
Saint Julie

As I carried Jane and walked through the town, though it looked suspicious no one dared to stop me as I knocked down the royal knights who tried to block my way again

As I entered a particular part of town it was particularly silent and nearly 100's of people were gathered focusing on woman clad in white

She was standing on a podium and had her hands placed on a sick kids back

Yeah, the kid had the same symptoms of plague which I had encountered earlier

A white spread out from her hands enveloping the kid and the black marks on his face turned into scabs and fell down revealing his healthy face

The mother of the child who I guessed to be, ran and kneeled down in front of the woman in white and hugged her child and sobbed happily

" Thank you Saint Julie ! Our family will always be grateful to you "

" No, you shouldn't thank me I am merely the messenger of God Helios who is doing her mission "

" Wah, So humble ! "

" She is the saintess of light Julie, we were originally dispatched to this town to bring her to the capital safely "

Hmm, I looked at Jane who got down and started explaining about the saintess

" she's kind to the people on the outside but- " Jane scratched her head not knowing how to explain

The saint Julie bent down and patted the little boys head

" what's your name little boy ? "

" Griffin! " He was nervous seeing the saint's face close up

" Do you want to save people like me when you grow up ? "

little Griffin nodded his head

" Then do you want to worship me as your master ? " she scratched the boys chin

Griffin looked back at him mom and scratched his head not knowing what to do

On the other hand the mother was overwhelmed with emotions and was shaking in excitement

" kneel down and bow your head and call saint as your master little Griff " the mother pushed her child down making him know tow three times and made him call saint Julie as his master

Saint Julie held the child's hand and touched his nose " from today onwards you'll be my fourth disciple "

" don't worry Griffin's mom, I'll take care of him well so that he won't feel like he is missing his mommy "

The saint assured and walked out of the crowd, the mother waved her hand back at her child as tears of joy were flowing down her cheeks

" do you get it now ? " Jane poked my stomach and asked me

" No, I didn't, can't you say it ? "

Jane looked around and cupped her hand around my ears and whispered " she's a shotacon ! "

" A pedo ? it must be rumours right - "

I felt a surge of energy in the direction the saint walked away

" looks like the saint have some company! "

" what ?!! " Jane immediately ran towards the direction

I was faster than her and carried her in my arms towards the saint

when I reached there I saw four knights wearing white armour fallen down breathing weakly while a man clad in demonic mana trying to rip the saints throat

I instantly caught the demon and engulfed it in my mana making him drop dead instantly

The saint had her back turned and was now hugging Griffin tightly that his face was stuffed in between her boobs

" Don't worry Griff, I won't let you get hurt ! "

Is she really a pedo and look at that Little bastards face, though he is scared and pissed in his pants he is still rubbing his face against her boobs

I tapped on her shoulders " You don't need to worry about him getting hurt Saint, you can drop him now ! "

She turned and looked at me in amazement " you killed the demon ? "

" Yeah "

" How -, no thanks saviour, please let me heal my knights before we can talk further"

" Oh, you don't need to worry about it - " I channeled my Qi out like domain expansion they show in anime and removed the demonic energy imbued in them and increased the regeneration rate

This wouldn't have been possible before but with my cultivation level increased I am able to channel Qi out of my body up to 50 meters

Saint Julie's eye twinkled and she dropped Griffin and held my hand " are you also a believer of God Helios, No you must be, why am I even asking it !, I have never seen such a pure light energy before, can you have a chat with me ? "

should I really go with her, before I can decide Jane came next to me and asked

" can you please protect Saint Julie till we reach the capital? we don't have enough strength if we face another attack like that ! "

" why should I ? I am not a bodyguard! " Though she looks pretty, I too have pretty women waiting for me at home

" wait! what does that mean ? are you not a believer of God Helios ? no, but how does it explain your pure light energy "

" This isn't light energy but yang energy "

" Yang energy ? " She tilted her head as If she was hearing a new term

It would be better if I demonstrate, I channeled my yang energy into her

" Ahhh " Her body became weak and her legs started trembling and she ended up falling in my arms

" It's so hot and warm and so filling! " Saint Julie spoke in a weak voice

I felt my neck tighten around me and saw my dragon wife choking me out

" You had the guts to kick me and hug another woman in broad daylight! "

Edna's face was twisted with anger and she was about to make me pass out

" No, honey I only met her today, I don't have anything to do with her " I only have this choice to calm her down

I dropped julie down and turned around and hugged her and rubbed her back " Are you jealous Edna, don't worry you'll always be my number one wifey "

Edna smiled and kissed me passionately pushing me to the ground

" Hmm, let's have Breakfast honey, I am hungry " Edna wrapped her hands around mine and pulled me

" ahh Steve ! " Jane called me

" Fuck off bitch ! " Edna screamed at Jane

Jane's eyes became moist

Sigh, why is Edna like this, I squeezed her ass making her shut up

" Come let's have breakfast together Jane " I called her too

She must have been hungry after the rough episode she had in the morning