

In a world teeming with orcs, goblins, and mythical beings, Aleer, the radiant goddess of light, was born to Mysethis and Qidus atop the White Mountains. Living under the iron rule of the godking Aithios, the gods were forbidden from venturing beyond their realm or mingling with mortals. But as whispers of Athios's frailty and rumors of his impending defeat spread, the gods' loyalty wavered. Aithios had imprisoned his own wife and marked his son, Korra, for disobedience. The giants of the White Mountains yearned for freedom, longing to break free from their tyrant king. Amidst this unrest, Aleer discovered her extraordinary gift—an unmatched healing ability. Kept hidden by her parents, she was destined to fulfill a prophecy as the Healer. Will Aleer's powers bring hope and liberation to the gods, or will Aithios's iron grip extinguish their chances of escape forever?

Sunfyrre · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Petals from Azaleas

Korra and Aleer developed quite a very connection,they wondered the mountains together.Korra shared so much with Aleer until Aleer decided to share her secret .Her heart went over-drive as she pondered on the perceived consequence.This is because the second part of the PROPHESY had noted that 'the return of The Healer will bring an end to the era of godkings'. While she thought about the risk of disappointing her mother she also thought about the risk of some other bearing her secret .She picked up a twig broke it sizeably and inhaled heavily and focused on the tip of the twig before she blew the air gently and in a steady motion ,suddenly the twig began to smoke ,she continued until there were sparks of fire and finally the twig was lighted with fire .Korra was delighted by her showmanship as he picked another twig and offered Aleer to try it again.Aleer took the twig but asked Korra why he hasn't mastered his strength ,Korra replied "Izeult said I may not be able to master my gift" "Maybe I don't have a gift at all"he added .Aleer still bewildered why the son of one of the most powerful godking have no special gifts .

She held Korra by the hands and spoke in assurance "You shall have your gift and you will master it , you are nothing like your father".Somehow the words were soothing and satisfying for Korra as he nodded in agreement.