saw him and the hitai-ate on his forehead. They became hostile instantly and entered their battle stance, but the next moment, they saw red flash in Hiroki's eyes and stood where they were without moving one bit.

Hiroki continued going inside until he was standing in front of a large door. He knocked on the door and opened it.

Once inside the room, he saw a man with long black hair sitting behind a desk. The man saw Hiroki and noticed his Hitai-ate and became wary instantly. This was the third Mizukage.

"What is a shinobi from Konoha doing inside my office? I don't know if I'm to praise you for your braveness or for your stupidity." The man said.

Hiroki didn't even bat an eye at the man's provocation. The moment he entered, he sensed the presence of another eight shinobi hidden inside the room.

"I haven't come for chit chat. I'm here to end this useless war." Hiroki said.

"Hahahaha. That was good. I haven't laughed like this in a while. Care to tell me how you're going to finish this war? Or maybe, you being here means that you think you can kill me?" The third Mizukage asked.

"Yes, I can kill you, but I'm not going to do that. I'll give you a choice and you can agree to it or not. Kiri is to forfeit this war against Konoha instantly and have it's troops return immediately." Hiroki said. His expression did not change one bit ever since he came inside the room.

"Look here kid. I know you are young and young people make stupid choices. Give me one reason not to have you killed right this instant." The Kazekage said as he became serious.

"First, you aren't capable of it and neither are the other eight shinobi hiding in this room. Even if all of you were to team up and attack me, I would not die. And second..." Hiroki said as he extended his right hand.

Right where his hand was stretched out to, three unconscious men appeared. The third Mizukage instantly grit his teeth once he saw the faces of those three.

"I have a demand to make and no matter what you think, you don't have the power to refuse." Hiroki said.

The third Mizukage knew the importance of the swordsmen of Kiri. They held very important information about the village and their life and knowledge is extremely precious to Kiri. Hiroki had captured three of the seven swordsmen so if he wanted to, he could have gotten important information from them. Even if they were killed, he could still gain information from their bodies.

"I have said it already. Call back your shinobi and forfeit this war. These three will be returned to you and released." Hiroki said.

As Hiroki finished talking, a different anbu came in from the door. When he saw Hiroki holding the three swordsmen, he was instantly surprised. He went straight to the Mizukage and relayed his message. After doing so, the Mizukage had a grim look on his face as he looked at Hiroki.

"I guess now you know what has happened yesterday in the battlefield." Hiroki said as he looked at the anbu that came inside.

"So I'll ask you. Are you willing or not?" Hiroki asked.

The Mizukage stayed silent for more than a minute. His face turned sour, but he knew that everything was against him. He had only one right choice in this and if he chose the wrong one, Kiri would suffer greatly from it.

He tried opening his mouth, but no words came out. He calmed his heart and breathed deeply.

"I can have my men return and forfeit from the war, but I need every single one from the seven swordsmen."

"Hahaha. That is quite amusing, but as I said, you don't have other choices in this. I'm the one holding the cards. I'll return these three to you for you to have your men return and forfeit the war against Konoha and Suna. Regarding the bodies of the other four, you'll have to sign a peace treaty this instant." Hiroki said with a serious face as he grabbed four scrolls and one piece of paper and put them on the table.

At this moment, the Mizukage trembled where he stood. He heard the news about the death of the four swordsmen from the anbu that arrived. He was expecting to negotiate with Hiroki since the Konoha shinobi hadn't mentioned the other four swordsmen, but now he understood why. He finally understood when Hiroki said "I'm the one holding the cards" because he really did have the cards on him.

The Mizukage was unwilling to do what Hiroki demanded, but he had no choice, otherwise Kiri would suffer if the information contained on the seven swordsmen was to be known by the rest of the elemental nations and their hidden villages. He looked at Hiroki, who had a serious face. He made a hand sign to order his anbu, but he was stopped due to the pain he felt on said hand. He then saw his hand flying into the air and then falling on the desk.

The Mizukage stepped back in pain and held where his hand had once been.

"I told you. You have only one choice in this. I didn't lie when I said could kill you and all of your men in this room. You either sign the treaty of peace or you can die and see Kiri collapse." Hiroki said, now releasing his killing intent, making everyone in the room shake in fear.

Feeling afraid for his life and afraid of what may happen to Kirigakure, the Mizukage signed the treaty as fast as he could.

"Very good. As you might have already deduced, the four scrolls contains the body of the other four of the seven swordsmen. The seal on the other three will be released by itself in a few hours. I'll be taking this treaty of peace and I'll be handing this to the Hokage. I'll give you one day for all of your shinobi to return from the war. If not, then you know what will happen." Hiroki said as he looked seriously at the Mizukage.

The Mizukage then had a thought and asked.

"What about the seven swords? You obviously have them."

"You're right. I do have them. But don't worry, I'll return them when I think I should. For now, my main purpose is complete. In a few months time, send Ao and one other high ranking shinobi to Konoha to retrieve them. But it will come with a price, so be prepared to pay up." Hiroki said as he then instantly disappeared from the office.

The eight anbu in the room went towards the Mizukage after seeing that Hiroki had left. Ever since he walked inside the room, they weren't able to move even one inch from their positions.

"Mizukage-sama, your hand was cut clean. If we hurry, the medics can reattach it in place." The anbu leader said. The Mizukage nodded his head and went towards the Hospital.


Once Hiroki had left the office, he had teleported back to konoha's battle camp. Once he got there, Sakumo noticed him with three other clones.

"Hiroki, where did you go? The three swordsmen of Kiri disappeared from our watch. We have looked all around this place and in a radius of ten miles and we couldn't find them." Sakumo said.

"Don't worry Sakumo. I have bought peace for the time being. We should call back all of our troops and return to Konoha." Hiroki said as he walked past Sakumo.

"Wait. What do you mean? I know you hold influence and power in Konoha despite your young age, but we are at war right now, Hiroki."

"We were at war. Not anymore." Hiroki said as he took out a paper and handed it to Sakumo.

Once Sakumo saw what was written on the paper, he had a extremely surprised look on his face.

"Hiroki, how did you...?" Sakumo asked, not believing what he was seeing.

"I went to Kiri and had a talk with the Mizukage. I told him that if he forfeited the war and called back his troops, I would return the three swordsmen I had captured. That is why they have gone missing. Regarding the peace treaty, I gave him the body of the other four swordsmen killed by Might Dai in exchange. He didn't have a choice since each and everyone of them were important members of Kiri and held secret information on their bodies." Hiroki explained.

"Tha... that..." Sakumo tried to search for words, but wasn't able to say anything.

Hiroki then took back the paper and grabbed his belonging in his tent and teleported once more to Konoha.