
Desend of a god

In a world full of myth and legends of gods and demons with different races.A god was sitting above the universe in the 8th heaven.

The heaven that sayed to be the house of gods.

The mighty god's eyes was shut he was sitting on his mighty throne like a corpse.He was white like a jade his body was emitting a holy aura a normal mortal cannot see his face

His castle is big as a mortal mountain.

The palace itself is emeting a holy color outside his castle stood 10 person and behind them kneeling millions of Angels correct number cannot be determined the 10 servents was bowing their head to show their respects to the one sitting on the throne.

Suddenly the mighty God on the throne opened his eyes with just a sight the universes shuddered the everything in the world the dragons,immortals,demons everything a mortal cannot imagine kneeled even the worlds itself payed their respects to the mighty God.

And his voice heard in everyone's ears "oh my servants rise your head. I am going to the mortal world to experience the things that I created in my absense everything should be in the order.i am leaving my clone behind only awake it when the time comes.oh my 10 beloved servants take care of the orders I have established keep the order of the world I am leaving"

Then the mighty 10 servants and all angels said in unison"as you wish"

Then the door of the castle closed Evey angels returned to their duties.

Here start the tale of a god through mortal world