
Tale of Depravity

What makes "us" but our desires. "we" are on a quest to quench this thirst, -On the dawn of the third epoch of the human calendar, trouble is brewing in the western continent that will embroil the whole world of Arread, in the center of this conflict a series of events that involves black haired child and a blond man unravels the Mistry of its origins,

Urkmon · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Prelude: Purgatory

In a black space, not an ounce of light,

Hazy, murky are my thoughts faint on the brink of scattering,

slowly losing sense of self, of being,

I guess the most appalling part was not losing my senses or perception but the other factors,

No gravity no direction as if I am molded to a vast texture silently struggling to not be swallowed feebly trying to hold onto my individuality,

My recounted memories are slowly fading as if they never existed before,

Gradually, unhurriedly, but surely, I am becoming one becoming nothing,


I... it is funny how awkward it is to use the letter I at this point "we" don't remember who we are, … feel tired, somehow similar when "I" used to sleep, closer to how "I" felt when "I" died but not quite, not quite, this feeling I reckon will linger till "I" is no more ...

Within the fading memories, we recognize an image of a time long past …

of land so far …

where you can see the sun engulfing the world glaring in terrifying light as if it is giving divine judgment ...

And there "I" was, there "we" were, feel the sting of those dried chapped lips cracking, eyes bleeding, swarthy body withering, as those weak lungs struggled for thin air,

I could see around me "us", "us" were many… as far as the eye can see covering the land like droves of ants converging to one place one destination,

Like pilgrims like moth to flame, were we drifting to a safe haven a sanctum a place to shield us from the sun silently hanging above our heads, thoughts but memory betrays where "we" were, where "us" were going "I" remember no more, "we" remember no more.

An "I" tiredly looked over our heads, out of focus unstable gaze the one me looked above to a monolith so black stood erected on earth,

So grand so wide piercing through the heavens, converging right into the middle of the all seeing sun, the monolith so grand yet provided no shade from the deathly rays, instead it shined, it glimmered…


but all it did was reflect those glaring threads upon us,

We climbed the stairs swirling around the grand monolith with no end in sight, far above "us" ascended the black steps, frying our feet, smoldering our skin, we slowly melt, as we head into the embrace of the divine sun.

Hopeless "I" hysterically laughed with widened bloodshot eyes spelling with insanity,

as "I" witnessed "our" madness, "our" weakness, "our" helplessness, feeling indignation towards "us" when we were at our unsightly weakest,

"I" with the strongest emotion, hate embroiled the former "I" as "I" became the crux of "us" madness.