

Step into worlds where gods walk among mortals, and ordinary individuals discover extraordinary powers within themselves. Unearth the secrets of forgotten civilizations buried deep within the sands of time and witness the clash of cosmic forces in epic celestial battles. Within these pages, paranormal mysteries unravel and unexplained phenomena come to light, revealing the uncharted territories of the human mind and the unfathomable depths of the unknown. From haunted mansions to far-flung galaxies, prepare to encounter enigmatic creatures and ancient curses that stir the very core of your being. Explore the vast expanse of the open seas, where ghostly pirate ships roam and mythical sea creatures rise from the depths, guarding secrets and treasures beyond imagination. Feel the salty breeze on your skin as you sail alongside intrepid adventurers, chasing dreams and charting their destinies on the restless ocean waves. As you journey through Tales be prepared to confront the darkest corners of human nature, where the line between good and evil blurs, and moral dilemmas challenge the characters to their core. Witness the power of love and the strength of hope as they defy all odds and transcend time and space. Each tale in this anthology is a wellspring of emotions, woven with expert craftsmanship, and designed to leave an indelible mark on your heart and mind. From heart-pounding action sequences to tender moments of introspection, these stories will take you on an emotional rollercoaster like no other. Dive into this rich tapestry of storytelling where each chapter's unique world adds a vibrant hue to the collection, creating a symphony of narratives that will leave you breathless and yearning for more. Tales is not just a book; it's a gateway to infinite worlds and a testament to the boundless power of human imagination.

SPEED2SLOW · Thành thị
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15 Chs


In the tumultuous void, where formlessness danced with possibility, there birthed the celestial deities - gods of boundless power and enigmatic grace. Loah, the firstborn, emanated radiant brilliance, crafting realms that shimmered with life, fostering beings who basked in the warmth of creation. Opposite him stood Whiro, born of shadows and the deep abyss, coveting the embrace of darkness, an embodiment of enigmatic allure. Each deity held dominion over realms shaped by their essence.

The gods, custodians of existence, witnessed the rise and fall of myriad civilizations across the cosmic tapestry. Millennia waxed and waned as life flourished under their celestial gaze. But within the pantheon, discontent simmered. Whiro's insatiable hunger for power grew, driving him to devour entire worlds, his desire for darkness eclipsing all else. He beckoned his kin to embrace the all-consuming shadows, yet Loah and the others resisted, standing as bastions of balance and creation.

A cosmic war erupted, thundering across galaxies and shattering realms. The clash of celestial forces rent the fabric of reality, leaving celestial scars across the vast expanse. The cosmic battleground crackled with raw, untamed energy, as their essence clashed in an intricate ballet of creation and annihilation. Whiro, harbinger of darkness, clashed with Loah atop a mountain that scraped the stars, their conflict a symphony of destruction echoing through the cosmos. Planets quaked as cosmic storms swirled, their atmospheres a canvas for the gods' display of immense power. Whiro's swirling vortex of shadows clashed against Loah's radiant waves, creating cosmic phenomena unseen by mortal eyes. Amidst the chaos, celestial debris and ethereal particles scattered like cosmic fireworks, illuminating the celestial battlefield in a breathtaking display. The heavens became a canvas of celestial artistry, an explosion of vibrant hues painting the vast expanse with celestial symphonies.

As the last vestiges of Loah's brilliance faded, Whiro stood victorious, yet an emptiness hollowed his heart. The silence after the battle was deafening, his brother's absence a void echoing through the celestial expanse. "Why do I remain, when all gods are destined to fade?" Whiro's voice resonated with an eerie blend of sorrow and realization.

The weight of victory turned to ash in Whiro's mouth. He surveyed the desolation, the shattered remains of once-thriving civilizations, the celestial bodies of his fallen kin, their essence interwoven with the cosmic fabric. A poignant understanding dawned upon him: the purpose of gods was not eternal dominion but to inspire and nurture life, to be shepherds of creation.

With newfound resolve, Whiro descended upon the desolate Earth, the battleground of divine strife. The scars of war etched upon its surface bore witness to the gods' conflict. The remnants of humanity, resilient amidst chaos, sought solace amidst ruins.

Whiro, the last deity, became a guardian of balance, teaching mortals the harmony of opposing forces, the coexistence of light and darkness within themselves. He breathed life into the wounded planet, rejuvenating barren landscapes with burgeoning flora and fauna.

Through epochs, Whiro guided humanity, a deity unlike any before, offering guidance and wisdom amidst the ebb and flow of civilizations. He observed their struggles, their triumphs, nurturing their potential to embrace the dichotomy within their souls.

Civilizations rose and fell like cosmic tides, and Whiro remained a steadfast overseer, balancing the dance between creation and annihilation. With each passing age, his presence became a whispered legend, a myth entwined with the fabric of existence.

As the cosmic cycle reset, and the universe prepared for another iteration of creation, whispers lingered in the celestial realms about the last deity, the solitary sentinel embodying balance. Whiro, the harbinger of unity in duality, stood resolute, etching the legacy of the fallen gods upon the annals of existence.

This is a collection of stories, I'll be updating new chapters every Sunday. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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