

All heaven has to do is wish upon a shooting star and her prince charming will be running to her. Things happened so fast and she's at the other side of the town attending her best friend wedding, who's getting married to her ex boyfriend. Heaven find herself talking to vampires and being in a vampire clan, fighting for her life along with her prince charming. Everything will go away and never come back if only she wish her prince charming away. "Let my prince charming be with me forever" She didn't wish him away and will have to endure everything and fight to survive. OTHER BOOKS THE PRINCESS AND THE FOURTH KNIGHT RIELA, MR DAMON'S BELLA BETROTHED TO THE VAMPIRE KING FARTHER WELCOME PRINCE CHARMING

Luv_me · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

ROOM 107

"I suppose you're going to drop that?"

"Ahhh!!" Heaven shouts in shock as she drops the emerald shaped mermaid to the ground which shatters to pieces.

** ** ** **

After gael dropped her at the location sent to her, she started to have doubts if the address is a correct one or not. She's seeing a very big and tall building covered in glasses and a big sign at the top which says "REAL HOTEL".

"Do they have fake hotels?, and what is a hotel?. I think i need to cross check the address or better call gael or tracy to help me out, God please help me i don't want to loose this job before getting it" she panicks as she brings out her phone from her bag to check if the addresd sent to her is the same with the one she is now. It turns out it is.

In her whole existence, she has never seen a building as tall as this one and in a triangle shape at that. The more she stares at it, the more scared she becomes. "What if they're tricking her to steal her kidneys or worst force her into prostitution?"

"Come on heaven, get a grib on yourself. I'm gonna get in there and look for mr rick and thats all, okay, you got this" she gives herself a little word of encouragement before walking into the hotel premises.

If someone told her there is a place like this on earth, she would'nt believe.

The premises is so spacious with lots of beautiful flowers planted around. Fancy cars keeps stopping before a man, then someone comes out of the car before the car leaves.

"Maybe its some sort of tradition they uphold here" she shrug to herself.

"Good day sir, please do you know anyone called rick?" Heaven waited till there was no car before the man. She watch the man looking at her with a broad smile on her face.

Come to think of it, he's the only dark skin person she has seen since she got to this town. He look so elegant in his black pant and black vest, a brown coloured tie around his neck and white gloves covering his hands, his long black hat made him look so young and handsome. Looking down to his feet, his shoes looks so expensive.

"How may i help you mam?" The doorman ask still putting on a broad smile on his face. With the sound of his voice, one will know he's advance but have a body of a young man.

"Well am looking for someone called rick, he gave me this address to come see him" heaven said lowly as one could notice she's not from here.

"You can meet the hotel receptionist inside and they'll help you with whom you're looking for" the doorman said politely and bow before attending to another person coming out of his car.

"That's strange". Why would a man old enough to be her father bow down to her?, there's way lot's of things she got to learn in this flourish town.

To pass through the glass door was war, it keeps revolving and worst, she does'nt know when to exit from it. If not for the doorman, she would have spent her life time trying to get out of a door.

"How may i help you mam?" A female receptionist ask heaven with a broad smile on her face.

"Why do they keep smiling at her like she's an important person?" She could'nt help but ask herself.

Heaven can't stop admiring the lady with her blonde hair packed to the back, her suit as straight as a paper, her black knee length skirt shows out her beautiful shape and her sparkling black shoes made her look breathtaking.

"Am looking for mr. rick, he told me to come to this place" she said to the receptionist.

"One minute" the receptionist type some numbers on the telephone and with just a "yes sir" and "sir" the call ended. She did'nt even ask for her name.

"Mr. rick will be waiting for you on the thirtieth floor mam, room 107" she said to heaven.

"Please, where is the thirtieth floor?" Heaven smiles ackwardly as she looks at the receptionist who stares at her with shock.

** ** ** ** **

The thirtieth floor is as spacious as the orphanage field with different doors around the corner. Her eyes can't get off the bright red and black paint used to paint the walls filled with breathtaking art work.

"Okay heaven, rokm 107" she look around the hall to see the door having the sign 107. Heaven walks to the door and gave a light knock on it but no one answered. She made it harder but still no one answered, so she drcided to go in.

Surprisely to her, the door did'nt make creaky sounds while opening it. In her side of flourish town, if the door does'nt wake up the entire neighbour hood "it is not a door".

She peeks inside to see another passage way with another door ten feet away from her. Why did that receptionist call it the thirtieth floor when it's just one building or is she missing something?.

Heaven got to the other door and gave a hard knock this time but still no one answered. Now she have no choice but to go inside without being invited.

Coming into the place feels like heaven, the living room is the whole orphanage put together.

The ceiling, walls and tiles have the same colour of milk and gold, a sparkling transparent diamond chandelier at the centre of the ceiling, match with some gold armchairs in the living room.

"Mr rick am here, it's me heaven" she calls out waiting for someone to answer her but yet no one did.

Her eyes keep lurking around the place till it fell on an emerald shaped mermaid on top of the centre table. Never has she seen anything like that before and it just can't stop enticing her.

She keeps trying to resist it but her pestering spirit keeps pestering her to touch it, from there it's already in her hands like a baby being petted to stop crying.

"How're you beautiful mermaid?" She ask in a soft and caring voice like she's actualky speaking to someone.

"I suppose you're going to drop that?"


She was sure no one was in this place when she came in, how come someone out of nowhere popped out at her back. Now she's going to pay for something that even her body can't pay for "so she think".

"Don't just stand there like a statue, who are you lady?"

Okay, not too deep but daunting, sharp like a two edge sword. She know because right now her heart is bleeding from the cut.

"You better turn around and tell me what you're doung here" the same voice ask in a more angry and irritated tone.

Is he the mr rick that told her to come to the thirtieth floor?. "No", if it's mr rick he would know it's her.

"I-" before heaven could say anything, she dind herself hitting the wall with hwr back andbthe pain is untalkable right now. She can feel a drip of blood flow down her mouth.

"Who the hell are you?"

She can feel her chest tighten due to the pressure the man in front of her is weighing on it while holding her to the wall.

Strangely, she can't help but stare at the handsome devil in front of her. His black curly hair is to die for and she has never seen any man with a skin as white as his, his nose is straight and pointed. Can any girl dream of another kissable lips when his is right before her?, and, and his spaerkling blue eye balls.

Gets her wondering how fuckin handsome he will be if he smiles.

"Do you want me to break your neck before you start talking?" He ask tightening his hands around heaven's neck this time.

"I c-can't brea-the" heaven try removing his hands from her neck but couldn't, his firm is way too string for her.

So she's just going to die like this in an unknown place?

"Let go of her dave" someone yells from the door.

She fall down to the ground gasping for air when dave let go of her. Her mind wasn't in order anymore and her gave way to unconsciousness.