
Tales of A Reincarnated Mob

When he opened his eyes, Takahiro Shinichi found he was reincarnated inside a game. Rain Scarlet is a character with almost no information in the game "War of Generations". The only thing known about him is the fact that he dies as the first sacrifice in the first arc. After realizing he was reincarnated as a mob and his death will come soon, he decided to become stronger in order to survive. *** The cover is my own drawing, please do not steal or use it without my permission. Although it's trash, I put effort drawing it even though I'm too lazy to finish it. I also posted this novel in RR, SH and Zetro. First release and advance chapters will be at Zetro. https://zetrotranslation.com/novel/tales-of-a-reincarnated-mob/ My ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/renaichi Patreon : https://patreon.com/renaichi

Renaichi · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
40 Chs

Chapter 1

Where am I?

The first thing I saw after I opened my eyes was an unfamiliar room.

Judging from the interior, this place was not my apartment.

I tried to recall what had happened last night and remembered that I blacked out while playing a game.

Did someone come and take me to a hospital after that?

However, looking at the furniture around me this place is not a hospital room.

Did someone kidnap me?

No, no, no. I don't think anyone hates me enough to kidnap me.

Or is this a prank? but my friends are not the type to do this kind of thing.

I took a deep breath trying to pushed away all my unnecessary thoughts.

I got out of bed and noticed something strange.

I didn't feel dizzy the moment I stood up. I'm a guy who spent my days sitting in front of a computer for hours, never worked out and rarely walk, unless it was necessary.

Due to my unhealthy lifestyle, I have low-blood pressure which is particularly bad in the morning.

It usually took me half an hour to wake up completely, but now I'm completely awake after a few minutes and feel refreshed.

Even though my current situation was strange, I walked towards the mirror on the nearby table to see my pathetic face like usual.

And then....

"Whaー!? Who the fuck is this guy!?"

I screamed out loudly.

What I saw on the mirror was a handsome face with deep-red hair and black eyes.

This handsome dude definitely was not me.

Although I wasn't an ugly bastard before, but I wasn't this handsome either.

Heck, if I was this handsome back then my ex would not have cheated on me.

I took off my shirt to check if something else changed as well.

My current body was sturdy with muscle and abs. Definitely different from my weak chicken body. It was like the body I had when I was 17.

And then, I grabbed something under my pants.

My little junior had changed into big junior. I could feel my tears swelling up.

If I had this big junior back then, my ex definitely would not have left me for that bastard.

As I was caught up in my emotions, I heard a knock followed by a woman's voice.

"Young master Rain, it's time for breakfast"

The woman's voice was soft. Soon the door was opened and a young girl dressed as a maid came in.


I was shocked when I saw her. Shortly after, I felt a sharp pain in my head as if something heavy hit me.

Countless images, memories and experiences flooded my brain. It felt like I was about to faint at any moment.

This feeling was even worse than having hangover in the morning after drinking all night long.

The pain was gone after a short while and my head became clear.

"Rain-sama, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just need to clear my head for a bit. I will come down after washing my face"


The maid left the room shortly.

I took a deep breath and muttered.

"Is this for real? Did I really reincarnate?"

I let out a wry smile as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

∆ ∆ ∆

Before I knew it, I was sitting in the dining hall wailing in despair silently.

There were five people sitting here including me. One of them was a stern middle-aged man around 40 years old with red hair.

Next to him was a beautiful woman around mid 30s with blonde hair. Sitting across her was a refined young girl around 17 years old with red hair. Next to her was a red-haired handsome man around 20 years old.

If family means people who were connected with blood, then these three were my new family.

My father, Rod Scarlet is a Viscount. He is a stern but kind person, at least in my memory he never beat me up. My mother, Eva Scarlet is a noble lady. She is the daughter of a count. She is a mother who love to spoil their kids.

I don't know much about my parents, but according to Rain's memories they were a loving couple and not a bad person.

I couldn't say the same for my elder sister and elder brother. According to Rain's memories, my elder sister Irina Scarlet is beautiful, refined and smart girl. But in my memories, she was a fool, pathetic and pitiful girl. She was a loyal follower of the villainess. She helps the villainess making plans and doing all kind of evil acts to bully the heroine and her party.

It's one thing if her plan succeed, but it's always backfired at her. She was also the mastermind who leads the villainess to make contract with the demon. In my memories, I saw her died more than 10 times. Either she died because of her plan backfired, got executed, burned in a stake or died protecting the villainess.

In Rain's memories, my elder brother Ash Scarlet is a strict and kind man who likes to help people in need. And as someone from the royal knight, he is a loyalist who will throw his life away for the sake of protecting the kingdom. However, in my memories he was one of the rebel leader who revolted against the kingdom and also the one who killed the protagonist father, the current head of the royal knight.

These two people are the sources of my despair. In my memories, they were the reason the Scarlet family turned into ruin.

And I, Takahiro Shinichi was reborn as Rain Scarlet, a mob who was killed by a mob.

This world was based from the game "War of Generations" in my previous life.

"War of Generations" is a visual novel strategy rpg types famous for its absurd difficulty and complex gameplay. There is no settings to select difficulty, so the player can only play by default.

The player can either choose to play as the male protagonist or female protagonist. Both have different capture targets, routes, ending, and enemies which makes this game popular with both male and female players. There are multiple villainous characters in this game. Irina Scarlet and Ash Scarlet are both mid-tier bosses who have big impact in the story.

In the main story, Rain Scarlet appeared only once, and he died in the next moment no matter which protagonist the player choose. He is a mob used as the flag sacrifice to start the war event. Even the illustrator was too lazy to draw his face.

I hate this game, so why did I reincarnated into this game as Rain Scarlet?

Despite being an offline game, this game have a lot of paid contents like in-game shop, gacha and dlc for additional story, characters upgrade or items.

The developer made this game with absurd difficulty so they can milk the player's money. This is why I hate this game. It's definitely not because I spent my life saving on the gacha for premium items. Yeah, definitely not!

There are various foods on the table that fits for a noble, but even so I don't feel like eating.

"Oh my, what's wrong Rain? is the food not to your liking?"

"Nothing. Just still a bit sleepy"

Forget about the future, I don't even know how to treat my new family. Should I save the family from ruin by changing the future just like some web novel MC? Nah, it's too troublesome and I don't have the confidence or power to do it.

Besides, I should worry about my safety first since Rain is just a mob that is fated to die in order for the war event to start.

Moreover, even though I inherited Rain's memories, I still consider myself as Shinichi. Is it because my ego as Shinichi is stronger than Rain? or perhaps it needs time to syncronize Rain and Shinichi.

Maybe if Rain's feelings syncronize with Shinichi, I will treat this new family as my real family. But for now, let's stay away from them first.

I took a deep breath as I thought so.

"Father, I have a lifetime wish and hope you will grant it"

"What is it, Rain?"

"Please disown me"
