
Tales of a certain nobody

He made many mistakes before but this one was his last. After 'accidently' destroying one of the reactors that power his city, he was banished. The only way he can go back and that's if he wants to go back he must venture forth to the land outside the comfort of the walls. He was of course watched by a sadistic angel that hates him as he journeys to find a suitable replacement to get back home.

DariusDaDestroy · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Chapter 10

It's been almost three weeks since I've became an E rank adventurer. If you told me this was my life now I would've called you and goddamn idiot and returned back to my inventions. 

I noticed at least three things that have changed, my swordsmanship and magic has vastly improved, my lean skinny body was gaining muscles and I've became accustomed to the world history. 

When I was in the academy back home we were given history lessons of course. They taught us that magic was an evil practice used by evil races, I believed it at first but if that was the case why did we allow angels to come through our walls. The true order was created because of an old holy war in Eryndor where all nations destroyed the continent in a magical Armageddon. The survivors of that war fled to the far side of the continent in where they created the True order. 

The reasons of the war was pretty simple in itself, the nations were fighting over whose god was the greatest. There were around ten main gods in the Eryndors pantheon. 

The first is the Light mother, the one who commands over life and light. Then there was the Shadow brother, the God of the destiny and darkness, the one who weaves the thread of fate behind the shadows. 

Then the space man, the god who controls the cosmos and the one who keeps the planet in place. The sovereign of time, the Goddess who keeps time in check. 

Then there was the Twin gods of the two suns, They were the only gods we know of that had names, Sol and solera. Then their sister the Lunar princess Lune the Goddess of the moon. 

The Tree mother, the Goddess of nature who the elves worship and is located at the world tree. Then there is the Bringer of Demise the Goddess of Death one who brings the souls into the afterlife. 

The Forge Master, The god of the forge who created the first tools of mortals, he is often worshipped by dwarves and blacksmiths. His brother who took his tools and used it for war, the God of War who is worshipped by one the main nations here. 

They're countless other gods like Ocean master or the Sky Empress but I'm getting ahead of myself. I place down the book I was reading, rubbing my eyes for a moment. I spend my time in the library often, whenever I'm done with training I just spend my time here soaking in any knowledge in this world. The other day I was reading a book about a nation ruled by sentient undead, apparently they uh...ah I got ahead of myself again. 

"hallo!" I jumped, as Kara seemingly appeared out of know where, she's been doing that recently. I think she likes tormenting me, trying to get a reaction out of me or something. 

"Let's hang out again, buy me something sweet James" she begs while laying her face against the table. 

"don't you have money from the rat hunting quest?" 

"I spent it on this cool book" she grabs a large brown book from her bag, the front read 

"Magic and tricks" she said out loud gaining the glares from many onlookers in the library. 

"what's so special about it?"

"Its written by Tron! the greatest magician of this age!" 

Before I could respond we were swiftly kicked out the librarian. We walked towards Drakons market as I felt hungry for some Lava cakes. 

"You know James, you seem much more healthier than when we met. you don't look like your always tired like before and well you don't look like an ugly orc, maybe a slightly handsome orc"


"You're welcome, it's good to get a compliment from someone like me" she then proceeds to almost trip on a loose stone behind. 

"yeah I'm honored" she smiles not getting the obvious sarcasm in my voice. 


The markets were busy as always, Back home I always just head to convenience stores for energy drinks and whatever junk food there is too survive on, now its still the same only with much more filling food and since I have more money to spend on I usually look for stalls that pique my interest. Last week was when I found a vendor that sells magical clothing, manage to grab a cloak that's invulnerable against blades. 

I bought the lava cakes for me and reluctantly for Kara as well from the usual vendor. I had enough gold coins from previous hauls and exploits with Adric that I can spend it well without thinking. 

"you magic training is going well" Kara spoke while munching on the lava cake, spilling some of the melted chocolate onto the ground. 

"Geez, you're getting it all over" I handed her a cloth. 

"thanks, you're sweet" 

"Uh huh" I was looking at different stalls for items I liked.

"This feels like a date" she added

"What's that?" 



"You serious?"

"Yeah I'm serious" 

She started to look at me with pity, I don't understand what's wrong. 

"Were you that ugly and unpopular with the girls at home?" she started to brush my hair back. 

"What? No!" I pushed her hand away from me "matter of fact I was the one who was too popular" I lied. 

She shakes her head, clearly not taking me seriously. 

"Well as your teacher I shall teach you how to go on a date" she smiled. 

"Really? sure" might as well learn this date thing. 


Before we started this dating thing she brought me to a shop for clothing attire. 

"before we start this date you must look good for it"

"but the cloak is fine isn't it?" I like my black coat with dark green outlines. 

"eh, but you need a suit, a good one" 

eventually after a while she found me a supposedly good outfit for me to wear despite my protest that it was quite too tight for my liking. She also bought a dress for herself, it was a pretty white dress, it compliments her long red hair and beautiful blue eyes...

I had to cover my face, it was too embarrassing for me to think of her like that. 

As we headed out, she twirled around showing off her dress.

"what do you think of it?" she asked smiling. 

"its.. nice" 

she gave a warm smile before approaching me, her hands reaching towards my neck, she was fixing my collar. 

"make sure to look presentable on this date ok?"



Throughout the date we started by strolling through the town, passing by historical land marks like the spear that the Hero Drakon used to slay the dragon. We stopped by a small shop that sold iced treats via ice magic, then proceed to talk about life while sitting next to the fountain in the middle part of town. Kara came from a family of three older brothers and a younger sister, her father was a famous adventurer and her mother is a great sorcerer who teachers one of the best magic schools in the continent.

I opened up on my family life, how I was an orphan and a bit of a loner at the academy who just focus up on inventions to make. I told her I tried to make a robot to which I had to spent half an hour on what a robot is to her. 

"I see, your lonely and you tried to cope with that loneliness by secluding yourself with well inventions" 

she was right and I hated that. 

"So what. you're not my therapist"

"you're right, I'm your date" I looked up, she was smiling not one of those fake ones but one of genuine understanding. 

"I guess so, where to next?" 

"lets get some dinner" she responded.

that evening we returned to the tavern ordering food we both liked, I was meat pie guy while she was a steak girl. 

I later found out that I spent most of my money on the date. 




"so, did you try to get closer to that bugger?" I asked Kara, she was across from in the alley her arms crossed. 

"yeah, we went on a date, he seemed to like it" she responded, her attitude was indifferent. 

"good, it took a while but the blood we got from him was positive, his blood without a doubt is hero blood even if the gold in it was faint"

"so, do we have proceed with it?"

"why? are you hesitant?" She looked reluctant, somethings bothering her. 

"it's just well, its...its nothing"

"Good, the next quest will be the last, one way or another he's going to be culled"