
Tale of Chaos and Darkness

MohitVerma · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

[Chaos Realm]

'What to do now?' Rudra thought while floating in the chaos. But unknown to him the chaos in the surrounding was slowly being absorbed by his soul and very slowly a new body was being formed around him, entirely made from this unending chaos.

Rudra who was still thinking about his life suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his non-existent body, that is when Shit hit the fan. He felt a monstrous amount of pain, it was like his every nerves, bones, muscles and organ were slowly being put together in the most painful way possible.

Time slowly passed by and Rudra continued to scream soundlessly. Slowly his body started to take shape. First came the nerves, then bones followed by muscles and at the end Organs and skin appeared around his being.

After an unknown amount of time, the pain finally stopped. 'Sh*t, thank god it is over' though Rudra when suddenly a lightning bolt made up of Chaos hit his body and kick-started his organs. As the lightning reached his brain, the feeling of being burnt alive overcame his senses and he lost his consciousness.

Then a white light started to consume his body and he disappeared from the Chaos realm.


[DC World] [Sonoran Desert North America]

Rachel Roth or Raven was flying under the blazing sun with a sad look on her face. She was rethinking about her decision of joining Teen Titans. In the beginning, everything was fine, she would help others in their fight and after that, she would ignore them to keep her emotions in check. But then one day Beast boy came and her peaceful world was filled with chaos and pranks. At first, she hated it but eventually, she got used to his antics.

After countless missions, they both started to develop feelings for each other. In the end, Beast boy asked her if she would be his girlfriend, hearing this she was happy and agreed with a rare smile. The days following that confession were probably the happiest days of her life. But every good thing has to end at some point. Soon Beast Boy lost interest in her and started ignoring her, she tried to talk to him once but it resulted in an argument and he stormed out. The next morning when she came back from a long and hard mission she found Beast Boy and Terra sleeping in the same bed … naked.

It was at that moment she lost control over her emotion and the darkness she had buried deep inside her came out. Soon dark energy started to leak out from her body and the Titans tower started to shake. The shockwave alerted others and they soon arrived where she was. Seeing Beast Boy and Terra's condition they were shocked. That is when pandemonium began. The floor below her cracked open and darkness started to fill the facility, she was just about to let her dark instinct took over when a hand grabbed her shoulder. Looking back she noticed Starfire holding her back, Seeing the scared look in Starfire's eyes, she snapped out of her rage mode and looked down.

The darkness then started to recede in her body, she gave a last glace to Beast Boy who was now sitting while looking at her with guilty eyes. She couldn't take it anymore and left the tower leaving behind a lonely sentence. "I guess this is where it ends, Garfield."


[Sonoran Desert North America]

Suddenly the spatial law in front of her became chaotic. Space itself started to twist on its own at one point. From that point, a portal started to form and then with a bright white light, which forced her to close her eyes the portal disappeared. She frowned at this and moved toward the place where the portal just vanished from.

And what she found shocked her, there in the sand was a naked man lying face down. Realizing that he was naked a small blush appeared on her face. she then glided down and landed beside him. she was about to use her magic to conjure some clothes for him when she noticed some strange markings on the man's back. she examined the tattoo and realized that it was the 'Trident of chaos' the mythical weapon wielded by 'Lord Shiva' the 'God of Destruction' himself in his great battle against the inter-dimensional demons.

Seeing the weapon of myths Curiosity took over her logical mind. she reached out with her hand and touched the tattoo. And just as her fingers made contact with the 'Trident of Chaos', it started absorbing her dark magic against her will. She quickly pulled her hand back and looked at the man with bewilderment and slight fear in her eyes. 'He can absorb my dark magic and by the looks of it he isn't affected by it.' thought Raven.

She then turned the man around. Looking at his features and skin tone, she realized that he was Indian and a handsome one at that. By the looks, he was around 23 years old, 1-year older than her, he was also very muscular with all the right cuts. She then subconsciously looked at his privates and blushed deeply. She shook her head and then with a wave of her hands the man was now wearing a black cargo pant and a white T-shirt.

Taking a deep breath she put her now glowing hand on his forehead. The man with a start opened his grey eyes and looked around. Eventually, his eyes met hers and they both went into a trance.