
Tales of Aeolus the Outrageous

After being accidentally killed by the god of Earth, NET. Hishaku Arisu is offered a chance to reincarnate into another world owned by the god- which also happens to be the inspiration behind the game, Kingdom Crawlers that he's the best at- on the condition he agrees to be the god's champion, and help him save his world through world domination. This is an offer he can't refuse, and the offer he's been waiting for, since he's bored anyway.

Presli_James · Kỳ huyễn
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105 Chs

And So, I Moved Aeolia

Mercury left to fulfill the task I gave him immediately. Since I didn't provide much information about them, it should take quite a bit of time before he finds their hideout. For now, I'll solve a more pressing issue.

With Agamemnon and Damocles trailing closely behind me, I stalk to the room that contains the teleportation orb, the isle's transport room. The room has powerful ancient magic that sustains the isle's barriers and teleportation circles. I'm going there because I need to move the castle from Dorma. The knights and the mages of the tower will most likely intend to either stop it, or board it. Both are fine since neither will most definitely work.

Sending their strongest knights and mages to enter Aeolia by force would be entertaining, and I would finally get to see the countries strongest individuals, however, when Aeolia is moving, the barrier's strength doubles, making it impossible for even residents of the isle to get out or force their way in. And stopping it is even less of a possibility. Though, once Aeolia teleports, it will be fairly easy to find it and enter it for a few days. The teleportation consumes a lot of mana, which means, for about a week, the barriers will be reduced by half. Meaning, even Bronze class adventurers could enter if they had a capable mage.

I'll need to create counter measures for that, though one of my reasons for moving Aeolia away from Dorma is to invite raiding adventurers. The other is for privacy and efficiency. I can't get much done with Aeolia permanently stationed above the capital city. Still, it would be a problem if adventurers waltzed in all they liked.

"Inform all the generals in charge of defense points," I speak to Agamemnon, who has probably already surmised my entire plan.

"Yes my lord?" He responds.

"Tell them to increase their sections. We'll be accepting visitors from now on."

"... Dungeon, my lord?" He asks, understanding that it'll be the same way we did it in-game.


In Kingdom Crawlers, even though Aeolia was player owned, I still allowed it to be rated as a dungeon, meaning players could attempt raids to steal treasure or take it from me. I thought it was interesting how they continuously tried and failed. In that way, I'll allow Aeolia to be seen as a dungeon. The more adventurers go missing the more they try, the more Aeolia's reputation becomes more formidable. It would be nice if strong people attempted a raid as well.

Agamemnon nods as he bows, then leaves to do as I instructed.

I push open the thick heavy doors that guard the transport room and walk in. As dark and cold as I remember it. Inside, a small floating orb sits at the front, surrounded by a cloud of mana. I walk up to the scroll that lies before it on a stone podium, and place my hand on it. By pouring in mana to the scroll, the orb in front begins to shine and rotate quickly.

The scroll has a ready drawn spell circle that allows ancient teleportation magic. So all I need to do is direct a great amount of mana into it with a place I want to be teleported to in mind.

On my way to Dorma, just a while after I passed Ingal forest, I noticed a clearing far east that was surrounded by thick trees, mountains, and a few monster villages. I'm guessing that's where most adventurers go to grind their levels. The perfect spot to drop Aeolia.

"Damocles," I call.

'Yes, my lord?"

I hand him a map of the country where I circled the area I wanted to teleport Aeolia to.

"The land on the area I indicated," I continue, pointing to the circle I made on it. "Let's go dig it out so Aeolia can fit."

Aeolia is an isle, so I've always kept it afloat, but if adventurers who can't fly are going to reach it, I'll have to place it on land, which means, I'd have to dig out a huge hole in the area. One wide enough to fit Aeolia's entire mass.

With the image of the area in my head, I pour out more mana into the scroll and the orb's spin begins to accelerate. With it, Aeolia starts to move. Since it hardly ever does, the rare times the teleportation starts, the entire isle feels like it's having an earthquake.

Gradually, I can feel Aeolia moving a little away from the area around the Knights' barrier, and towards the edge of the city. Then, light begins to surround the entire isle and a huge ring of magic circle appears above it in the sky, and with a flash, Aeolia is transported to the sky above the area I intended.

Losing that much mana kind of made me a bit tired, but not enough to faint or need to rest.

"My lord," Damocles says, concern and worry clear in his voice.

"I'm fine. Let's go down."

Damocles simply nods in agreement, and follows me down below, to the ground beneath Aeolia. Agamemnon, Dionysius, and Venir appear beside me as well.

"My lord. Whatever you need, speak it and it shall be done." Dionysius says, wondering what I'm doing outside.

I forgot I hadn't informed them that I would be moving the isle.

"I intend to land Aeolia," I say, looking up at the massive structure overhead.

"Land... Aeolia?" Dionysius stutters.

Expected, as I've never actually ever landed Aeolia before.

"The people here... are weaker than those in the continent we were in before. If I want to house visitors, I'll need them to actually reach it."

"I... see. My apologies for questioning your judgement my lord." Dionysius responds, not pressing on the matter any further.

"Then allow me, master." Venir voices, stepping forward and implementing earth elemental magic.

"Lenas im perntar!"

With that spell, a deep valley was created, big enough to land Aeolia perfectly. The earth that was once there floated in the air with magic.

"Don't discard it," I say, before she can toss the huge amount of land that was once there. "I'll need you to construct golems for me."

With that amount of dirt, it might as well be used to create more forces, since the barriers are mostly down now.

"Golems?" Venir repeats in question.

"They may be low leveled, but to ordinary adventurers they'll be quite difficult to deal with. Place them in Mercury's territory once your done."

"Yes, my lord."

Mercury usually likes to rest in his 60 meter original form, so I designated a section of the southside of the isle to him. That area is occupied by light trees and a few small hills. With the tunnel at the east, most adventurers would chose to invade underground, but just in case since Mercury is out, and no one to guard the southeast area, I might as well place a few earth golems there.

Their levels are around 30, and their strength is quite high. They should suffice for guarding that area for now. There aren't any watch towers around there, so all the more needed.

"Dionysius," I call.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Whose forces are placed beyond the tunnel?"

"Orion's, my lord."

"Deploy your seraphim troupes around the skies of the center, along the stream. And have Orion watch for any strong adventurers with an adamantium or opril tag that pass through the tunnel."

"Yes, my lord."

Bronte's army is placed underground and in charge of defense so I doubt many adventurers would even manage to get past the tunnel, but just in case some strong ones or even knights show up, I would like to know about it.

In Elrev, the adventurer's class system ran from Bronze, to Silver, to Gold, to Platinum, then Adamantium, Opril, Mithril, and Quatropril. Those who hold an Adamantium class tag and above would put up a great fight no doubt. And any knight above apprentice class should have some usable information for me.

"Also," I start, drawing the attention of the subordinates around me. Turning to them I continue, "Don't kill any human wearing armor resembling that of a knight. Bring them to me."

They stand, looking a bit confused for a moment before all responding in unison. "Yes, my lord."

Now that that's done, I turn back to the floating Aeolia. With a simple instruction in my head, Aeolia begins to descend slowly for the first time. A sharp wind carrying dust and trees, and a vibration that seems like an earthquake blows through the area as Aeolia settles into the dug valley. That must have alerted any creature within a few hundred miles of our presence.

Alright then. Let the games begin.