
Backseat Pasta

Frisk clung to his back as he brought up their feet around them in order to conceal the child beneath the jacket; even going as far as putting up their hood. Personally Frisk was utterly entertained by this, then when Papyrus made his appearance, the human clung to the skeleton and remained silent and nonmoving. Though as soon as the brother brought up the skeleton gaining weight, the human pursed their lips. Was... His brother really that idiotic? Then again, all his puzzles were pretty bad though dangerous if they even worked. They probably didn't work due to Sans though, he probably was the one who sabotaged that one with the patterns so they could have a clear path to follow across. Quite the schemer this one.

However as soon as Sans made a come back by saying they could 'drop' the weight easily, Frisk was so close to shoving their own hand in their mouth to stop from laughing. Seriously? He had to make an insider's joke like that? What if they had been caught. Would he have explained to his brother that the human stowed away without his knowledge? Well, that would most definitely be a sight to see. If that even worked. Wait, would it work? Imagining Papy falling for that, Frisk couldn't help but silently giggle without a sound.

Hearing the brother though dislike the joke which had been made, Frisk blinked a few times. That brother wasn't very supportive of the Sans when it came to these jokes. Frisk thought they made things worth while, and Sans probably thought so too. Then again, he was a Comedian, anything he did or wanted to do, had something funny related to it.

Once Papyrus was gone and Sans lowered the hood as they entered an old empty stand, the human popped their head out and moved up a little to the point that their arms now draped over Sans shoulders. 'What? No dinner first? heh,' the human would blush deeply but hold a meaningless expression. Why... Didn't Frisk do this before? Why did they have to go all genocidal? They didn't know what they were doing... The thought was covered up when he asked for the human's name. What was Frisk's name again? Wait, Frisk knew their name. Blinking a few times, prior they didn't know their own name in the last run. This was new.

"Frisk," The human child stated and chuckled a little considering what the human had just done to the skeleton. "Consider yourself Frisked," The human made a smug grin. Though the smug grin disappeared as they looked off into the distance. "Am I too 'touchy' or is it just me?" The human would say yet another joke, though sounding a bit nervous and flustered this time around.

Sans was just about to squeeze the ketchup into his mouth until he heard the human state their name. "Frisk, huh? Okay then, Kiddo." he'd make sure to hold the child's name in mind for future reference. But in this case, he'll just nick name them 'kid' or 'kiddo' for short. He opened his mouth once more and squeezed the ketchup in. Savoring it's tomato sauce flavor, but it was eventually wasted as he spit out in laughter to Frisk's little joke. "Consider yourself 'Frisked'." is what he heard. But in his lazy mind, the first thing to come to mind was a rated mature joke. He quickly shook his head. Frisk's next joke was followed with another. Sans burst out laughing. He ended his laughter with a relieving sigh as he looked to the child to give him a reply. "Nah, kid. You're not too 'touchy'. Besides, nothing really gets under my 'skin'. Hehe"

Sans then offered Frisk a sip of his ketchup bottle. The thought of his brother slowly crossed his mind. He chucked to how silly his brother was, "Ya know kid. I know my bro may seem like a numb-SKULL. But he's pretty cool once you get to know him." was this Sans' way of wanting the child to meet Papyrus? Well, he was still a little shaky from his nightmare. Any human would come off as dangerous; he just didn't want his brother getting hurt. But, this child seemed nice. He wants to trust them, but he's still has a slight 'gut' feeling that something's wrong.

His dream was near similar to this reality. Maybe if he asked, the kid's answer could reassure him from his bad thoughts, but not here. Either Frisk took his offer of the ketchup or not, he'd follow up with another suggestion. You know what...How about I take you out to eat some time? I know a great place."

Frisk never had this kind of fun, not last time, since last time was pretty much a train wreck. Why did Frisk attack everyone again? Frisk's thoughts were put aside as they made Sans laugh and even spew their first mouthful of ketchup and even got him to stop on his mid-way of taking another sip. Ketchup wasn't good for you anyways, Milk was much better for the bones. It had Calcium. Frisk chuckled at the thought of a milk joke before shaking their head to themselves before hearing Sans say they weren't too touchy and that they couldn't get under their skin. Frisk would begin to laugh considering Sans had no skin, though Frisk did wonder, what would this lazy skeleton look like as a human?

As soon as Sans offered Frisk a sip of the ketchup from the bottle, Frisk's face lit up a bit more in a blush, their heartbeat quickened. Leaning over the human would take a sip from the bottle of Ketchup before resting their head on Sans shoulder and listen to him talk about his brother being a numb-skull, but being pretty cool once they'd get to know him. Unintelligent people typically are fun to know and can be pretty cool, stupidly brave too and stupidly naive.

"Out to eat?" Frisk asked a bit surprised, blinking a few times before nodding, "Dinner date it is." The human referenced back to when Sans had said something about not having dinner first, a sexual joke. Though due to his mannerisms, it was clear that this skeleton was bothered by something. Was he uncomfortable? He seemed to trust Frisk. Quite possibly, was he going to ask a very uncomfortable question at this great place he knew of? Blowing off the thought, the human would yawn slightly before widening their eyes as their stomach grumbled. "Know anyone who makes a good hot pasta dish?" Starch was good for the stomach, considering it took a while to digest and the colder you are, the hungrier you typically get.

Sans' white pupils watched the human in the corner of his eye sockets as he chuckled to the human taking a sip of the ketchup. From the look of it, ketchup was probably not his suitable appetizer. And when his question was answered, his white pupils vanished from the sockets as a bead a sweat trailed down the side of his head. "Dinner date it is." repeated word after word in his head. Did he say it was a date? Or did he make it out to sound like he was asking the kid out on a date? "Uhhhhhh..." he wasn't sure on how to reply to that. Instead he quickly reverted his head away as his pale boned cheeks turned a light red of blush. He wasn't gonna deny or agree. Instead he just shrugged.

Sans quickly placed the ketchup down on the surface board and cleared his throat with his mouth covering his teeth. He wanted the subject to change and it was eventually granted. The child ask if he know of any places with good hot pasta. His white pupils faded back into the sockets as he looked the child from the corner of his eye sockets "Hmm...Papyrus knows how to cook a mean Spaghetti. I mean, he sure knows how to put the 'bone' in 'appetit' Hehehe! he chuckled at his own pun as he stepped away from the post. "So how about this. Go ahead and follow this path towards Snowdin. You'll eventually walk into Papyrus..and we can act oblivious to each other. How does that sound, kid?

Frisk had yet again made him feel uncomfortable? That was understandable, the Skeleton probably wasn't used to being molested, well, Frisk wouldn't be used to that either. He probably also wasn't used to the whole joking back and forth with someone. Plus the Errors which Frisk was causing, things that weren't originally in this worlds code was occurring. Frisk was in control of themselves this time around, obviously.

When he gave the human the suggestion of Papyrus being able to cook Spaghetti, their face darkened a bit at the remembering of the frozen pasta at the table where the fork itself was frozen to the table. "R-right," Frisk glanced to the side for a few seconds before letting go of Sans and slowly finding their way out of the Jacket, hugging themselves once in the cold again. "Sans... He's not going to bring me to Asgore is he, if he captures me? 'Mother' said Asgore would kill me," The human questioned.

Sans looked to the child climbing down from his back from under his coat. It was then deemed shocking to the words the child spoke to Sans. "Uh...Mother?" He instantly thought there was maybe more humans? And if so, how did they know about Asgore. Sans wanted to play it cool. And knowing his brother, he could probably predict exactly how his brother would react to Frisk's arrival. He quickly knelt down so that Frisk was a at eye level. "No way, Kiddo. Papyrus? Hehe, He wouldn't harm a fly. Don't let his status catch you off guard; he's not in the royal guards yet. Besides..." Sans turned away as he instantly remembered in the past when he actually did kill a child for ☝︎♋︎⬧︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎. Sans' narrowed his eyes, but realized the child was still waiting on his sentence to be finished as he gave Frisk a nervous smile, "Uhhh. You know what. Just trust me. Deal?" Sans pulled his skeleton hand out of his pocket and offered it to Frisk. In a way as if making a promise to Frisk through a handshake. "I'm not gonna let anyone harm ya. And once Papyrus meets you, he'll probably want to keep you, hah!".

When Sans hesitated, Frisk's brow slowly rose, but they seemed to smile up at him anyways and anticipating an end to that sentence. However, instead of an end, the human was given an entirely new sentence accompanied by a question. Just trust him? Nodding slowly when asked if it was a deal, Frisk's head would loll to the side slightly before pursing their lips slightly. "As long as the Spaghetti isn't frozen and he doesn't give me dog food," remember when they had been first captured by Papyrus, they didn't have much of a good time. Everytime they lost against Papyrus, they ended up back in that room with wide enough bars for anyone to get out.

Folding their hands behind their back, Frisk gave a cheerful nod as their stomach growled aloud. The human then glanced off in the direction of Snowdin, it was time to split ways, for now anyways. They would go past the house and into the blizzard like area. Nodding to themselves, the human would go moving at a quick pace in the direction of Snowdin; waving over their shoulder as they went. Eventually when that post was out of sight, the human wandered into Snowdin and continued walking to the point that they were at the edge of the white out where Papyrus was pretty much waiting. Maybe, just maybe, Frisk could get out of doing these dreadful puzzles. Holding their arms out cheerfully at their sides, they would move quickly in the direction of Papyrus, his shape coming into view.