
4- flying lessons

I was a week into my hogwarts term, the lesson I was dreading finally approached, flying, I had never even touched a broom before let alone fly one. But I was still excited to see what flying would feel like. I was walking down to the quidditch pitch with Hermione Harry and Ron, when Hermione blurted out

" I really don't see the point in this lesson, you can't learn how to fly a broom with reading a book which I find awful. I don't think I'll like this lesson one bit"

Hermione was more of a book smart, she would rather lock herself in the library reading a good book than go on adventures like Harry and Ron. I wouldn't mind going on adventures but I love relaxing with a good book. We soon arrived at the quidditch pitch. There madam hooch was stood at the top of a long line of brooms. We were all told to stand by a broom, i of course stood by Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Now children we will be learning how to summon a broom, and push of the ground today, now stand with your hand raised about your broom and command the word up"

I stood over my broom and started to say up, before I could even finish the word, my broom came flying up to my hand. Hermione gave me a surprised look as her broom just rolled around the floor. Harry and Ron's brooms soon flew up to their hands. After every one had their brooms in hand we then went on to learn how to push off the ground. I felt excited as I was about to learn how to fly. A boy named Neville Longbottom in my class was about to mount his broom he accidentally pushed to hard as he went flying up into the air, he went as high as the gargoyles on the top of the windows. He banged his hand on one of the gargoyles and we all saw it snap. I knew he needed help so I mounted my broom whilst madam hooch wasn't watching as she was showing a Hufflepuff girl how to sort her broom out. I felt Harry grab my arm and whisper to me

"What are you doing, you can get hurt"

"He needs help" I replied

"But you don't even know how to fly" Hermione interrupted.

I ignored her as I pulled my arm out of Harry's grasp and pushed off the ground. I didn't really know what I was doing but I knew that I had to help Neville. I could hear Harry and Ron shouting my name as I rose up into the air. Neville was still rising into the air but all of a sudden he stopped, he started speeding off into the direction of the great hall. He was slipping off the edge and I had to speed up. I raced after him trying to catch up when I finally did. We were outside a window, I was scared to look inside as I knew who was in there, it was Dumbledores office. But I couldn't pay attention to that right now. I had to get Neville, I was shouting his name and he was half crying half shouting my name back. I could tell he was so scared. I was near enough to grab him. I pulled him onto the back of my broom from his. I was looking over my shoulder to make sure he was ok. When I saw Dumbledores eyes glaring at me from the window. It wasn't an angry glare, it seemed that he was proud of me.

I was flying back to my class, when I saw Harry and another boy in the air fighting about something. Suddenly Harry shot across the air and grabbed something in his hand. I didn't care about what was happening there, all I cared about was getting Neville down to the ground and to the hospital wing. When I came down to the ground, I started panicking as Professor McGonagall and madam hooch came walking half running up to me and harry. Madam Hooch carefully picked the passed out Neville off the back of of my broom. She nodded and said thank you to me before walking him to the hospital wing. After that Professor McGonagall turned her attention to me and Harry.

"Black, potter, come with me please"

"But Professor they didn't do anything wrong"Hermione blurted out

"Yeah, Holly was only saving Neville, and Harry was only getting something back off Malfoy that he had stolen from Neville" Ron also shouted out. I didn't know who Malfoy was but it wasn't really the time to meet new people. Harry and I followed professor McGonagall as she led us through the castle. We didn't dare to say anything, we just often gave each-other worried smiles. A boy walked out of a classroom and began speaking to Professor McGonagall. He said his name was Oliver Wood and he was captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team. My eyes lit up and I saw that Harry's did the same.

"Wood I believe I have found you a chaser and a new seeker. Holly Black is an exceptional flyer and Harry Potter has a great eye."

And by the next hour me and Harry were both on the quidditch team. I can't believe it. But now I had potions with Professor Snape to worry about, apparently Snape doesn't like the Gryffindors one bit.
