
Chapter 8 The Sky Spirit Sect

As Elder Chen and Yang Yu flew over the sect, Elder Chen explained the locations and the inner workings of the sect.

"Ranking for disciples is divided between, Outer Disciple, Inner Disciple, and Core Disciple. There are currently nearly 20,000 Outer Disciples, 300 Inner Disciples, and 1 Core Disciple. Menial tasks around the sect are taken care of the by the servants, of which there are nearly 100,000. You are an anomally by being the first 301st disciple in history.

The sect has 100 Outer Mountains on which the Outer Disciples live. These mountains have their living quarters.. These mountains have double the qi of the outside world. At the foot of each mountain, some servants live, who will take care of the mountain daily.

Inside the 100 Outer mountains there are the 12 Inner Mountains. These mountains all have 5x the qi of the outside world, and only 10 of the 12 house Inner Disciples. One of the other 2 mountains houses the Technique Pavilion in which all the sect's techniques are kept, Grand Elder Song guards this place. The other mountain houses the 3 ponds, the 3 ponds are, the Sky Pond, the Yin Pond, and the Yang Pond. All with their own benefits.

Inside the Inner Mountains in the depths of the Sky Spirit Sect, there are 7 Mountains. Each housing an Elder, and the remaining 2 housing, the Sect Leader, and the only Core Disciple in the sect Xu Tianlong. The qi within these mountains, are 10x that of the outside world.

Outer Disciples may acquire 1 Body Refinement Pill, and 1 Meridian Pill every month. If they are of a higher realm they may get 1 pill of their realm for each system. They also may access 1 pond every 3 months.

Inner Disciples may acquire 10x that which an Outer Disciple acquires. They may also access 1 pond every month.

A core disciple may acquire 10x that which an Inner Disciple acquires, and may access 1 pond every week.

Surrounding the 100 Outer Mountains, are the 1000 Mortal Mountains, mortals live here and take care of various areas of entertainment for the cultivators to use to relax. The arena is found on one of these mountains, and the Missions Hall can also be found on one of these mountains. Between the 100 Outer Mountains and 1000 Mortal Mountains, Merchant's Valley can be found, most transactions take place here.

Behind the Sect the 10,000 Beasts Forest can be found, it is a dangerous area, but it is cleaned up by us regularly, reducing its threat significantly." Elder Chen explained.

"It seems you are very knowledgeable about the sect." Yang Yu said as Elder Chen nodded. "Of course, I am an Elder, and I am in charge of management." Elder Chen said with some pride.

"Oh and I almost forgot. There are 2 main rules in the Sky Spirit Sect, firstly Do not kill fellow disciples, this is an extremely serious offence, and the second rule is fairness must be maintained. within the Sky Spirit Sect, all Elders treat the disciples fairly, this is to ensure that the strength of the sect is maintained and that there is no internal strife. As you may have realised, we have a strong rivalry with the Blood Sword Sect, and if we were to slip us, all the sect may be slaughtered in a matter of days." Elder Chen explained.

"Also, not that it would matter for you, but every year a competition is held to promote disciples. Seeing as you're permanently an Inner Disciple, and you have no chance of beating Xu Tianlong right now, you don't need to concern yourself with it." Elder Chen finished as they reached an Inner Mountain.

"This is Shining Sky Mountain, it will be your residence for years to come." Elder Chen said as they landed onto a mountain. "Wait here a moment, I will go grab the servants and they will build your residence." Elder Chen finished as he quickly disappeared.

About 20 minutes later he reappeared along with the servants, and in 6 hours a residence was quickly made. "Well since all is a settled, I hope you'll enjoy your time here at our sect. Also, your resources will be sent by an immortal crane at the end of every month, and if you need to make any requests, you may go to the Requests Hall." Elder Chen said before flying.

"Well goodbye." Elder Chen said flying off. "Eh, do you need anything Inner Disciple Sir?" A servant asked. "No, not really, as long as one of you can bring me up some food that will be all, and call me Yang Yu its easier." Yang Yu said before heading into his residence.

"Yes Yang Yu Sir." The servants said before running down the mountain. About 20 minutes later, a servant came back with food, and Yang Yu sent him off after accepting the food.

After he finished eating Yang Yu went to bed as the sun began to set. 'Its best to rest considering how tired I am, and the fact Yun Zhu suddenly disappeared.' Yang Yu thought as he dozed off on his bed.

The next day he woke up and he looked around. As he was about to get out of bed, he suddenly heard a shout. "BOO!" Yun Zhu shouted behind him, causing Yang Yu to fall out of the bed in shock. "You piece of shit." Yang Yu said as Yun Zhu chuckled.

"You should be thanking me not cursing me, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been able to traverse the last 70 steps. Due to this I had to take a rest, as my soul grew too weak." Yun Zhu said as Yang Yu listened confusedly.

"Really? Well I guess you are useful." Yang Yu said before getting up. "I must say the, qi here is quite decent, its actually very good for an Outer Disciple." Yun Zhu said as Yang Yu laughed.

"You underestimate my prowess, I am already an Inner Disciple, and not only that I beat this kid with a Pure Yang Physique or some shit." Yang Yu said as Yun Zhu stood there shocked.

"P-PURE YANG PHYSIQUE?!?!" Yun Zhu shouted in alarm. "...Yes what's the issue?" Yang Yu asked in confusion. "A Pure Yang Physique only comes about once every 10,000 years, even I hadn't heard of one in my time, but that isn't the most important thing. This Physique is of the Heavenly level, not only that but their luck is ridiculous." Yun Zhu said causing Yang Yu to be shocked.

"After meeting you, its just been shock, after shock, after shock, at this rate my heart is going to explode." Yang Yu said. "Anyway what does this mean?" Yang Yu asked. "It means he'll at minimum reach my level, and probably he'll reach much much higher, so don't offend him." Yun Zhu said as Yang Yu nodded.

"Well I had no plans to offend anyone anyway, I rather cultivate in peace." Yang Yu said as he opened the door. Outside there was his breakfast ready, and surprisingly it was still warm.

"I see, they still use heat insulating inscriptions." Yun Zhu said as he looked at the plate. "I don't feel like a whole explanation, so please just let me eat my food." Yang Yu said as Yun Zhu was about to explain.

"Well I am the Million Mile Scholar, so even if you tell me to shut up, I must enlighten your ears............" This continued on for another 20 minutes.