
5- potions class

Great. Potions. Hermione was obviously excited for this class as she can finally prove to everyone how smart she is which I don't doubt for a second. She is the smartest witch in our year. I however was not excited for potions. I've basically only just found out I'm a witch so I'm really not ready for this.

We had to sit in pairs, I wanted to sit with Hermione so she could help me out but instead I was put next to Harry. Which isn't bad, I don't dislike Harry it's just he gets weird when he's around me. Anyway, we had to brew a strange potion that if we got it wrong we could melt anything. So I was praying that I didn't get it wrong, I want to survive hogwarts with my eyebrows thank you very much. All of a sudden, I was trying to crush my wolfsbane when the boy that was in the air with harry came over to us and with his cauldron he started talking to me.

"Well well, quite a performance you put on earlier black"

"Shove off Malfoy" harry replied.

"Wait, Malfoy, I swear he was the one who called me a muggle that day at the sorting and he was the one with you in the air Harry. I already don't like him" I said to harry.

"Don't like me aye" he snarled "well you're gonna hate me after this" He poured his cauldron which was full of potion over my head. It started to burn as it dripped in my eyes. Everyone was staring at me as i started to panic my eyes were burning and I couldn't see anything. I felt harry grab my arm and wipe my eyes. I was so scared becuase my whole body was burning. I ran out of the room as fast as my legs would carry me. I could now feel the salty tears dripping down my face slightly cooling off my skin. All I heard as I ran out of the room was harry call after me. I didn't bother to stop.

-Harry's pov-

I was sat next to Holly which I was pretty glad about as she makes me so happy. But I don't know why she makes me so happy she's my best friend I shouldn't have these feelings about her. I could already tell she was worried about potions all through the day as she wasn't her usual happy bubbly self. I tried to help her all I could by helping her put all of her ingredients into her cauldron. Which made her smile. Finally her smile was back. We locked eyes but I don't think she noticed. She obviously doesn't feel the same way that I do. Anyway I was distracted by her when I heard Malfoy come over. Great. He began speaking to Holly.

"Well, well quite a performance you put on earlier" this made me so angry. I wanted to hex Malfoy for being rude to Holly. But I couldn't, not now at least. Snape hates me enough already. But he was walking towards her and I could tell she was a little scared so I stood up in front of her so he couldn't get any closer. She said she didn't like him which I don't blame her, he's an awful person. He had his cauldron in his hand as he barged past me to get to Holly I couldn't get to her fast enough. The potion that was previously in Malfoys cauldron was now all over Holly. I grabbed her hand and held her face and wiped her eyes, she was already starting to cry, her face was all red and her eyes were watery. My face went red with anger I went to push Malfoy as she ran out of the room crying. I called after her but it was no use. I was going to follow her but I had no chance she was already gone when I looked back to her. I was meant to protect her from everything but now I've just let her get hurt. Some friend I am. Malfoy will pay for this.