
Tale of Lustful Hero

[ Warning: Mature content R-18 ] "Where am I?" A no-name Illustrator, John, woke up only to find himself in the body of eighteen years old Arthur in the fantasy world of Aria. Blessed with the power of lust, join our protagonist in his journey as he becomes one of the strongest mages in this world and gains the attention of beauties along the way. ———————————————————————— -No Netorare -No Yaoi -No Yuri ————————————————————————

SoyNurse · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Chapter 10 - Enter Nerissa

"Oh wow, she's so clingy," Arthur muttered as Anne was passionately hugging his right arm — His arm was in between her breast, and her right leg was on the top of his hand — It funny how she claimed that she couldn't sleep without undressing while he used to saw her wearing clothes in sleep well except for the time where she slept with him.

Nothing really happened last night other than passionate kissing between them and sleeping together on the same bed.

"Looking at her being defenseless makes me want to bang her." He shook his head negatively; there was no such pleasure for him to have sex with her being asleep. "I honestly hope that she will be more open with her desire...With her current personality, it is tough for me to move forward with our relationship." He removed her body from his right arm and headed to the bathroom.

'....Am I really that bad?' Anne was actually pretending to sleep; she had already woken up way earlier than him, but she decided to stay in bed due to her love for his warm body. '...It pretty embarrassing for me to be honest with him.'

She keeps denying her feelings because she doesn't want to feel embarrassed when being around him but doesn't want their relationship to stay the same. Sure, he had already molested and felt her up, but she wanted more than that. She wants to marry him, bear his child, become his slave and make a family with him...Okay, ignore the slave part.

Maybe she should have shown more of her perverted side to him...But

'What if he was creeped out with me? Will he leave me? What if he replaced me with another woman?' She doesn't like thinking like this, not even for a bit, because there is no way that Arthur, of all people, will leave her...But then again, it was possible for him to break their relationship and still be friends with her.

She wishes to stay on his side... Call it an obsession, but even if Arthur decided to take the Harem route, she would gladly support him. People always say that when a person is deeply in love, nothing matters anymore.

'Maybe...I will just be honest with him about my perverted side...At least after beating that horny bitch to a pulp.'


"Hmmmm~ Hmmmm~" Arthur is currently can be spotted near the biggest tree at the top of the mountain behind Aram Village — He is currently leaning himself at the tree and is drawing on a scroll using a quill — pretty interesting on how hard was for him to draw using the quill, but he somehow can manage with it.

For some reason drawing in the morning really make him feel refreshed...

"Oooooh, What are you drawing, mister~?" A feminine voice can be heard beside him.

"I'm drawing the scenery," He said without looking at the person.

"That is such a beautiful drawing, mister~"

"Thanks." Again didn't bother to look at her and remained focused on the objective.

"Hey, Hey, mister~ Do you like ass~?"

"What do you think?"

"I think you like ass."

"Congratulations, we have a winner. Yes, I love ass as much as I love boobs, so don't bother to ask me which one I prefer."

"Oh, wow~" She faked a gasp at his answer. "Mister, are you a mind reader~?"

"It's just a common thing when someone asks that kind of question. I had been through this kind of thing before...A lot."

"Mister~ Can I have a request~?"

"Yeah, sure...What is it?"

"Can I sit on you~?" This question made him stop his drawing and look at her — Despite the scar on her left eye, she was actually pretty damn attractive; she had beautiful long silver hair that reached down to her thighs and a pair of yellow eyes. She has a rather alluring body figure;. However, her breasts are probably the smallest among the women he has seen recently; her buttocks are way bigger than Anne and Margarette's but still smaller than Iris's...Probably by a few centimeters. She is also pretty short compared to those three...Probably around 162? or maybe 163.

Not really shocking to him, but her outfit is pretty revealing. Her top is just a simple black colored bandeau barely covering her breasts, and her bottom is just a black G-string panty. She wore a pair of black boots.

"Well, If you want to sit on my face, then maybe after this, but if you want to sit on my lap, go ahead. No one going to stop you."

"Humu~ Thank You~" Instead of sitting on his lap, she decided to sit in between his legs, pushing her butts against his crotch. Is every woman in this world horny? That is the question that had been in his head for a while. "Ne~ Ne~ What with the long pause~?"

"Well, I want to ensure you are beautiful enough to sit on me."

"Hmmmm~ Are you saying that if I'm not beautiful and ugly, then you will just tell me to back off~?"

"Well, pretty much that's it."

"Aren't you being too judgemental~?"

"Here the question is, will you sit on me if I happen to be an ugly and boring-looking guy?"

"....Fair point, but I will still talk to him."

"Oh wow, you don't do that drunk and sexy voice anymore, but I will also talk with unattractive people because most unattractive people are more trustworthy than beautiful people."

"Oh~ Are you saying that I'm not trustable~?" Oh, her regular pattern is back.

"As much as I love your butts being pushed against my dick, yes, you aren't trustable...Especially when you are from the same household as Margarette."

"So you do notice that~"

"Yeah, Silver hair and yellow eyes literally gave away your identity to me, especially in the Ravdi Kingdom; the typical hair colors are brown and black."

"You know I may have been someone from Polemistis Kingdom, right~?"

"There are three things that make you not a Jager Race. First, your skin is milky white, not dark or brown, seconds your hair is silver, not white or black; and your eyes are yellow, not red, which is the most memorable thing about them when compared to Airm and Natt Race."

"Heh~ How about the third one, mister~?"

"Third point is the Ravdi Kingdom currently has a war between the first, second, and third prince fighting for the throne, with the fourth princess not wanting to do anything with the throne. Due to her being their beloved sister, her territory was considered a natural ground, but if you want to enter it from Ravdi Kingdom, you need to walk through one of their territories."

"Wow~ You really did your research~ Ne~ Ne~ Are you aiming for the Academy in the Capital~?"

"Yup, me, along with Anne."

"Is that Anne, your girlfriend~?"

"I like to think so."

"Don't you feel guilty about feeling up my ass with your crotch~?"

"You are the one who offers your ass; I'm just being a gentleman and respecting the woman with their decision." He lies naturally as he breathes.

"Say, mister~ Do you want to make a harem~?"

"Well, I'm a healthy guy, so yeah, I want to make a harem."

"Heeeeeeeh~ You are rather unfaithful, don't you think so~?"

"I said I want to make a harem, but it doesn't mean I will make a harem."

"Hmmmm~? What do you mean, mister~?"

"I would only go for the Harem route if Anne is comfortable with it; after all, her feeling comes first. Especially how kind she is towards me."

"Humu~ You just make yourself more desirable than before~" She said with a smile before moving her head to look at him and kiss his left cheek quickly. "If your girlfriend agrees with your harem plan. Just call for me, mister~"

"Well, you didn't tell me your name."

"Oh, I totally forgot about that. Tehe~"

"My name is Nerissa Corneum Puella~ The third child of the Puella Household~ Nice to meet you, mister~"

"Same here, and my name is Arthur. No surname, Just Arthur."

"Humu~ But I will just call you Mister~" Nerissa stood up from him and bent her body, pointing her back at him, making her buttocks look bigger than they already were. She then used both of her hands to spread her ass. "Also, mister~ If you let me in your harem, I will consider giving you the privilege of owning my ass and taking my virginity~"

"What, are you a pervert?" Nerissa just giggled at his answer before disappearing in thin air, leaving a trace of snowflakes. He raised his eyebrows at her sudden ability.

"A teleporter? Huh...What an Interesting woman you are, Nerissa...The real question is... Is she some kind of pervert or just teasing me? Considering we just met today..or maybe her name really implies that she is horny."

Corneum Puella = Horny Girl [In Latin]

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