
Tales of a certain nobody

He made many mistakes before but this one was his last. After 'accidently' destroying one of the reactors that power his city, he was banished. The only way he can go back and that's if he wants to go back he must venture forth to the land outside the comfort of the walls. He was of course watched by a sadistic angel that hates him as he journeys to find a suitable replacement to get back home.

DariusDaDestroy · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Chapter 2

I was trapped, a large looming figure towered above me. His purple eyes glared down at me. Multiple smaller figures appeared all around trapping me, chanting one word. 


I was awaken with a loud slap. 

I sat up, breathing heavily as I clutch my leg to see that the wound was gone. 

"Finally you're awake" 

She sound irritated. 

"For mortal I expected you to well, be a bit tougher" 

I rubbed the wound before yelling at her

"What do you mean tougher!?" 

I got up standing. 

"The wound wasn't even deep, a villager with amateur healing magic could heal that." 

"What do are you saying?!" 

She sighed

"What I'm saying is that you're weak, its insane how I went from accompanying the first hero to well...this" 

She laughed. 

"To think you'll faint by the smallest cut. The hero could take a full demon blast to face and he'll still keep going" 

"Well that's because he's the damn hero and I'm just nobody. Its like comparing a God to a random person" 

She grabbed a pebble of the road and flung it at an insane speed towards me

I narrowly dodged it, as parts of my hair were sliced off. 

"You can dodge well, your body isn't well built and can't take much punishment. You'll need to train at least"


I was flabbergasted, her forcing me on this journey and making me work. Is this a joke? I'm well suited to working behind a desk working on my next invention not becoming a goddamn brute. 

"No. No you can't make me you can't!"



She did. 

Her sadistic side came out as she forced me to lift a heavy rock to the closest town which was at least hours away!

"Hurry. Don't make me shoot you again" her creepily cheery voice as she followed me. 

Whenever I slowed down she shot a pebble at my back making me run faster. She said the rock was to improve on my strength and speed while the pebble throwing was to improve on my durability, but from what I see was she was enjoying herself watching me suffer!


From what I could tell, two hours have passed and I couldn't keep moving, I dropped the rock making a loud thud on the ground. 

"You're done already?" 

She sounded disappointed

"The hero ran for hours daily, through mountains and blizzards while carrying tons of supplies"

I was a pool of my own sweaty laying down there

"Shut up about the hero, hero this hero that! Sounded like you loved him" 

Her face flushed with a reddish hew, before stammering out 

"O-of course! The-the hero and I were very close I tell you very close!" 

"Mhm..." I got up weakly, stretching my arms. 

"How did you two meet?" 

She was surprised but regain composure. 

"Well during the reign of the first demon king I was a young angel so I wasn't on the front lines as I was a messenger for the people of Eryndor, during my travels from the upper realm to the mortal realm I was struck down by a demon and crashed into a field"

She paused

"That's when Kaelan who was just a farmhand at that time greeted me and nursed me back to health. I returned back the upper realm and a year has passed, That's when the Demons managed to break through the gates and entered the mortal realm. The God's couldn't do anything about that since they couldn't interfere with mortal affairs. To which she was only able watch from the sidelines."

I was barely able to pull myself up to face her, she was looking up in the sky with a small smile. 

"until she came up with an idea by choosing one human to become the Hero and by this she gave me the sword of light and choose a human with a kind heart and the rest is history" 

She looked at me, before sighing. Somehow I felt worse than before. 

"So why put all this effort into this meaning less training?" 

I sat up stretching 

"You're weak, you're incompetent and if we're to find a replacement for the core you destroyed then you have to be strong to get it"

I have to be strong? Why do I need muscles to get it when I clearly have technology...

"But didn't you destroy it?" 

She looked at me blankly before facing away

"Huh we should really get going"

Eh...? Ignoring me just like that, I would get mad but she most definitely kick my ass. 

I got up wiping the cold sweat from my brow before stretching my aching legs. 

A scream rang out, I looked down the road seeing a girl in a dress I've never seen before running from three large figures. 

"H-hey Hera there's some girl in trouble" 

I turned to look at her but she was already on it, flying towards the commotion. 

In that second she made quick work of the first guy by grabbing the back of his shirt and tossing him away just like that, the second was easily dispatched with a swift kick and the last guy tried to stab her before watching his blade shatter against her harden armor. 

He was subsequently blown back from a simple slap. 

She was really this strong...felt unfair to be honest. 

I caught up with her as she was comforting the girl. 

"There there young one" 

The girl turned her attention to me before screaming in fear. 

"An an orc!" 

She hid behind Hera.

Was I really that ugly?

"Don't be afraid, this guy has an unfortunate face, he was cursed to look ugly but he's harmless" 

Hera spoke while smiling at the girl. 

"I-I see! Thank you both, my village isn't that far could you take me there?" 

"Sure, Ugly human let's go" 

I sighed knowing full well that this is going to what my journey would be like in the future. 




Tale no.1

The forgotten king. 

Long long ago in a land far far away there once existed a kingdom hidden in the mountains. 

The king had two sons, the oldest was gifted in Magic and Swords while the youngest was the opposite, he was weaker and was barely able to use magic. 

The king showed most favor to his oldest but that didn't stop the young prince, he played around the garden, reading books and occasionally making friends with the neighboring nobles. 

One of these nobles was a young girl he met, they met every day, exploring the kingdom, their hobbies and eventually grew closer. 

They both shared love for one another but his older brother found out about this and had the King to make a political marriage between the young noble girl and the older prince. 

The youngest couldn't bare this, he wanted nothing but to hurt his brother and foolishly challenged the older brother at a duel. He of course accepted knowing full well he would win. 

The youngest had a month to train but no matter how much he swung the sword or chanted magical incantations he couldn't improve. 

He was on the verge of giving up until a voice spoke to him offering him power in exchange for his kingdom. 

He accepted, his body was stronger than ever, his magic was powerful and his malice grew larger. 

When the day of the duel came both brothers met, many has came to watch including his lover the noble girl. 

The oldest believing his youngest to still be the same old weakling was met with one fatal swing. 

The oldest died that day, it would've been a celebration but the young foolish prince had forgotten his deal as the demon inherited his brothers corpse killing the king and destroying the kingdom. 

The demon left, satisfied but before leaving he killed the noble girl changing her body to a sword and piercing the young prince cursing his body of immortality. 

The young prince now the forgotten king was now reunited with his lover eternally.