
Chapter 4 - Benjamin White

Caline - Argot District Three

Rai Jin Hall

The powers that governed Caline, the northwestern continent, Argot and Hubang were already long integrated into Rai Jin society. So much so that they had nearly equivalent knowledge of Rai Jin culture and customs as Jitania. So, even though there was bound to be panic and widespread terror for a moment, The Dons of Argot, and Queen Olaisia, leader of Hubang, quickly responded, and brought order to their respective cities in nearly an instant.

Across the seas however, there were lands governed by people who had little to no knowledge of what was now an anomaly that stretched to reach every surface of the world. There were Rai Jin posted in these lands. Their jobs usually consisted of eliminating rogue Rai Jin that would attempt to take refuge on foreign soil and insuring the safety and secrecy of Rai Jin society. At this time though, they were being given a special assignment. One that Benjamin was tasked in delivering to them and assisting with personally.

Though his destination was far across the sea, it would only take him an hour at most to get there. As a shadowmancer, he could only learn so much from Ayamon, who was of a different breed of Rai Jin. So, once Ayamon had taught him how to control his abilities, it was up to him to figure out how to use them. He'd figured out during his time experimenting with his abilities that he could move within shadows at incredible speeds and eventually after years of practice mastered the ability he called Shadow Travelling.

Seeing as he was in a hurry, he made it his goal to cut that time that estimated hour in half. Once outside the giant stone cathedral aptly named Rai Jin Hall, Benjamin relaxed his mind and body, and slowly seeped into the shadows.

A familiar sensation crawled over his body, as if millions of insects were climbing up his legs trying to reach his head. When he'd first learned to move into the shadows, he detested this feeling. It almost made him want to give up on practicing it altogether. However, overtime he learned to accept it, as it was simply part of what he was now.

With a grin, Benjamin took off at the highest speed the shadows would allow, towards Ku Yong. Within thirty minutes he was at the Eastern Gate of Ku Yong, achieving his goal, and shattering his record of forty-two minutes. It had been several years since his last visit to Ku Yong. Once outside the gate, Benjamin returned from the shadows, and stood once again in his physical form before the city of Ku Yong.

For a moment, he stayed rooted to the spot, nearly fifty meters from the gate, and marveled at Ku Yong's beauty. The city stood between an ocean and the Orthal Range, a large gathering of mountains. It's largest structures, most of which could be seen even beyond Ku Yong' fifteen-meter stone walls, were made of brick and metal. In the northern region of the city stood the Emperor's Palace, a red brick castle that reached the heavens, and took up nearly a quarter of the city on its own. Even under the newly dark red sky, Ku Yong remained a beautiful sight.

Though he'd never seen the inside of the castle, Benjamin had always assumed the inside would possess a beauty equivalent to Rai Jin Hall. It was difficult to compare the two in his mind though. Rai Jin Hall was a structure created by hallowing and carving a small mountain, whereas Ku Yong was built over centuries by the hands of men. No matter how hard men tried, they would never truly be able to compete with Rai Jin when it came to architecture and structure.

Still, despite not having the advantages of Rai Jin influence, Ku Yong stood a powerful city, populated by hundreds of thousands of humans, and now, unbeknownst to them, possibly thousands of Rai Jin. With its strict immigration policies, and the Imperial Police Force's constant patrolling, the city was considered among the safest places to live in Caust, provided there was no reason to be suspected of treason.

At the Eastern Gate, where Benjamin landed, stood two guards, dressed in armor dyed the Empire's colors of green and gold. Both held a spear and shield in each hand, helmets adorning their heads. This was a common sight around the entirety of Caust as soldiers were trained in the art of war, using swords, spears, bow and arrow, and some weapons of unorthodox nature.

Still, humans continued to find new violent ways to kill one another. Their most recent development being the explosives Ku Yong planted in Marris just four days before. It pained Benjamin to think of such things. Marris was a great city, full of wonderful people. It was saddening to think most of their race had been nearly eradicated by the single decision of a mad man.

Towards the guards, Benjamin began to walk. He'd pulled from the shadows far away enough that they would not see him in the act. Still, it was not a long walk. The guards, a short man with a head nearly bald, and a man who, in comparison to his fellow soldier, seemed a giant, with long black hair, stared at him blankly as he approached.

"Good afternoon," Benjamin said once he was within speaking range. The two guards, who before his approach seemed to be bored of their duties, stood at attention, and greeted him. Their greeting however, was sour and unpleasant.

"Halt!" The short balding one said, his hand raised towards Benjamin. "What business do you have in Ku Yong?" he asked. There were no pleasantries, or informalities. The guards immediately pegged him for an outsider and proceeded to interrogate him as their duties demanded.

Benjamin had expected this sort of welcome. The last time he'd come to Ku Yong, the world of Caust was led by one government, and such procedures were unnecessary.

"There have been rumors that an epidemic has spread around the world. I'm visiting family within the city to ensure their health," Benjamin answered him, choosing a simple excuse to avoid arousing their suspicions. The guards furrowed their brows and squinted their eyes simultaneously.

His lie had not worked as he had hoped. The taller of the two guards lowered his spear and gave Benjamin a glowering look. The shorter heavier guard raised his hand, seemingly apologetically.

"The Ku Yong Empire is under lockdown with restricted access to the gates," the short nearly bald man said firmly. There was no smile on the man's face. It was clear the situation would come to violence if Benjamin attempted to advance any further.

I could go around to another gate and try again, Benjamin thought. No, by then they would've let the other guards know of me. I could easily shadow travel in, but if I'm seen, I'll be spotted as an outsider without permission to be within the city.

Benjamin calculated his options. Force was not among them. Trespassing, even if he had not used his abilities, would be a crime against Ku Yong, and criminal activity in such a city was treated with swift and terrifying consequences.

Time for him to find another excuse to enter the gate ran thin, as the taller of the two guards dropped his body into an attacking stance. The shorter guard breathed a sigh of irritation through his nose.

"Look," the nearly bald man said, pointing in the direction of his fellow guard. "my friend here doesn't have the words to say it, but he's getting pretty aggravated by you standing near our gate."

As if to reinforce the short guard's point, the taller of the two gave Benjamin a menacing growl, and tightened his body like a dog waiting to be let off its leash.

"I'm only gonna say this once more. Ku Yong is on lockdown. Leave!" the short man bellowed. From the surety painted on his face, he must've felt his short speech would frighten the stranger at their gates, making him turn tail and run.

Benjamin was however, fighting to hide a powerful laughter that threatened to overtake his body. The guards had no way of knowing that the presence that cast a small shadow on their gates was one that they should fear. This was most amusing in Benjamin's eyes. Containing his amusement was a challenge, but one the shadowmancer faced and overcame through sheer willpower.

Regaining his composure, Benjamin removed himself from the gate after a short bow, so as to not instigate the situation further. Outside the Eastern Gate of Ku Yong stood Ku Yong Harbor, one if Caust's largest shipping and travelling ports. It was not strange to return in that direction once turned away from the city. Calmly and leisurely, portraying no urgency whatsoever, Benjamin walked in the direction Ku Yong Harbor. Once he was far enough between the two locations that he would not be seen. He quickly slid into the shadows.

It is vital that I enter the city. I have orders, Benjamin decided. Now one with the shadows, which fell under his domain, he quickly moved past the guards, and beyond the Eastern Gate.

It was difficult for Benjamin to imagine how Ku Yong would react to the Nest. According to reports made to the High Council, Abia and Boralis had both closed their gates moments after the Nest appeared in the sky. No word had been received from any Rai Jin from either city since. Nova, as usual, gave steady reports on the status of Ku Yong, and Maide was under the careful surveillance of Aldin, leader of Maide's Rai Jin Branch. Still, to the surprise of many, Nova's last report gave indication to believe that Emperor Wales had brought his city, no, his entire empire under control within the three short days that had passed since the Nest had taken to the skies.

His report had proven a correct assessment. Soldiers moved regularly through the streets in constant patrol. Civilians huddled together, shuffling past them, attempting to quickly reach their destinations. Ku Yong was indeed under control. Under the control of fear, that is. The Emperor had done what he was best at. He'd convinced his people that his army was more powerful than any crisis.

Moving quickly through the shadows, the city of Ku Yong rushed past him. He was through Eastern Ku Yong and near the center in a few minutes' time.

It was at near the center of the city that he paused. In the middle of the city was Jesiah's Plaza, a large square that normally would be flooded with activity. The square was usually home to Ku Yong Market, where merchants from around the world would gather and set stalls for the citizens to buy novelties and foods foreign to the city.

This day however, the Plaza was clear of shops and civilians. Instead, there was an enormous wooden palate laid on the ground. And on that palate, piled from the center of the square, were thousands upon thousands of dead bodies, many of them visibly beginning to rot.

He knew the Nest would kill many. He did not expect to see the dead handled in such a repulsive way. Coming to a standstill, Benjamin unintentionally slipped from the shadows. He stood before the square, his mouth wide open, disgusted.

It's a funeral pyre, he realized. These people are barbaric. In his homeland, the dead had normally been buried and given a service for those in mourning. It was considered distasteful to burn the dead in most western nations.

It took much effort for Benjamin to tear his eyes from the pyre built in the center of Ku Yong. Still, his mission was one of importance. It was an unpleasant thing to witness what he believed to be an offense to nature, but it was something that he felt he must ignore for now. His orders were clear. The future of Ku Yong and every Rai Jin within its walls may have rested on his shoulders.

As quickly as he'd emerged from them, Benjamin returned into the shadows. Moving faster than he had upon entering the city, he returned to his objective; reaching Nova. On the western side of Ku Yong, where mountains that peaked in the clouds could be seen just outside the walls, he arrived at his destination, Ku Yong's Rai Jin Branch headquarters, or as all headquarters for Branches save Rai Jin Hall were called in Rai Jin society, The Safe Haven.

Benjamin checked his surroundings and once he was sure the street was clear of patrolling soldiers and civilians, he slipped from the shadows once more, and quickly entered Ku Yong Safe Haven. The inside of the Safe Haven had not changed since he'd been there last. From the burgundy painted walls of the main hall hung portraits of great Rai Jin of history. Porcelain pots rich with plant life were spread along the walkway, giving the short path a strong but generally pleasant aroma.

Benjamin walked through the hall, and finally, he'd reached his objective. Nova sat in the main office of Ku Yong Safe Haven. His division leaders leaned over his desk, seemingly reading details of what Benjamin thought to be a map of Ku Yong.

As a shadowmancer, Benjamin naturally moved quieter than most people. Still, Nova picked up on his presence the moment he entered the Safe Haven. Once Benjamin neared the room, Nova quickly folded the document on his desk, making his division leaders jump and turn on Benjamin with malice.

The three division leaders, two men and one woman, unsheathed their swords before bothering to see who the "intruder" who'd disturbed them was. They poised themselves for attack, regardless of the fact that Benjamin stood with his hands upright show he was unarmed.

Though Nova knew him, Ku Yong's division leaders had never met him in person. Benjamin did not blame them for their reaction. Even as Rai Jin, with events passing as they have, it would've been strange for them to show no sense of caution.

An exaggerated sigh rose from behind the division leaders the Ku Yong Rai Jin Branch. It was however a sigh of comfort and recognition. Upon hearing this sigh, Ku Yong's Rai Jin division leaders slightly lowered their guard. Benjamin, in return relaxed his posture. Hands still in the air, a coy look on his face, he greeted his fellow Rai Jin and faction members.

"Seems tension is high here," Benjamin observed.

"It doesn't help that you appear in my Safe Haven unannounced," Nova responded. He wore a stern expression. One of frustration and anxiety. Hesitantly Nova's division leaders sheathed their weapons, though they remained on guard.

"Urgent business brought me here." Benjamin said, lazily sighing his words out while staring off in the general direction of the ceiling.

"Put more respect into your tone when speaking to Master Nova!" the female amongst Nova's division leaders shouted. As she spoke, she gripped her sword, prepared to unsheathe it again.

A brief moment passed as she stared Benjamin harshly in the eyes, before suddenly, her face went red. Her grip loosened from her sword, and without warning she bowed her head. A gesture Benjamin recognized as the traditional sign of apology in Ku Yong.

"Please forgive her," Nova said from behind his desk. "Beatrice here is an aggressive one, but she would've never spoken to you that way if she had known who you were."

The woman Nova called Beatrice lowered her head further, near a point where Benjamin thought she might break her neck.

"There's no need for apology," Benjamin returned to him. He raised his hand in Beatrice's direction. Taking a closer look at her, Benjamin saw a heart shaped freckled face, and emerald green eyes. Her plain features wrapped by short brown hair, just a few shades darker than her light brown skin. "I would act the same way if I thought someone disrespectful to Ayamon."

"As regal as ever," Nova said, a sarcastic tone hidden in his statement. "Moving forward. Benjamin," Nova as always was quick to the point. "my division officers, Ostia," he said waving his hand towards the man to the left of Beatrice. Ostia, a man with white skin and a distinctively long beard, dressed in dark red and black robes, gave a slight nod. "Beatrice, and Claud." He said gesturing towards Beatrice who'd already been improperly introduced and the man to her right, who was tall and lanky.

"Pleasure to meet you all," Benjamin smiled to them while giving a short bow, the sign of respect in Argot.

Nova's division leaders seem well trained, Benjamin thought to himself. Ku Yong will need experienced Rai Jin to teach the new generation born here.

"What brought you across the ocean, Benjamin?" Nova asked pointedly.

"The High Council has finished their deliberations and decided on the course of action they will take regarding response to the abnormalities of this Nest appearance." Benjamin replied.

"The rain ceased two days ago. Did they squabble amongst themselves for three days? They just managed to establish a plan?" Nova inquired incredulously. Though he attempted to hide it, Benjamin could see that he hoped his probe would gain him deeper information.

Benjamin respected Nova. He was a powerful Rai Jin, who became leader of the Ku Yong Rai Jin Branch after many years, despite what Benjamin knew of his past. A past that made his mistrust in him as great as his respect.

"There were a number of details that needed sorting."

Benjamin gave his reply and moved along the conversation.

"More importantly, I was sent on behalf of Master Kamarion and Master Ayamon work with the Ku Yong Rai Jin Branch to work towards the goals the council have established."

"Oh?" Nova replied simply. "Go on."

"Due to the Nest's widespread affect, the entirety of Caust will enter a new age of Rai Jin, one in which it will be impossible to continue hiding ourselves from the world. The Council unanimously agreed that the revelation of our kind under the wrong circumstances would lead to a rift between man and Rai Jin that may prove itself ill mendable.

The leaders of Argot and Hubang were introduced to our kind nearly a decade ago under controlled circumstances, and though the general populous is not aware of our existence, their governmental heads are. To this day we've managed to coexist in their land, albeit in silence." Benjamin's words were responded to with simple nods of understanding. "The way we are introduced to the world will decide how the people of the world perceive us.

"Therefore, the High Council has decided that our best course of action, is the open integration of Rai Jin and the entirety of human society." Benjamin said. His words were met with small gasps of shock.

"Humans and Rai Jin haven't coexisted since the Golden Age." Ostia, who'd remained silent moment, spoke.

"How would we even begin to do that?" Beatrice whispered. Claud remained silent, as Nova leaned forward in his chair, joining his hands together on his desk.

'Why not allow me to rescue Dr. Bajir if they meant to expose us anyway?' Benjamin heard this thought in his mind, but it was a thought foreign to him. Nova, the telepathic-telekinetic Rai Jin, who now stared Benjamin in the eyes with a focused intensity, was in his head.

'You know I've never been too fond of you invading my thoughts, Nova' Benjamin thought back.

'And I don't like being kept in the shadows,' Benjamin.

'I can understand that,' Benjamin replied curtly. 'From what I gather, the Council's wish is to peacefully expose our kind to the human race. Their goal is to prevent war. Ayamon told me himself he did not think there was a way to extract Dr. Bajir without catastrophic consequences.'

'And who is he to make such judgement? I completed my first assignment as Rai Jin before he was reborn!' Nova's face had become red as he raised his telepathic voice.

Though he did not agree with Ayamon's decision, allowing Nova to speak against the man who gave him everything was not something he would allow. 'He is Ayamon Elias, Master of the Argot Rai Jin Branch, and member of the Rai Jin High Council. He has every right to make such a call.' His pride flowed through his thoughts.

Then Benjamin felt a stronger emotion rise up in his body. This emotion was however, not his own. Benjamin's pride was quickly consumed by an overwhelming fury. Nova's rage burned through Benjamin's mind, and as quickly as it had come, it vanished. Ayamon had always spoken of Nova as an irrational being. Until now, Benjamin had never seen him in such a state before.

Ku Yong's lead Rai Jin slumped back into his chair, a defeated scowl on his face. Though he was clearly unsatisfied with Benjamin's answer, he accepted it. Still, his expression gave Benjamin a daunted feeling. He didn't dare focus on the thought of it with Caust's most powerful telepath in his presence. But the feeling lingered nonetheless.

"So," Nova said aloud, ending their telepathic conversion so his division leaders could hear them speak. Leaning forward once again he continued, "How does Council want the Ku Yong Branch to proceed?"

"You and I will reach for an audience with Emperor Wales and speak to him as ambassadors of the Rai Jin High Council." Benjamin replied.

"That's it? You know what happened the last time an ambassador stepped into Ku Yong right?" Nova said, a grin threatening to cross his face.

His bad attempt at humor was met with silence from both Benjamin and his own division leaders. Ku Yong's Rai Jin Branch leader sat back in his chair again, dramatically folding his arms across his chest. "What then?" he asked awkwardly.

"Then, we hope he's not the war hungry overlord he seems."

A smirk crossed Nova's face. "If he wants war, he'll find himself against a foe far more formidable than Marris' armies."

It is not often that you and I are of the same mind. Benjamin thought with focus, returning Nova's smirk.

"Well then, shall we request an audience with the emperor?" Benjamin asked somewhat rhetorically.

"It so happens that I've already secured a meeting," Nova responded. "We were to speak regarding the funeral pyre in the square. I'm sure you saw it."

"Yes. A grotesque sight," Benjamin, reminded of the sickening treatment of the dead, gave a disgusted expression.

"The Ku Yongi handle their dead in a different manner than Calinian folk." Nova spoke deliberately, with the intention of helping Benjamin understand rather than patronize. "Their belief is that their souls rise into the heavens with the smoke during the burning."

Ever the wise one. Benjamin thought sarcastically with focus to ensure Nova would hear it.

It's good to know the cultures and traditions of other peoples. Nova's voice rang clear in Benjamin's head as if he'd said the words aloud, this time patronization ringing through the tone of his thoughts.

Had they been in Argot, where Benjamin outranked Nova, he might've responded facetiously. But, that was not the case. In Ku Yong, Nova was the dominant power, and it was unwise to speak to a master of the Rai Jin Faction carelessly in his territory. So, with respect, Benjamin remained silent, and waited for Nova to speak aloud again.

It was Beatrice, however, that broke the silence that now lingered in the room.

"Has an order been issued regarding new Rai Jin?" Beatrice asked Benjamin.

"As with all Nest appearances, we are of course to search for any and all new Rai Jin. As always, Hubang and Argot's Schools for Rai Jin will reopen and admit any Rai Jin of young age." Benjamin cited protocol for Nest appearances like something he'd practiced for centuries.

"In addition," he continued, "contrary to their usual policies the Meditators of the Western Mountains will be accepting outsiders into their ranks if they can pass their in-house testing."

Eyebrows were raised in response to this statement.

"The Meditators never allow foreigners into their ranks," Claud, who'd kept his silence until now said. "What would make them change this now?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Benjamin replied, "I do not know. However," he continued. "The Council welcomed the news, as it means there will be a multitude of options for new Rai Jin to explore as they learn of our society."

"It will be beneficial to be able to study the Meditators in person, rather than read of their customs," Nova wisely interjected.

"Certainly." Benjamin said with a nod.

Nova, ever impatient, checked the time piece on his desk. "I believe we've spent enough time here," he announced to the room. "My meeting with the emperor has already been set for tomorrow afternoon. You can stay the night here if you like."

Do I have a choice? Benjamin asked Nova privately.

You always have a choice, Benjamin, Nova responded.

Right. Benjamin tried his best not to think this sarcastically. It slipped through nonetheless.

"Thank you," Benjamin said aloud. "I'd be glad to stay."

"Beatrice," Nova directed. "Please escort Benjamin to a vacant room." A childish smile appeared across his face. "He's an honored guest, Beatrice," he continued. "Make sure it's a comfortable room, else we might receive a reprimand from the High Council."

"Yes sir." Beatrice swiftly moved past Benjamin, signaling for him to follow. He quickly bowed to Ku Yong's Branch master and his division leaders and followed Beatrice to his temporary room.

As they walked in silence, Benjamin observed the many tapestries and paintings hung throughout the halls of Ku Yong Safe Haven. The violent depictions of conquest and war were opposite of the peaceful artworks that decorated the walls of Rai Jin Hall.

The differences between the two Safe Havens were symbolic of the differences between the men who led them. Where Nova was a hotheaded fighter, Ayamon, who led Argot's Branch, where Rai Jin Hall stood, was a calm, level minded individual, who preferred diplomacy over violence.

"Here we are," Beatrice announced. Benjamin had lost himself in the art on the walls, and nearly ran straight into Beatrice when she came to a sudden stop. The room she stopped in front of was painted a cool blue, complete with a desk, chair, dresser, and bed.

"Is this suitable?" Beatrice asked him.

"No, this is fine. Thank you, Beatrice," he returned to her with a warm grin. As second in command of Argot's Rai Jin Branch, Benjamin was not often in situations in which he could relax, so, he gratefully accepted the accommodations offered. "It'll be nice to have a normal night for once."

"I'm glad. If there's anything I can do for you my room is three doors down. Feel free to knock at any time," Beatrice said. Benjamin raised an eyebrow in response to her, and once again Beatrice's face turned red as she realized the implications of her statement.

Beatrice quickly withdrew from Benjamin, seemingly flustered. "Ah, I'm sure you know what I mean!" she shouted. Her voice echoed through the hall, undoubtedly alerting any Rai Jin who may have been resting in one of the numerous guestrooms.

Benjamin smiled a mischievous smile at Beatrice and thanked her for her hospitality without mentioning the potential misunderstanding. Something Beatrice seemed very thankful for.

"Yes, well," Beatrice said, stumbling over her words, "Good night." She walked away to her room, as she'd mentioned, three doors down.

Benjamin closed his room door, took his jacket, pants and shirt off, and quickly settled into the full-sized bed he'd been loaned for the night. The freshly washed sheets relaxed him as the scent of cleanliness gathered in his nose.

Whilst laying in the bed, Benjamin began a routine Ayamon had taught him when they first began training together. He followed this routine faithfully every night before sleeping. Reaching his conscious as far as he could, he connected physically and mentally with every shadow within his reach.

Slowly and confidently, he attempted to push further than his reach allowed. As he pushed he felt more shadows fall beneath his will.

One-quarter. He thought as he made small progress. Just like a muscle. He stilled himself and pushed further.

Half a meter, he felt his reach grow, and with it his strength falter. Several shadows slipped from his grasp, and with a gasp, Benjamin lost his concentration. He felt his domain shrink rapidly as he no longer maintained the strength to control shadows even near to him.

Four hundred sixty-three and a half meters, Benjamin disappointedly rebuked himself.

"Ayamon would laugh at my progress if he were still training me."

Left unimpressed by his own efforts, Benjamin sourly adjusted his body into relaxation, and attempted to rest his mind and body for the day ahead of him. Just as he'd nearly drifted off to sleep four soft knocks landed on his temporary room door.

Now I see why Ayamon hates being bothered at home. Benjamin thought irritably, while preparing himself to answer the Rai Jin on the other side of the door