

The servant lowered his head and said, "My lord, I truly don't know. This operation was led by Lord Hof. He brought in many people who were far more skilled than us to execute the task."

"The forged evidence was almost ready, but somehow, when we went to check the warehouse today, everything was gone."

"There were no signs of forced entry on the doors or windows, and the keys to the main gate were in the custody of Hof's people. We couldn't possibly confront Hof's men for an explanation; we're really at a loss."

Frustrated, Mambaton kicked a stool aside and stormed out of the tent, his cloak billowing behind him as he headed to the warehouse.

At the entrance, a group of about a dozen people were engaged in an animated discussion.

They were all gesticulating wildly, each seemingly eager to explain the situation.

However, with so many talking at once, Mambaton couldn't make out a single word.