

The god travelled through the planet seeing many cities and countries magic buildings and the mortal huts and everything the mankind have made

In the mean time he saw many interesting things but he also find this world loving and caring but filled with hatred jealousy and many evil things but in the end there will be no light without darkness and darkness without light

A life is filled with ups and downs many are born rich many are born poor but there are many who born with riches and died without food and there is people who are born poor but died with everything the world has to offer

In the god's eyes this are all kids even if they are poor person or rich person or a person who's Is evil

But the kids who misbehave will get a small punishment but still at the end even they will get happiness

Well gods plan cannot understand by a mortal everything happens for a reason

If a mortal try to understand it he will become clever but also fall into madness

After the village he was traveling towards a city