
Chapter275-The fierce Battle

Understanding the situation, Resarite nodded and drew his sword to command the troops to attack.

The terrain of the forest, uneven and not suited for cavalry, could sometimes offer light infantry a special advantage.

However, this largely depended on the type of light infantry involved.

Well-equipped light infantry with adequate weapons and armor could indeed be effective, but those without any military gear were still likely to face a dire fate, even in the forest.

At this moment, aside from a few light cavalry under Hof's lead circling the outskirts and Hof's own contingent of heavy infantry and archers, all of Mibo's forces were encircled by Howard's army.

The first move was a volley of arrows; Howard's archers, having spent a day and a half finding concealed and inconspicuous high grounds, now unleashed their arrows in unison.

The swift whooshing sound of the arrows instilled fear in the enemy ranks.