
Chapter 4 Arrival

1 Month Later

"Thank you Old Ye." Yang Yu said as he got off a carriage. "Its fine, you were a great help while on the journey, here take this money." Old Ye said as he handed Yang Yu a pouch of coins. Old Ye was an aged man, white hairs were already growing amongst his dark brown hair.

"Thank you, I'll definitely pay you back Old Ye." Yang Yu said as he bowed. "Don't worry, my life has already passed for the most part, if I can help a youngster achieve his dreams, then its enough for me." Old Ye said as he waved his hand.

"Well, I'll be off then, stay safe Yang Yu." Old Ye said as he headed off down another path way. "Seems he was a good fellow, you got lucky." Yun Zhu said as Yang Yu nodded. "Indeed, I probably won't be so lucky next time." Yang Yu said before continuing his trek down the path.

In front of him lay a gigantic city, beyond which a mountain range stood. This was Sky Spirit City, the City directly under the Sky Spirit Mountain Range. Here the exams to enter the Sky Spirit Sect would take place.

'All my dreams are finally going to come true.' Yang Yu thought with a tear in his eye. As soon as he thought that though, Yun Zhu chimed in. "Things are only going to get harder from here on out, we're in a city we barely know anything about, and cultivation isn't as fine and dandy as it looks." Yun Zhu said as he appeared his eyes gazing at the city seriously.

"Alas, with I, the Million Mile Scholar, nothing is impossible. Once we enter the city buy some ink and paper, I'll write down a few High Grade Yellow Rank techniques." Yun Zhu said nonchalantly causing Yang Yu to look at him in shock.

One would know where Yang Yu lived, a High Grade Yellow Rank technique sold for 100 gold minimum. This was equivalent to 10000 silver or 10 years worth of salary for an average household.

"You're just going, to give me Yellow Rank techniques of that level?" Yang Yu asked in shock. "Hmm? What of it? I even know Sky Rank techniques, and those beyond." Yun Zhu said shocking Yang Yu even more.

As far as Yang Yu knew techniques went from Yellow Rank, to Black Rank, to Earth Rank and finally to Sky Rank, he had never heard of a technique being able to go beyond that. Each rank also had 4 sub grades which were, Low, Mid, High, and Peak.

"Okay, then lets make some money." Yang Yu said while calming himself down.

As Yang Yu reached the city gates Yun Zhu receded back into the ring. Once there the guards stopped him. "Halt, what is your business here?" They asked. "I would like to take part in the Sky Spirit Sect entrance exam." Yang Yu replied.

"Here's the entrance fee." Yang Yu said as he handed them a few silver. "Eh, well thank you, you may go through." A guard said as they made way. Once he entered Yang Yu asked around and immediately went to the material store.

After purchasing the the materials Yang Yu went into a secluded alley and Yun Zhu came out. "Why do you keep appearing and disappearing? Can other people see you?" Yang Yu asked questioningly. "Well yes and no, if they're at the Elemental Fusion Realm or above, there's a high chance they can see me. Apart from those people, and those with ridiculously strong souls, the no." Yun Zhu said as Yang Yu looked at him like he was mentally challenged.

"You do realise, there is no one at that realm or above, around these parts its a myth." Yang Yu explained as Yun Zhu nodded. "Well good to know, back then there used to be Elemental Fusion experts around here, I guess they moved on, or the standard of cultivation declined." Yun Zhu said as he held his chin.

"Well lets get back to business, I think I'll write down, the Obliterating Rock Palm." Yun Zhu said as he picked up the pen and dipped it in ink, before writing down the technique.

"So you can interact with the real world?" Yang Yu asked used to the surprises. "Yes but barely, it takes too much of a toll on my spirit form." Yun Zhu said as he finished writing down the first technique.

"This skill has 3 levels, its extremely basic, but its a good technique, should sell for some gold." Yun Zhu said. "Some? More like 100." Yang Yu said as Yun Zhu just nodded. "I see a lot has changed in my time of slumber." Yun Zhu said as they headed out of the alleyway.

Sky Spirit City was much cleaner than Dawn City, even the alleyways had more light, and were much cleaner, not only that but there were less of them. Due to this Yang Yu had to walk on the main road, but he made sure to hide anything he had of value.

'Although there are guards here, you never know what might happen.' Yang Yu thought as he walked down the street. As he did so he admired the buildings, they were much cleaner and made out of stone unlike the wooden buildings from Dawn City.

"Don't get distracted, if I recall correctly there should be a Merchant Street, somewhere here." Yun Zhu said as he directed Yang Yu. After about 20 minutes they finally arrived in a bustling area.

There were shops everywhere and people sitting down selling their goods. "At least one thing has remained consistent." Yun Zhu said as Yang Yu looked on in awe.