

Humanity went into chaos when the flux gates arrived, millions of people lost their lives as monsters flooded out, all hope seemed to be lost. Until the echo's descended giving humanity a chance to fight back by granting them supernatural powers as they chose their hosts. Kaiser a boy with the inability to feel pain is granted one of the strongest echo's the world as ever seen, join him on his journey as he fights for his survival and uncovers mysteries buried by the very ones they call their saviours. Cover art was done by Latan on artstation.

Lazy_Writ3r · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

CHAPTER 1: The Beginning

On a bright and sunny day people walked down the streets, couples went on dates and humanity thrived. All without knowing we we're fucked; one man knew one person knew all this was going to happen and it was that one crazy hobo carrying the sign the world is coming to an end to bad no one ever believed him.

Humanity took a big blow to the groin that day when the flux gates opened millions of people died as otherworldly entities descended on our world, while the government tried to make sense of what was happening monsters continued to pour out with no signs of stopping.

The government tried to fight back but it was no use as the monster's we're just to strong which resulted in the use of nuclear weapons to fight, humanity lost about seventy percent of its population in just the span of two years.

But when all hope was thought to have been lost humanity was blissed with echo's, Echo's were said to be the spirits of powerful entities from different world's which were destroyed by the flux gates, they were the only hope of humanity at the time.

The people who became the hosts to this echo's were later known as "drifters" they were the small portion of humanity who could push back the monsters and eventually become our guiding light to the future.


Some years after the emergence of the drifter's humanity had finally conquered the flux gates and humans could finally live in peace but there was just one tiny problem during the emergence of the flux gates and fight for dear life countries were destroyed and lands became inhabitable.

People struggled to survive as the remaining portion of humanity which remained banded together lived under the control of the new world order which was headed by the representative of the five remaining country's which were Japan, America, north-Korea, Russia, England which merged together to form a brand-new continent.

Others citizens from other country's sought to take refuge in the five remaining landmass and like that humanity started to rebuild society under the five but now with the rise of drifter's humans could not continue to rule as before has the strong would never want to be ruled by the weak.

And with no monsters to fight anymore humans turned against each other, we were also greed creatures from the beginning the only reason peace existed was because people always had the same ideals but when ideals clash it leads war, a person kills millions but is called a hero because we share his ideals and the other is called a villain humanity was always fucked up in its own way.

With no way for those in power to control drifters, the five strongest drifters widely known as the five conquerors stepped up splitting the drifters into five factions each residing in one of the five remaining landmasses, with the drifters residing on each landmass the representatives had nothing to worry about as each conqueror took control of the drifters in that location allowing the rest of humanity to progress.

Each country developed smoothly and with the help of the drifter's were able to advance more than before while the conqueror's continued to grow in power and later were able to create their own clans leading to the rise of the four great families, yep four not five one of the conqueror's decided to create an organization that would be under the power of the new world government.

The goal of the organization was to act as a form of security to the people in drifter and non-drifter related matters.

In a world with people running around with superpowers there was bound to be chaos, the association was created to keep the order when that time comes and there was no one better suited to run the association than one of the conqueror's as it won't just keep the drifters in check it would also keep the other conquerors.

As humanity was once again thriving something bad just had to happen to fuck it up, in the northern side of the continent where the blue rose clan which was controlled by the enchantress was located a flux gate suddenly opened.

The flux gate opened on a beach on the country formerly known as Japan which was now part of the new formed continents known as the new republic.

The people who were on the beach at the time retreated while the drifters on the scene immediately got ready to fight but to everyone's surprise nothing happened after sometime had passed the enchantress finally arrived at the scene has she was called immediately after the flux gate opened.

All the drifters at the scene suddenly focused their attention on a woman with a chocolate brown skin, white hair and purple eyes as she walked right passed them and stopped at the front of the flux gate, at that point none of the males were focusing on the flux gate as they were staring at her voluptuous body which had curves in all the right places.

The enchantress turned back to look at the drifters who were on the scene when she arrived before asking.

"As any monster come out of the gate so far"

A drifter with black hair and brown eyes with a small scar on his left eye answered

"No monster as come out from the gate since it opened, ma'am"

The enchantress thought to herself as she looked at the sand, 'it was strange as when the flux gates first opened, they released monsters from within it but that doesn't seem to be the case with this one, are we supposed to enter it or what, seeing has that is the only choice worth trying'

She looked back at the man with the scar before saying "Gather your men we're going to enter the gate"

The man looked a bit shocked by what she said but never the less did what she asked, he brought four of his best men to her before they departed.

Taking one last look at the beach and at the drifters she took a step forward entering the flux gate.


Inside the gate was nothing like they expected, they were surrounded by large trees it seemed they were in a forest or some sought.

The men were all looking around before they heard the enchantress saying "everyone stay alert somethings coming", all the men rapidly focused their attention on there surroundings before they heard the sound of a branch break.

All attention was focused on were the sound came from before a similar sound started echoing from all around them, the men were startled by the sudden occurrence before monkey looking creature's with azure coloured fur, razor claws and teeth that looked like it could cut through steel surrounded them in an instant looking at them from the trees.

Surprised by the sudden development the drifters had no time react before the strange looking monkeys launched at them aiming to bite their necks off, before anyone could react, they all heard a voice "STOP" all the men turned back to look at the source of the voice, it was the enchantress, the blacked haired man with a scar on his left eye know as Zenon turned back to look at the monkeys. He was surprised to see they weren't also moving turning back to look at the enchantress before she said "DIE".

All the monsters surrounding Zenon and his men instantly dropped dead, all the men were shocked while Zenon thought to himself 'so this is the power of a conqueror I have heard a lot of rumours about their powers but seeing it just makes me realize how monstrous they really are'.

After that incident they kept moving north until they were finally out of the forest, getting out they found themselves in an ancient looking temple in ruin.

Just as they were about to start exploring they heard a monster roar from the forest it was so loud they heard all the way from the temple and it was coming to there location, every step it took the ground shook it was going to be massive and it indeed was cause right in front of them was a giant looking gorilla with azure fur, looking at the beast Zenon and his men turned to the enchantress, noticing there gaze she turned to them before she said "you guys deal with this one" hearing her words all the men had a dumbfounded look on there faces.

Preparing to fight Zenon and his men unsheathed their weapons and changed their stance to match there fighting style's, two of his men named Kepler and Harper had large shields to fend of the enemies' attacks.

Kepler had the aspect 'physical enhancement' which allowed him to increase his physical capabilities while Harper had the aspect 'barrier manipulation' which allowed him to create, shape and control any barrier materialized into existence by him, but he could only create one barrier at a time.

N.B: Aspects are the powers granted by the echo to the host.

Zenon held a sword in his arm as he turned to stare at the person on his left Carter as he was the only person that had any offensive power in the group apart from the enchantress, he held the aspect 'combustion inducement' and used a bow and arrow while the last member of the group Adrian had a support aspect 'angel's zone' it allowed him to heal anyone within a certain radius.

The monster looked down on his preys as he brought his massive arm's down aiming to end their lives in a single hit Harper quick to react made a barrier to protect them while making a hole for them to attack through, Carter drew his bow back has he unleashed a barrage of arrows at the monster.

Seeing the arrows coming the monster didn't react expect the arrows not to cause any damage but it couldn't be more wrong as on landing on its target the arrows immediately exploded causing the monster to stagger back has the impact was too great for him it to handle, seeing this opportunity Zenon didn't waste anymore time immediately disappearing from his position only to appear right in front of the monster's eyes, looking closer one could see a foot print embedded deep into the ground.

Twisting his body while holding his sword in reverse grip Zenon slashed right at the monsters eyes, blinding the monster on the spot at this point taking it down was only a matter of time and after five more minutes of fighting the beast was defeated with only minimum injures sustained, after blinding the beast it went on a rampage eventually breaking the barrier as deploying another one takes a while they were practically defenceless but thanks to Kepler tanking most of the hits they got out with only little injures.

After the defeating the monster a flux gate opened leading to the real world, upon getting out of the gate word had spread about the new type of flux gates and it was later discovered that if the gates went closed within the span of a month it would lead to a 'flux breach'.

Humanity had made closing the flux gates a top priority but never the less continued to advance and just like that fifty years passed bringing humans and drifters into a new age.