

Sans chuckled softly as the human stated as long as they were fed dog food and frozen spaghetti, then they'd be fine. As the child turned their back to Sans pondered on the 'frozen spaghetti' part. It sounded familiar..Almost instantly, a flashback of his nightmare was triggered; unwilling activating his left eye to spark a sky blue, but he quickly covered it so the child wouldn't notice it. It was only brief as he quickly deactivated it. Looking to the child as they turned to wave once more to the still squatted skeleton. He pulled his hand from his eye after giving the human a nervous smile. Deciding to reply with a faint wave . Once the child was far enough, he shifted his white pupils downward as he silently pondered to himself of this awful feeling of deja vu. It was actually starting to eat at him.

Sans eventually lifted from his squatting position and took a single step forward as he stepped into a zip-line of nothing that teleported him right beside his brother who was up ahead of Frisk. Papyrus was looking about the area until he noticed his brother right beside himself, causing him to jump in shock, " DANG IT, SANS! he felt like his chest was going to explode as he grasped the chest plate of his body armor, " You know I hate it when you do that-- that thing of yours! You startled me!"

Sans wore a frown at this point, but hearing his brother made him shift a smirk upon his face as he looked up to Papyrus, "Hehe, sorry Bro, I didn't mean to RATTLE ya." he then chuckled at his own pun, but Papyrus face palmed. Quickly trying to change the subject, "Not now, Sans! We have to watch for humans, remember? And this time, I know there's one out here! I can feel it in my...." Papyrus stopped himself as his brother stared at him with the biggest smile laid upon his face. "Go on! Say it...Saaaay it~" Sans encouraged Papyrus. Papyrus huffed out of frustration before finishing his sentence. "I..I can feel it in my...BONES! There!" Papyrus covered his face in disappointment. On the other hand, Sans chuckled to the serious placed joke. "What have I become?! You're rubbing off on me, Brother!"

"Oh? That's HUMERUS bro!"

"SANS! PLEASE!" Papyrus plead for his brother. It was then a strong snow storm rushing in on the two...How odd? There was no sign of a blizzard approaching before. Sans' narrowed his eye sockets as he could see the shadowy figure approaching the two of them. Triggering the nightmare's once more as he quickly looked away. Papyrus quickly noticed as was instantly worried.

"Sans!? Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah yeah..Just a head act is all."

"Oh my. We should get you home then.."

Sans looked to Papyrus then back to the shadowy figured that was obviously Frisk as he quickly changed the subject so his brother would notice.

"But bro, what about the humans? Don't worry, it's nothing too serious. We have a job to do, right?"

"Hmm, if you say so. But only for one more.." Papyrus' sentence was paused as he looked to see the shadowy figure of the blizzard coming forth to the two of them. Once it was in view Papyrus jaw dropped wide open. He looked to Sans, then back to the small human before him. Repeating this method once more as he quickly snapped his neck so fast back to Sans and grasped his shoulders. "SANS! A human!" he pointed. Sans chuckled to how funny his brother looked right now, but he had to play along as he looked to Frisk.

"Oh wow! A human, Bro. What should we ever do?!" he asked in such a nonchalant tone.

"Don't worry brother! I, the GREAT Papyrus, shall handle this!" He released Sans's shoulders and stood high and almighty before Frisk as he pointed to the human, "HUMAN! I am the GREAT Papyrus!" He strikes a pose before the child and gave a smug smile, "NYEHEHEH! I shall capture you, turn you in, and I shall become a royal guardsman of the underground. Boy, Undyne will be SO proud of me!" he was so filled with joy of this moment , because now he could use his puzz-- wait. It just dawned on Papyrus to look around the pile of what looked like mechanical plates and pipes of junk. But it was actually the puzzle he was suppose to prepare. He didn't expect any humans to get past the bridge so soon. And at this moment, he had no puzzles to defend himself.

"Uh..Hmmmm" He brought his gloved hand to his chin as he pondered out loud. "Well. This is embarrassing.."Sans raise his head up in question.

"What's the matter bro?" Papyrus looked to Sans.

"It seems I wasn't all that prepared for any humans after all..I will need time to fix my puzzles, Sans! But.." He looked to the human once more. Seeing the child actually looked harmless. "Are...Are you sure that's a human, brother? It doesn't seem all that vicious as Undyne explained to me in training.." Papyrus was so confused. Looking the child with worrisome filled eyes as he showed some concern.

"Yep. That's defiantly a human."

"But..It's so small, Sans.." He was already feeling sorry for the little thing. He didn't want to hurt it.

"That's because its a kid human. Like a puppy to a dog." Sans then looked to Frisk when Papyrus wasn't looking as he gave a noticeable wink.

Walking through the Blizzard the child would stop half way to Papyrus as they could hear the two brothers talking; blinking a few times the human continued to smile and give a slight hum. Though as soon as the larger skeleton brother spoke and pointed towards the human, Frisk stopped in their place. Suddenly a heavy gust of wind would have brushed past the three of them, whipping their clothes about. Opening their mouth slightly but not saying anything as a flash back intercepted their current thoughts. Their hands shaking slightly, but not from the cold this time, though one couldn't really tell since they kept the same expression on their face.

All of a sudden the child was standing in the forest in Snowdin with blade in hand, an empty group of armor pieces lay on the ground with a large slash in it and a red scarf was blowing in the wind. 'Papyrus?' The human thought to themselves for a few seconds, 'Is he stre-' The human looked at the blade in their hand, a knife. Tears welled up in the humans eyes, visible to Sans if they were close enough or paying attention, since they had the better eye sight obviously. By the time Frisk had gotten out of the flash back, they had been spaced out for a mere few seconds. They'd bring a finger up to their chilled cheek and wipe away the tear which was beginning to freeze.

The next thing the human heard was something about Undyne and training. Blinking a few times the human would slowly tilt their head to the side. This conversation seemed a little different from what they could recall, but it was very similar. Though when the human looked at their hand they took a startled step back as they 'saw' blood on their hand, but blinked and the said blood was gone. The human took a shaky breath in, but the combination of the dry air and the snow, made their nose burn and blush a bit red.

That's when the human heard Sans speak, saying the kid was like a puppy to a dog. Seriously? He turned what Frisk said into a joke? Frisk made a nervous chuckle, muffled by their closed mouth now before opening their mouth once more, "You'd be in trouble if I was a dog. I'd have a bone to pick from you," The human would joke in return considering dogs liked to chew on bones, at least from Frisk's experience on the surface. Their voice seemed oddly softer than prior to this current meeting.

The human then looked at the dismantled puzzle on the ground and arched a brow slightly before looking at the Great Papyrus, with a slight grin forming from their innocent smile. They didn't make their puzzle yet. "So uh... Papy The Great," The human gave the Great Papyrus a nickname with title, "How about I challenge you to a puzzle, if you solve it, you can capture me without effort. If you cannot solve the puzzle, then you make can me some nice hot Spaghetti." Frisk would hold out a hand, as if asking for them to shake on it if they accept, though their hand was rather red and shaking as the body was trying keep it warm.

Chara's attention was brought back as Frisk was going through the scenes of their last route. "Snap out of it, Frisk!" the child then looked around the area, noticing that the scene was different from the last time they came through this area. Chara then noticed Papyrus. A slight smirk arching as they realized what was going on. "Now I see..." Chara's transparent body walked over to the knelled down Papyrus as only Frisk could see them. "Funny. I barely recognized him with his head on." Chara joked. Using their index finger to make an invisible slit mark across Papyrus' neck line; Basically tracing where Frisk sliced Papyrus in the past. "Though..He was pretty quick to kill. And he gave you a lot of LOVE too." Not that Chara was persuading Frisk to do the unspeakable. After all, Frisk is a changed person, Right?

Sans and Papyrus didnt even notice the child's tears during their bickering with one another. However, Sans laughed to the child's joke. Papyrus on the other hand narrowed their eyes. "I see it has a way with jokes." he nagged. Looked like Papyrus was gonna have to deal with two comedians right now. He then knelt down, but he wasnt even at eye level with the child due to his height, but it was good enough. His eyes then sparkled with joy as the human nicked named Papyrus. P-Papy the Great? Wowi, Human! I love it." he announced. His reviews on the name was then followed with the human's soft voice speaking of a CHALLENGE?! What is this? A trick? So this is how humans take battles, eh? Papyrus narrowed their eyes with a wide smile. Looking to the human's small hands as he brought his hands up to his chin in thought, "Oh?! Well the reward is rather too great to pass by...Hmm." He gave it another moment as he looked to Sans. Sans gave wide eyes of uncertainty. He honestly had no idea what Frisk was up to. Instead he brought his hands up and gave a shrug. Papyrus lowered their eye sockets. "Well, you're no help..I ACCEPT! he announced as he turned back to the human and grasped the human's hand into a single shake.

Papyrus then stood up, towering over the child as he leaned over with his hands to his hips. "So what is this challenge human!? I the great Papyrus will not be out bested!"

Chara laughed to Papyrus statement. "Yeah, because you're too naive to learn when to give up..." Chara then looked to Sans standing with their hands back into their pocket after shrugging. Chara gave the big-boned skeleton a cunning smile. "You remember Judgement Hall, Frisk?" Chara asked. Peaking over their shoulder back at Frisk. Chara was no help to Frisk's terrible memories of their last timeline. But this was also a way for Chara to tell Frisk that things were different now. "So many Errors. If you keep doing this, things might turn out for the worst..."

Frisk's eyes followed the movement of Chara whom had moved over and traced the place where they had decapitated the giant skeleton. The child kept a stoic, yet smiling, expression which seemed unchanged to the people looking in on the human. They didn't want to think about it. They didn't want to think about the hate they generated from all of that. It was all their fault. Everytime they tried to ponder of why they did this to them, they couldn't come up with an explanation. It wasn't out of boredom. It wasn't exactly out of anger either. Something brought the child to bring about the death and destruction of the monsters in the underground. It wasn't Chara though. Something was present that isn't present now. What was it?

When Papyrus didn't seem to be amused by the joke the child had made, the human wasn't surprised since Papy didn't exactly like his brothers jokes. Seeing Sans uncertain face, the human heard words in the back of their head, Dirty Brother Killer. For a second there the human tensed and held the side of their head with their opposite hand as if they had a sharp pain in the head before papyrus shook their other hand and made the deal. The human fought back tears and a frown and continued smiling, barely showing anything other than their smile which seemed to be painted on their face. There was clear affection for Sans and Papyrus in the expression.

The human went to open their mouth to answer the Papy when he asked for the Challenge, but froze before they said anything as Chara began to speak. They were being given a warning, and yet again a flash back occurred with Sans impaling the human several hundred times over and over again with bones and even obliterating them with the beams from his Gaster Blasters. Closing heir eyes, the human cleared their throat, "Here is the puzzle: My favorite colors are Black and White, I have eighty eight teeth, but cannot chew. Alone I stand silently at rest, but with company I stand and sing for all to hear, what am I?" The human would have given him he puzzle of words to solve.