
Tales of Emboria : Wolf System

Fenrir is the son of Edwin the hunter. One day Edwin while hunting find the wolf pub and decide to take him to respect their family long lost custom. Edwin give responsibility of the pub to his son. Fenrir and wolf able to form mysteriously strong bond which has something to do with his long lost family custom. Fenrir is also have strong interest in sword which he learn from his uncle who is knight of the kingdom. The story will follow Fenrir as he go through the journey to become strong knight and help weak and powerless along the way. This is the my first novel so please tell if you find any inconsistency in the story. THANKS

RUNE08 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Boy meets the Wolf

Edwin and Marvin arrived in town just as the sun dipped below the horizon. After exchanging farewells, they headed to their respective homes. As Edwin stepped through the door of his house, his wife, Victoria, greeted him warmly. However, her expression soured when she spotted the wolf pup in his hands.

Victoria's voice carried a hint of anger, "What is this?"

Edwin explained, "It's a wolf pup we found in the forest. Its parents were dead when we discovered it."

Victoria's concern remained, "Even so, why would you bring a predator into our home?"

Edwin persisted, "He's only a month old, Victoria. He wouldn't survive in the forest alone."

Victoria softened her gaze, "But one day, he might grow and pose a danger to our family."

Edwin revealed another reason, "There's more to it, Victoria. My ancestors had a close bond with wolves. They raised them and hunted together. But that trust was lost over time. My father believed it was our fault."

Victoria began to understand, "So you're trying to mend that bond?"

Edwin nodded, "I can try, and I'll keep a close eye on him."

Victoria reluctantly agreed, "Okay, but if there's even one incident where this wolf becomes a threat, we have to get rid of him."

With a reassuring smile, Edwin called out to Fenrir, who was in the backyard of the house.


In the backyard, Fenrir was engrossed in training with a wooden sword, a passion he'd had since he could remember. His uncle, a knight of the kingdom, had promised to teach him the ways of the sword once he turned ten.

A voice from inside the house interrupted his practice, and he reluctantly left his sword behind to investigate. As he entered the house, his eyes landed on the wolf pup in his father's arms, and they sparkled with anticipation.

"Wow, Father! Where did you find this dog?"

Edwin corrected him, "Firstly, it's not a dog; it's a wolf. Marvin and I found him in the Frostwich Forest. His parents were killed."

Fenrir's enthusiasm dimmed, "Oh, that's a shame."

Edwin continued, "Fenrir, tomorrow is your birthday, and as a present from me, you can keep the wolf."

Fenrir hesitated, "But Father, aren't wolves dangerous?"

Edwin reassured him, "Yes, adult wolves can be, but if raised from a pup, they can become friendly. Don't forget that wolves and dogs are part of the same family."

Victoria chimed in, emphasizing the responsibility, "Remember, Fenrir, this is a big responsibility. You'll have to take good care of the wolf."

Fenrir beamed, "Yes, Mother. Have you given him a name?"

Victoria replied, "Not yet. Why don't you give him a name?"

Fenrir thought for a moment, then exclaimed, "Storm! His name will be Storm."