
Entering the world

After entering the planet. understanding the problem the god decided.if he want to enter a planet he will use the power that the world can handle and his other powers will be sealed.it took thousand years to seal a god's power

Now If he enters a planet his power will become the peak of that planet can handle

After that. he reset the time and re entered the planet when the god entered the planet. The planet sensed the presence of the divine being .as the greetings planet send the god to the most beautiful place in the planet and the planet used its power to make a clone of it in a form of human to greet the god

The god already changed into form of mortal but If a mortal saw his form even a man would feel jealous he was like a immortal on the fairy tales.god has no gender but he took the gender of man

After the greetings the planets clone gone back.the god observed his surroundings he was in a grassland he can see beautifull rivers and mountain the beautifull blue sky and a mind smoothing wind and a forest he stand there for some time by the breath taking beauty of nature and in the mean time all the animals nearby surrounded him the

The birds flew around him the magical forest sang a beautiful song with the wind

The god entered the forest and he started walking with every step the nearby animals joined him then he walked and reached a water fall it was a nice scenery he sat there with his long hair moving by the wind the birds flying around him the magical deers tigers lions all time of magical beast and normal animals lay on the ground near the rock like a obidient pet

The Little fairies in the forest joined them the fishes on the river formed by waterfall jumped on the river. Seeing the animals the god decided to bless them he spread his divine aura through the whole magical forest

With aura of a god all the wounds that affected the forest and the animals

All the evil energy that affected the life of animals cleared from the forest the old age animals feeled their vitality increasing

Because of the god limiting his power he could only do this much he can do better if he wants but over giving benefits will bring disaster

And after spending 7 day on the forest he started his journey after going the forest he saw a village there was not many people after he entered the village.the village was in uproar because of the beauty of him everyone thought he was from a noble family

The village people welcomed him kindly the village was in a poor state because of the no rain even though there was no rain and their this year's harvest was bad they still have the god water and food.

After staying in the village for 7 days he start to leave before leaving he saw a kid helping his mother the kid was exhausted by helping his mother and sitting on the shadow of a tree the god walk up to him and gave him a ring and sayed "you are the key to save the world keep the ring safe it can help you in future"

Even though the kid didn't understand the meaning he know the ring is very important so he kept it

After that the god leave the village without a word with his leave the sky turned dark and the rain start to pour