

Tales of Demon and God's is a story in which the MC knows about what will happen in the future hence he takes advantage of it. His return from the future or what his version of that future was gives him a great edge over others. But what if there is a TDG fanfic in which I know the plot, you know the plot , but our MC doesn't have a single clue about it. This is a story about a Top level Undercover Agent who died while serving his people. A solider who stayed in the dark and faced all his pain and suffering alone without any complaint , for the country he loved and swore to protect. As a top level agent he knew something that his superiors wanted to keep hidden. Once he fulfilled his utility, He was unfortunately a thorn in some top level eyes and was betrayed by the corrupted Politicians. Even being aware of their dark truth he could do nothing but suffer in silence. At his last moment he felt bitterness and helplessness and wondered where he has gone wrong in serving his people to suffer such an end. Our MC is reincarnated in the TDG world with no clue about anything, in a new world with a different dynamic where strength reigns supreme and a heart filled with regrets. What will he do? What choices will he make? ___________________ {A/N : If you want to join the discord server:- https://discord.gg/anT3arrt5W and, If you wish to support and encourage me.This is my PayPal link :- https://www.paypal.me/ppratyay]

Keetarp · Tranh châm biếm
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53 Chs

Chapter 16

After reading this many books in the Library, he can very easily guide anyone on their cultivation, but he is not stupid enough to do so. He knows that nothing in this world comes free, and free things no matter how valuable will not be treated with as much respect in contrast to expensive goods bought with hard work. He like the kids but to not that level yet.

Even though he is not going to give them a translated technique from the library, at least not now. He will still help them on their cultivation and make sure that their foundation is rock solid so that they may change their technique, if they found a new one or If Nie Li decides to give them one later.

Nie Li returned with the two and began cultivation. he mediated the chants, and began the most basic practice. In the future he may need the support of large amount of elixirs, but for now he would only need to practice the basic fundamentals.

Seeing as Nie Li begin his training, Du Ze and Pu Liao that were present in the room also began to practice their own cultivation techniques and began to absorb the energy from heaven and earth to strengthen their soul realms. The more they practice, the more they realise how good Nie Li was with his modifications of their technique.

Nie Li was practicing the Heavenly Anarchy technique, He was steadily laying the foundation for the future. His soul realm was like the chaotic space surging and swirling, constantly changing it's shape and filled with distortion and Phantoms. Portions of soul force ebbing and flowing, Nie Li felt that his soul force already had been significantly strengthen.

The first stage of soul force practice is to reach the level of heart and soul as one. With the continuous enhancing of soul force, the soul realm began to surge over and over, gradually releasing dark glow.

Nie Li and two remained in the library devoting themselves into practice. The next day Lu Piao and Du Ze break their cultivation to notify Nie Li that's it's classes time. Nie Li told them to go to class without him. Although the classes are very boring and Shen Xiu would rather brag then teach something, he still advised them to go there. As for him, he was way too focused in his cultivation to keep up this farce.

One day, two days, Five days...Over time, Nie Li's soul force rose steadily and he was almost at 1-star Bronze Rank.

He didn't only cultivate all day, he also did extensive A.I.Chip's recommended exercises to increase his body cultivation as well as practice the Daoyin technique to help Xiao Ninger.

This speed was simply amazing. Nie Li has also being working to collect various data and simulation to better evaluate himself and also understand the gap between each ranks.

"I need to get some elixirs, with elixirs only then will my cultivation speed be faster!" Nie Li thought, but he knows full that elixir are too expensive.

Elixirs that could enhance cultivation, could cost tens of thousands of demon spirit coins!

"*sigh* I will think about that later. For now, My speed is good enough. I can just ask Xiao Ninger to get me some alchemy equipment and try making the elixir from the formula I got from Library. I can also become an alchemist or Inscriptions master and earn a pretty good sum but I don't want attention." Nie Li was contemplating about his next move, frankly speaking with all the books in his database he has many ways to earn money instantly but almost all of them expose him to the public eye.

He doesn't have a very good opinion of the people here, to actually think they will provide a fair deal. Even if he somehow makes them believe that, he got a good backing from an imaginary formidable master, many will still succumb to greed. There is absolutely no way, he is going to bet his safety on other people's goodness of heart.

"Anyways, A. I. Chip Show my status "

[Beep! Nie Li. Demon Spiritualist. Physique : 69 , Soul force : 89, Status: Healthy ]

This status overview is something that Nie Li had A.I.Chip create after constantly scanning others to get a overall understanding towards this worlds Human Anatomy.

He noticed that his scanning can go unnoticed by Fighters especially Bronze rank ones, only very perceptive Silver rank fighters could sense something wrong but they cannot point it out. As for Demon Spiritualist, Nie li never tried or more exactly he didn't dare, Seeing how even a kid like Ye Ziyun has an amazing perception given that she is an elite in her peers, still made Nie Li beware of the Spiritualists.

He used various other methods like understanding the working of Soul crystals and such in order to deduce the soul perimeter.

'If my calculation is correct then a healthy adult on earth has around 30-40 as his physique, this physique covers the overall body strength, agility and vitality.' Nie li thought, he was very surprised to see that even his body which is just a 13 year old boy body which has received little to none exposure to expensive elixir and herbs, has a body strength greater than that of an adult.

Above 100 is the level needed for 1-star bronze Fighters. This is a threshold surpassing which one will become a Bronze Rank Expert. On Earth, 70-80 is the physique level for top class athletes. When one thinks about a Physique of 50 and 100, they very easily make the mistake of understanding the actual gap on them.

Let's say If 500 people come together and with their combined strength they lift a compartment of a train, and on the other hand, if one man comes with ability to do so by his lonesome. If we have those 500 people fight that lone man what will be the outcome?

One sided Massacre!!! No matter how many comes, if we show negligence in reading towards his stamina to fight constantly then all of them will die the same gruesome way.

A simple punch from the guys hold the power to tear down building no one could survive that!

The same way the difference between Physique 50,100 and 200 is not a additional but exponential gap, It will take two dozen of those at Level 50 to go up against Level 200 and the only way to kill him is via exhaustion. Half a dozen to ten of Level 100 will also need to use the same tactics just with fewer casualty.

The higher the Physique of a person the greater the gap becomes and harder it is to become stronger.

But of course there is another extremely important factor that was not taken into consideration, that being:'technique' and 'Martial Art'. Humans are not animals, they don't pit raw strength against raw strength. There is also technique and methods implied in a confrontation. This could easily become the X-Factor in a life or death situation.

'There is also one aspect I am not able to quantify yet that is the soul control, This is a very important attribute that distinguishes the more stronger advisory at the same level or if put in simple terms then the overall ability to effectively unearth the full potential on the level you are at. This stat in not as simple as it may seem'

Nie li has observed that the Cultivators here mainly focus on increasing their realm rather than increasing their command or mastery over the achieved realm.

If one will take a Bronze rank level cultivation as a nail, Gold as knife and Legend as a sword. Then everyone is focused on changing their length not the sharpness of the tools itself.

Every dagger wants be as long as sword to gain more range, but one thing they don't keep in mind is the sharpness and deadliness of the Dagger itself and refine that.

'If a long blunt sword and a sharp firm dagger meets, the dagger will cut through the sword like butter, Although the task is very difficult and mostly the soul control is gained through experience. I can come up with exercises to plan a follow up routine. I must find ways to be head and shoulders above everyone!'