
Chapter 9 - Xavier Pierce III


Maiden Square

"They're saying the bodies still hold the virus."

"I heard if we don't burn them the plague will return."

"What did we do to deserve punishment!?"

"The plague was Marris' revenge! The Emperor should've never used that bomb!"

"Do you want the Imperial Army to hear you? Keep your voice down buffoon!"

Though the people surrounding Xavier spoke in hushed tones, Maiden square was as loud as ever. Tens of thousands of civilians huddled together, speaking under their breaths attempting to understand what had passed. The sickness that came with the red rain had taken the lives of over one billion worldwide, reducing the population of Caust by nearly forty percent in less than four days. They called it 'the Plague'.

The aftermath of the plague had forced Emperor Wales to send his soldiers into the streets and put the entirety of Ku Yong Empire under lockdown and curfew. The soldiers quickly brought order to the city, arresting rioters and working to calm the panicked who were inadvertently creating chaos. After the streets were cleared they even helped to move the dead to Maiden Square to be burned.

By that time Xavier had lost not only his mother, but three of his siblings as well. Just as their mother had, his younger sisters and the eldest of his younger brothers suddenly became sick. Blood spewed from their lips and Xavier was again unable to do anything but hold them until they passed away. The bodies of his family now laid on an enormous pyre in Maiden Square, along with countless others.

His brother Neko stood by him, face nuzzled in his side, soaking his only decent black button-down shirt in tears. Xavier had done his crying already the night before so that his brother and young Bonnie would have someone strong to look to. Still, tears threatened to leave his eyes as the Square's loud speakers crackled, signifying that someone was about to address them.

"Citizens of Ku Yong," the voice was one that everyone in the Ku Yong Empire would recognize.

"It's the Emperor!" someone near Xavier whispered excitedly. Many faces in the crowd around the pyre rose, as the Emperor's voice soothed the hearts of those who held faith in him. Murmurs quickly died down as the Emperor continued.

"Rather than accept their defeat, the Marrisian people in a final effort to win a losing war, unleashed a virus upon the world. A virus that has taken the lives and many thousands. Our family, friends, and loved ones, taken from us by savages, who justified their evils with science." Murmurs arose again as the crowd willfully accepted his words.

"You see? It was Marris!"

"Swamp-whores tried to kill us all!"

"Fucking murderers!"

Xavier held his brother and Bonnie closer to him as many in the crowd became loud and unruly.

"But," Emperor Wales continued, once again silencing the subjects of Maide, "We, as an Empire, remain victorious. Though we suffered, Ku Yong remains. For those who still stand among us, though it may take some time, we will once again thrive.

"The Plague was an act of terror brought upon us by the people of the West. And once it had done its damage, people of Argot attempted to steal their way into Ku Yong and assassinate me in the throne room."

A collective of shocked gasps rung through Maiden Square.

"But they were unsuccessful. They have been captured and will soon face the same as Marris. Hold tightly those who remain. Honor the dead, both those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our safety, and those we've lost to the monstrosity unleashed upon us by our fallen enemies.

"As we prepare to send the souls of our loved ones to the heavens remember that we are strong! Remember that as a people, the Ku Yongi have prevailed, and that no weapon formed against us can truly bring our end."

A staticky -click- came through the speakers, indicating the Emperor had shut off his transmitter.

I thought this was a funeral? Xavier thought to himself. Seems more like a rallying cry.

As if on cue with the end of the Emperor's speech, The Ku Yong Imperial police, dressed in customary funeral attire, set fire to the giant pyre set up in Maiden Square. As it spread, the fire quickly consumed the bodies of the deceased, filling the air with a foul aroma.

Xavier watched intently, focusing on where he'd seen the bodies of his mother and siblings last before they were lost among the many more bodies that had come after. He painfully held back tears, wishing he could at least see them for himself.

As smoke rose into the air, people began to disperse from the Square, many of them complaining of the smell under their breaths. Xavier, Neko and Bonnie remained there, watching beneath the red sky as the souls of the deceased rose into the heavens.