
Tales of a certain nobody

He made many mistakes before but this one was his last. After 'accidently' destroying one of the reactors that power his city, he was banished. The only way he can go back and that's if he wants to go back he must venture forth to the land outside the comfort of the walls. He was of course watched by a sadistic angel that hates him as he journeys to find a suitable replacement to get back home.

DariusDaDestroy · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Chapter 15

She was there, for the first In a while, I was happy to see her.


The assassins back away slowly, unsure and taken aback by here. "surprised?" she spoke up, her hand gripping her hilt tightly. I just noticed that her armor was damaged, her other wing was singed and looked messed up. She dashed in, her blade igniting into a flaming inferno that threaten to eradicate the bastard fuckers. 

I didn't pay attention to the fight, I was looking at Kara, but she was gone. They. they behe-I stopped thinking about it, I stopped putting my mind on it. I wanted to die, I didn't want to be here anymore. I didn't sign up for this shit, I didn't want this to happen, why Kara? why her?

At the moment I shut down, I couldn't think correctly my head was spinning I was going numb.



I killed her, I killed her. I was born I killed her, If we didn't meet she would've lived, If I didn't break out she would've lived. I'm a murderer, I put her in danger not her. I wrapped my hands around the back of my neck hoping to drown out the noise but failed to drown out the thoughts, the guilt, the truth. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Kara. It was my fault" I murmured. 

All the noise around me stopped, the sound of battle ceased and footsteps approached. "Goddamn it James you and your...oh" 

quiet, it was quiet after that. We stayed like that for an hour until I could muster the strength to get up, and my eyes were red, my head was still numb. 

I looked at Hera who looked rather concerned for the first time. "Do you need help? I can bury her if you want" I nodded. I walk for a bit, past the body of one of the assassins, I walk back to where we first made camp. I walked past the body of Gurt, past the body of another assassin, and stopped at Adric. He was missing everything, and I spat at his corpse. He did this not me, of course not me it was entirely him he did this. 

"Why you stupid bastard why?" My fingers were digging into my palms causing it to bleed. I saw the bag next to his body, and I grabbed it rifling through it. There we go, I grabbed the wand that Hera gave me after I broke the first one, I grabbed the book she bought and bragged about before. I grabbed the small bag of coins before leaving. 

All around me, the air grew cold, colder as the life and magic were sucked out of the forest. I looked behind me and before me was a hulking figure. A large knight, his armor was cracked, damaged, and burnt, he watched me studying me. I couldn't move, I knew who this was. As soon as I saw the spears that jutted through the front and back of his chest I knew this was him. The knight who was destined to roam the planet forever and who was forced to bear the sins of mortals. 

He walked slowly over to me, his frame shambling across his haggard form. He stood before me, his towering armor looking down at me. I didn't move but I spoke. 

"If you want to kill then just kill me already" I muttered, I looked down waiting for him to do it. 

A hand, his hand was placed on my head before it was gone. He was gone. 


I stood there for a while, taking in the morning air. I don't have a clue on what to do anymore. I clutched the small pouch of coins in my hand, staring right at it. Maybe a few magic crystals would sound nice. 



I buried the young lady's body, I buried the staff along with her hat, and made a short prayer to the light mother before taking in the mess around me. I managed to slay a number of them when they tried to assassinate James a few days ago. Unfortunately, they managed to strike me with a strange dagger one of them possessed. I managed to recover but it seemed it sapped most of my power, making as me strong as an A-rank adventurer. 

I knew where James was this entire time. he wasn't that far but I decided to let him get stronger on his own, it also allowed me to get some errands I needed done. 

I shook my head, knowing full well that I should've kept a closer eye on this bastard, he managed to get himself into a sort of organ trafficking shit show. I pulled out a cigarette from my bag, surprisingly the True Order had some fine quality smokes. 

I noticed James slowly approaching, he still wore the same miserable face. I don't blame him, seeing someone you know get beheaded messes with your head. He was carrying a bag this time, he staggered over before just stopping and saying nothing. 

"You good?" I then realized how fucked up that's mean. "Uh sorry" 

He looked up, before speaking. 

"Let's go, bugger"




Tales no. 4 

Long before mortals, before even the creation of elves existed the age of Dragons. 

They were created by a forgotten god, their flesh was made with stone and their blood was dull gold. 

Their god created them with such pride and ego that It took after its creator.

They were greedy dangerous and immortal. 

After their god disappeared they were left unchecked, they grew in size and power. Their greed encompassed throughout the world, which led to the pantheon of the current gods to intervene breaking their own rule of not interfering with the mortal realm; but their threat wasn't mortal. 

The gods made their own champions, creating giants that rivaled the size of mountains and were blessed by the gods. Eventually after centuries of battling they managed to exterminate most of the ancient dragons. The ones left were spared and their offspring were regular runts born without an ounce of their immortal ancestry. 

As for the god's champions most were gone, but some say they still exist, roaming the planet until they see the end of time.