
Taking the place of the most insane primarch (Wh 40k)

Imagine waking up in a f***ing TUBE after going to bed to just realizing you are in warhammer. His old will hold no meaning here, for there is only war and death to be found here. [author note: I'm a rather new author just writing this for fun. so if you find grammar errors just message me and I'll try to fix it]

Ave_Dominus_Nox · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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28 Chs

Chapter 14 A look into the future

???? POV:

It was said that after Angron was freed, he and his legion became the butchers of the battlefield, but he also earned a different title, Angron, the chain breaker. He, along with his sons, freed many worlds under slaver control. It was his brutal methods that separated him from the rest of his so-called, honorable brothers, and this guided him to joining the night faction. As before the heresy, the primarchs could be split into two factions of day(those who stubbornly hold to honor and believe themselves rightous) and night( the realists and those who would commit dark deeds for the betterment of mankind).

The night faction was led by none other than the Lord of Night Konrad Curze and what a mystery he was to the rest of the imperium. His own territory in these dark times still stands tall for the ruinous powers hold no power there even without the protection of its ruler. Over time, only two segmentums outside of Terra could be said to be prosperous, and that being Ultramar and the Segmentum Noctis.

Well, before the heresy, the night lords held significant power in the imperium as the emperor's judges. The legion itself was not the strongest, but what gave them strength was not the super weapon or the astartes but the many human legions under them for none could be said to be uncorruptable as them aside the High Judge himself. Not to say the legion lacked power but due to its sour relation to the cult of the machine had cut them off from many of the tools of the other legions like titans and wide scale use of bolters. And what did the night lords do to fill the void? They adapted by using imperial knights and doing what many of the cult would call tech heresy by upgrading them with their guasa weapons, and such weapons spread through all of their forces. Even their guardsmen were better equipped than the cadians with adamantine flak gear and exoskeleton frames to boost their physical strength and armed with guass rifles[AN: fallout plasma rifle] that even with its common variant only being a semi automatic it had the power to cut through even ceramite given solid enough solid shots. This made them very effective against many threats at closer distances. Such Gauss weaponry is so spread in their forces that each bit of their equipment could be described with a green glow encased in midnight clad. It is unknown how, but with the help of the Iron Lord Perturabo Warden of the eye, they managed to merge power weapons with their gauss energy making a blade able to cut through any armor leaving a green glow behind that would slowly atomize the target. Konrad somehow even had the foresight to have every bit of equipment rigged with self-destruction devices wired to a bioscanner, ensuring any outside users can not ever use their equipment with a remote detonation possible through a device hidden by the primarch only accessible to him. It is believed by many of my brethren that the primarch knew of the heresy long before it started allowing the imperium the best possible standing, but then again it would mean he either planned or failed to prevent the emperor being entombed on the golden throne. Perhaps that is why he set off into the eye carrying his father's sword to either finish what his father started or get revenge for his plan falling apart. We shall never know the true story.

The night faction, oddly enough, was the faction with no traitors, but it was also the one with the most casualties. Many primarchs fell during the heresy, with most killed by the judge of the emperor. Only four traitors still live hiding in the warp with their dark gods. They only live through the will of their dark masters thanks to the arch traitor. The only one less reviled than the arch traitor would be the twisted lion.

Most underestimated the corruption of chaos for while he was not but a mere babe, Lionel Johnson grew up on a plannet touched by chaos with many of its beasts corrupted by chaos. It was in the forests of caliban that he grew up in killing and feasting on such beasts unknowingly, giving the dark God tzeentch a backdoor to his mind. At first, he was a completely loyal son, but after many of the campaigns throughout the great crusade, doubts started to be planted and sprouted when the emperor returned to Terra to complete a secret project. It was during the political movings to decide the war master and when he lost the vote to the angel and for that very angel to give it to Horrus. It created many doubts and thoughts of hidden schemes against him whispered into his mind by tzeentch, and with time, he fell into paranoid mania blowing up caliban with those loyal to only him being the only survivors and those off world not loyal to him seemed asylum within the noctis segmentum. Perhaps this was the last lucid moment for the lion before he fell apart, becoming the great schemer and, with his mind, broken a puppet for the God of schemes. He would cause great terror throughout the galaxy, striking seemingly at random on for its effect to be revealed days or weeks later. He would be the mad killer that wounded Konrad forcing him out of the war. This may be what prevented him from helping defend his father being too preoccupied trying to find the lion. Once the judge found the lion, he no longer looked human with the head of a three eyed lion, his hands claws and bird wings sprouting from his back. It was said a great duel occurred here on the outskirts of the eye of terror with konrad the victor and the lion fleeing into the eye with what remained of his forces promising revenge.


~Lord Inquistor Julius, ordo hereticus~


Hello, Author here

First of all, thanks for reading

Secondly, to a few that wish I do a rewrite: no, I will not. I plan to see this to the end mistakes and all. This is my first story, and I'm writing it for fun and any future stories I write. I plan to look back on this one, seeing my progress from a first chapter to the last.

Finally, I hope yall continue to like it, and being its 40k, a happy ending is not to be expected, just a less grim one. One with a hope of survival for humanity.