
20- quidditch World Cup

Arthur had won a load of money from something to do with the ministry. We were going to the quidditch World Cup. I was so excited. And the best things was that Harry and Hermione are coming to. We are going to collect harry today and I can't wait. I must say I've grown a bit over the summer I'm not as short as I used to be and my hair has grown to be a nice length but it still annoyed me. Ginny kept trying to get me to try on dresses with her but I'm really not into dresses and makeup I'd rather go to Romania with Charlie and look after the dragons. Mrs Weasley obviously won't let me as it's to dangerous for a girl but I don't care, one day I will work with magical creatures although I also want to become an auror but I'm not sure yet. I wasn't allowed to get harry as there were to many of us. They had taken a rather long time. I was trying to set a match on fire and I couldn't even do that. My powers were messed up lately. I couldn't even do something as simple as light a match. I heard people come through the fireplace as I knew Harry was here. I ran into the living room to see Harry. Wow he had grown loads over the summer his hair now looked pretty cute as it always got caught in his face. Wait did I just call Harry cute, no I didn't stop Holly. I ran over to Harry not even caring that I really hated hugs, he wrapped me in his arms as he swung me around. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks as Ron coughed to show that he was still in the room. Fred and George had given Dudley tongue-tie sweets. I obviously found this funny but Molly found it the very opposite. Harry still had an arm round my shoulder but then suddenly dropped it when Bill walked in glaring at Harry as he had seen where his hand was. It was quite funny really. Harry got intimidated by Bill and backed up falling to the bottle of cleaning water. He looked like he had wet himself. Everyone was laughing including Mrs Weasley. I held Harry's arm as I pulled him up.

"Come on I'll help you get cleaned up." I said as I pulled him upstairs.

"So, you excited for the World Cup?" Harry asked as if the answer wasn't obvious. I scoffed,

"Of course I'm more than excited I've never been to something like this and we are like a real family with the Weasleys, Hermione and you." I looked up into his eyes but looked away,

"Anyway, we better get some sleep we need to be up early tomorrow." I said as I pulled him up. He was now all dry in Ron's spare clothes.

"I'll show you to your bedroom. I share with Ginny and Hermione. You're sharing with Ron, so that should be alright, although he does snore but he shouldn't be to loud."

"Of course I know he snores, I share a dorm with him for a year" he said as we both started laughing. I felt really comfortable with harry, I mean I always have but why have I never realised that he has a really chiselled jawline. Wait omg no I did not just think that. I headed to my room and flopped onto my bed.

Harry's pov

How come I never realised that she had really pretty eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. Wait no Harry stop remember you embarrass yourself when you do stuff like this. Anyway she's your best friend she'll never like you like that. I just decided to sleep it off

-Holly's pov-

I was the first to wake up out of the girls which meant first to the bathroom. Score. I kind of wished that the others were awake the house is really quiet when everyone else is asleep. I went downstairs to find Molly and Arthur making breakfast. I was asked to go wake up the boys but I didn't care it was fun. I left the girls to sleep as they are girls after all and we need our beauty sleep. I went into Ron's bedroom as quietly as possible and picked up a pillow off the floor before hitting the first person I see with it. It was Harry. Oops. Not. He grunted as he was obviously not a morning person. I then went over to Ron and slapped him round the head with the pillow. I felt a pair of arms wrap round my waist lift me into the air as I flopped around,

"Harry James Potter you put me down right now or I will disintegrate your cute hair do off of your head." I cried as I was not wriggling out of these arms.

"Did you just call my hair cute Black." Harry smirked as I thought of the first response that came to mind,

"No i did not Potter, your hair looks like an animal died and claimed your head as a bed."I laughed, that was awesome.

"Will you to stop flirting and let me get out of bed in peace."Ron groaned. Me and harry both just laughed as we walked out of his room. I said to harry that i'll meet him downstairs. I then calmly went to wake up the girls, by just saying good morning girls. Ron was pretty annoyed about this,

"So we get slapped around the face with a pillow, and they get a nice heartily 'good morning girls.' Thats cold sis. I know you like Harry but you don't need to embarrass yourself." Ron blurted out. I nearly spat out my juice that I was drinking at the table.

"I do not like Harry, Ron" I said trying to make it sound as believable as possible. He just coughed and rolled his eyes.

I had got really tired out walking and was literally lifting my legs with my hands to get them to move.

"Look I'm the shortest here, so I've got the smallest legs which means I cant walk very fast just so you know." I called out to the others as I was pretty far behind. Harry just laughed as he knelt down. I climbed on top of his back. Now this was better. I didn't have to walk. When we got to the port key harry didn't hold onto it, I yanked his hand onto the boot only a second before everything went spinning. Next think I know I'm face down on the floor with someone on top of me. I try to stand up but they are to heavy.

"Oh sorry," I realised it was Harry I just laughed,

"It's fine," I held his hand as he put it out for me to grab onto to hoist myself up.

When we got to our box the view was incredible. I was to busy looking out at the view that I didn't see Malfoy and Lucius talking to the group. I quickly turned around and went up to them.

"Leave my family alone Malfoy." Lucius then turned to me,

"Well it's my dear niece Holly Black." He said coldly.

"Get out and go to your stupid box. We don't care about where you got the money just leave." I said as I pushed Draco towards the stairs. They then just left. Everyone looked at me with the look on their faces tag just said the word 'niece?' I told them that I'll explain later. When the Veelas came out Harry was practically falling over the edge of the railing trying to get to them. I just pulled him down into his seat. Giving him a death stare which he greatly appreciated. I think.

The match was incredible Bulgaria had caught the snitch but Ireland still won. I think Ron has a tiny, wait no major crush on Victor Krum. When we were going to sleep in the tent all I heard was firing of spells and fireworks. I just thought that Ireland had their party on but it was far worse. There was an attack on the muggles by death eaters. We had to rush out of bed and get out of there. I grabbed my wand and my fathers first letter he sent me. It is my good luck charm. I ran out of the tent and there were fires everywhere. Death eaters wearing masks. Harry grabbed my hand and held it so tight I'm not sure if blood was still flowing. I thought we were going to get out when the worst pain imaginable had coursed through my body. I could tell the pain. It was the cruciatus curse. Harry tried to help me. I could tell he was crying. The death eater who was following was definitely after just me. I don't know why but he was. I must of been hit with the curse over four times before we got to the port key. I shouted duck as I cast a protection spell over all of us. It wasn't very strong as I was weak due to the curses thrown at me. The minister of magic came over to us asking which of us cast the dark mark into the sky. I was trying to answer when I felt darkness just overcome my body.

-Harry's pov-

Someone was throwing cruciatus curse after cruciatus curse towards Holly. Each one hitting her square on. The minister of magic was asking which of us cast the dark mark when I felt Hollys grip on hand loosen she was collapsed on the floor. Why was the death eater after her and her only. I just don't understand. We went home. Holly was still passed out in my arms. I wasn't going to let her go. As we got home I laid her down on the sofa as Mrs Weasley rushed over to her. She wasn't waking up. She had used the last of her energy to cast the protection spell over all of us. All I heard was Mr Weasley walking around saying something like Sirius is gonna kill me or Bill is gonna murder me. Honestly I was a little scared of Bill. But no ones gonna know that.

"Mr Weasley that death eater was only after Holly why not me?" I finally asked Arthur

"Well Harry it's because she can be a big asset to you know who as her wide range of powers."

I held her hand, I told her I was gonna keep her protected and I didn't. I hugged her so tightly as if she would never wake up.

-Hollys pov-

"Harry, I'm gonna suffocate" I slowly said as Harry

was hugging me. All I heard was people screaming she's awake, she's awake. I couldn't remember what had happened until the pain overtook. I sat up immediately, breathing heavily and searching for something to hold onto. The first thing I saw was Harry, I held his hands and tears started to spring to my eyes I leaned into him. I was terrified. Harry just held me telling me that I was safe. Snowball was right at my feet. I called for her to come up to me and she did. No shock there. I held her for a while just breathing in and out like harry told me.

"Anyway, whose ready for hogwarts, I know I am!" I finally said after the long silence. Everyone laughed, of course I would be the once thinking about school after I just hit with six or seven hits of the cruciatus curse.