
30- a new family

I brought my trunk down to the common room as everyone else did. I had snowball on my shoulder. I hadn't fed her this morning so she was biting my ears, I began laughing,

"Snowball stop I'll feed you in a minute calm down." She gave a huff and jumped of my shoulder. I just laughed as I walked forward, I bumped into someone,

"Oh sorry Harry, wasn't looking where I was going"

"Oh yeah it's fine, I was actually looking for you"

"Oh really what's up?"

"Um so basically, I was wondering, um, wait it's fine I'll just see you on the train." He walked past me,

"Um ok bye then Harry" I just shrugged my shoulders, I didn't wanna worry about it to much as I didn't want my mood to be ruined today, I was staying with Remus for a while until everyone went to grimmauld place. I can't wait to see dad, I haven't seen him in ages. I don't think he knows about everything that happened this year unless Remus or Bill told him. I don't want him to know, the whole summer will be occupied of him worrying about me and constant questions about this year, I just wanted me and my father to finally get to know each other.

Hermione and I found a carriage and waited for the boys. They came in after trying to find us for 5 minutes. We all just laughed as they sat down, the trolley lady came round, I stood up really wanting chocolate. I got 2 chocolate wands and 2 chocolate frogs. When I sat back down Ron turned to me,

"Woah hungry are you?" He was laughing as were Hermione and Harry.

"Hey, says you, anyway one of the wands and frogs are for Remus so shush." I said as I put one of each of the chocolate into my bag.

"You guys seriously have a bad obsession with chocolate" Hermione said practically laughing. I brought my hands up in surrender,

"Hey it's not fault" I bit into my chocolate wand as Hermione just rolled her eyes and went back to reading.

We were at the station in no time, I grabbed my bag and headed off the train. I saw Remus, before I ran over to him I hugged Harry, Ron and Hermione goodbye. Then I ran over to Remus, I jumped in his arms as he swung me around. I opened my bag and handed him the chocolate I brought him.

"You always know how to make me happy Akaila" we apparated back home quickly, I haven't seen his cottage in ages. I flopped onto the sofa as Remus carried my bags in. Snowball jumped onto the sofa to join me. I got up and headed to the cupboards. Now where is that hot chocolate, I can't find it.

"REMUS, OH NO SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAS HAPPENED!" He came running into the kitchen with a panicked look on his face but the rolled his eyes when he noticed I was fine,

"What is it Holly?"

"Oh Remus its the most terrible thing on the planet, you are out of hot chocolate!" I said shaking him. I mean it's not my fault I'm dramatic, it's my fathers, from what I've heard he was quite the drama queen whilst he was at hogwarts, I'm only following his legacy.

"Chill drama queen, I hid it so you wouldn't go all sugar high on me" I brung a hand up to my chest, faking hurt. I was good at this,

"Remus, how could you, that is the most despicable thing I have ever heard, now if you would please go and retrieve the hot chocolate for your favourite person."

"One, your the most dramatic person I have ever met two you're not actually my favourite person" he turned away, bad move Moony. I tackled him to floor, luckily I wasn't very heavy so it didn't hurt that much. I think. He just rolled his eyes as he flung me over his shoulders. He noticed the necklace around my neck and saw the engravings on the back. He put me down with a smirk on his face,

"Well, well, well miss black what have we here." He grabbed hold of the necklace and spun it round so he could see the back. I tried to pull it out of his hand, but gave up as I didn't want to break the chain.

"Oh lala Miss Black has a crushhhhh!" He began chanting that round the house. I was shouting after him but half laughing as he looked like a child right now, not the sophisticated man that once was Remus, I guess having to look after a child changes people. I was bright red in the face when he stopped running chanting it around. He smirked when he looked at me,

"Well, do you like Harry, Akaila?" I turned bright red, I'm pretty sure I was the colour of Ron's hair by now.

"Um, I mean uh as a friend, I mean he's a really great friend and that but crush, no I could never uh I could never." Words were just spluttering out of my mouth faster than I could actually process what was coming out. He gasped, hand flying to his mouth

"My little Akaila has a crush on HARRY POTTER!" I just ran down the hallway and collapsed on the sofa. I could hear him laughing from down the hall. I wish dad was here, he would probably be dancing around with Remus right now. I sighed as I laid down on the sofa. Remus came from the hallway with hot chocolate pot in his hand. I punched the air as he gathered two mugs from the cupboard and started making hot chocolate. I shouted from the living room,

"Remember my special ingredient Moony!" He quickly replied,

"Don't worry Alaila you won't go without cinnamon!" Truth be told, I loved cinnamon in my hot chocolate it just gives it a whole other level of niceness.

He walked from the kitchen with two mugs in hand, he handed one down to me and pushed my legs off the sofa so he could sit down. I huffed as I lifted my legs back up and put them on his legs. He just rolled his eyes at me as Snowball jumped up and sat in between us.

"Is this my pet to now Akaila, I don't want a cat?"

"Don't worry Moony, she's all mine" snowball looked up to me as I stoked her head.

Summer with Remus flew by and we were going to grimmauld place today, I was finally going to see dad. I packed my bag quickly and grabbed my secret stash of chocolate from my bedroom so I could eat it on the way there. I was a bit worried for Harry, he was already there as he was waiting for a ministry hearing for underage wizardry, the minister is so dumb, he would've died if he hadn't of used his patronus, so he shouldn't be expelled from Hogwarts. I was eagerly waiting downstairs for Remus as he was taking ages,

"MOONY IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP YOUR FLUFFY ARSE IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I could hear him laughing from upstairs, I just rolled my eyes, I have taken a liking of rolling my eyes, I do it a lot. Guess it's just another trait from my father. School was in three weeks, I was so excited to go back. I began to look like my father more and more each day, I had his chiselled jawline and his Curley brown hair. It wasn't Curley Curley which I liked, it was sort of beach waves, like I had just been in the sea. Remus slowly walked down the stairs but when he noticed the look I was giving him he hurried up, he grabbed my arm,


"Yes, wait I forgot something." He looked to me as I ran to the kitchen,

"You are bringing MY hot chocolate?!"

"Calm down Moony, dad never has hot chocolate, plus you can just get some more." He just laughed as we apparated to grimmauld place. I will never get used to apparating, it makes me feel sick.

We both knocked on the door and it flew open. Everyone was in the dining room. I saw my father. I dumped my bags, it's fine Remus can pick them up for me, and ran to my father. I jumped in his arms as he swung my around.

"I've missed you so much dad"

"I've missed you to munchkin" I broke the hug and looked at him with confusion,


"Because you're so short." My hand flew to my chest in dramatic silence. He just laughed,

"I see she had inherited my dramatic essence Moony."

"A little to well Padfoot" Remus laughed as he carried my bags to to the kitchen. Dad winked at me as he ruffled my hair. It was then he noticed the scar on my face. Oh no.

"Who the hell did this to my daughter!" He was shouting so loud, I think everyone in Hogsmeade heard. I jumped back, obviously he hadn't been filled in on last years events. Remus turned to me,

"Um hey Akaila how bout you go and find the children, we need to have a chat with Sirius". I nodded as I waved to everyone in the dining room, they all had worried looks on their faces, they had all encountered angry Sirius before and it wasn't pleasant.

I went up the stairs to find the others. I found a bedroom door that was slightly open, I heard voices inside, everyone was in there. I slowly opened the door,

"Hey guys" everyone's heads turned to me as I was nearly knocked over by Hermione. Before Ron started laughing

"Ok Hermione, let the girl breathe." Everyone was laughing as she let go of me. I went in the room to find Harry missing. I remembered it was his hearing today.

"Don't worry Holly, your boyfriend will be back soon" It was George's voice, everyone just burst out laughing as I went bright red. Luckily we were interrupted by Molly coming in the room.

"Dinners ready guys." I nodded and quickly ran from the room before anyone could say anything, I was about to go down the stairs when Molly grabbed my arm, I flinched as she grabbed one of my scars,

"Oh I'm sorry, I just wanted to let you know that Sirius is a bit emotional, and angry that he hadn't been let in the loop"

"Yeah I think emotional runs in the family" she laughed as she hugged me. I made my way downstairs. I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. It was dad.

"I am never letting you go Holly Lily Black as long as I live." He seemed angry but also sarcastic. He put my in a chair right next to him and put both of his arms around my shoulders so i couldn't move.

"Dad please get off" I was laughing now so was he, we both fell backwards off of our chairs as we were tumbling around on the floor. Or chairs were underneath us. Mrs Weasley and everyone came in the room, everyone was laughing but Mrs Weasley had a stern look on her face,

"Sirius, please get off the floor, you to Holly" we both looked at eachother and went silent, we stood up and picked our chairs up. We both sat down as Mrs Weasley put our dinner in front of us. We looked at each other from the sides of our eyes as he winked at me. I smiled as I dug into my dinner. The front door opened and Mr Weasley walked through that meant Harry was back. I stumbled out of my seat and everyone gave me confused looks. I ran out of the room and jumped into Harry's arms. He was a bit shocked at first and stumbled back but then wrapped his arms around my waist, I haven't seen him all summer, his hairs shorter and he is way taller. It looks good. Notice how I said it not he. I heard people talking in the kitchen, I heard George's voice first,

"Don't worry everyone it's just her boyfriend" before he could finish that I heard dad,

"Hold up boyfriend?!"I broke the hug as Harry and I looked at each other wide eyed. We began smiling as our faces went bright red realising that our arms were still around each other.

"I'm not expelled" he said quickly, I gave a little squeak of excitement as I flung my arms around his shoulders once again, he was laughing as he swung me around. When he put my down I couldn't hide my excitement. Harry wasn't expelled. Harry's eyes looked up and went really wide. I turned around to see everyone in the doorway. They had seen me and Harry spinning around. I cleared my throat as I took my hands away from Harry's shoulders.

"Harry's not expelled" I said awkwardly. Ron laughed,

"Yeah we heard from your little party" I blushed as I looked down, I looked over to Harry who just laughed. I went back into the kitchen so I could hide from the awkwardness. Remus was the only one who knew I liked Harry, now he was gonna tease me, great. I sat back down at the table and started eating my pasta again. Dad came down and sat down back at the table, he turned to me whilst Remus was sat on the other side of me,

"I mean, I can see it"

"Dad what can you see exactly" I turned to Sirius

"Well you and Harry of course" I nearly spat out my pasta as Remus just laughed. I turned my glaze to Remus,

"What on earth did you tell him Moony?!"

"Only the truth dear"

"I am gonna kill you Moony"

"Not if we get you first" Remus looked to Sirius and nodded.I jumped from my chair and raced up the stairs, I was laughing so much. Everyone stared at us as I raced up the stairs. The followed me. I ran into my bedroom, it was Sirius' old one which I was going to use for the time being. They caught up to me becuase I had such short legs and they threw me onto the bed. We were all play fighting on the bed, it was the best I have felt in a long time. Dad looked up to me,

"Hey munchkin, Remus and I have something to tell you"

"Yeah dad go ahead" Remus started looking nervous and scratching the back of his head,

"Um well you see Holly, you're father and I have been really good friends for a long time, and we have always felt closer than friends, I was wondering if it would be ok if I became like your second dad" omg omg omg omg omg. My heart was doing front flips. I was so excited.

"So you and my dad are like in love"

"Um yeah is that ok Akaila" I was now jumping on the bed

"Um why wouldn't it be ok, i love you guys the most in the world and now I get both of you to be my dads" I flung my arms around them both. They both looked so happy.

"It's our new little family, it's perfect." I sighed as I put my arms around both of them.

"Have you told everyone" I asked quickly so I could tell them,

"Yes love we have we told them not to tell you, we wanted a surprise" I ran from the room. I sprinted down the stairs,

"I HAVE A NEW DAD, REMUS IS NOW MY DAD CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!" I heard Remus and Sirius laughing upstairs. Everyone else was laughing downstairs like I was crazy. I didn't care, my dad and his best friend were in love, I had two dads who I loved. I had a family, a perfect family who cared massively about me.

-Harry'a pov-

I wasn't getting expelled, I was so glad. Arthur told me about Sirius and Remus and I couldn't be happier, I couldn't tell Holly though, they were going to tell her together, I'm glad she has a family who loves her. It makes me miss my family but I know that I am making them proud everyday. I opened the door to grimmauld place and a body pushed itself against mine, I nearly fell back, it was Holly, she hadn't grown, surprise surprise, her hair was beautiful and so were her eyes. Her bright grey eyes. God I could stare into them all day. I wrapped my arms round her waist and spun her around. Someone said something about boyfriend and I heard Sirius' voice emphasise the word boyfriend. I looked down at Holly and told her I wasn't expelled, she got so excited and jumped into my arms again, I loved her when she's like this, it's hilarious. Wait love? Nah, I love how she does it, not her. Um back to the point. I spun her around but put her down when I saw that everyone in the house was in the doorway. I began scratching the back of my neck when i took my hands away from her waist. She cleared her throat as she went back to the kitchen. I just laughed and rolled my eyes, shes so awkward. Remus and Sirius followed her back into the kitchen. Everyone came over to me and congratulated me on not getting expelled. Ron came over to me and started whispering as everyone spoke by themselves,

"Mate just ask her out"

"Shut up Ron" I punched him in the arm. Holly came running from the kitchen laughing her head off pushing through everyone to try and get to the stairs. Remus and Sirius were running after her chasing her up the stairs. I just shook my head and laughed as we went to go and get food from the kitchen. As I sat down George and Fred were eyeing me from the other side of the table and they nodded and then turned to me, George started

"We ship it" everyone started laughing,

"Ship what?"

"Well you and Holly of course" Fred spoke now. I nearly choked on my pasta,

"Um we are just friends, anyway she doesn't like me like that, yeah we are just really good friends" I went bright red. I just went down to eat my pasta, everyone just laughed. I must admit, I've missed these guys so much. Suddenly someone came running down the stairs and someone shouting, I would know that voice anywhere, it's Holly, I'm guessing that Remus and Sirius told her. She was shouting about her new dad. She looked so happy. It took me everything to go up and hug her. She hasn't been that happy in so long. Ron was smirking at me from the corner of his eye so I just punched him in the arm.

I was walking upstairs to mine and Ron's room so I could unpack my stuff when I was pulled by the arms into a different room. It was Sirius and Remus.

"Um hello is everything ok?"

"Yeah everything's fine we just wanna let you know that our daughter means everything to us and if you mess her around, then you don't get a second chance with her" I have never seen Lupin so serious.

"I won't ever mess her around, she's my best friend" I was saying the exact truth, I will never hurt her as long as I live.

"Ok, but I'm just letting you know, I don't mind going back to Azkaban for protecting our daughter" Everyone laughed at this.

"Plus you're still my godson, I don't wanna murder you" he shoves my shoulder and let's me leave the room. Holly had the worlds best parents. I felt like this year was going to be different at hogwarts, but a good different.

Little did I know I would be so so wrong