
Taking the place of the most insane primarch (Wh 40k)

Imagine waking up in a f***ing TUBE after going to bed to just realizing you are in warhammer. His old will hold no meaning here, for there is only war and death to be found here. [author note: I'm a rather new author just writing this for fun. so if you find grammar errors just message me and I'll try to fix it]

Ave_Dominus_Nox · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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28 Chs

Chapter 13: Growing pains

With the integration of the Nox empire and the adding of two new primarchs, it has boosted morale for the average citizen, but many of the politics have had the proverbial table flipped. With major warp lanes now forcefully tamed through Komrads technology the navigator houses have had their power diminished with safer travels providing them less chances to gather more influence and with some merchants and logistic ships switching to theore rileliable engines allow supply and trade to arrive at planets at more reliable times with the sacrifice of speed. With a lot of their mercantile power cut off, they moved their power base to exploration and military ships where their services are still fully required and the out come of this is a usual cold attitude toward any nostraman ships.

It was not just the navigator houses having problems with the nostramans like the machine cult due to their complete banning of entering their space and the new patent laws enforced by Konrad allowing his empire to have a monopoly on any re-engineered necron tech. This has led to several small skirmishes and a banning of giving their legion tech marines so the Night lords legion has a rare trait among the legions and that is the art of making feild repairs and a need to constantly maintain their war gear like the rest of the noctis mortal legions. With such cases, the nostramans replaced the tech priest with engineers, and with such an event, many said engineers are in eternal struggle with the cult of Mars that will carry over into the 40th millennium

As for konrad himself, after receiving training of his legion and the integration of his sons into the nostraman way of life. He saw a surprising compatibility of his gene seed with nostramans, allowing a quick rise in the number of his legion, but due to the role they play the legion is hardly ever gathered in full force outside segmentum nox [the new name of the region of Konrads empire] with squads roaming the whole of the imperium looking for signs of dissenters or traitors along with each plannet he would step on he would revamp the law enforcement with such brutal efficiency that a magistrate or judge is more loyal to Konrad and his ideals than the nobility that resides on their planets. It is with such things that to most nobility dread ever hearing of the night lords being in a sector for its not just their lives at stake but any shady family business being ripped out by the roots. With Konrad at the helm, many worlds would all have a few uniform laws that must be met with many such worlds found non compliant would be visited by the legion.

As for the great crusade, the legion never found glory, but notoriety due to its way of war bringing many planets through fear and revolution.

It is due to such that Konrad came across one of his missing brothers while investigating a slaver planet and, with his actions on said planet, would earn Konrad the loyalty and respect of one brother and his legion leading to the highest cooperation outside of one other legion to be found later.

Konrad POV

For anyone who has witnessed slavery should find it appalling, but for the residents of Nuceria, they seemed to revel in it with many slave pits all over the planet and soon they will come to regret such ways of life as the high judge has come to pass judgement and may the name Konrad forever cause fear in those who would try to continue their wicked ways.

Knowing where to find his brother made finding him no easier when a hive could have over a hundred slave pits. I held back my legion from descending on this planet, for I would never deny my brother revenge for the cruelty of these slave masters. In a week, I found him chained to a wall for fighting against his captors, and so I slipped into the cell through its many shadows ablppearing before my brother as he glared at me.

" I can feel your pity. I don't need it." Grumbled Angron

"No, dear brother, I won't stop feeling bad for my brother's treatment, and it's why I'm here to save you."

"And then what we run away. Such slavers would never stop hunting their prized slave, " argued Angron

"No again, dear brother, for you, and I shall dish out justice upon these criminals, and you shall rule this world in their place like many of our brothers have made our home planets prosper and I know you have the heart to do the same here" I gave a final push in convincing my brother.

It was with this meeting that Konrad would wish away the gladiator to a hill along with many of the more sane gladiators. I even brought many borrowed supplies from the pdf to arm my brothers army. It did not take long for Angron to take control and rallying his new troops. He led a simple siege on the unsuspecting hive freeing many slaves as a snowball effect took over, allowing him to lead a wave of angry slaves assaulting every hive with every victory growing their numbers and in about a month Nuceria was Angrons. It was at the end of the takeover that I revealed I had many of the nobility I knew were exceptionally cruel, and with such targets, I taught my brother the way I deal justice on those deserving tainting what honor he had to not ever blind him in needing to do what had to be done.

After bringing Angron to Father and offering to teach him about the legions, and due to him lacking the nails, he had no reason to rename his legion, leaving it the war hounds. Sadly, Angron was not liked by some of my other brothers outside of me, Vulkan, and Horrus. It was for this reason the war hounds would find their fronts close to the salamanders for his empathy and the night lords for his willingness to do what had to be done.

The next brother I found sadly did not end as well as I hoped it would, and that brother was mortarion. While easily taking over most of Barbarus except the evil wizards mountain. I did not make the mistake of taking his quarry but instead constantly saving him and healing him, allowing him to recover to challenge him over and over. I still remember what he said after the fifth time I saved him.

"Why do you save me from death, stranger?" he would ask.

"What brother would not wish to save his brother, and with my gift, I know you believe only you should deal the final blow to that madman," I answered

"Do you know my power it may well help me defeat that man," he would ask

"It's twofold, and that is your reseliance and that stubborness of not wanting death, but you have another I know you would never use."

"And what is this power?" he asked with some agitation

"Like all our brothers, we all have the chance to be psykers each with skills that can complement our strengths. Perhaps you could give yourself greater strength and durability."

It was the beginning of teaching my brother how to use the warp, and in a week's time, he managed to amplify his durability to insane levels, and with his new skills, he would finally win but at the cost of a hand that would be replaced with a large bionic. It was due to such an injury that he blames me for its loss, but it merely left him neutral to me, allowing nether positive nor negative relations to take hold.

The next brother I would find would be my opposite Corvus. I eventually found deliverance, but after properly fixing the legal system on the moon, but the damage was done already on deliverance with a few forced skirmishes for corvus to reveal himself and after beating him in a duel I took him to my father and I know not what they spoke of but it earned the emperor his loyalty but later on the night lords would find a rivalry with the raven guard with the main mind set being the enforcers vs the revolutionaries.


Hello author here

I'm glad for yall reading this, and some may say I am rushing it. There are still many things in the crusade to happen, and events to change or tweak with the crusade now in full swing.

I will go ahead and state Not all OG traitor would remain so outside of lorgar, and not all loyalist would remain so nor would it be a clean split like cannon because to me it felt kinda forced for a few legions.