

Rich, Big family, cousins, chef but what I want is to be normal

Abubakar_Hauwa · Khác
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Hi guys my name is Olivia, but you can me oliv. In my city it is either you are gaga rich or poor poor but my family we are at the top gaga rich rank, but all l want is to be normal and this is the







OLIV: Let me introduce my family, myself, my twin brother, my elder brother,my oldest sister and my younger sister, and of course mom and dad.

OLI: (in an annoying voice) twinne

OLIV: I told you to stop calling me that, I give you a 3 second head start 1.....2......3!!! run!!

EVIE: stop that you are in front of my room go fight somewhere else my trying to do my makeup.

JAKE: you guys are making too much noise I am trying to play my guitar.

OLI: (hit a toy) ophs.

ALEXIA: My toy (crying) you broke it I will tell mommy.

MOM: everyone come downstairs now.

DAD: you too Evie.

Everyone is downstairs, they sit on the couch.

DAD: Evie drop that phone.

EVIE: Fine!!

MOM: Now that we are all here I will handover to your dad.

DAD: okay your cousins are coming over for the holiday.

EVIE: what !! which one.

MOM: The Jackson.

EVIE: What aunt Hazel does not know how to cook and plus she hates me.


JAKE: Dad they are way to much like us, they have twins, elder brother, elder sister and a little girl like alexia ( pointing towards her).

OLIV: Dad he is right.

DAD: They will becoming over their home is been renovated.

OLI: What can't they rent a guest house.

DAD: They need the money to renovate and as family we have to be supportive.

MOM: Okay now this is the arrangement Evie,the eldest daughter to you, Jake the boy, Oli the twin brother, Oliv you can handle the other twin and finally the two babies together.

OLI: This arrangement is fair but what of aunt Hazel and uncle Jackson.

MOM: They will sleep in the pool house at night during the day time they will be where.

DAD: You got that?

EVERYONE: Yes sir!!!

EVIE: This is fair but tell this children to stay out of me and lily's way we are going to have so much fun.

DAD: They will be arriving tomorrow.

EVERYONE: Tomorrow?!!!!

ALEXIA: Ooh Cutie can't see my toys like that I do.......

DAD: Calm down Alexia, Cutie will love your toys.

MOM: So everyone you need to prepare.

OLI: Especially Jake!!!

DAD: Especially Jake.

JAKE: Fine.

MOM: Now go to your rooms light out in 5 minutes.

ALEXIA: Bye mommy, Bye daddy .

MOM: Good night darling.

They all leave the sitting room.

DAD: So now that we have sorted that out what are we going to do.

MOM: Sleep of focus tomorrow is a big day.

They go to bed.





DAD: who is at the door pls.

FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR: It' s the Jackson's( in a happy and cheerful voice)

Open's the door.

DAD: It is good to see you.

JACKSON:Long time, no see.

DAD:Come in.

MOM:Honey who is there.

DAD:It the Jackson's.

MOM: Hazel long no see.

HAZEL: Na work oOO.

JACKSON:Where are the kids?

DAD:They are upstairs let me call them. Everyone come down stairs.

Everyone rushes down stairs.

EVIE: Lily!!






JAKE:George,my bro!!




EVIE:Lily let go to ur room I want to show u this new nail polish.

LILY: Let go.

Everyone go up stairs