
Tales of Existence (Raison d' Etre)

"THE TALE OF EXISTENCE!" Tens of Thousands years ago, there was a galaxy named Fall. The Fall was ruled by an Existences and led them to its grandest life. The Existences created creatures. Among creations that stand out were these Elemental creatures the latter was humans. The Fall serves as their home, their hope, and their existence. But then! It was all for naught when an abyss opened, PROJECT: Raison de' Etre. The reason for existence! "What do you want? Power, Love, Fame, Riches? Which is which?" Raison D' Etre! The reason for everything! Discover you own as you explore the possibility of reaching Existence! Be the next Existence!

SATOU · Kỳ huyễn
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53 Chs

Chapter 34: Training (4)

Chapter 34: Training (4)


"It's the weapon!"


"We can't fend them off! With just bare hands, we can't nothing but escape! We aren't like a beast who got no intelligence. We're basically made to survive in this Shitty place! We need a weapon!"

"But where?"

"We need to find that item! It must be in this Forest Swamps."

"Then, where are we going find that item you speak of! This Forest swamp is bigger than we thought!"

"There!" He pointed. It is where the Fogs surrounds.

"Then let us move carefully!" She said.


Among the hundred of Assassins, almost half of its original numbers remained in this trial.

Purple and Threat is hiding from the sands. They can't just fend them off. Purple is still unconscious in-mind. She's a busy body without a soul!

It must be her defective or weakness that Sins told about.


Void and Jade were also wandering in the Sea Bay. They need to find something to use. They want to get away from these leeches and snakes in the bay!


Seemingly the other two youths, Slaughterer and Dou is finding a way to find a good timing, to let these monsters go away.

"As I said a while ago, I will act as the bait. Got it?"

"Yes, I got it!"


'These two teamed person is good. They collaborate without a hint of disparities. They ought to act like they knew each other. A perfect companion!'

The commanders were already rating them.



Slaughterer shouted.

"ᜋᜒᜀᜆ᜔ ᜋᜒᜀᜆ᜔ ᜋᜒᜀᜆ᜔"

"So do you want meat huh?" He said.

He understands the literal Alibata! He's not the 7-year-old kid anymore! He's knowledge from the past is still lingering in his mind!

He moved too fast for a kid. Even his affinity was disabled!

When he got the prey. He did some hand signs.


She read that out.

She knew it at the beginning.

'He planned this all. He's not just a kid. He's something!' She thought.

The more she has gotten close with him, the more mysterious he got. He's like a whirlpool in the sea. The more he got stronger, the stealthier he is. He's like an unmoving mountain!

Dou moved forward. Her hair is messy but she's beautiful by far.

She used her solid punch to land a good hit.

Rabbit like animals was trampled in just seconds.


She readied that sign again.

'Pull over!'

She knew what he meant so she acted that out.

They moved in different locations to part them up. It is to keep them away from the fogs...


The two of them vanished against them.

They successfully executed the plan without troubles.



They used hand signs to communicate.

Their watches are just a bother. It consumed too much time.

They both entered the fogs in different manners. It is their own skills to move this fast. They're trained to become Assassins.

Dou let a smile after they got in.

But Slaughterer isn't in that mood yet.

'He's taking this seriously!' She thought.

As if Slaughterer read her out, he speaks.

"Don't be contented with that result. We're still in this wicked place. We need to get out first so you can smile again...."


'He can read my thoughts!'

"Just focus. Let's do the next plan. For now, we need to separate. If something is changing or your in a bad situation please call me directly."

"Okay." She replied.

They move again. They went here to pick some weapon!

He went straight to the foggiest area.

In there, he saw several chains. They are called path chains!

In every looking chains, it held secrets.

"Follow your path chains and you'll get something. It is like a fate: You'll find what's the best in the killing path." It was carved in the very centre where chains shuffled.

But he could no longer wait! Time ticks!

Fate brings you to your desire. Without thinking further, he rushed in the chains he felt the best!

Of course, he was swallowed by the white fog...

Three silhouette looking weapons are floating at his eyes. One, a pair of power edge dagger. Two, a pair of affinity dagger. Three, a pair of stealth dagger.

These 3 kinds of daggers aren't just best. They were topnotch weapons made by Sins. Once you pick the power edge dagger, you'll get advantage from your enemy. This can supply you a great power; it is used to mainly kill someone in a burst of damage. To contend with powerful weapons it is a must to pick the first choice.

The 2nd dagger was made for affinity. It acts as a source of storage of your affinity. You can use your techniques while using it.

The 3rd dagger was made for stealth Assassinations. You'll gain maximum stealth up to 2-5 seconds. If you can erase your existence in the battle. No one will hinder your goals then.

This 3 kinds of dagger were made for him. Of course, these 3 are the best but he needs to only pick 1 out of the 3 weapons.

Of co,urse he knew where he's good at. So he picked the first one without hesitation. Why? It is because it was his weapon until 7 years. There are many opportunities to get these weapons in front of him. He just needs to rank himself. The problem is time.

Without waiting, he moved out.

He saw a gal waiting for him, Dou.

"So did you pick something?" Slaughterer asked.


Three weapons he can see by far. One is a sword and the rest was swords.

That's right. This Dou was good at using swords. In the future, she will take a path relating in sword path.

But why did she got all of it?

I think it's a secret.


While the rest got no idea about the first hint. They were being warned at first.

"Your goal is to find the hidden item."

Which means as,

"Find the hidden Item all throughout the trials."

It is not just in the first trial but to the rest of the incoming trials!

It was clear and concise.

Yet no one would ever think that some hidden items are needed to pass the 2nd trial.

They thought that it was impossible to find hidden items before they got a 5 member team! Then if the first trial ended, then the trial itself would end. But they're wrong!

Of course, no one would think about it except him, Slaughterer!

"There still much time to kill them. Once we got the quota we need to find the way out. Or else we are going to die here."

"Okay, let's go out!"

"Follow the plan I told you earlier."

"I got that."

It was all planned by him!

He took the leader's role in this situation. He wouldn't mind taking her in the slaughterhouse!

Yet this is the only part of him. His into killing!

He's not just a person who is out of the league but there someone else too!

They were made by despair to mature them at a young age. They were savage to face the heavens.

Purple, Threat, Void, Dou, and Jade!

They crossed this fate!

They got something for killing. They got personal motives!

You gain what you expect!

You kill what you desire!

A simple reminder from the Sins itself!

This Sin is a good tool to make Assassins. They are the best making machine! They made you and train you. So they'll use you. A properly trained cat would likely follow it's a trainer. The cat would act depends on his/her master!

The same applies to the moulding of Assassins!


"Now where do we need to find that item?"

They also got an idea. At first, they wouldn't know. Sins would not give you a trial that is impossible to finish.

Before they got the hint they wrecked their minds to understand the whole situation first.

'We need to find that hidden item in this Sea Bay.'

Void ponder in just seconds.

If Slaughterer read his thoughts he would be amazed.

'This Void is also good! He's a little bit like Slaughterer in many ways. But Slaughterer is different! He got that vibe that Is can only feel when I'm with him! I can't understand him at all. As if someone is driving me to death!' Jade thought.

Of course after this far. Both of them made an oath to kill each other. And it's just the beginning of their path.

What would happen anyways will depend on them?

It's is the biggest fact that they crossed their fate blindly!

To be continued…..

Satou, D.