

The amount of force behind their impact would have most likely hurt or killed someone, but the human, Frisk, felt something hold onto them. It was a warm, in their mind, though it was just the psychokinesis which was Sanses specialty. As they eventually landed on the Flower's palm, the humans were clinging to one another, more so awaiting the feeling of smashing into someone or something. Though as seconds went by and the whole impact didn't happen, their squeezed shut eyes opened and stared at Chara as they were too embracing them in the same fear of feeling pain. The kid smiled a bit before blinking a few times and looking about before hearing Sans speak up.

Frisk's eyes narrowed on the skeleton for a few moments, then back up towards Omega Flowey as it called out Chara's name. This was definitely a sight. Sans and Flowey being concerned, and who said that flower couldn't feel love? The human huffed happily, "We're fine," Frisk answered the question and smiled bright up towards Sans, blushing a bit as they continued to hold onto Chara until they chose to pull away or not. "I think... We're both... Alive."

When Gaster had finished the player off, the kid looked over and watched as it faded from their plain of existence only for a large reset button to appear in the middle of the void. That was interesting, the player's death must have triggered a mandatory button push? It was... Interesting. They weren't allowed to hit continue or reset and they didn't appear in the regular realm either. So they were forced with either staying where they were for the rest of their lives or pressing that button. Or at least that is what Frisk was assuming.

Slowly the human sat up on the Flower's palm and looked toward Gaster whom was just standing there; staring at the button in front of him. Slowly the crescent smiling skeleton turned their head and faced their creation and son. He couldn't touch him, they'd be dangerous; extremely dangerous. He himself wasn't in a stable form despite existing in the void.

Gaster did it again, vanishing and reappearing in front of his son, though not daring to touch the giant plant. His body cocked to the side slightly as he examined Sans. Unhurt physically, but he was obviously going through some mental and emotional stress. Gaster, the Royal Scientist, wasn't technically alive or dead, but he was always there. It would be hard to explain, but at least Sans knew the text books and their studies. He'd be able to piece it together. If Sans attempted to touch Gaster, he'd stumble back and if he pursued, he'd continue to move out of his grasp as if knowing his next few movements.

"✌ ❄☜💣🏱⚐☼✌☼✡ ✞✋👍❄⚐☼✡📪 👌🕆❄ ❄☟☜☼☜🕯💧 ☠⚐ ❄☜☹☹✋☠☝ 🕈☟✌❄ 😐✋☠👎 ⚐☞ 👎✌💣✌☝☜ ❄☟☜ ☜☠❄✋❄✡ ☟✌👎 ⚐☠ ❄☟✋💧 ❄✋💣☜☹✋☠☜📬 ❄☟☜ ⚐☠☹✡ 🏱⚐💧✋❄✋✞☜ ☠☜🕈💧 ✋💧 ❄☟✌❄ ❄☟☜ 🏱☹✌✡☜☼ 👍✌☠ ☠⚐ ☹⚐☠☝☜☼ 👍⚐☠❄☼⚐☹ ☟🕆💣✌☠🕯💧 👍☟⚐✋👍☜💧📬"


The Royal Scientist would exclaim, though sounding rather disappointed since he was still in the state of which he was in. He looked down at his own melted figure and sighed. The Royal Scientist was no fool, huh? Gaster let out a soft chuckle as he remembered the last time he made Asgore laugh by attempting to navigate his little garden of flowers in the throne room. It was like playing hopscotch. Then the flash back of the last time he saw his son, his creation. He was already lost and yet Sans wouldn't let him go and he was forced to push him away in order to save his life. No wonder the workers in the CORE wanted rails. They couldn't complain about a missing partner, if they never remembered having one. The chance of error was 95% right? How foolish of the not so foolish Royal Scientist... Gaster placed a hand on the side of his own head and looked to his son.

"❄☟✋💧 ✋💧 ❄☟☜ ✞⚐✋👎📪 ✌❄ ☹☜✌💧❄ ❄☟☜ ⚐🕆❄☜☼ ☹✌✡☜☼ ⚐☞ ✋❄📬 ✋❄ ☜☼✌💧☜👎 💣☜ ☞☼⚐💣 ❄☟☜ ❄✋💣☜☹✋☠☜📬 ❄☟✋💧 ✋💧 ❄☟☜ ⚐☠☹✡ 🏱☹✌👍☜ ✋ 👍✌☠ ☜✠✋💧❄📬 ☟☜☟📬📬📬✋🕯💣📬📬📬💧⚐ 💧⚐☼☼✡📬📬📬 ✋ ☝🕆☜💧💧 ❄☟☜ ☠⚐❄ 💧⚐ ☞⚐⚐☹✋💧☟ ☼⚐✡✌☹ 💧👍✋☜☠❄✋💧❄📪 ✋💧 ☜✞☜☼ 💧⚐ ☞⚐⚐☹✋💧☟📬"


The human simply stared at Gaster, not knowing exactly what he was saying as he talked in hands. Though he obviously seemed much more depressed and alone. Frisk didn't understand these mechanics either way. They just knew they could reset a timeline, that they could erase their SAVE and start over, or continue where they left off. This time though the world was only giving them one choice, but the human would wait. Sans seemed to have an interest in the being that came and practically saved the day. Since Sans could remember, or at least somewhat remember what happens during the timelines, it'd be only right to let him have this moment.

Chara's eyes looked up to Frisk after they stated they assuming they were both alive. Was Chara really alive? They quickly turned to look away as they placed a hand against Frisk's chest. When they were about to push Frisk away, they could feel a strange rhythm emit from their chest. They could feel Frisk's heart beat. Startled by the sudden thumps, Chara snatched their hand away, bringing it close to their self as if cowering away. This was all so sudden for Chara to be alive. It made no sense since their original body was most likely decomposed. How were they even here?

Frisk was now standing up from off Chara. The warmth the chid emitted against Chara was rather irresistible and unforgettable. Chara was now pulling them-self up off their back and standing. They looked over their own body; it was unbelievable and yearning to be seen and known by other instead of Frisk. Chara peaked over their shoulder, the eyes of another was captured by Chara as it was Omega looking down at Chara with a nervous smile. Chara's face blushed out of embarrassment. Quickly looking away to look towards the goopy figure who appeared in front of Sans.

Sans seemed to be rather nervous, watching as Gaster swooped in unannounced. As the being was now closer, Sans raised his hand up, attempting to slowly grab the black figure who was known as Gaster. Unfortunately, they evaded his grasp. Sans just wanted to know if he was physically real. After evading Sans touch, Gaster stated a summary of this timeline's status.

Sans pondered on what Gaster was speaking of, stating how Player was actrually controlling Frisk for a awhile. Which explained the last timeline where Frisk killed him..no, even that time it wasnt Frisk. The countless times Sans plunged a bone through the child's body, it was Frisk's futile attempt to strike him. It was as if the child changed, or awakened, into something darker.

Sans stood silently and took in every detail his creator had to notify them of. The Void. Even Chara's eyes widened to the name of this place. They could remember being here, engulfed in darkness for what felt like years. Being consumed in darkness and always alone.

Sans let out a soft sigh. Relieved that this mess was all over, for now. What could he even say at this time? The mood between the two seemed far too serious, he had to break the ice. He was still the same old Sans from years ago after all. Just...a tad more lazier and inactive in the science field.

"😐︎■︎□︎♍︎&︎, 😐︎■︎□︎♍︎&︎ ?" ('Knock, knock?) the skeleton joked. Of course, he would wait for Gaster to reply with the right follow up before continuing. Sans fluently understood hands, but reverted back to normal fonts as he continued his joke. "Dishes.." if hi creator followed the dialog, he would continue on, "Dishes a bad joke...Heh"

Chara and Omega narrowed their eyes at the two. In the little time Sans had with Gaster, he wanted the mood between the two feel normal. Sans shrugged, "After all this time..You were basically just stuck here, huh? Well, we can fix that. But in the mean time, why did you save me? Papyrus could have used you to be more in their life than me. I feel like a ...a mistake. Ever since you left us, I had to handle things on my own in raising Papyrus, explaining our life style to others, I was just a mess, heh." Sans held that smile on his face as he belittled himself. Even though he was down about himself, his smile showed that he had already accepted who he is. Accepted that he could never be like Gaster. So he resigned from Science work and became a sentry in the royal guard. Of course, he could become something more, but he had his younger brother to worry about.

Sans looked over to the button reading 'RESET'. Exactly, what will happen if that button is pressed? Sans narrowed his eyes at it. "Will that bring Papyrus back?" the skeleton asked out loud. his voice sounding scratchy as he didnt want to think that Papyrus was really dead from that attack. But nothing could dodge an attack like that. Papyrus was gone, but if that button could bring Papyrus back, he wanted it.

Chara knew immediately what Sans was planning. Their eyes widened as they looked down at their self and yelled. "Wait!" the child could be heard. Catching Omega and Sans attention as they turned to face the newly discovered human. "I...I.." this was all so knew to the child. For one in over a few years, the child could be heard. "Please dont do it...I ..I dont want to be like I was before..." the child was no longer filled with hatred, they actrually felt normal and replenished. This could all erase if Frisk pressed the button and Chara didnt want to risk it. Selfish as it may be, they would not understand Chara's struggle. They only sacrificed them self in the first place to help Mother and Father in breaking the barrier. But Asriel and Chara needed to know how the surface changed. See if it was even save for Monster to reside on the surface once more. So they snuck out as their souls were merged...only to be murdered by humans them self. Asriel blamed them self for that. At the time, they didnt understand fighting as a tool; they were sensitive to battled compared to Chara. Sans glared at the child. He was already on edge in losing his brother, but now this new arrival was stopping his chance of being with his brother again? What gives?

Sans clicked his tongue against his teeth, "Tsk..So Chara is it?" remembering the child's name from when Omega called out to them. "If that reset is gonna bring my brother back..I'm not gonna let you stop me."

"But what about Chara?!" Omega argued. "So you're gonna let Chara fall into ghost so your brother can live??"

"...Wait a mintue.." a light bulb appeared as Sans pieced the two together. Sans remembered who this child was from years ago now; something about the FIRST child who was adopted by the King and Queen. Chara. Sans frowned at the two. "Why should I have to give up my brother for a child who already died years ago? Last time I checked, that...that THING wasnt even suppose to exist."

"Why does that matter? Chara's alive now!"

The two were going back and forth. Leaving Chara and Frisk in the middle adn Gaster to the side. Out of anger, omega dropped their hand down to the ground, allowing Frisk, Chara and Sans to get off them. Easing in their television head in at the skeleton, face to face, as they argued. This was a matter of death and life. Chara winced to sound of them arguing. Rubbing the bridge of their nose as they could feel a growing head ache rising.

Frisk blinked a few times when the fallen human had pressed against their chest and blushed, considering there was a very little development there which wasn't apparent while their clothes was on. Though the fact that they cowered away after feeling the heat and beat of their heart, they blinked a few times and tilted their head a bit at Chara. When they stood up with them, they were attempted to hold onto their hand. Though now they were rather curious of what gender they truly were as they seemed also as Androgynous as they were for the time being. Hmm...