
Tale of Twin God

You can`t broke something ruined. This is story about two people that tried to change their fate, quench their thirst and satiate their anger. Follow the adventure of John and Jane, twins that tried to embark on journey of cultivation to fulfil their wish. The road was thorny, filled with dread and blood. Two polar opposite that tried their best to help and understand each other. What can they found at the end of the road? is that what they always looking for? ======================================= Well, this is my very first novel, I tried to polish my english writing skill by creating this story. i hope everyone can enjoy this story, i`m not a professional writer and english not my main language, so any insight to the writing technique and stories telling always welcome. thank you very much.

timbangan · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


Updated later lol.